George Kalpakas f6052a915d build(docs-infra): simplify update workflow for CLI-based docs examples boilerplate (#38992)
When updating the boilerplate for CLI-based docs examples, one needed to
install dependencies inside the
`aio/tools/examples/shared/boilerplate/cli/` directory, which resulted
in a `node_modules/` directory and a `yarn.lock` file. These were not
supposed to be part of the boilerplate, so they had to be manually
removed after the boilerplate was updated.

This commit simplifies the workflow by allowing boilerplate files to be
ignored (both by git and the `example-boilerplate.js` script) via a
`.gitignore` file. This way, it is no longer necessary to manually
remove the unneeded directories/files.

PR Close #38992
2020-09-30 09:20:00 -04:00

129 lines
5.4 KiB

const fs = require('fs-extra');
const glob = require('glob');
const ignore = require('ignore');
const path = require('canonical-path');
const shelljs = require('shelljs');
const yargs = require('yargs');
const SHARED_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, 'shared');
const SHARED_NODE_MODULES_PATH = path.resolve(SHARED_PATH, 'node_modules');
const BOILERPLATE_BASE_PATH = path.resolve(SHARED_PATH, 'boilerplate');
const EXAMPLES_BASE_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../content/examples');
const EXAMPLE_CONFIG_FILENAME = 'example-config.json';
class ExampleBoilerPlate {
* Add boilerplate files to all the examples
add(viewengine = false) {
// Get all the examples folders, indicated by those that contain a `example-config.json` file
const exampleFolders =
this.getFoldersContaining(EXAMPLES_BASE_PATH, EXAMPLE_CONFIG_FILENAME, 'node_modules');
const gitignore = ignore().add(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(BOILERPLATE_BASE_PATH, '.gitignore'), 'utf8'));
const isPathIgnored = absolutePath => gitignore.ignores(path.relative(BOILERPLATE_BASE_PATH, absolutePath));
if (!fs.existsSync(SHARED_NODE_MODULES_PATH)) {
throw new Error(
`The shared node_modules folder for the examples (${SHARED_NODE_MODULES_PATH}) is missing.\n` +
'Perhaps you need to run "yarn example-use-npm" or "yarn example-use-local" to install the dependencies?');
if (!viewengine) {
shelljs.exec(`yarn --cwd ${SHARED_PATH} ngcc --properties es2015 browser module main --first-only --create-ivy-entry-points`);
exampleFolders.forEach(exampleFolder => {
const exampleConfig = this.loadJsonFile(path.resolve(exampleFolder, EXAMPLE_CONFIG_FILENAME));
// Link the node modules - requires admin access (on Windows) because it adds symlinks
const destinationNodeModules = path.resolve(exampleFolder, 'node_modules');
fs.ensureSymlinkSync(SHARED_NODE_MODULES_PATH, destinationNodeModules);
const boilerPlateType = exampleConfig.projectType || 'cli';
const boilerPlateBasePath = path.resolve(BOILERPLATE_BASE_PATH, boilerPlateType);
// All example types other than `cli` and `systemjs` are based on `cli`. Copy over the `cli`
// boilerplate files first.
// (Some of these files might be later overwritten by type-specific files.)
if (boilerPlateType !== 'cli' && boilerPlateType !== 'systemjs') {
this.copyDirectoryContents(BOILERPLATE_CLI_PATH, exampleFolder, isPathIgnored);
// Copy the type-specific boilerplate files.
this.copyDirectoryContents(boilerPlateBasePath, exampleFolder, isPathIgnored);
// Copy the common boilerplate files (unless explicitly not used).
if (exampleConfig.useCommonBoilerplate !== false) {
this.copyDirectoryContents(BOILERPLATE_COMMON_PATH, exampleFolder, isPathIgnored);
// Copy ViewEngine (pre-Ivy) specific files
if (viewengine) {
const veBoilerPlateType = boilerPlateType === 'systemjs' ? 'systemjs' : 'cli';
const veBoilerPlateBasePath = path.resolve(BOILERPLATE_VIEWENGINE_PATH, veBoilerPlateType);
this.copyDirectoryContents(veBoilerPlateBasePath, exampleFolder, isPathIgnored);
* Remove all the boilerplate files from all the examples
remove() { shelljs.exec('git clean -xdfq', {cwd: EXAMPLES_BASE_PATH}); }
main() {
yargs.usage('$0 <cmd> [args]')
.command('add', 'add the boilerplate to each example', yrgs => this.add(yrgs.argv.viewengine))
.command('remove', 'remove the boilerplate from each example', () => this.remove())
.demandCommand(1, 'Please supply a command from the list above')
getFoldersContaining(basePath, filename, ignore) {
const pattern = path.resolve(basePath, '**', filename);
const ignorePattern = path.resolve(basePath, '**', ignore, '**');
return glob.sync(pattern, {ignore: [ignorePattern]}).map(file => path.dirname(file));
loadJsonFile(filePath) { return fs.readJsonSync(filePath, {throws: false}) || {}; }
copyDirectoryContents(srcDir, dstDir, isPathIgnored) {'-Al', srcDir).forEach(stat => {
const srcPath = path.resolve(srcDir,;
const dstPath = path.resolve(dstDir,;
if (isPathIgnored(srcPath)) {
// `srcPath` is ignored (e.g. by a `.gitignore` file): Ignore it.
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
// `srcPath` is a directory: Recursively copy it to `dstDir`.
shelljs.mkdir('-p', dstPath);
return this.copyDirectoryContents(srcPath, dstPath, isPathIgnored);
// `srcPath` is a file: Copy it to `dstDir`.
// (Also make the file non-writable to avoid accidental editing of boilerplate files).
if (shelljs.test('-f', dstPath)) {
// If the file already exists, ensure it is writable (so it can be overwritten).
shelljs.chmod(666, dstPath);
shelljs.cp(srcPath, dstDir);
shelljs.chmod(444, dstPath);
module.exports = new ExampleBoilerPlate();
// If this file was run directly then run the main function,
if (require.main === module) {