2017-03-17 13:47:12 -05:00

352 lines
14 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {fakeAsync, tick} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {describe, expect, it} from '@angular/core/testing/src/testing_internal';
import {AbstractControl, AsyncValidatorFn, FormArray, FormControl, Validators} from '@angular/forms';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
import {of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import {timer} from 'rxjs/observable/timer';
import {first} from 'rxjs/operator/first';
import {map} from 'rxjs/operator/map';
import {normalizeAsyncValidator} from '../src/directives/normalize_validator';
import {AsyncValidator, ValidationErrors, ValidatorFn} from '../src/directives/validators';
export function main() {
function validator(key: string, error: any): ValidatorFn {
return (c: AbstractControl) => {
const r: ValidationErrors = {};
r[key] = error;
return r;
class AsyncValidatorDirective implements AsyncValidator {
constructor(private expected: string, private error: any) {}
validate(c: any): Observable<ValidationErrors> {
return Observable.create((obs: any) => {
const error = this.expected !== c.value ? this.error : null;;
describe('Validators', () => {
describe('required', () => {
it('should error on an empty string',
() => { expect(Validators.required(new FormControl(''))).toEqual({'required': true}); });
it('should error on null',
() => { expect(Validators.required(new FormControl(null))).toEqual({'required': true}); });
it('should not error on undefined', () => {
expect(Validators.required(new FormControl(undefined))).toEqual({'required': true});
it('should not error on a non-empty string',
() => { expect(Validators.required(new FormControl('not empty'))).toBeNull(); });
it('should accept zero as valid',
() => { expect(Validators.required(new FormControl(0))).toBeNull(); });
it('should error on an empty array',
() => expect(Validators.required(new FormControl([]))).toEqual({'required': true}));
it('should not error on a non-empty array',
() => expect(Validators.required(new FormControl([1, 2]))).toBeNull());
describe('requiredTrue', () => {
it('should error on false',
() => expect(Validators.requiredTrue(new FormControl(false))).toEqual({'required': true}));
it('should not error on true',
() => expect(Validators.requiredTrue(new FormControl(true))).toBeNull());
describe('email', () => {
it('should error on invalid email',
() => expect( FormControl('some text'))).toEqual({'email': true}));
it('should not error on valid email',
() => expect( FormControl(''))).toBeNull());
describe('minLength', () => {
it('should not error on an empty string',
() => { expect(Validators.minLength(2)(new FormControl(''))).toBeNull(); });
it('should not error on null',
() => { expect(Validators.minLength(2)(new FormControl(null))).toBeNull(); });
it('should not error on undefined',
() => { expect(Validators.minLength(2)(new FormControl(undefined))).toBeNull(); });
it('should not error on valid strings',
() => { expect(Validators.minLength(2)(new FormControl('aa'))).toBeNull(); });
it('should error on short strings', () => {
expect(Validators.minLength(2)(new FormControl('a'))).toEqual({
'minlength': {'requiredLength': 2, 'actualLength': 1}
it('should not error when FormArray has valid length', () => {
const fa = new FormArray([new FormControl(''), new FormControl('')]);
it('should error when FormArray has invalid length', () => {
const fa = new FormArray([new FormControl('')]);
'minlength': {'requiredLength': 2, 'actualLength': 1}
describe('maxLength', () => {
it('should not error on an empty string',
() => { expect(Validators.maxLength(2)(new FormControl(''))).toBeNull(); });
it('should not error on null',
() => { expect(Validators.maxLength(2)(new FormControl(null))).toBeNull(); });
it('should not error on undefined',
() => { expect(Validators.maxLength(2)(new FormControl(undefined))).toBeNull(); });
it('should not error on valid strings',
() => { expect(Validators.maxLength(2)(new FormControl('aa'))).toBeNull(); });
it('should error on long strings', () => {
expect(Validators.maxLength(2)(new FormControl('aaa'))).toEqual({
'maxlength': {'requiredLength': 2, 'actualLength': 3}
it('should not error when FormArray has valid length', () => {
const fa = new FormArray([new FormControl(''), new FormControl('')]);
it('should error when FormArray has invalid length', () => {
const fa = new FormArray([new FormControl(''), new FormControl('')]);
'maxlength': {'requiredLength': 1, 'actualLength': 2}
describe('pattern', () => {
it('should not error on an empty string',
() => { expect(Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z ]+')(new FormControl(''))).toBeNull(); });
it('should not error on null',
() => { expect(Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z ]+')(new FormControl(null))).toBeNull(); });
it('should not error on undefined', () => {
expect(Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z ]+')(new FormControl(undefined))).toBeNull();
it('should not error on null value and "null" pattern',
() => { expect(Validators.pattern('null')(new FormControl(null))).toBeNull(); });
it('should not error on valid strings',
() => expect(Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z ]*')(new FormControl('aaAA'))).toBeNull());
it('should error on failure to match string', () => {
expect(Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z ]*')(new FormControl('aaa0'))).toEqual({
'pattern': {'requiredPattern': '^[a-zA-Z ]*$', 'actualValue': 'aaa0'}
it('should accept RegExp object', () => {
