Misko Hevery b4db73d0bf feat: ngIf now supports else; saves condition to local var
NgIf syntax has been extended to support else clause to display template
when the condition is false. In addition the condition value can now
be stored in local variable, for later reuse. This is especially useful
when used with the `async` pipe.


<div *ngIf="userObservable | async; else loading; let user">
  Hello {{user.last}}, {{user.first}}!
<template #loading>Waiting...</template>

closes #13061
closes #13297
2016-12-09 11:19:08 -08:00
2016-05-01 20:51:00 -07:00

API Examples

This folder contains small example apps that get in-lined into our API docs. Each example contains tests for application behavior (as opposed to testing Angular's behavior) just like an Angular application developer would write.

Running the examples

# # execute the following command only when framework code changes

# run when test change

# start server
$(npm bin)/gulp serve-examples

navigate to http://localhost:8001

Running the tests

 # run only when framework code changes

# run to compile tests and run them

NOTE: sometimes the http server does not exits properly and it retans the 8001 port. in such a case you can use lsof -i:8001 to see which process it is and then use kill to remove it. (Or in single command: lsof -i:8001 -t | xargs kill)