Andrew Kushnir dfbf6d72b0 fix(ivy): provide an ability to match <ng-template> tags ()
Prior to this change, we were unable to match directives using `ng-template` tags (for example the following selector would not work even though there might be some <ng-template>s in a template: `ng-template[directiveA]`. As a result, that broke some components that relies on such selectors to work. In order to resolve the problem, we now pass tag name to the `template` instruction (where we passed `null` before) and this tag name is used for matching at runtime. This update should also help support projecting containers, because the tag name is required to properly match such elements.

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2018-12-17 09:33:37 -08:00

318 lines
10 KiB

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* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
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import {EventEmitter, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef} from '@angular/core';
import {AttributeMarker, RenderFlags, defineComponent, defineDirective, directiveInject} from '../../src/render3/index';
import {bind, element, elementEnd, elementProperty, elementStart, listener, template, elementContainerStart, elementContainerEnd, text} from '../../src/render3/instructions';
import {ComponentFixture, TemplateFixture, createComponent} from './render_util';
import {NgIf} from './common_with_def';
describe('directive', () => {
describe('selectors', () => {
it('should match directives with attribute selectors on bindings', () => {
let directiveInstance: Directive;
class Directive {
static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({
type: Directive,
selectors: [['', 'test', '']],
factory: () => directiveInstance = new Directive,
inputs: {test: 'test', other: 'other'}
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
testValue !: boolean;
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
other !: boolean;
* A setter to assert that a binding is not invoked with stringified attribute value
set test(value: any) {
// if a binding is processed correctly we should only be invoked with a false Boolean
// and never with the "false" string literal
this.testValue = value;
if (value !== false) {
fail('Should only be called with a false Boolean value, got a non-falsy value');
* <span [test]="false" [other]="true"></span>
function createTemplate() {
// using 2 bindings to show example shape of attributes array
element(0, 'span', ['class', 'fade', AttributeMarker.SelectOnly, 'test', 'other']);
function updateTemplate() { elementProperty(0, 'test', bind(false)); }
const fixture = new TemplateFixture(createTemplate, updateTemplate, 1, 1, [Directive]);
// the "test" attribute should not be reflected in the DOM as it is here only for directive
// matching purposes
expect(fixture.html).toEqual('<span class="fade"></span>');
expect(directiveInstance !.testValue).toBe(false);
it('should not accidentally set inputs from attributes extracted from bindings / outputs',
() => {
let directiveInstance: Directive;
class Directive {
static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({
type: Directive,
selectors: [['', 'test', '']],
factory: () => directiveInstance = new Directive,
inputs: {test: 'test', prop1: 'prop1', prop2: 'prop2'}
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
prop1 !: boolean;
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
prop2 !: boolean;
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
testValue !: boolean;
* A setter to assert that a binding is not invoked with stringified attribute value
set test(value: any) {
// if a binding is processed correctly we should only be invoked with a false Boolean
// and never with the "false" string literal
this.testValue = value;
if (value !== false) {
fail('Should only be called with a false Boolean value, got a non-falsy value');
* <span class="fade" [prop1]="true" [test]="false" [prop2]="true"></span>
function createTemplate() {
// putting name (test) in the "usual" value position
0, 'span', ['class', 'fade', AttributeMarker.SelectOnly, 'prop1', 'test', 'prop2']);
function updateTemplate() {
elementProperty(0, 'prop1', bind(true));
elementProperty(0, 'test', bind(false));
elementProperty(0, 'prop2', bind(true));
const fixture = new TemplateFixture(createTemplate, updateTemplate, 1, 3, [Directive]);
// the "test" attribute should not be reflected in the DOM as it is here only for directive
// matching purposes
expect(fixture.html).toEqual('<span class="fade"></span>');
