60 lines
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60 lines
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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {FileSystem} from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system';
import {checkExpectations} from '../test_helpers/check_expectations';
import {CompileResult, initMockTestFileSystem} from '../test_helpers/compile_test';
import {ComplianceTest, getAllComplianceTests} from '../test_helpers/get_compliance_tests';
import {checkErrors, checkNoUnexpectedErrors} from './check_errors';
* Set up jasmine specs for each of the compliance tests.
* @param type A description of the type of tests being run.
* @param compileFn The function that will do the compilation of the source files
export function runTests(
type: 'partial compile + link'|'full compile',
compileFn: (fs: FileSystem, test: ComplianceTest) => CompileResult) {
const isPartial = type === 'partial compile + link';
describe(`compliance tests (${type})`, () => {
for (const test of getAllComplianceTests()) {
if (isPartial && test.excludeFromPartialTests) {
describe(`[${test.relativePath}]`, () => {
const itFn = test.focusTest ? fit : test.excludeTest ? xit : it;
itFn(test.description, () => {
if (isPartial && test.compilerOptions?.target === 'ES5') {
throw new Error(
`The "${type}" scenario does not support ES5 output.\n` +
`Did you mean to set \`"excludeFromPartialTests": true\` in "${
const fs = initMockTestFileSystem(test.realTestPath);
const {errors} = compileFn(fs, test);
for (const expectation of test.expectations) {
if (expectation.expectedErrors.length > 0) {
test.relativePath, expectation.failureMessage, expectation.expectedErrors,
} else {
checkNoUnexpectedErrors(test.relativePath, errors);
fs, test.relativePath, expectation.failureMessage, expectation.files,