239 lines
9.5 KiB
239 lines
9.5 KiB
{% import "lib/githubLinks.html" as github -%}
{% import "lib/paramList.html" as params -%}
{%- macro renderHeritage(exportDoc) -%}
{%- if exportDoc.extendsClauses.length %} extends {% for clause in exportDoc.extendsClauses -%}
<a class="code-anchor" href="{$ clause.doc.path $}">{$ clause.text $}</a>{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif -%}
{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{%- if exportDoc.implementsClauses.length %} implements {% for clause in exportDoc.implementsClauses -%}
<a class="code-anchor" href="{$ clause.doc.path $}">{$ clause.text $}</a>{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif -%}
{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro renderMembers(doc) -%}
{%- for member in doc.staticProperties %}{% if not member.internal %}
<a class="code-anchor" href="{$ doc.path $}#{$ member.anchor | urlencode $}">{$ renderMemberSyntax(member, 1) $}</a>{% endif %}{% endfor -%}
{% for member in doc.staticMethods %}{% if not member.internal %}
<a class="code-anchor" href="{$ doc.path $}#{$ member.anchor | urlencode $}">{$ renderMemberSyntax(member, 1) $}</a>{% endif %}{% endfor -%}
{% if doc.constructorDoc and not doc.constructorDoc.internal %}
<a class="code-anchor" href="{$ doc.path $}#{$ doc.constructorDoc.anchor | urlencode $}">{$ renderMemberSyntax(doc.constructorDoc, 1) $}</a>{% endif -%}
{% for member in doc.properties %}{% if not member.internal %}
<a class="code-anchor" href="{$ doc.path $}#{$ member.anchor | urlencode $}">{$ renderMemberSyntax(member, 1) $}</a>{% endif %}{% endfor -%}
{% for member in doc.methods %}{% if not member.internal %}
<a class="code-anchor" href="{$ doc.path $}#{$ member.anchor | urlencode $}">{$ renderMemberSyntax(member, 1) $}</a>{% endif %}{% endfor -%}
{%- for ancestor in doc.extendsClauses %}{% if ancestor.doc %}
// inherited from <a class="code-anchor" href="{$ ancestor.doc.path $}">{$ ancestor.doc.id $}</a>{$ renderMembers(ancestor.doc) $}{% endif %}{% endfor -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro renderMemberSyntax(member, truncateLines) -%}
{%- if member.boundTo %}<span class="property-binding">@{$ member.boundTo.type $}(
{%- if member.boundTo.propertyName != member.boundTo.bindingName %}'{$ member.boundTo.bindingName $}'{% endif -%}
)</span><br>{% endif -%}
{%- if member.accessibility !== 'public' %}{$ member.accessibility $} {% endif -%}
{%- if member.isAbstract %}abstract {% endif -%}
{%- if member.isStatic %}static {% endif -%}
<span class="member-name">{$ member.name $}</span>{$ member.typeParameters | escape $}{% if not member.isGetAccessor %}{$ params.paramList(member.parameters, truncateLines) | trim $}{% endif %}
{%- if member.isOptional %}?{% endif -%}
{$ params.returnType(member.type) | trim | truncateCode(truncateLines) $}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro renderOverloadInfo(overload, cssClass, method) -%}
{% if overload.shortDescription and (overload.shortDescription != method.shortDescription) %}
<div class="short-description">
{$ overload.shortDescription | marked $}
</div>{% endif %}
<code-example language="ts" hideCopy="true" linenums="false" class="no-box api-heading">{$ renderMemberSyntax(overload) $}</code-example>
{% if overload.deprecated !== undefined %}
<div class="deprecated">
{$ ('**Deprecated** ' + overload.deprecated) | marked $}
</div>{% endif %}
<h6 class="no-anchor">Parameters</h6>
{$ params.renderParameters(overload.parameterDocs, cssClass + '-parameters', cssClass + '-parameter') $}
{% if overload.type or overload.returns.type %}
<h6 class="no-anchor">Returns</h6>
{% marked %}`{$ (overload.type or overload.returns.type) $}`{% if overload.returns %}: {$ overload.returns.description $}{% endif %}{% endmarked %}
{% endif %}
{% if overload.throws.length %}
<h6 class="no-anchor">Throws</h6>
{% for error in overload.throws %}
{% marked %}`{$ (error.typeList or 'Error') $}` {$ error.description $}{% endmarked %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if overload.description and (overload.description != method.description) -%}
<div class="description">
{$ overload.description | marked $}
{%- endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro renderMethodDetail(versionInfo, method, cssClass) -%}
<a id="{$ method.anchor $}"></a>
<table class="is-full-width method-table {$ cssClass $}">
