Closes #3605 BREAKING CHANGE: - we don't mark an element as bound any more if it only contains text bindings E.g. <div>{{hello}}</div> This changes the indices when using `DebugElement.componentViewChildren` / `DebugElement.children`. - `@Directive.compileChildren` was removed, `ng-non-bindable` is now builtin and not a directive any more - angular no more adds the `ng-binding` class to elements with bindings - directives are now ordered as they are listed in the View.directives regarding change detection. Previously they had an undefined order. - the `Renderer` interface has new methods `createProtoView` and `registerComponentTemplate`. See `DomRenderer` for default implementations. - reprojection with `ng-content` is now all or nothing per `ng-content` element - angular2 transformer can't be used in tests that modify directive metadata. Use `angular2/src/transform/inliner_for_test` transformer instead.
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import {Promise, PromiseWrapper} from 'angular2/src/core/facade/async';
import {isPresent, global, StringWrapper} from 'angular2/src/core/facade/lang';
var evalCounter = 0;
var MODULE_URL_REGEX = /^package:(.*)\.js/;
function nextModuleId() {
return `evalScript${evalCounter++}`;
export function evalModule(moduleSource: string, imports: string[][], args: any[]): Promise<any> {
var moduleId = nextModuleId();
var moduleSourceWithImports = [];
var importModuleIds = [];
imports.forEach(sourceImport => {
var modUrl = sourceImport[0];
var modMatch = MODULE_URL_REGEX.exec(modUrl);
if (!modMatch) {
throw new Error(`Module url ${modUrl} does not match the pattern ${MODULE_URL_REGEX}`);
var modId = modMatch[1];
var modAlias = sourceImport[1];
// Note: After transpilation to commonJS and loading this file in a browser
// using SystemJS, the loader might get confused by the presence of require,
// and attempt to load "+ modName +.js" !?!
// A simple string concat manages to prevent that, but that is one compiler
// optimaztion away from breaking again. Proceed with caution!
moduleSourceWithImports.push(`var ${modAlias} = require` + `('${modId}');`);
var moduleBody = new Function('require', 'exports', 'module', moduleSourceWithImports.join('\n'));
var System = global['System'];
if (isPresent(System) && isPresent(System.registerDynamic)) {
System.registerDynamic(moduleId, importModuleIds, false, moduleBody);
return <Promise<any>>System.import(moduleId).then((module) => module.run(args));
} else {
var exports = {};
moduleBody(require, exports, {});
return PromiseWrapper.resolve(exports['run'](args));