Pete Bacon Darwin 673ac2945c refactor(compiler): use options argument for parsers (#28055)
This commit consolidates the options that can modify the
parsing of text (e.g. HTML, Angular templates, CSS, i18n)
into an AST for further processing into a single `options`

This makes the code cleaner and more readable, but also
enables us to support further options to parsing without
triggering wide ranging changes to code that should not
be affected by these new options.  Specifically, it will let
us pass information about the placement of a template
that is being parsed in its containing file, which is essential
for accurate SourceMap processing.

PR Close #28055
2019-02-12 20:58:27 -08:00

573 lines
22 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, HtmlParser} from '@angular/compiler';
import {MissingTranslationStrategy} from '@angular/core';
import {digest, serializeNodes as serializeI18nNodes} from '../../src/i18n/digest';
import {extractMessages, mergeTranslations} from '../../src/i18n/extractor_merger';
import * as i18n from '../../src/i18n/i18n_ast';
import {TranslationBundle} from '../../src/i18n/translation_bundle';
import * as html from '../../src/ml_parser/ast';
import {serializeNodes as serializeHtmlNodes} from '../ml_parser/util/util';
describe('Extractor', () => {
describe('elements', () => {
it('should extract from elements', () => {
expect(extract('<div i18n="m|d|e">text<span>nested</span></div>')).toEqual([
['text', '<ph tag name="START_TAG_SPAN">nested</ph name="CLOSE_TAG_SPAN">'], 'm', 'd|e',
it('should extract from attributes', () => {
'<div i18n="m1|d1"><span i18n-title="m2|d2" title="single child">nested</span></div>'))
[['<ph tag name="START_TAG_SPAN">nested</ph name="CLOSE_TAG_SPAN">'], 'm1', 'd1', ''],
[['single child'], 'm2', 'd2', ''],
it('should extract from attributes with id', () => {
'<div i18n="m1|d1@@i1"><span i18n-title="m2|d2@@i2" title="single child">nested</span></div>'))
['<ph tag name="START_TAG_SPAN">nested</ph name="CLOSE_TAG_SPAN">'], 'm1', 'd1',
[['single child'], 'm2', 'd2', 'i2'],
it('should extract from attributes without meaning and with id', () => {
'<div i18n="d1@@i1"><span i18n-title="d2@@i2" title="single child">nested</span></div>'))
[['<ph tag name="START_TAG_SPAN">nested</ph name="CLOSE_TAG_SPAN">'], '', 'd1', 'i1'],
[['single child'], '', 'd2', 'i2'],
it('should extract from attributes with id only', () => {
'<div i18n="@@i1"><span i18n-title="@@i2" title="single child">nested</span></div>'))
[['<ph tag name="START_TAG_SPAN">nested</ph name="CLOSE_TAG_SPAN">'], '', '', 'i1'],
[['single child'], '', '', 'i2'],
it('should extract from ICU messages', () => {
'<div i18n="m|d">{count, plural, =0 { <p i18n-title i18n-desc title="title" desc="desc"></p>}}</div>'))
'{count, plural, =0 {[<ph tag name="START_PARAGRAPH"></ph name="CLOSE_PARAGRAPH">]}}'
'm', 'd', ''
[['title'], '', '', ''],
[['desc'], '', '', ''],
it('should not create a message for empty elements',
() => { expect(extract('<div i18n="m|d"></div>')).toEqual([]); });
it('should ignore implicit elements in translatable elements', () => {
expect(extract('<div i18n="m|d"><p></p></div>', ['p'])).toEqual([
[['<ph tag name="START_PARAGRAPH"></ph name="CLOSE_PARAGRAPH">'], 'm', 'd', '']
describe('blocks', () => {
it('should extract from blocks', () => {
expect(extract(`<!-- i18n: meaning1|desc1 -->message1<!-- /i18n -->
<!-- i18n: desc2 -->message2<!-- /i18n -->
<!-- i18n -->message3<!-- /i18n -->
<!-- i18n: meaning4|desc4@@id4 -->message4<!-- /i18n -->
