The server no longer has files uploaded to it. Instead it is more accurate to refer to it as dealing with "previews" of PRs.
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import * as fs from 'fs';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import {dirname} from 'path';
import {mkdir} from 'shelljs';
import {promisify} from 'util';
import {CircleCiApi} from '../common/circle-ci-api';
import {assert, assertNotMissingOrEmpty, computeArtifactDownloadPath, createLogger} from '../common/utils';
import {PreviewServerError} from './preview-error';
export interface GithubInfo {
org: string;
pr: number;
repo: string;
sha: string;
success: boolean;
* A helper that can get information about builds and download build artifacts.
export class BuildRetriever {
private logger = createLogger('BuildRetriever');
constructor(private api: CircleCiApi, private downloadSizeLimit: number, private downloadDir: string) {
assert(downloadSizeLimit > 0, 'Invalid parameter "downloadSizeLimit" should be a number greater than 0.');
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('downloadDir', downloadDir);
* Get GitHub information about a build
* @param buildNum The number of the build for which to retrieve the info.
* @returns The Github org, repo, PR and latest SHA for the specified build.
public async getGithubInfo(buildNum: number): Promise<GithubInfo> {
const buildInfo = await this.api.getBuildInfo(buildNum);
const githubInfo: GithubInfo = {
org: buildInfo.username,
pr: getPrfromBranch(buildInfo.branch),
repo: buildInfo.reponame,
sha: buildInfo.vcs_revision,
success: !buildInfo.failed,
return githubInfo;
* Make a request to the given URL for a build artifact and store it locally.
* @param buildNum the number of the CircleCI build whose artifact we want to download.
* @param pr the number of the PR that triggered the CircleCI build.
* @param sha the commit in the PR that triggered the CircleCI build.
* @param artifactPath the path on CircleCI where the artifact was stored.
* @returns A promise to the file path where the downloaded file was stored.
public async downloadBuildArtifact(buildNum: number, pr: number, sha: string, artifactPath: string): Promise<string> {
try {
const outPath = computeArtifactDownloadPath(this.downloadDir, pr, sha, artifactPath);
const downloadExists = await new Promise(resolve => fs.exists(outPath, exists => resolve(exists)));
if (!downloadExists) {
const url = await this.api.getBuildArtifactUrl(buildNum, artifactPath);
const response = await fetch(url, {size: this.downloadSizeLimit});
if (response.status !== 200) {
throw new PreviewServerError(response.status, `Error ${response.status} - ${response.statusText}`);
const buffer = await response.buffer();
mkdir('-p', dirname(outPath));
await promisify(fs.writeFile)(outPath, buffer);
return outPath;
} catch (error) {
const status = (error.type === 'max-size') ? 413 : 500;
throw new PreviewServerError(status, `CircleCI artifact download failed (${error.message || error})`);
function getPrfromBranch(branch: string): number {
// CircleCI only exposes PR numbers via the `branch` field :-(
const match = /^pull\/(\d+)$/.exec(branch);
if (!match) {
throw new Error(`No PR found in branch field: ${branch}`);
return +match[1];