The source map does not currently work with the transformer pipeline. It will be re-enabled after TypeScript 2.4 is made the min version. To revert to the former compiler, use the `disableTransformerPipeline` in tsconfig.json: ``` { "angularCompilerOptions": { "disableTransformerPipeline": true } } ```
400 lines
19 KiB
400 lines
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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as o from '@angular/compiler/src/output/output_ast';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {TypeScriptNodeEmitter} from '../../src/transformers/node_emitter';
import {Directory, MockAotContext, MockCompilerHost} from '../mocks';
const someGenFilePath = '/somePackage/someGenFile';
const someGenFileName = someGenFilePath + '.ts';
const someSourceFilePath = '/somePackage/someSourceFile';
const anotherModuleUrl = '/somePackage/someOtherPath';
const sameModuleIdentifier = new o.ExternalReference(null, 'someLocalId', null);
const externalModuleIdentifier = new o.ExternalReference(anotherModuleUrl, 'someExternalId', null);
describe('TypeScriptNodeEmitter', () => {
let context: MockAotContext;
let host: MockCompilerHost;
let emitter: TypeScriptNodeEmitter;
let someVar: o.ReadVarExpr;
beforeEach(() => {
context = new MockAotContext('/', FILES);
host = new MockCompilerHost(context);
emitter = new TypeScriptNodeEmitter();
someVar = o.variable('someVar', null, null);
function emitStmt(stmt: o.Statement | o.Statement[], preamble?: string): string {
const stmts = Array.isArray(stmt) ? stmt : [stmt];
const program = ts.createProgram(
[someGenFileName], {module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES2017}, host);
const moduleSourceFile = program.getSourceFile(someGenFileName);
const transformers: ts.CustomTransformers = {
before: [context => {
return sourceFile => {
const [newSourceFile] = emitter.updateSourceFile(sourceFile, stmts, preamble);
return newSourceFile;
let result: string = '';
const emitResult = program.emit(
moduleSourceFile, (fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles) => {
if (fileName.startsWith(someGenFilePath)) {
result = data;
}, undefined, undefined, transformers);
return normalizeResult(result);
it('should declare variables', () => {
expect(emitStmt(someVar.set(o.literal(1)).toDeclStmt())).toEqual(`var someVar = 1;`);
expect(emitStmt(someVar.set(o.literal(1)).toDeclStmt(null, [o.StmtModifier.Final])))
.toEqual(`var someVar = 1;`);
expect(emitStmt(someVar.set(o.literal(1)).toDeclStmt(null, [o.StmtModifier.Exported])))
.toEqual(`var someVar = 1; exports.someVar = someVar;`);
describe('declare variables with ExternExpressions as values', () => {
it('should create no reexport if the identifier is in the same module', () => {
// identifier is in the same module -> no reexport
expect(emitStmt(someVar.set(o.importExpr(sameModuleIdentifier)).toDeclStmt(null, [
]))).toEqual('var someVar = someLocalId; exports.someVar = someVar;');
it('should create no reexport if the variable is not exported', () => {
`const i0 = require("/somePackage/someOtherPath"); var someVar = i0.someExternalId;`);
it('should create no reexport if the variable is typed', () => {
.toDeclStmt(o.DYNAMIC_TYPE, [o.StmtModifier.Exported])))
`const i0 = require("/somePackage/someOtherPath"); var someVar = i0.someExternalId; exports.someVar = someVar;`);
it('should create a reexport', () => {
.toDeclStmt(null, [o.StmtModifier.Exported])))
`var someOtherPath_1 = require("/somePackage/someOtherPath"); exports.someVar = someOtherPath_1.someExternalId;`);
it('should create multiple reexports from the same file', () => {
const someVar2 = o.variable('someVar2');
const externalModuleIdentifier2 =
new o.ExternalReference(anotherModuleUrl, 'someExternalId2', null);
.toDeclStmt(null, [o.StmtModifier.Exported]),
.toDeclStmt(null, [o.StmtModifier.Exported])
`var someOtherPath_1 = require("/somePackage/someOtherPath"); exports.someVar = someOtherPath_1.someExternalId; exports.someVar2 = someOtherPath_1.someExternalId2;`);
it('should read and write variables', () => {
expect(emitStmt(someVar.set(o.literal(1)).toStmt())).toEqual(`someVar = 1;`);
.toEqual(`someVar = someOtherVar = 1;`);
it('should read and write keys', () => {
.toEqual(`someMap[someKey] = 1;`);
it('should read and write properties', () => {
.toEqual(`someObj.someProp = 1;`);
it('should invoke functions and methods and constructors', () => {
expect(emitStmt(o.variable('someObj').callMethod('someMethod', [o.literal(1)]).toStmt()))
.toEqual('new SomeClass(1);');
it('should invoke functions and methods and constructors', () => {
expect(emitStmt(o.variable('someObj').callMethod('someMethod', [o.literal(1)]).toStmt()))
.toEqual('new SomeClass(1);');
it('should support builtin methods', () => {
.callMethod(o.BuiltinMethod.ConcatArray, [o.variable('arr2')])
.callMethod(o.BuiltinMethod.SubscribeObservable, [o.variable('listener')])
o.variable('fn').callMethod(o.BuiltinMethod.Bind, [o.variable('someObj')]).toStmt()))
it('should support literals', () => {
{key: 'someKey', value: o.literal(1), quoted: false},
{key: 'a', value: o.literal('a'), quoted: false},
