- updates tests - heavy prose revisions - uses HttpClient (with angular-in-memory-web-api) - test HeroService using `HttpClientTestingModule` - scrub away most By.CSS - fake async observable with `asyncData()` - extensive Twain work - different take on retryWhen - remove app barrels (& systemjs.extras) which troubled plunker/systemjs - add dummy export const to hero.ts (plunkr/systemjs fails w/o it) - shrink and re-organize TOC - add marble testing package and tests - demonstrate the "no beforeEach()" test coding style - add section on Http service testing - prepare for stackblitz - confirm works in plunker except excluded marble test - add tests for avoidFile class feature of CodeExampleComponent PR Close #20697
51 lines
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51 lines
1.3 KiB
"name": "angular.io-example",
"version": "0.0.0",
"license": "MIT",
"scripts": {
"ng": "ng",
"start": "ng serve",
"build": "ng build --prod",
"test": "ng test",
"lint": "ng lint",
"e2e": "ng e2e"
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