51 lines
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51 lines
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import {describe, xit, it, expect} from 'test_lib/test_lib';
import {ProtoWatchGroup} from 'change_detection/watch_group';
import {ProtoView, View} from 'core/compiler/view';
import {ProtoElementInjector, ElementInjector} from 'core/compiler/element_injector';
import {DOM, Element} from 'facade/dom';
import {Module} from 'di/di';
export function main() {
describe('view', function() {
describe('ProtoView', function() {
it('should create an instance of view', function() {
var template = DOM.createTemplate('Hello <b>world</b>!');
var pv = new ProtoView(template, null, null, null, false);
var view:View = pv.instantiate();
expect(view instanceof View).toBe(true);
xit('should create view instance and locate basic parts', function() {
var template = DOM.createTemplate(
'<section class="ng-binding" no-injector>' +
'Hello {}!' +
'<div directive class="ng-binding" injector>' +
'<span class="ng-binding" [hidden]="exp" no-injector>don\'t show me</span>' +
'</div>' +
var module:Module = null;
var sectionPI = new ProtoElementInjector(null);
sectionPI.textNodes = [0];
var divPI = new ProtoElementInjector(null);
var spanPI = new ProtoElementInjector(null);
spanPI.hasProperties = true;
var protoElementInjector:List<ProtoElementInjector> = [sectionPI, divPI, spanPI];
var protoWatchGroup:ProtoWatchGroup = null;
var hasSingleRoot:bool = false;
var pv = new ProtoView(template, module, protoElementInjector, protoWatchGroup, hasSingleRoot);
var view:View = pv.instantiate();
var section:Element = template.content.firstChild;
var div:Element = DOM.getElementsByTagName(section, 'div');
var span:Element = DOM.getElementsByTagName(div, 'span');
expect(DOM.getInnerHTML(view.fragment)).toEqual(DOM.getInnerHTML(section)); // exclude top level <section>
expect(view.nodes).toEqual([view.fragment.firstChild.childNodes]); // TextNode(Hello...), <div>
var elementInjector:ElementInjector = view.elementInjectors[1];
expect(view.elementInjectors).toEqual([null, elementInjector, null]); // only second one has directive