{key: '*', value: o.literal('star'), quoted: true},
.replace(/\s+/gm, ''))
it('should support blank literals', () => {
expect(emitStmt(o.variable('a', null).isBlank().toStmt())).toEqual('a == null;');
it('should support external identifiers', () => {
.toEqual(`const i0 = require("/somePackage/someOtherPath"); i0.someExternalId;`);
it('should support operators', () => {
const lhs = o.variable('lhs');
const rhs = o.variable('rhs');
expect(emitStmt(someVar.conditional(o.variable('trueCase'), o.variable('falseCase')).toStmt()))
.toEqual('someVar ? trueCase : falseCase;');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.equals(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('lhs == rhs;');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.notEquals(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('lhs != rhs;');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.identical(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('lhs === rhs;');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.notIdentical(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('lhs !== rhs;');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.minus(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('lhs - rhs;');
expect(emitStmt('lhs + rhs;');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.divide(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('lhs / rhs;');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.multiply(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('lhs * rhs;');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.modulo(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('lhs % rhs;');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.and(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('lhs && rhs;');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.or(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('lhs || rhs;');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.lower(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('lhs < rhs;');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.lowerEquals(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('lhs <= rhs;');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.bigger(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('lhs > rhs;');
expect(emitStmt(lhs.biggerEquals(rhs).toStmt())).toEqual('lhs >= rhs;');
it('should support function expressions', () => {
expect(emitStmt(o.fn([], []).toStmt())).toEqual(`(function () { });`);
expect(emitStmt(o.fn([], [new o.ReturnStatement(o.literal(1))], o.INT_TYPE).toStmt()))
.toEqual(`(function () { return 1; });`);
expect(emitStmt(o.fn([new o.FnParam('param1', o.INT_TYPE)], []).toStmt()))
.toEqual(`(function (param1) { });`);
it('should support function statements', () => {
expect(emitStmt(new o.DeclareFunctionStmt('someFn', [], []))).toEqual('function someFn() { }');
expect(emitStmt(new o.DeclareFunctionStmt('someFn', [], [], null, [o.StmtModifier.Exported])))
.toEqual(`function someFn() { } exports.someFn = someFn;`);
expect(emitStmt(new o.DeclareFunctionStmt(
'someFn', [], [new o.ReturnStatement(o.literal(1))], o.INT_TYPE)))
.toEqual(`function someFn() { return 1; }`);
expect(emitStmt(new o.DeclareFunctionStmt('someFn', [new o.FnParam('param1', o.INT_TYPE)], [
]))).toEqual(`function someFn(param1) { }`);
it('should support comments', () => { expect(emitStmt(new o.CommentStmt('a\nb'))).toEqual(''); });
it('should support if stmt', () => {
const trueCase = o.variable('trueCase').callFn([]).toStmt();
const falseCase = o.variable('falseCase').callFn([]).toStmt();
expect(emitStmt(new o.IfStmt(o.variable('cond'), [trueCase])))
.toEqual('if (cond) { trueCase(); }');
expect(emitStmt(new o.IfStmt(o.variable('cond'), [trueCase], [falseCase])))
.toEqual('if (cond) { trueCase(); } else { falseCase(); }');
it('should support try/catch', () => {
const bodyStmt = o.variable('body').callFn([]).toStmt();
const catchStmt = o.variable('catchFn').callFn([o.CATCH_ERROR_VAR, o.CATCH_STACK_VAR]).toStmt();
expect(emitStmt(new o.TryCatchStmt([bodyStmt], [catchStmt])))
`try { body(); } catch (error) { var stack = error.stack; catchFn(error, stack); }`);
it('should support support throwing',
() => { expect(emitStmt(new o.ThrowStmt(someVar))).toEqual('throw someVar;'); });
describe('classes', () => {
let callSomeMethod: o.Statement;
beforeEach(() => { callSomeMethod = o.THIS_EXPR.callMethod('someMethod', []).toStmt(); });
it('should support declaring classes', () => {
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', null !, [], [], null !, [
]))).toEqual('class SomeClass { }');
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', null !, [], [], null !, [], [
]))).toEqual('class SomeClass { } exports.SomeClass = SomeClass;');
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', o.variable('SomeSuperClass'), [], [], null !, [
]))).toEqual('class SomeClass extends SomeSuperClass { }');
it('should support declaring constructors', () => {
const superCall = o.SUPER_EXPR.callFn([o.variable('someParam')]).toStmt();
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null !, [], [], new o.ClassMethod(null !, [], []), [])))
