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h2#section-displaying-controller-properties Displaying controller properties
Let's walk through how we'd display a property, a list of properties, and then conditionally show content
based on state. We'll end up with a UI that looks like this:
header Typescript vs ES5
Although we work through the examples in TypeScript, you can also use
regular ES5. Click the ES5 link in any code box to see the ES5 JavaScript
version. Note that in ES5, you'd want to name your files <code>.js</code> rather than
h2#section-create-an-entry-point Create an entry point
p Open your favorite editor and create a show-properties.html file with the content:
code-example(language="html" escape="html").
| The <code>&lt;display&gt;</code> component here acts as the site where you'll insert your application.
| We'll assume a structure like this for the rest of the examples here and just focus on the parts that
| are different.
h2#section-showing-properties-with-interpolation Showing properties with interpolation
| The simple method for binding text into templates is through interpolation where you put the name of a property
| inside <strong>{{ }}</strong>.
p To see this working, create another file, <code>show-properties.ts</code>, and add the following:
code-pane(language="javascript" name="TypeScript" format="linenums" escape="html").
// TypeScript
import {Component, View, bootstrap, For} from 'angular2/angular2';
selector: 'display'
template: `
&lt;p&gt;My name: {{ myName }}&lt;/p&gt
directives: [For]
class DisplayComponent {
myName: string;
names: Array&lt;string&gt;;
constructor() {
this.myName = "Alice";
code-pane(language="javascript" name="ES5" format="linenums" escape="html").
// ES5
function DisplayComponent() {
this.myName = "Alice";
DisplayComponent.annotations = [
new angular.ComponentAnnotation({
selector: "display"
new angular.ViewAnnotation({
'&lt;p&gt;My name: {{ myName }}&lt;/p&gt;',
directives: [angular.For, angular.If]
You've just defined a component that encompasses a view and controller for the app. The view
defines a template:
code-example(language="html" escape="html").
<p>My name: {{ myName }}</p>
Angular will automatically pull the value of <code>myName</code> and insert it into the browser and
update it whenever it changes without work on your part.
One thing to notice here is that though you've written your <code>DisplayComponent</code> class, you haven't
called new to create one anywhere. By associating your class with elements named 'display' in
the DOM, Angular knows to automatically call new on <code>DisplayComponent</code> and bind its properties to
that part of the template.
When you're building templates, data bindings like these have access to the same scope of
properties as your controller class does. Here, your class is the <code>DisplayComponent</code> that has
just one property, myName.
header Note
While you've used <code>template:</code> to specify an inline view, for larger templates you'd
want to move them to a separate file and load them with <code>templateUrl:</code> instead.
p So you can see Angular dynamically update content, add a line after
code-example(language="html" escape="html").
<p>My name: {{ myName }}</p>
p to this:
&lt;p&gt;Current time: {{ time }}&lt;/p&gt;
Then give the <code>DisplayComponent</code> a starting value for time and a call to update time
via <code>setInterval</code>.
setInterval(function () { this.time = (new Date()).toString(); }.bind(this), 1000);
p Reload the page in your browser and you'll now see the seconds updating automatically.
h2#Create-an-array Create an array property and use For on the view
p Moving up from a single property, create an array to display as a list.
code-pane(language="javascript" name="TypeScript" format="linenums" escape="html").
constructor() {
this.myName = "Alice";
this.names = ["Aarav", "Martín", "Shannon", "Ariana", "Kai"];
code-pane(language="javascript" name="Javascript (ES5)" format="linenums" escape="html").
function DisplayComponent() {
this.myName = "Alice";
this.names = ["Aarav", "Martín", "Shannon", "Ariana", "Kai"];
You can then use this array in your template with the <code>for</code> directive to create copies of DOM elements
with one for each item in the array.
code-pane(language="javascript" name="TypeScript" format="linenums").
template: `
&lt;p&gt;My name: {{ myName }}&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li *for=&quot;#name of names&quot;&gt;
{{ name }}
code-pane(language="javascript" name="ES5" format="linenums").
&#39;&lt;p&gt;My name: {{ myName }}&lt;/p&gt;&#39; +
&#39;&lt;p&gt;Friends:&lt;/p&gt;&#39; +
&#39;&lt;ul&gt;&#39; +
&#39;&lt;li *for=&quot;#name of names&quot;&gt;&#39; +
&#39;{{ name }}&#39; +
&#39;&lt;/li&gt;&#39; +
To make this work, you'll also need to add the <code>For</code> directive used by the template so
that Angular knows to include it:
code-pane(language="javascript" name="TypeScript" format="linenums").
import {Component, View, bootstrap, For} from
directives: [For]
code-pane(language="javascript" name="ES5" format="linenums").
directives: [angular.For]
p Reload and you've got your list of friends!
Again, Angular will mirror changes you make to this list over in the DOM. Add a new item and it appears in your
list. Delete one and Angular deletes the &lt;li&gt;. Reorder items and Angular makes the corresponding reorder of
the DOM list.
p Let's look at the few lines that do the work again:
code-example(language="html" format="linenums").
