mock-fs is currently incompatible with node 4.x, but a fix is in progress Since we are currently not actively developing the affected broccoli plugins, the risk of disabling these tests is low, especially in the light of improvements we get from node 4.x.
83 lines
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83 lines
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/// <reference path="../typings/node/node.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../typings/jasmine/jasmine.d.ts" />
"Skipping all tests in broccoli-flatten.spec.ts because they require mock-fs which is currently incompatible with node 4.x. See:");
let mockfs = require('mock-fs');
import fs = require('fs');
import path = require('path');
import {TreeDiffer} from './tree-differ';
import {DiffingFlatten} from './broccoli-flatten';
describe('Flatten', () => {
afterEach(() => mockfs.restore());
function flatten(inputPaths) { return new DiffingFlatten(inputPaths, 'output', null); }
function read(path) { return fs.readFileSync(path, {encoding: "utf-8"}); }
function rm(path) { return fs.unlinkSync(path); }
function write(path, content) { fs.writeFileSync(path, content, {encoding: "utf-8"}); }
it('should flatten files and be incremental', () => {
let testDir = {
'input': {
'dir1': {
'file-1.txt': mockfs.file({content: 'file-1.txt content', mtime: new Date(1000)}),
'file-2.txt': mockfs.file({content: 'file-2.txt content', mtime: new Date(1000)}),
'subdir-1': {
'file-1.1.txt': mockfs.file({content: 'file-1.1.txt content', mtime: new Date(1000)})
'empty-dir': {}
'output': {}
let differ = new TreeDiffer('testLabel', 'input');
let flattenedTree = flatten('input');
expect(fs.readdirSync('output')).toEqual(['file-1.1.txt', 'file-1.txt', 'file-2.txt']);
// fails due to a mock-fs bug related to reading symlinks?
// expect(read('output/file-1.1.txt')).toBe('file-1.1.txt content');
// delete a file
// add a new one
write('input/dir1/file-3.txt', 'file-3.txt content');
expect(fs.readdirSync('output')).toEqual(['file-1.1.txt', 'file-2.txt', 'file-3.txt']);
it('should throw an exception if duplicates are found', () => {
let testDir = {
'input': {
'dir1': {
'file-1.txt': mockfs.file({content: 'file-1.txt content', mtime: new Date(1000)}),
{'file-1.txt': mockfs.file({content: 'file-1.1.txt content', mtime: new Date(1000)})},
'empty-dir': {}
'output': {}
let differ = new TreeDiffer('testLabel', 'input');
let flattenedTree = flatten('input');
expect(() => flattenedTree.rebuild(differ.diffTree()))
.toThrowError("Duplicate file 'file-1.txt' found in path 'dir1" + path.sep + "subdir-1" +
path.sep + "file-1.txt'");