Makes the following improvements to the listener instructions to make them slightly smaller and more memory-efficient. 1. Removes the default value from the `useCapture` parameter since it generates more code than just castint to `false`. 2. Removes the `useCapture` and `eventTargetResolver` parameters from `ɵɵsyntheticHostListener` since they won't be generated by the compiler, as far as I can tell. 3. Makes it so that we don't have to return a target name from a `GlobalTargetResolver`. This allows us to save on some memory, because we can return a reference to the target without having to wrap it in an object literal. DEPRECATIONS: `EventManagerPlugin.getGlobalEventTarget` is now deprecated and won't be called from Ivy code anymore. Global events will go through `addEventListener`. PR Close #41807
This directory contains all of the public api goldens for our npm packages we publish to NPM. These are tested on all PRs and commits as part of the our bazel tests.
To check or update the public api goldens, run one of the following commands:
yarn public-api:check
yarn public-api:update
This golden file contains a list of all circular dependencies in the project. As part of the lint CI job we compare the current circular dependencies against this golden to ensure that we don't add more cycles. If cycles have been fixed, this file is also updated so that we can slowly burn down the number of cycles in the project.
To check or update the golden, run the following commands:
yarn ts-circular-deps:check
yarn ts-circular-deps:approve