When chaining a `pubspec.yaml` we automatically run `pub get`. In `gulp build` we also run `dartanalyzer` for all files that have the pattern: `<module>/lib/<module>.dart` Closes #13 Closes #5 Closes #2
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61 lines
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var traceur = require('traceur');
var createTraceurPreprocessor = function(args, config, logger, helper) {
config = config || {};
var log = logger.create('preprocessor.traceur');
var defaultOptions = {
sourceMaps: false,
modules: 'amd'
var options = helper.merge(defaultOptions, args.options || {}, config.options || {});
var transformPath = args.transformPath || config.transformPath || function(filepath) {
return filepath.replace(/\.es6.js$/, '.js').replace(/\.es6$/, '.js');
return function(content, file, done) {
log.debug('Processing "%s".', file.originalPath);
file.path = transformPath(file.originalPath);
options.filename = file.originalPath;
var result = traceur.compile(content, options);
var transpiledContent = result.js;
result.errors.forEach(function(err) {
if (result.errors.length) {
return done(new Error('TRACEUR COMPILE ERRORS\n' + result.errors.join('\n')));
// TODO(vojta): Tracer should return JS object, rather than a string.
if (result.generatedSourceMap) {
var map = JSON.parse(result.generatedSourceMap);
map.file = file.path;
transpiledContent += '\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,';
transpiledContent += new Buffer(JSON.stringify(map)).toString('base64') + '\n';
file.sourceMap = map;
return done(null, transpiledContent);
createTraceurPreprocessor.$inject = ['args', 'config.traceurPreprocessor', 'logger', 'helper'];
var initTraceurFramework = function(files) {
files.unshift({pattern: traceur.RUNTIME_PATH, included: true, served: true, watched: false});
initTraceurFramework.$inject = ['config.files'];
module.exports = {
'preprocessor:traceur': ['factory', createTraceurPreprocessor],
'framework:traceur': ['factory', initTraceurFramework]
}; |