<!-- i18n: @@id5 -->message5<!-- /i18n -->`))
[['message1'], 'meaning1', 'desc1', ''], [['message2'], '', 'desc2', ''],
[['message3'], '', '', ''], [['message4'], 'meaning4', 'desc4', 'id4'],
[['message5'], '', '', 'id5']
it('should ignore implicit elements in blocks', () => {
expect(extract('<!-- i18n:m|d --><p></p><!-- /i18n -->', ['p'])).toEqual([
[['<ph tag name="START_PARAGRAPH"></ph name="CLOSE_PARAGRAPH">'], 'm', 'd', '']
it('should extract siblings', () => {
`<!-- i18n -->text<p>html<b>nested</b></p>{count, plural, =0 {<span>html</span>}}{{interp}}<!-- /i18n -->`))
'{count, plural, =0 {[<ph tag name="START_TAG_SPAN">html</ph name="CLOSE_TAG_SPAN">]}}'
'', '', ''
'text', '<ph tag name="START_PARAGRAPH">html, <ph tag' +
' name="START_BOLD_TEXT">nested</ph name="CLOSE_BOLD_TEXT"></ph name="CLOSE_PARAGRAPH">',
'<ph icu name="ICU">{count, plural, =0 {[<ph tag' +
' name="START_TAG_SPAN">html</ph name="CLOSE_TAG_SPAN">]}}</ph>',
'[<ph name="INTERPOLATION">interp</ph>]'
'', '', ''
it('should ignore other comments', () => {
expect(extract(`<!-- i18n: meaning1|desc1@@id1 --><!-- other -->message1<!-- /i18n -->`))
[['message1'], 'meaning1', 'desc1', 'id1'],
it('should not create a message for empty blocks',
() => { expect(extract(`<!-- i18n: meaning1|desc1 --><!-- /i18n -->`)).toEqual([]); });
describe('ICU messages', () => {
it('should extract ICU messages from translatable elements', () => {
// single message when ICU is the only children
expect(extract('<div i18n="m|d">{count, plural, =0 {text}}</div>')).toEqual([
[['{count, plural, =0 {[text]}}'], 'm', 'd', ''],
// single message when ICU is the only (implicit) children
expect(extract('<div>{count, plural, =0 {text}}</div>', ['div'])).toEqual([
[['{count, plural, =0 {[text]}}'], '', '', ''],
// one message for the element content and one message for the ICU
expect(extract('<div i18n="m|d@@i">before{count, plural, =0 {text}}after</div>')).toEqual([
['before', '<ph icu name="ICU">{count, plural, =0 {[text]}}</ph>', 'after'], 'm', 'd',
[['{count, plural, =0 {[text]}}'], '', '', ''],
it('should extract ICU messages from translatable block', () => {
// single message when ICU is the only children
expect(extract('<!-- i18n:m|d -->{count, plural, =0 {text}}<!-- /i18n -->')).toEqual([
[['{count, plural, =0 {[text]}}'], 'm', 'd', ''],
// one message for the block content and one message for the ICU
expect(extract('<!-- i18n:m|d -->before{count, plural, =0 {text}}after<!-- /i18n -->'))
[['{count, plural, =0 {[text]}}'], '', '', ''],
['before', '<ph icu name="ICU">{count, plural, =0 {[text]}}</ph>', 'after'], 'm',
'd', ''
it('should not extract ICU messages outside of i18n sections',
() => { expect(extract('{count, plural, =0 {text}}')).toEqual([]); });
it('should ignore nested ICU messages', () => {
expect(extract('<div i18n="m|d">{count, plural, =0 { {sex, select, male {m}} }}</div>'))
[['{count, plural, =0 {[{sex, select, male {[m]}}, ]}}'], 'm', 'd', ''],
it('should ignore implicit elements in non translatable ICU messages', () => {
'<div i18n="m|d@@i">{count, plural, =0 { {sex, select, male {<p>ignore</p>}}' +
' }}</div>',
'{count, plural, =0 {[{sex, select, male {[<ph tag name="START_PARAGRAPH">ignore</ph name="CLOSE_PARAGRAPH">]}}, ]}}'
'm', 'd', 'i'
it('should ignore implicit elements in non translatable ICU messages', () => {
expect(extract('{count, plural, =0 { {sex, select, male {<p>ignore</p>}} }}', ['p']))
describe('attributes', () => {