{% if method.name !== 'constructor' %}<thead><tr><th class="icon-action-header">
<div class="with-github-links">
{% if method.isCallMember %}<i>call signature</i>
{% elseif method.isNewMember %}<i>construct signature</i>
{% else %}{$ method.name $}()
{% endif %}
{$ github.githubLinks(method, versionInfo) $}
</th></tr></thead>{% endif %}
{% if method.shortDescription %}<tr>
<td class="short-description">
{$ method.shortDescription | marked $}
</tr>{% endif %}
{% if method.overloads.length == 0 %}
{$ renderOverloadInfo(method, cssClass + '-overload', method) $}
{% elseif method.overloads.length < 3 -%}
{% if method.isAbstract %}
{$ renderOverloadInfo(method, cssClass + '-overload', method) $}
{% endif %}
{% for overload in method.overloads -%}
{$ renderOverloadInfo(overload, cssClass + '-overload', method) $}
{% endfor -%}
{% else -%}
<details class="overloads">
<div class="icon-action-header">
<h4 class="no-anchor">Overloads</h4>
<a>Show All <i class="material-icons">expand_more</i></a>
<div class="detail-contents">
{% if method.isAbstract %}
{$ renderOverloadInfo(method, cssClass + '-overload', method) $}
<hr class="hr-margin fullwidth">
{% endif %}
{% for overload in method.overloads %}
<h5 class="icon-action-header no-anchor">
<span>Overload #_ of {$ method.overloads.length $}</span>
<i class="material-icons">expand_more</i></h5>
{$ renderOverloadInfo(overload, cssClass + '-overload', method) $}
{% if not loop.last %}<hr class="hr-margin">{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if method.description -%}
<td class="description">
{$ method.description | marked({ h3: 'h4' }) $}
{%- endif %}
{% if method.usageNotes -%}
<td class="usage-notes">
{$ method.usageNotes | marked({ h3: 'h4' }) $}
{%- endif %}
{% endmacro -%}
{%- macro renderMethodDetails(versionInfo, methods, containerClass, itemClass, headingText) -%}
{% set nonInternalMethods = methods | filterByPropertyValue('internal', undefined) %}
{% if nonInternalMethods.length %}
<section class="{$ containerClass $}">
<h2>{$ headingText $}</h2>
{% for member in nonInternalMethods %}
{$ renderMethodDetail(versionInfo, member, itemClass) $}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro renderProperties(properties, containerClass, propertyClass, headingText, headings, headingLevel = 2) -%}
{% set nonInternalProperties = properties | filterByPropertyValue('internal', undefined) %}
{% if nonInternalProperties.length -%}
<section class="{$ containerClass $}">
<h{$ headingLevel $}>{$ headingText $}</h{$ headingLevel $}>
<table class="is-full-width list-table property-table">
<th>{$ headings[0] or 'Property' $}</th>
<th>{$ headings[1] or 'Description' $}</th>
{% for property in nonInternalProperties %}
<tr class="{$ propertyClass $}">
<a id="{$ property.anchor $}"></a>
<code>{$ renderMemberSyntax(property) $}</code>
{%- if (property.isGetAccessor or property.isReadonly) and not property.isSetAccessor %}<span class='read-only-property'>Read-only.</span>{% endif %}
{%- if property.isSetAccessor and not property.isGetAccessor %}<span class='write-only-property'>Write-only.</span>{% endif %}
{% if property.shortDescription %}{$ property.shortDescription | marked $}{% endif %}
{$ (property.description or property.constructorParamDoc.description) | marked $}
{% if property.constructorParamDoc %} <span class='from-constructor'>Declared in constructor.</span>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{% macro renderDirectiveAncestors(doc, collectionName) %}
{%- for ancestor in doc.extendsClauses %}{% if ancestor.doc %}
{% set nonInternalMembers = ancestor.doc[collectionName] | filterByPropertyValue('internal', undefined) %}
{% if nonInternalMembers.length -%}
<section class="inherited-members-list">
<h3>Inherited from <code><a class="code-anchor" href="{$ ancestor.doc.path $}">{$ ancestor.doc.name $}</a></code></h3>
{% for member in nonInternalMembers %}
<code><a class="code-anchor" href="{$ ancestor.doc.path $}#{$ member.anchor | urlencode $}">{$ renderMemberSyntax(member) $}</a></code>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{$ renderDirectiveAncestors(ancestor.doc, collectionName) $}
{% endif %}{% endfor -%}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro renderDirectiveProperties(doc, heading) %}
{$ renderProperties(doc.properties, 'instance-properties', 'instance-property', heading) $}
{$ renderDirectiveAncestors(doc, 'properties') $}
{% endmacro %}