expect(directiveInstance !.testValue).toBe(false);
it('should match directives on <ng-template>', () => {
* @Directive({
* selector: 'ng-template[directiveA]'
* })
* export class DirectiveA {
* constructor(public templateRef: TemplateRef<any>) {}
* }
let tmplRef: any;
class DirectiveA {
constructor(public templateRef: any) { tmplRef = templateRef; }
static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({
type: DirectiveA,
selectors: [['ng-template', 'directiveA', '']],
factory: () => new DirectiveA(directiveInject(TemplateRef as any))
function MyComponent_ng_template_Template_0(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
text(0, 'Some content');
class MyComponent {
static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({
type: MyComponent,
selectors: [['my-component']],
factory: () => new MyComponent(),
consts: 1,
vars: 0,
// <ng-template directiveA>Some content</ng-template>
template: function MyComponent_Template(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
0, MyComponent_ng_template_Template_0, 1, 0, 'ng-template', ['directiveA', '']);
directives: [DirectiveA]
new ComponentFixture(MyComponent);
expect(tmplRef instanceof TemplateRef).toBeTruthy();
it('should match directives on <ng-container>', () => {
* @Directive({
* selector: 'ng-container[directiveA]'
* })
* export class DirectiveA {
* constructor(public vcRef: ViewContainerRef<any>) {}
* }
let vcRef: any;
class DirectiveA {
constructor(public viewContainerRef: any) { vcRef = viewContainerRef; }
static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({
type: DirectiveA,
selectors: [['ng-container', 'directiveA', '']],
factory: () => new DirectiveA(directiveInject(ViewContainerRef as any))
function MyComponent_ng_container_Template_0(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
elementContainerStart(0, ['directiveA', '']);
text(1, 'Some content');
class MyComponent {
visible = true;
static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({
type: MyComponent,
selectors: [['my-component']],
factory: () => new MyComponent(),
consts: 1,
vars: 1,
// <ng-container *ngIf="visible" directiveA>Some content</ng-container>
template: function MyComponent_Template(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
0, MyComponent_ng_container_Template_0, 2, 0, 'ng-container',
[AttributeMarker.SelectOnly, 'ngIf']);
if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) {
elementProperty(0, 'ngIf', bind(ctx.visible));
directives: [DirectiveA, NgIf]
new ComponentFixture(MyComponent);
expect(vcRef instanceof ViewContainerRef).toBeTruthy();
it('should match directives with attribute selectors on outputs', () => {
let directiveInstance: Directive;
class Directive {
static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({
type: Directive,
selectors: [['', 'out', '']],
factory: () => directiveInstance = new Directive,
outputs: {out: 'out'}
out = new EventEmitter();
* <span (out)="someVar = true"></span>
function createTemplate() {
elementStart(0, 'span', [AttributeMarker.SelectOnly, 'out']);
{ listener('out', () => {}); }
const fixture = new TemplateFixture(createTemplate, () => {}, 1, 0, [Directive]);
// "out" should not be part of reflected attributes
expect(directiveInstance !).not.toBeUndefined();
describe('outputs', () => {
let directiveInstance: Directive;
class Directive {
static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({
type: Directive,
selectors: [['', 'out', '']],
factory: () => directiveInstance = new Directive,
outputs: {out: 'out'}
out = new EventEmitter();
it('should allow outputs of directive on ng-template', () => {
* <ng-template (out)="value = true"></ng-template>
const Cmpt = createComponent('Cmpt', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: {value: any}) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
template(0, null, 0, 0, 'ng-template', [AttributeMarker.SelectOnly, 'out']);
listener('out', () => { ctx.value = true; });
}, 1, 0, [Directive]);
const fixture = new ComponentFixture(Cmpt);
expect(directiveInstance !).not.toBeUndefined();
directiveInstance !.out.emit();
it('should allow outputs of directive on ng-container', () => {
* <ng-container (out)="value = true"></ng-container>
const Cmpt = createComponent('Cmpt', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: {value: any}) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
elementContainerStart(0, [AttributeMarker.SelectOnly, 'out']);
listener('out', () => { ctx.value = true; });
}, 1, 0, [Directive]);
const fixture = new ComponentFixture(Cmpt);
expect(directiveInstance !).not.toBeUndefined();
directiveInstance !.out.emit();