Tobias Bosch 69bba9b5df feat(build): transpile to es6
Transpile all sources first to es6 which we can publish and then
to es5. Also merge the generated source maps into once map.
2015-02-10 11:27:22 -08:00

62 lines
1.8 KiB

'use strict';
var through = require('through2');
var compiler = require('./index');
var path = require('path');
module.exports = gulpTraceur;
gulpTraceur.RUNTIME_PATH = compiler.RUNTIME_PATH;
gulpTraceur.sourcesChanged = compiler.sourcesChanged;
function gulpTraceur(options, resolveModuleName) {
options = options || {};
return through.obj(function (file, enc, done) {
if (file.isNull()) {
if (file.isStream()) {
throw new Error('gulp-traceur: Streaming not supported');
try {
var originalFilePath = file.history[0];
var moduleName = resolveModuleName ? resolveModuleName(file.relative) : null;
var result = compiler.compile(options, {
inputPath: originalFilePath,
outputPath: file.relative,
moduleName: moduleName
}, file.contents.toString());
var transpiledContent = result.js;
var sourceMap = result.sourceMap;
if (sourceMap) {
var sourceMapFile = cloneFile(file, {
path: file.path.replace(/\.\w+$/, '.map'),
contents: JSON.stringify(sourceMap)
transpiledContent += '\n//# sourceMappingURL=./' + path.basename(sourceMapFile.path);
this.push(cloneFile(file, {contents: transpiledContent}));
} catch (errors) {
if (errors.join) {
throw new Error('gulp-traceur:\n ' + errors.join('\n '));
} else {
console.error('Error when transpiling:\n ' + originalFilePath);
throw errors;
function cloneFile(file, override) {
var File = file.constructor;
return new File({path: override.path || file.path, cwd: override.cwd || file.cwd, contents: new Buffer(override.contents || file.contents), base: override.base || file.base});