const pattern: RegExp = new RegExp('[a-zA-Z ]+');
expect(Validators.pattern(pattern)(new FormControl('aaAA'))).toBeNull();
it('should error on failure to match RegExp object', () => {
const pattern: RegExp = new RegExp('^[a-zA-Z ]*$');
expect(Validators.pattern(pattern)(new FormControl('aaa0'))).toEqual({
'pattern': {'requiredPattern': '/^[a-zA-Z ]*$/', 'actualValue': 'aaa0'}
it('should not error on "null" pattern',
() => expect(Validators.pattern(null)(new FormControl('aaAA'))).toBeNull());
it('should not error on "undefined" pattern',
() => expect(Validators.pattern(undefined)(new FormControl('aaAA'))).toBeNull());
describe('compose', () => {
it('should return null when given null',
() => { expect(Validators.compose(null)).toBe(null); });
it('should collect errors from all the validators', () => {
const c = Validators.compose([validator('a', true), validator('b', true)]);
expect(c(new FormControl(''))).toEqual({'a': true, 'b': true});
it('should run validators left to right', () => {
const c = Validators.compose([validator('a', 1), validator('a', 2)]);
expect(c(new FormControl(''))).toEqual({'a': 2});
it('should return null when no errors', () => {
const c = Validators.compose([Validators.nullValidator, Validators.nullValidator]);
expect(c(new FormControl(''))).toBeNull();
it('should ignore nulls', () => {
const c = Validators.compose([null, Validators.required]);
expect(c(new FormControl(''))).toEqual({'required': true});
describe('composeAsync', () => {
describe('promises', () => {
function promiseValidator(response: {[key: string]: any}): AsyncValidatorFn {
return (c: AbstractControl) => {
const res = c.value != 'expected' ? response : null;
return Promise.resolve(res);
it('should return null when given null',
() => { expect(Validators.composeAsync(null)).toBeNull(); });
it('should collect errors from all the validators', fakeAsync(() => {
const v = Validators.composeAsync(
[promiseValidator({'one': true}), promiseValidator({'two': true})]);
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}; FormControl('invalid')))
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}) => errorMap = errors);
expect(errorMap).toEqual({'one': true, 'two': true});
it('should normalize and evaluate async validator-directives correctly', fakeAsync(() => {
const v = Validators.composeAsync(
[normalizeAsyncValidator(new AsyncValidatorDirective('expected', {'one': true}))]);
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}; FormControl('invalid')))
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}) => errorMap = errors);
expect(errorMap).toEqual({'one': true});
it('should return null when no errors', fakeAsync(() => {
const v = Validators.composeAsync([promiseValidator({'one': true})]);
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}; FormControl('expected')))
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}) => errorMap = errors);
it('should ignore nulls', fakeAsync(() => {
const v = Validators.composeAsync([promiseValidator({'one': true}), null]);
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}; FormControl('invalid')))
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}) => errorMap = errors);
expect(errorMap).toEqual({'one': true});
describe('observables', () => {
function observableValidator(response: {[key: string]: any}): AsyncValidatorFn {
return (c: AbstractControl) => {
const res = c.value != 'expected' ? response : null;
return of (res);
it('should return null when given null',
() => { expect(Validators.composeAsync(null)).toBeNull(); });
it('should collect errors from all the validators', () => {
const v = Validators.composeAsync(
[observableValidator({'one': true}), observableValidator({'two': true})]);
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}; FormControl('invalid')))
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}) => errorMap = errors);
expect(errorMap).toEqual({'one': true, 'two': true});
it('should normalize and evaluate async validator-directives correctly', () => {
const v = Validators.composeAsync(
[normalizeAsyncValidator(new AsyncValidatorDirective('expected', {'one': true}))]);
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}; FormControl('invalid')))
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}) => errorMap = errors);
expect(errorMap).toEqual({'one': true});
it('should return null when no errors', () => {
const v = Validators.composeAsync([observableValidator({'one': true})]);
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}; FormControl('expected')))
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}) => errorMap = errors);
it('should ignore nulls', () => {
const v = Validators.composeAsync([observableValidator({'one': true}), null]);
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}; FormControl('invalid')))
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}) => errorMap = errors);
expect(errorMap).toEqual({'one': true});
it('should wait for all validators before setting errors', fakeAsync(() => {
function getTimerObs(time: number, errorMap: {[key: string]: any}): AsyncValidatorFn {
return (c: AbstractControl) => { return, () => errorMap); };
const v = Validators.composeAsync(
[getTimerObs(100, {one: true}), getTimerObs(200, {two: true})]);
let errorMap: {[key: string]: any}; FormControl('invalid')))
.subscribe((errors: {[key: string]: any}) => errorMap = errors);
`Expected errors not to be set until all validators came back.`);
{one: true, two: true}, `Expected errors to merge once all validators resolved.`);