Martin Probst 3bf8c18c56 chore: run clang-format on code base.
This fixes several minor indentation issues (instanceof precendence,
type declaration specificity, template string length calculation).

This should also fix some flip-flop situations with template strings.
2015-07-12 18:50:52 +02:00

177 lines
5.2 KiB

/// <reference path="../typings/node/node.d.ts" />
import fs = require('fs');
import path = require('path');
function tryStatSync(path) {
try {
return fs.statSync(path);
} catch (e) {
if (e.code === "ENOENT") return null;
throw e;
export class TreeDiffer {
private fingerprints: {[key: string]: string} = Object.create(null);
private nextFingerprints: {[key: string]: string} = Object.create(null);
private rootDirName: string;
private include: RegExp = null;
private exclude: RegExp = null;
constructor(private label: string, private rootPath: string, includeExtensions?: string[],
excludeExtensions?: string[]) {
this.rootDirName = path.basename(rootPath);
let buildRegexp = (arr) => new RegExp(`(${arr.reduce(combine, "")})$`, "i");
this.include = (includeExtensions || []).length ? buildRegexp(includeExtensions) : null;
this.exclude = (excludeExtensions || []).length ? buildRegexp(excludeExtensions) : null;
function combine(prev, curr) {
if (curr.charAt(0) !== ".") {
throw new Error(`Extension must begin with '.'. Was: '${curr}'`);
let kSpecialRegexpChars = /[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g;
curr = '(' + curr.replace(kSpecialRegexpChars, '\\$&') + ')';
return prev ? (prev + '|' + curr) : curr;
public diffTree(): DiffResult {
let result = new DirtyCheckingDiffResult(this.label, this.rootDirName);
this.dirtyCheckPath(this.rootPath, result);
result.endTime =;
return result;
private dirtyCheckPath(rootDir: string, result: DirtyCheckingDiffResult) {
fs.readdirSync(rootDir).forEach((segment) => {
let absolutePath = path.join(rootDir, segment);
let pathStat = fs.lstatSync(absolutePath);
if (pathStat.isSymbolicLink()) {
pathStat = tryStatSync(absolutePath);
if (pathStat === null) return;
if (pathStat.isDirectory()) {
this.dirtyCheckPath(absolutePath, result);
} else {
if (!(this.include && !absolutePath.match(this.include)) &&
!(this.exclude && absolutePath.match(this.exclude))) {
let relativeFilePath = path.relative(this.rootPath, absolutePath);
switch (this.isFileDirty(absolutePath, pathStat)) {
case FileStatus.ADDED:
case FileStatus.CHANGED:
return result;
private isFileDirty(path: string, stat: fs.Stats): FileStatus {
let oldFingerprint = this.fingerprints[path];
let newFingerprint = `${stat.mtime.getTime()} # ${stat.size}`;
this.nextFingerprints[path] = newFingerprint;
if (oldFingerprint) {
this.fingerprints[path] = null;
if (oldFingerprint === newFingerprint) {
// nothing changed
return FileStatus.UNCHANGED;
return FileStatus.CHANGED;
return FileStatus.ADDED;
private detectDeletionsAndUpdateFingerprints(result: DiffResult) {
for (let absolutePath in this.fingerprints) {
if (!(this.include && !absolutePath.match(this.include)) &&
!(this.exclude && absolutePath.match(this.exclude))) {
if (this.fingerprints[absolutePath] !== null) {
let relativePath = path.relative(this.rootPath, absolutePath);
this.fingerprints = this.nextFingerprints;
this.nextFingerprints = Object.create(null);
export class DiffResult {
public addedPaths: string[] = [];
public changedPaths: string[] = [];
public removedPaths: string[] = [];
constructor(public label: string = '') {}
log(verbose: boolean): void {}
toString(): string {
// TODO(@caitp): more meaningful logging
return '';
class DirtyCheckingDiffResult extends DiffResult {
public filesChecked: number = 0;
public directoriesChecked: number = 0;
public startTime: number =;
public endTime: number = null;
constructor(label: string, public directoryName: string) { super(label); }
toString() {
return `${pad(this.label, 30)}, ${pad(this.endTime - this.startTime, 5)}ms, ` +
`${pad(this.addedPaths.length + this.changedPaths.length + this.removedPaths.length, 5)} changes ` +
`(files: ${pad(this.filesChecked, 5)}, dirs: ${pad(this.directoriesChecked, 4)})`;
log(verbose) {
let prefixedPaths = => `+ ${p}`)
.concat( => `* ${p}`))
.concat( => `- ${p}`));
console.log(`Tree diff: ${this}` + ((verbose && prefixedPaths.length) ?
` [\n ${prefixedPaths.join('\n ')}\n]` :
function pad(value, length) {
value = '' + value;
let whitespaceLength = (value.length < length) ? length - value.length : 0;
whitespaceLength = whitespaceLength + 1;
return new Array(whitespaceLength).join(' ') + value;
enum FileStatus {