it('should extract from attributes outside of translatable sections', () => {
expect(extract('<div i18n-title="m|d@@i" title="msg"></div>')).toEqual([
[['msg'], 'm', 'd', 'i'],
it('should extract from attributes in translatable elements', () => {
expect(extract('<div i18n><p><b i18n-title="m|d@@i" title="msg"></b></p></div>')).toEqual([
['<ph tag name="START_PARAGRAPH"><ph tag name="START_BOLD_TEXT"></ph' +
' name="CLOSE_BOLD_TEXT"></ph name="CLOSE_PARAGRAPH">'],
'', '', ''
[['msg'], 'm', 'd', 'i'],
it('should extract from attributes in translatable blocks', () => {
expect(extract('<!-- i18n --><p><b i18n-title="m|d" title="msg"></b></p><!-- /i18n -->'))
[['msg'], 'm', 'd', ''],
['<ph tag name="START_PARAGRAPH"><ph tag name="START_BOLD_TEXT"></ph' +
' name="CLOSE_BOLD_TEXT"></ph name="CLOSE_PARAGRAPH">'],
'', '', ''
it('should extract from attributes in translatable ICUs', () => {
expect(extract(`<!-- i18n -->{count, plural, =0 {<p><b i18n-title="m|d@@i"
title="msg"></b></p>}}<!-- /i18n -->`))
[['msg'], 'm', 'd', 'i'],
'{count, plural, =0 {[<ph tag name="START_PARAGRAPH"><ph tag' +
' name="START_BOLD_TEXT"></ph name="CLOSE_BOLD_TEXT"></ph name="CLOSE_PARAGRAPH">]}}'
'', '', ''
it('should extract from attributes in non translatable ICUs', () => {
expect(extract('{count, plural, =0 {<p><b i18n-title="m|d" title="msg"></b></p>}}'))
[['msg'], 'm', 'd', ''],
it('should not create a message for empty attributes',
() => { expect(extract('<div i18n-title="m|d" title></div>')).toEqual([]); });
describe('implicit elements', () => {
it('should extract from implicit elements', () => {
expect(extract('<b>bold</b><i>italic</i>', ['b'])).toEqual([
[['bold'], '', '', ''],
it('should allow nested implicit elements', () => {
let result: any[] = undefined !;
expect(() => {
result = extract('<div>outer<div>inner</div></div>', ['div']);
[['outer', '<ph tag name="START_TAG_DIV">inner</ph name="CLOSE_TAG_DIV">'], '', '', ''],
describe('implicit attributes', () => {
it('should extract implicit attributes', () => {
expect(extract('<b title="bb">bold</b><i title="ii">italic</i>', [], {'b': ['title']}))
[['bb'], '', '', ''],
describe('errors', () => {
describe('elements', () => {
it('should report nested translatable elements', () => {
expect(extractErrors(`<p i18n><b i18n></b></p>`)).toEqual([
['Could not mark an element as translatable inside a translatable section', '<b i18n>'],
it('should report translatable elements in implicit elements', () => {
expect(extractErrors(`<p><b i18n></b></p>`, ['p'])).toEqual([
['Could not mark an element as translatable inside a translatable section', '<b i18n>'],
it('should report translatable elements in translatable blocks', () => {
expect(extractErrors(`<!-- i18n --><b i18n></b><!-- /i18n -->`)).toEqual([
['Could not mark an element as translatable inside a translatable section', '<b i18n>'],
describe('blocks', () => {
it('should report nested blocks', () => {
expect(extractErrors(`<!-- i18n --><!-- i18n --><!-- /i18n --><!-- /i18n -->`)).toEqual([
['Could not start a block inside a translatable section', '<!--'],
['Trying to close an unopened block', '<!--'],
it('should report unclosed blocks', () => {
expect(extractErrors(`<!-- i18n -->`)).toEqual([
['Unclosed block', '<!--'],
it('should report translatable blocks in translatable elements', () => {
expect(extractErrors(`<p i18n><!-- i18n --><!-- /i18n --></p>`)).toEqual([
['Could not start a block inside a translatable section', '<!--'],
['Trying to close an unopened block', '<!--'],