.toEqual(`class SomeClass { constructor() { } }`);
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null !, [], [],
new o.ClassMethod(null !, [new o.FnParam('someParam', o.INT_TYPE)], []), [])))
.toEqual(`class SomeClass { constructor(someParam) { } }`);
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null !, [], [], new o.ClassMethod(null !, [], [superCall]), [])))
.toEqual(`class SomeClass { constructor() { super(someParam); } }`);
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null !, [], [], new o.ClassMethod(null !, [], [callSomeMethod]), [])))
.toEqual(`class SomeClass { constructor() { this.someMethod(); } }`);
it('should support declaring fields', () => {
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null !, [new o.ClassField('someField')], [], null !, [])))
.toEqual(`class SomeClass { constructor() { this.someField = null; } }`);
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null !, [new o.ClassField('someField', o.INT_TYPE)], [], null !, [])))
.toEqual(`class SomeClass { constructor() { this.someField = null; } }`);
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null !,
[new o.ClassField('someField', o.INT_TYPE, [o.StmtModifier.Private])], [], null !,
.toEqual(`class SomeClass { constructor() { this.someField = null; } }`);
it('should support declaring getters', () => {
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null !, [], [new o.ClassGetter('someGetter', [])], null !, [])))
.toEqual(`class SomeClass { get someGetter() { } }`);
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null !, [], [new o.ClassGetter('someGetter', [], o.INT_TYPE)], null !,
.toEqual(`class SomeClass { get someGetter() { } }`);
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null !, [], [new o.ClassGetter('someGetter', [callSomeMethod])],
null !, [])))
.toEqual(`class SomeClass { get someGetter() { this.someMethod(); } }`);
emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt(
'SomeClass', null !, [],
[new o.ClassGetter('someGetter', [], null !, [o.StmtModifier.Private])], null !, [])))
.toEqual(`class SomeClass { get someGetter() { } }`);
it('should support methods', () => {
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', null !, [], [], null !, [
new o.ClassMethod('someMethod', [], [])
]))).toEqual(`class SomeClass { someMethod() { } }`);
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', null !, [], [], null !, [
new o.ClassMethod('someMethod', [], [], o.INT_TYPE)
]))).toEqual(`class SomeClass { someMethod() { } }`);
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', null !, [], [], null !, [
new o.ClassMethod('someMethod', [new o.FnParam('someParam', o.INT_TYPE)], [])
]))).toEqual(`class SomeClass { someMethod(someParam) { } }`);
expect(emitStmt(new o.ClassStmt('SomeClass', null !, [], [], null !, [
new o.ClassMethod('someMethod', [], [callSomeMethod])
]))).toEqual(`class SomeClass { someMethod() { this.someMethod(); } }`);
it('should support builtin types', () => {
const writeVarExpr = o.variable('a').set(o.NULL_EXPR);
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.DYNAMIC_TYPE))).toEqual('var a = null;');
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.BOOL_TYPE))).toEqual('var a = null;');
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.INT_TYPE))).toEqual('var a = null;');
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.NUMBER_TYPE))).toEqual('var a = null;');
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.STRING_TYPE))).toEqual('var a = null;');
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(o.FUNCTION_TYPE))).toEqual('var a = null;');
it('should support external types', () => {
const writeVarExpr = o.variable('a').set(o.NULL_EXPR);
.toEqual('var a = null;');
.toEqual(`var a = null;`);
it('should support expression types', () => {
.toEqual('var a = null;');
it('should support expressions with type parameters', () => {
.toDeclStmt(o.importType(externalModuleIdentifier, [o.STRING_TYPE]))))
.toEqual(`var a = null;`);
it('should support combined types', () => {
const writeVarExpr = o.variable('a').set(o.NULL_EXPR);
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(new o.ArrayType(null !)))).toEqual('var a = null;');
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(new o.ArrayType(o.INT_TYPE)))).toEqual('var a = null;');
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(new o.MapType(null)))).toEqual('var a = null;');
expect(emitStmt(writeVarExpr.toDeclStmt(new o.MapType(o.INT_TYPE)))).toEqual('var a = null;');
it('should support a preamble', () => {
expect(emitStmt(o.variable('a').toStmt(), '/* SomePreamble */')).toBe('/* SomePreamble */ a;');
const FILES: Directory = {
somePackage: {'someGenFile.ts': `export var a: number;`}
function normalizeResult(result: string): string {
// Remove TypeScript prefixes
// Remove new lines
// Squish adjacent spaces
// Remove prefix and postfix spaces
return result.replace('"use strict";', ' ')
.replace('exports.__esModule = true;', ' ')
.replace('Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });', ' ')
.replace(/\n/g, ' ')
.replace(/ +/g, ' ')
.replace(/^ /g, '')
.replace(/ $/g, '');