Patrice Chalin 749dec7dfb doc(api): fix invalid doc links (#9873)
Errors were reported during API doc generation.
2016-07-07 23:02:35 -07:00

374 lines
9.7 KiB

library angular.core.facade.lang;
export 'dart:core' show Type, RegExp, print, DateTime, Uri;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:convert' as convert;
import 'dart:async' show Future, Zone;
String getTypeNameForDebugging(Object type) => type.toString();
class Math {
static final _random = new math.Random();
static int floor(num n) => n.floor();
static double random() => _random.nextDouble();
static num min(num a, num b) => math.min(a, b);
const IS_DART = true;
scheduleMicroTask(Function fn) {
bool isPresent(Object obj) => obj != null;
bool isBlank(Object obj) => obj == null;
bool isString(Object obj) => obj is String;
bool isFunction(Object obj) => obj is Function;
bool isType(Object obj) => obj is Type;
bool isStringMap(Object obj) => obj is Map;
bool isStrictStringMap(Object obj) => obj is Map;
bool isArray(Object obj) => obj is List;
bool isPromise(Object obj) => obj is Future;
bool isNumber(Object obj) => obj is num;
bool isBoolean(Object obj) => obj is bool;
bool isDate(Object obj) => obj is DateTime;
String stringify(obj) {
final exp = new RegExp(r"from Function '(\w+)'");
final str = obj.toString();
if (exp.firstMatch(str) != null) {
return exp.firstMatch(str).group(1);
} else {
return str;
int serializeEnum(val) {
return val.index;
* Deserializes an enum
* val should be the indexed value of the enum (sa returned from @link{serializeEnum})
* values should be a map from indexes to values for the enum that you want to deserialize.
dynamic deserializeEnum(num val, Map<num, dynamic> values) {
return values[val];
String resolveEnumToken(enumValue, val) {
// turn Enum.Token -> Token
return val.toString().replaceFirst(new RegExp('^.+\\.'),'');
class StringWrapper {
static String fromCharCode(int code) {
return new String.fromCharCode(code);
static int charCodeAt(String s, int index) {
return s.codeUnitAt(index);
static List<String> split(String s, RegExp regExp) {
var parts = <String>[];
var lastEnd = 0;
regExp.allMatches(s).forEach((match) {
parts.add(s.substring(lastEnd, match.start));
lastEnd = match.end;
for (var i = 0; i < match.groupCount; i++) {
parts.add( + 1));
return parts;
static bool equals(String s, String s2) {
return s == s2;
static String stripLeft(String s, String charVal) {
if (isPresent(s) && s.length > 0) {
var pos = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (s[i] != charVal) break;
s = s.substring(pos);
return s;
static String stripRight(String s, String charVal) {
if (isPresent(s) && s.length > 0) {
var pos = s.length;
for (var i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (s[i] != charVal) break;
s = s.substring(0, pos);
return s;
static String replace(String s, Pattern from, String replace) {
return s.replaceFirst(from, replace);
static String replaceAll(String s, RegExp from, String replace) {
return s.replaceAll(from, replace);
static String slice(String s, [int start = 0, int end]) {
start = _startOffset(s, start);
end = _endOffset(s, end);
//in JS if start > end an empty string is returned
if (end != null && start > end) {
return "";
return s.substring(start, end);
static String replaceAllMapped(String s, RegExp from, Function cb) {
return s.replaceAllMapped(from, cb);
static bool contains(String s, String substr) {
return s.contains(substr);
static int compare(String a, String b) => a.compareTo(b);
// JS slice function can take start < 0 which indicates a position relative to
// the end of the string
static int _startOffset(String s, int start) {
int len = s.length;
return start < 0 ? math.max(len + start, 0) : math.min(start, len);
// JS slice function can take end < 0 which indicates a position relative to
// the end of the string
static int _endOffset(String s, int end) {
int len = s.length;
if (end == null) return len;
return end < 0 ? math.max(len + end, 0) : math.min(end, len);
class StringJoiner {
final List<String> _parts = <String>[];
void add(String part) {
String toString() => _parts.join("");
class NumberWrapper {
static String toFixed(num n, int fractionDigits) {
return n.toStringAsFixed(fractionDigits);
static bool equal(num a, num b) {
return a == b;
static int parseIntAutoRadix(String text) {
return int.parse(text);
static int parseInt(String text, int radix) {
return int.parse(text, radix: radix);
static double parseFloat(String text) {
return double.parse(text);
static double get NaN => double.NAN;
