Mostly, removing things that were never intended to be exported publicy. BREAKING CHANGE: The following are no longer publicly exported APIs. They were intended as internal utilities and you should use your own util: ``` browserDetection, dispatchEvent, el, normalizeCSS, stringifyElement, expect (and custom matchers for Jasmine) ```
Angular Router
Managing state transitions is one of the hardest parts of building applications. This is especially true on the web, where you also need to ensure that the state is reflected in the URL. In addition, we often want to split applications into multiple bundles and load them on demand. Doing this transparently isn’t trivial.
The Angular router is designed to solve these problems. Using the router, you can declaratively specify application state, manage state transitions while taking care of the URL, and load components on demand.
Read the overview of the Router here.
Read the dev guide here.