it('should report translatable blocks in implicit elements', () => {
expect(extractErrors(`<p><!-- i18n --><!-- /i18n --></p>`, ['p'])).toEqual([
['Could not start a block inside a translatable section', '<!--'],
['Trying to close an unopened block', '<!--'],
it('should report when start and end of a block are not at the same level', () => {
expect(extractErrors(`<!-- i18n --><p><!-- /i18n --></p>`)).toEqual([
['I18N blocks should not cross element boundaries', '<!--'],
['Unclosed block', '<p>'],
expect(extractErrors(`<p><!-- i18n --></p><!-- /i18n -->`)).toEqual([
['I18N blocks should not cross element boundaries', '<!--'],
['Unclosed block', '<!--'],
describe('Merger', () => {
describe('elements', () => {
it('should merge elements', () => {
const HTML = `<p i18n="m|d">foo</p>`;
it('should merge nested elements', () => {
const HTML = `<div>before<p i18n="m|d">foo</p><!-- comment --></div>`;
it('should merge empty messages', () => {
const HTML = `<div i18n>some element</div>`;
const htmlNodes: html.Node[] = parseHtml(HTML);
const messages: i18n.Message[] =
extractMessages(htmlNodes, DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, [], {}).messages;
const i18nMsgMap: {[id: string]: i18n.Node[]} = {};
i18nMsgMap[digest(messages[0])] = [];
const translations = new TranslationBundle(i18nMsgMap, null, digest);
const output =
mergeTranslations(htmlNodes, translations, DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, [], {});
describe('blocks', () => {
it('should console.warn if we use i18n comments', () => {
// TODO(ocombe): expect a warning message when we have a proper log service
extract('<!-- i18n --><p><b i18n-title="m|d" title="msg"></b></p><!-- /i18n -->');
it('should merge blocks', () => {
const HTML = `before<!-- i18n --><p>foo</p><span><i>bar</i></span><!-- /i18n -->after`;
'before**[ph tag name="START_PARAGRAPH">foo[/ph name="CLOSE_PARAGRAPH">[ph tag' +
' name="START_TAG_SPAN">[ph tag name="START_ITALIC_TEXT">bar[/ph' +
' name="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT">[/ph name="CLOSE_TAG_SPAN">**after');
it('should merge nested blocks', () => {
const HTML =
`<div>before<!-- i18n --><p>foo</p><span><i>bar</i></span><!-- /i18n -->after</div>`;
'<div>before**[ph tag name="START_PARAGRAPH">foo[/ph name="CLOSE_PARAGRAPH">[ph' +
' tag name="START_TAG_SPAN">[ph tag name="START_ITALIC_TEXT">bar[/ph' +
' name="CLOSE_ITALIC_TEXT">[/ph name="CLOSE_TAG_SPAN">**after</div>');
describe('attributes', () => {
it('should merge attributes', () => {
const HTML = `<p i18n-title="m|d" title="foo"></p>`;
expect(fakeTranslate(HTML)).toEqual('<p title="**foo**"></p>');
it('should merge attributes with ids', () => {
const HTML = `<p i18n-title="@@id" title="foo"></p>`;
expect(fakeTranslate(HTML)).toEqual('<p title="**foo**"></p>');
it('should merge nested attributes', () => {
const HTML = `<div>{count, plural, =0 {<p i18n-title title="foo"></p>}}</div>`;
.toEqual('<div>{count, plural, =0 {<p title="**foo**"></p>}}</div>');
it('should merge attributes without values', () => {
const HTML = `<p i18n-title="m|d" title=""></p>`;
expect(fakeTranslate(HTML)).toEqual('<p title=""></p>');
it('should merge empty attributes', () => {
const HTML = `<div i18n-title title="some attribute">some element</div>`;
const htmlNodes: html.Node[] = parseHtml(HTML);
const messages: i18n.Message[] =
extractMessages(htmlNodes, DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, [], {}).messages;
const i18nMsgMap: {[id: string]: i18n.Node[]} = {};
