At the moment, `path.posix.relative` will break paths in windows as it will return something like ``` Error: Source file "../C:/users/alag/_bazel_alag/3tbqurya/execroot/angular/bazel-out/x64_windows-fastbuild/bin/packages/core/core.d.ts" not found ``` PR Close #26888
Typescript API Guardian
Keeps track of public API surface of a typescript library.
# Generate one declaration file
ts-api-guardian --out api_guard.d.ts index.d.ts
# Generate multiple declaration files
# (output location like typescript)
ts-api-guardian --outDir api_guard [--rootDir .] core/index.d.ts core/testing.d.ts
# Print usage
ts-api-guardian --help
# Check against one declaration file
ts-api-guardian --verify api_guard.d.ts index.d.ts
# Check against multiple declaration files
ts-api-guardian --verifyDir api_guard [--rootDir .] core/index.d.ts core/testing.d.ts
For developers
Build and test this library:
$ yarn bazel run //:install
$ yarn bazel test //tools/ts-api-guardian:all
Publish to NPM:
$ npm whoami # should be logged in as angular
$ grep version tools/ts-api-guardian/package.json # advance as needed
$ yarn bazel run //tools/ts-api-guardian:ts-api-guardian.publish