Alex Rickabaugh f10f8db5fb fix(service-worker): several misc fixes for corner cases
This commit fixes several issues discovered through use in real apps.

* The sha1() function operated on text content, causing issues for binary-format files.
  A sha1Binary() function which operates on unparsed data now avoids any encoding issues.
* The characters '?' and '+' were not escaped in Glob-to-regex conversion previously, but
  are now.
* URLs from the browser contain the full origin, but were checked against the table of
  hashes from the manifest which only has the path for URLs from the same origin. Now the
  origin is checked and URLs are relativized to the domain root before comparison if
* ngsw: prefix was missing from data groups, is now added.
* Occasionally servers will return a redirected response for an asset, and caching it could
  cause errors for navigation requests. The SW now handles this by detecting such responses
  and following the redirect manually, to avoid caching a redirected response.
* The request for known assets is now created from scratch from the URL before fetching from
  the network, in order to sanitize it and avoid carrying any special modes or headers that
  might result in opaque responses.
* Debugging log for troubleshooting.
* Avoid creating errors by returning 504 responses on error.
* Fix bug where idle queue doesn't run in some circumstances.
* Add tests for the above.
2017-10-05 13:27:31 -07:00

157 lines
4.5 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
export class MockBody implements Body {
bodyUsed: boolean = false;
constructor(public _body: string|null) {}
async arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
this.bodyUsed = true;
if (this._body !== null) {
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(this._body.length);
const access = new Uint8Array(buffer);
for (let i = 0; i < this._body.length; i++) {
access[i] = this._body.charCodeAt(i);
return buffer;
} else {
throw new Error('No body');
async blob(): Promise<Blob> { throw 'Not implemented'; }
async json(): Promise<any> {
this.bodyUsed = true;
if (this._body !== null) {
return JSON.parse(this._body);
} else {
throw new Error('No body');
async text(): Promise<string> {
this.bodyUsed = true;
if (this._body !== null) {
return this._body;
} else {
throw new Error('No body');
async formData(): Promise<FormData> { throw 'Not implemented'; }
export class MockHeaders implements Headers {
map = new Map<string, string>();
append(name: string, value: string): void {, value); }
delete (name: string): void {; }
forEach(callback: Function): void { as any); }
get(name: string): string|null { return || null; }
has(name: string): boolean { return; }
set(name: string, value: string): void {, value); }
export class MockRequest extends MockBody implements Request {
readonly cache: RequestCache = 'default';
readonly credentials: RequestCredentials = 'omit';
readonly destination: RequestDestination = 'document';
readonly headers: Headers = new MockHeaders();
readonly integrity: string = '';
readonly keepalive: boolean = true;
readonly method: string = 'GET';
readonly mode: RequestMode = 'cors';
readonly redirect: RequestRedirect = 'error';
readonly referrer: string = '';
readonly referrerPolicy: ReferrerPolicy = 'no-referrer';
readonly type: RequestType = '';
url: string;
constructor(input: string|Request, init: RequestInit = {}) {
super(init !== undefined ? init.body || null : null);
if (typeof input !== 'string') {
throw 'Not implemented';
this.url = input;
if (init.headers !== undefined) {
if (init.headers instanceof MockHeaders) {
this.headers = init.headers;
} else {
Object.keys(init.headers).forEach(header => {
this.headers.set(header, init.headers[header]);
if (init.mode !== undefined) {
this.mode = init.mode;
if (init.credentials !== undefined) {
this.credentials = init.credentials;
clone(): Request {
if (this.bodyUsed) {
throw 'Body already consumed';
return new MockRequest(
{body: this._body, mode: this.mode, credentials: this.credentials, headers: this.headers});
export class MockResponse extends MockBody implements Response {
readonly headers: Headers = new MockHeaders();
get ok(): boolean { return this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300; }
readonly status: number;
readonly statusText: string;
readonly type: ResponseType = 'basic';
readonly url: string = '';
readonly body: ReadableStream|null = null;
readonly redirected: boolean = false;
body?: any,
init: ResponseInit&{type?: ResponseType, redirected?: boolean, url?: string} = {}) {
super(typeof body === 'string' ? body : null);
this.status = (init.status !== undefined) ? init.status : 200;
this.statusText = init.statusText || 'OK';
if (init.headers !== undefined) {
if (init.headers instanceof MockHeaders) {
this.headers = init.headers;
} else {
Object.keys(init.headers).forEach(header => {
this.headers.set(header, init.headers[header]);
if (init.type !== undefined) {
this.type = init.type;
if (init.redirected !== undefined) {
this.redirected = init.redirected;
if (init.url !== undefined) {
this.url = init.url;
clone(): Response {
if (this.bodyUsed) {
throw 'Body already consumed';
return new MockResponse(
this._body, {status: this.status, statusText: this.statusText, headers: this.headers});