Adds a gulp task which builds the .ts files (in the cjs build only). The new files have extension .ts since they are now valid typescript. Unfortunately until Typescript can emit System.require, we have to keep the old .es6 version so traceur works inside the Karma preprocessor. This should be fixed soon.
93 lines
2.7 KiB
93 lines
2.7 KiB
"name": "angular",
"version": "2.0.0-alpha.18",
"description": "Angular 2 - a web framework for modern web apps",
"homepage": "",
"bugs": "",
"contributors": {
"Alex Eagle": "",
"Chirayu Krishnappa": "",
"Jeff Cross": "",
"Misko Hevery": "",
"Rado Kirov": "",
"Tobias Bosch": "",
"Victor Savkin": "",
"Yegor Jbanov": ""
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"scripts": {
"preinstall": "npm install tsd && tsd update --config modules/angular2/tsd.json",
"postinstall": "webdriver-manager update && bower install && gulp pubget.dart",
"test": "gulp test.all.js && gulp test.all.dart"
"dependencies": {
"es6-module-loader": "^0.9.2",
"googleapis": "1.0.x",
"gulp-insert": "^0.4.0",
"gulp-modify": "0.0.4",
"gulp-replace": "^0.5.3",
"node-uuid": "1.4.x",
"rx": "2.4.6",
"selenium-webdriver": "2.45.1",
"systemjs": "^0.9.1",
"traceur": "0.0.87",
"which": "~1",
"zone.js": "0.4.2"
"devDependencies": {
"angular": "1.3.5",
"bower": "^1.3.12",
"canonical-path": "0.0.2",
"css": "mlaval/css#issue65",
"del": "~1",
"dgeni": "^0.4.1",
"dgeni-packages": "^0.10.11",
"event-stream": "^3.1.5",
"fs-extra": "^0.16.4",
"glob": "^4.0.6",
"gulp": "^3.8.8",
"gulp-changed": "^1.0.0",
"gulp-clang-format": "^1.0.3",
"gulp-concat": "^2.5.2",
"gulp-connect": "~1.0.5",
"gulp-jasmine": "^1.0.1",
"gulp-load-plugins": "^0.7.1",
"gulp-rename": "^1.2.0",
"gulp-shell": "^0.2.10",
"gulp-sourcemaps": "1.3.*",
"gulp-template": "^3.0.0",
"gulp-traceur": "0.17.*",
"gulp-ts2dart": "^1.0.6",
"gulp-typescript": "ivogabe/gulp-typescript#3422fbff06532ccc57368f3b4c8801de8f72ef27",
"gulp-webserver": "^0.8.7",
"js-yaml": "^3.2.7",
"karma": "^0.12.23",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "^0.1.4",
"karma-cli": "^0.0.4",
"karma-dart": "^0.2.8",
"karma-jasmine": "^0.2.2",
"lodash": "^2.4.1",
"madge": "^0.5.0",
"merge": "^1.2.0",
"minimatch": "^2.0.1",
"minimist": "1.1.x",
"parse5": "1.3.2",
"protractor": "2.0.0",
"q": "^1.0.1",
"run-sequence": "^0.3.6",
"source-map": "^0.3.0",
"sprintf-js": "1.0.*",
"systemjs-builder": "^0.10.3",
"temp": "^0.8.1",
"ternary-stream": "^1.2.3",
"through2": "^0.6.1",
"typescript": "alexeagle/TypeScript#93dbbe2a2d0b42cefd02ac949e4bc8ab6b5b5823",
"vinyl": "^0.4.6",
"yargs": "2.3.*"