Update gulpfile and project to add a tsconfig to protractor test folders Change all sample e2e-spec.js -> e2e-spec.ts Split typings between e2e-spec & app code Use same config for all e2e tests Only 1/3 e2e specs truly converted. Most don't pass because they fail TS transpile by Protractor due to missing type annotations
113 lines
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113 lines
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/// <reference path="../_protractor/e2e.d.ts" />
describe('Tutorial', function () {
beforeAll(function () {
function getPageStruct() {
hrefEles = element.all(by.css('my-app a'));
return {
hrefs: hrefEles,
myDashboardHref: hrefEles.get(0),
myDashboardParent: element(by.css('my-app my-dashboard')),
topHeroes: element.all(by.css('my-app my-dashboard .module.hero')),
myHeroesHref: hrefEles.get(1),
myHeroesParent: element(by.css('my-app my-heroes')),
allHeroes: element.all(by.css('my-app my-heroes li')),
heroDetail: element(by.css('my-app my-hero-detail'))
it('should be able to see the start screen', function () {
let page = getPageStruct();
expect(page.hrefs.count()).toEqual(2, 'should be two dashboard choices');
it('should be able to see dashboard choices', function () {
let page = getPageStruct();
expect(page.topHeroes.count()).toBe(4, "should be 4 dashboard hero choices");
it('should be able to toggle the views', function () {
let page = getPageStruct();
expect(page.myDashboardParent.element(by.css('h3')).getText()).toEqual('Top Heroes');
page.myHeroesHref.click().then(function() {
expect(page.myDashboardParent.isPresent()).toBe(false, 'should no longer see dashboard element');
expect(page.allHeroes.count()).toBeGreaterThan(4, "should be more than 4 heroes shown");
return page.myDashboardHref.click();
}).then(function() {
expect(page.myDashboardParent.isPresent()).toBe(true, 'should once again see the dashboard element');
it('should be able to edit details from "Dashboard" view', function () {
let page = getPageStruct();
expect(page.myDashboardParent.isPresent()).toBe(true, 'dashboard element should be available');
let heroEle = page.topHeroes.get(3);
let heroDescrEle = heroEle.element(by.css('h4'));
let heroDescr;
return heroDescrEle.getText().then(function(text) {
heroDescr = text;
return heroEle.click();
}).then(function() {
return editDetails(page, heroDescr, '-foo');
}).then(function() {
expect(page.myDashboardParent.isPresent()).toBe(true, 'dashboard element should be back');
expect(heroDescrEle.getText()).toEqual(heroDescr + '-foo');
it('should be able to edit details from "Heroes" view', function () {
let page = getPageStruct();
expect(page.myDashboardParent.isPresent()).toBe(true, 'dashboard element should be present');
let viewDetailsButtonEle = page.myHeroesParent.element(by.cssContainingText('button', 'View Details'));
let heroEle, heroDescr;
page.myHeroesHref.click().then(function() {
expect(page.myDashboardParent.isPresent()).toBe(false, 'dashboard element should NOT be present');
expect(page.myHeroesParent.isPresent()).toBe(true, 'myHeroes element should be present');
expect(viewDetailsButtonEle.isPresent()).toBe(false, 'viewDetails button should not yet be present');
heroEle = page.allHeroes.get(2);
return heroEle.getText();
}).then(function(text) {
// remove leading 'id' from the element
heroDescr = text.substr(text.indexOf(' ')+1);
return heroEle.click();
}).then(function() {
expect(viewDetailsButtonEle.isDisplayed()).toBe(true, 'viewDetails button should now be visible');
return viewDetailsButtonEle.click();
}).then(function() {
return editDetails(page, heroDescr, '-bar');
}).then(function() {
expect(page.myHeroesParent.isPresent()).toBe(true, 'myHeroes element should be back');
expect(heroEle.getText()).toContain(heroDescr + '-bar');
expect(viewDetailsButtonEle.isPresent()).toBe(false, 'viewDetails button should again NOT be present');
function editDetails(page, origValue, textToAdd) {
expect(page.myDashboardParent.isPresent()).toBe(false, 'dashboard element should NOT be present');
expect(page.myHeroesParent.isPresent()).toBe(false, 'myHeroes element should NOT be present');
expect(page.heroDetail.isDisplayed()).toBe(true, 'should be able to see hero-details');
let inputEle = page.heroDetail.element(by.css('input'));
expect(inputEle.isDisplayed()).toBe(true, 'should be able to see the input box');
let backButtonEle = page.heroDetail.element(by.css('button'));
expect(backButtonEle.isDisplayed()).toBe(true, 'should be able to see the back button');
let detailTextEle = page.heroDetail.element(by.css('div h2'));
return sendKeys(inputEle, textToAdd).then(function () {
expect(detailTextEle.getText()).toContain(origValue + textToAdd);
return backButtonEle.click();