Paul Gschwendtner 5bd12c5aa1 refactor(upgrade): ensure compatibility with typescript strict flag (#30993)
As part of FW-1265, the `@angular/upgrade` package is made compatible
with the TypeScript `--strict` flag. Read more about the strict flag [here](

PR Close #30993
2019-07-18 14:21:26 -07:00

166 lines
6.9 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {setAngularJSGlobal} from '../../src/angular1';
// Whether the upgrade tests should run against AngularJS minified or not. This can be
// temporarily switched to "false" in order to make it easy to debug AngularJS locally.
const TEST_MINIFIED = true;
const ANGULARJS_FILENAME = TEST_MINIFIED ? 'angular.min.js' : 'angular.js';
const ng1Versions = [
label: '1.5',
files: [`angular-1.5/${ANGULARJS_FILENAME}`, 'angular-mocks-1.5/angular-mocks.js'],
label: '1.6',
files: [`angular-1.6/${ANGULARJS_FILENAME}`, 'angular-mocks-1.6/angular-mocks.js'],
label: '1.7',
files: [`angular/${ANGULARJS_FILENAME}`, 'angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js'],
export function createWithEachNg1VersionFn(setNg1: typeof setAngularJSGlobal) {
return (specSuite: () => void) => ng1Versions.forEach(({label, files}) => {
describe(`[AngularJS v${label}]`, () => {
// Problem:
// As soon as `angular-mocks.js` is loaded, it runs `beforeEach` and `afterEach` to register
// setup/tear down callbacks. Jasmine 2.9+ does not allow `beforeEach`/`afterEach` to be
// nested inside a `beforeAll` call (only inside `describe`).
// Hacky work-around:
// Patch the affected jasmine methods while loading `angular-mocks.js` (inside `beforeAll`) to
// capture the registered callbacks. Also, inside the `describe` call register a callback with
// each affected method that runs all captured callbacks.
// (Note: Currently, async callbacks are not supported, but that should be OK, since
// `angular-mocks.js` does not use them.)
const methodsToPatch = ['beforeAll', 'beforeEach', 'afterEach', 'afterAll'];
const methodCallbacks = methodsToPatch.reduce<{[name: string]: any[]}>(
(aggr, method) => ({...aggr, [method]: []}), {});
const win = window as any;
function patchJasmineMethods(): () => void {
const originalMethods: {[name: string]: any} = {};
methodsToPatch.forEach(method => {
originalMethods[method] = win[method];
win[method] = (cb: any) => methodCallbacks[method].push(cb);
return () => methodsToPatch.forEach(method => win[method] = originalMethods[method]);
function loadScript(scriptUrl: string, retry = 0): Promise<void> {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.async = true;
script.onerror = (retry > 0) ? () => {
// Sometimes (especially on mobile browsers on SauceLabs) the script may fail to load
// due to a temporary issue with the internet connection. To avoid flakes on CI when
// this happens, we retry the download after some delay.
const delay = 5000;
`\n[${new Date().toISOString()}] Retrying to load "${scriptUrl}" in ${delay}ms...`);
setTimeout(() => loadScript(scriptUrl, --retry).then(resolve, reject), delay);
} : () => {
// Whenever the script failed loading, browsers will just pass an "ErrorEvent" which
// does not contain useful information on most browsers we run tests against. In order
// to avoid writing logic to convert the event into a readable error and since just
// passing the event might cause people to spend unnecessary time debugging the
// "ErrorEvent", we create a simple error that doesn't imply that there is a lot of
// information within the "ErrorEvent".
reject(`An error occurred while loading "${scriptUrl}".`);
script.onload = () => {
script.src = `base/npm/node_modules/${scriptUrl}`;
beforeAll(done => {
const restoreJasmineMethods = patchJasmineMethods();
const onSuccess = () => {
const onError = (err: any) => {
// Load AngularJS before running tests.
files.reduce((prev, file) => prev.then(() => loadScript(file, 1)), Promise.resolve())
.then(() => setNg1(win.angular))
.then(onSuccess, onError);
// When Saucelabs is flaky, some browsers (esp. mobile) take some time to load and execute
// the AngularJS scripts. Specifying a higher timeout here, reduces flaky-ness.
}, 60000);
afterAll(() => {
// `win.angular` will not be defined if loading the script in `berofeAll()` failed. In that
// case, avoid causing another error in `afterAll()`, because the reporter only shows the
// most recent error (thus hiding the original, possibly more informative, error message).
if (win.angular) {
// In these tests we are loading different versions of AngularJS on the same window.
// AngularJS leaves an "expandoId" property on `document`, which can trick subsequent
// `window.angular` instances into believing an app is already bootstrapped.
// Remove AngularJS to leave a clean state for subsequent tests.
delete win.angular;
methodsToPatch.forEach(method => win[method](function(this: unknown) {
// Run the captured callbacks. (Async callbacks not supported.)
methodCallbacks[method].forEach(cb =>;
export function html(html: string): Element {
// Don't return `body` itself, because using it as a `$rootElement` for ng1
// will attach `$injector` to it and that will affect subsequent tests.
const body = document.body;
body.innerHTML = `<div>${html.trim()}</div>`;
const div = document.body.firstChild as Element;
if (div.childNodes.length === 1 && div.firstChild instanceof HTMLElement) {
return div.firstChild;
return div;
export function multiTrim(text: string | null | undefined, allSpace = false): string {
if (typeof text == 'string') {
const repl = allSpace ? '' : ' ';
return text.replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, repl).trim();
throw new Error('Argument can not be undefined.');
export function nodes(html: string) {
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = html.trim();
export const withEachNg1Version = createWithEachNg1VersionFn(setAngularJSGlobal);