i18nMsgMap[digest(messages[0])] = [];
const translations = new TranslationBundle(i18nMsgMap, null, digest);
const output =
mergeTranslations(htmlNodes, translations, DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, [], {});
.toEqual(`<div title="">some element</div>`);
describe('no translations', () => {
it('should remove i18n attributes', () => {
const HTML = `<p i18n="m|d">foo</p>`;
it('should remove i18n- attributes', () => {
const HTML = `<p i18n-title="m|d" title="foo"></p>`;
expect(fakeNoTranslate(HTML)).toEqual('<p title="foo"></p>');
it('should remove i18n comment blocks', () => {
const HTML = `before<!-- i18n --><p>foo</p><span><i>bar</i></span><!-- /i18n -->after`;
it('should remove nested i18n markup', () => {
const HTML =
`<!-- i18n --><span someAttr="ok">foo</span><div>{count, plural, =0 {<p i18n-title title="foo"></p>}}</div><!-- /i18n -->`;
'<span someAttr="ok">foo</span><div>{count, plural, =0 {<p title="foo"></p>}}</div>');
function parseHtml(html: string): html.Node[] {
const htmlParser = new HtmlParser();
const parseResult = htmlParser.parse(html, 'extractor spec', {tokenizeExpansionForms: true});
if (parseResult.errors.length > 1) {
throw new Error(`unexpected parse errors: ${parseResult.errors.join('\n')}`);
return parseResult.rootNodes;
function fakeTranslate(
content: string, implicitTags: string[] = [],
implicitAttrs: {[k: string]: string[]} = {}): string {
const htmlNodes: html.Node[] = parseHtml(content);
const messages: i18n.Message[] =
extractMessages(htmlNodes, DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, implicitTags, implicitAttrs)
const i18nMsgMap: {[id: string]: i18n.Node[]} = {};
messages.forEach(message => {
const id = digest(message);
const text = serializeI18nNodes(message.nodes).join('').replace(/</g, '[');
i18nMsgMap[id] = [new i18n.Text(`**${text}**`, null !)];
const translationBundle = new TranslationBundle(i18nMsgMap, null, digest);
const output = mergeTranslations(
htmlNodes, translationBundle, DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, implicitTags, implicitAttrs);
return serializeHtmlNodes(output.rootNodes).join('');
function fakeNoTranslate(
content: string, implicitTags: string[] = [],
implicitAttrs: {[k: string]: string[]} = {}): string {
const htmlNodes: html.Node[] = parseHtml(content);
const translationBundle = new TranslationBundle(
{}, null, digest, undefined, MissingTranslationStrategy.Ignore, console);
const output = mergeTranslations(
htmlNodes, translationBundle, DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, implicitTags, implicitAttrs);
return serializeHtmlNodes(output.rootNodes).join('');
function extract(
html: string, implicitTags: string[] = [],
implicitAttrs: {[k: string]: string[]} = {}): [string[], string, string, string][] {
const result =
extractMessages(parseHtml(html), DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, implicitTags, implicitAttrs);
if (result.errors.length > 0) {
throw new Error(`unexpected errors: ${result.errors.join('\n')}`);
// clang-format off
message => [serializeI18nNodes(message.nodes), message.meaning, message.description,]) as [string[], string, string, string][];
// clang-format on
function extractErrors(
html: string, implicitTags: string[] = [], implicitAttrs: {[k: string]: string[]} = {}): any[] {
const errors =
extractMessages(parseHtml(html), DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, implicitTags, implicitAttrs)
return [string, string] => [e.msg, e.span.toString()]);