&lt;li *for=&quot;#name of names&quot;&gt;
{{ name }}
p The way to read this is:
<code>*for</code> : create a DOM element for each item in an
<a href="">iterable</a>
like an array
li <code>#name</code> : refer to individual values of the iterable as 'name'
li <code>of names</code> : the iterable to use is called 'names' in the current controller
p Using this syntax, you can build UI lists from any iterable object.
h2#Create-a-class Create a class for the array property and inject into component
Before we get too much further, we should mention that putting our model (array) directly in our controller isn't
proper form. We should separate the concerns by having another class serve the role of model and inject it into
the controller.
p Make a <code>FriendsService</code> class to provide the model with the list of friends.
code-example(language="javascript" format="linenums").
class FriendsService {
names: Array&lt;string&gt;;
constructor() {
this.names = ["Alice", "Aarav", "Martín", "Shannon", "Ariana", "Kai"];
Replace the current list of friends in DisplayComponent by passing in the FriendsService and setting the list of
names in DisplayComponent to the names provided by the service you passed in.
code-example(language="javascript" format="linenums").
class DisplayComponent {
names: Array&lt;string&gt;;
constructor(friendsService: FriendsService) {
this.names = friendsService.names;
p And then make FriendsService available to dependency injection
code-example(language="javascript" format="linenums").
injectables: [FriendsService]
class DisplayComponent {...
header ES5 Note
The dependency injection syntax here is using the low-level API and is...well...not very nice. We're
working on sugaring the syntax to match the way it works in Angular 1. Expect this to change soon.
code-pane(language="javascript" name="TypeScript" format="linenums").
class FriendsService {
names: Array&lt;string&gt;;
constructor() {
this.names = ["Alice", "Aarav", "Martín", "Shannon", "Ariana", "Kai"];
class DisplayComponent {
names: Array&lt;string&gt;;
constructor(friendsService: FriendsService) {
this.names = friendsService.names;
code-pane(language="javascript" name="ES5" format="linenums").
function FriendsService() {
this.names = ["Alice", "Aarav", "Martín", "Shannon", "Ariana", "Kai"];
function DisplayComponent(friends) {
this.myName = "Alice";
this.names = friends.names;
DisplayComponent.annotations = [
new angular.ComponentAnnotation({
selector: "display",
injectables: [FriendsService]
new angular.ViewAnnotation({
template: '{{ myName }} &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li *for="#name of names"&gt;{{ name }}&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt;',
directives: [angular.For, angular.If]
DisplayComponent.parameters = [[FriendsService]];
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
h2#Conditionally-displaying-data-with-If Conditionally displaying data with If
Lastly, before we move on, let's handle showing parts of our UI conditionally with <code>If</code>. The
<code>If</code> directive adds or removes elements from the DOM based on the expression you provide.
p See it in action by adding a paragraph at the end of your template
&lt;p *if=&quot;names.length &gt; 3&quot;&gt;You have many friends!&lt;/p&gt;
p You'll also need to add the <code>If</code> directive so Angular knows to include it.
code-pane(language="javascript" name="TypeScript" format="linenums").
import {Component, View, bootstrap, For, If} from
directives: [For, If]
code-pane(language="javascript" name="ES5" format="linenums").
directives: [angular.For, angular.If]
As there are currently 5 items it the list, you'll see the message congratulating you on your many friends.
Remove two items from the list, reload your browser, and see that the message no longer displays.
code-pane(language="javascript" name="TypeScript" format="linenums").
import {Component, View, bootstrap, For, If} from 'angular2/angular2';
selector: 'display'
template: `
&lt;p&gt;My name: {{ myName }}&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li *for=&quot;#name of names&quot;&gt;
{{ name }}
&lt;p *if=&quot;names.length &gt; 3&quot;&gt;You have many friends!&lt;/p&gt;
directives: [For, If]
class DisplayComponent {
myName: string;
todos: Array&lt;string&gt;
constructor() {
this.myName = "Alice";
this.names = ["Aarav", "Martín", "Shannon", "Ariana", "Kai"];
code-pane(language="javascript" name="ES5" format="linenums").
function DisplayComponent() {
this.myName = "Alice";
this.names = ["Aarav", "Martín", "Shannon", "Ariana", "Kai"];
DisplayComponent.annotations = [
new angular.ComponentAnnotation({
selector: "display"
new angular.ViewAnnotation({
&#39;&lt;p&gt;My name: {{ myName }}&lt;/p&gt;&#39; +
&#39;&lt;p&gt;Friends:&lt;/p&gt;&#39; +
&#39;&lt;ul&gt;&#39; +
&#39;&lt;li *for=&quot;#name of names&quot;&gt;&#39; +
&#39;{{ name }}&#39; +
&#39;&lt;/li&gt;&#39; +
&#39;&lt;/ul&gt;&#39; +
&#39;&lt;p *if=&quot;names.length &gt; 3&quot;&gt;You have many friends!&lt;/p&gt;&#39;,
directives: [angular.For, angular.If]