static bool isNumeric(value) {
if(value == null) {
return false;
return double.parse(value, (e) => null) != null;
static bool isNaN(num value) => value.isNaN;
static bool isInteger(value) => value is int;
class RegExpWrapper {
static RegExp create(regExpStr, [String flags = '']) {
bool multiLine = flags.contains('m');
bool caseSensitive = !flags.contains('i');
return new RegExp(regExpStr,
multiLine: multiLine, caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
static Match firstMatch(RegExp regExp, String input) {
return regExp.firstMatch(input);
static bool test(RegExp regExp, String input) {
return regExp.hasMatch(input);
static Iterator<Match> matcher(RegExp regExp, String input) {
return regExp.allMatches(input).iterator;
static String replaceAll(RegExp regExp, String input, Function replace) {
final m = RegExpWrapper.matcher(regExp, input);
var res = "";
var prev = 0;
while(m.moveNext()) {
var c = m.current;
res += input.substring(prev, c.start);
res += replace(c);
prev = c.start + c[0].length;
res += input.substring(prev);
return res;
class RegExpMatcherWrapper {
static _JSLikeMatch next(Iterator<Match> matcher) {
if (matcher.moveNext()) {
return new _JSLikeMatch(matcher.current);
return null;
class _JSLikeMatch {
Match _m;
String operator [](index) => _m[index];
int get index => _m.start;
int get length => _m.groupCount + 1;
class FunctionWrapper {
static apply(Function fn, posArgs) {
return Function.apply(fn, posArgs);
static Function bind(Function fn, dynamic scope) {
return fn;
const _NAN_KEY = const Object();
// Dart VM implements `identical` as true reference identity. JavaScript does
// not have this. The closest we have in JS is `===`. However, for strings JS
// would actually compare the contents rather than references. `dart2js`
// compiles `identical` to `===` and therefore there is a discrepancy between
// Dart VM and `dart2js`. The implementation of `looseIdentical` attempts to
// bridge the gap between the two while retaining good performance
// characteristics. In JS we use simple `identical`, which compiles to `===`,
// and in Dart VM we emulate the semantics of `===` by special-casing strings.
// Note that the VM check is a compile-time constant. This allows `dart2js` to
// evaluate the conditional during compilation and inline the entire function.
// See:,
const _IS_DART_VM = !identical(1.0, 1); // a hack
bool looseIdentical(a, b) => _IS_DART_VM
? _looseIdentical(a, b)
: identical(a, b);
// This function is intentionally separated from `looseIdentical` to keep the
// number of AST nodes low enough for `dart2js` to inline the code.
bool _looseIdentical(a, b) =>
a is String && b is String ? a == b : identical(a, b);
// Dart compare map keys by equality and we can have NaN != NaN
dynamic getMapKey(value) {
if (value is! num) return value;
return value.isNaN ? _NAN_KEY : value;
// TODO: remove with
dynamic normalizeBlank(obj) => obj;
bool normalizeBool(bool obj) {
return isBlank(obj) ? false : obj;
bool isJsObject(o) {
return false;
warn(o) {
// Can't be all uppercase as our transpiler would think it is a special directive...
class Json {
static parse(String s) => convert.JSON.decode(s);
static String stringify(data) {
var encoder = new convert.JsonEncoder.withIndent(" ");
return encoder.convert(data);
class DateWrapper {
static DateTime create(int year,
[int month = 1,
int day = 1,
int hour = 0,
int minutes = 0,
int seconds = 0,
int milliseconds = 0]) {
return new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
static DateTime fromISOString(String str) {
return DateTime.parse(str);
static DateTime fromMillis(int ms) {
return new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(ms, isUtc: true);
static int toMillis(DateTime date) {
return date.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
static DateTime now() {
return new;
static String toJson(DateTime date) {
return date.toUtc().toIso8601String();
bool isPrimitive(Object obj) => obj is num || obj is bool || obj == null || obj is String;
// needed to match the exports from lang.js
var global = null;
dynamic evalExpression(String sourceUrl, String expr, String declarations, Map<String, String> vars) {
throw "Dart does not support evaluating expression during runtime!";
bool hasConstructor(Object value, Type type) {
return value.runtimeType == type;
String escape(String s) {
return Uri.encodeComponent(s);
String escapeRegExp(String s) {
return s.replaceAllMapped(new RegExp(r'([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])'), (Match m) => '\\${m[1]}');