NgIf syntax has been extended to support else clause to display template when the condition is false. In addition the condition value can now be stored in local variable, for later reuse. This is especially useful when used with the `async` pipe. Example: ``` <div *ngIf="userObservable | async; else loading; let user"> Hello {{user.last}}, {{user.first}}! </div> <template #loading>Waiting...</template> ``` closes #13061 closes #13297
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/** @stable */
export declare const APP_BASE_HREF: OpaqueToken;
/** @stable */
export declare class AsyncPipe implements OnDestroy {
constructor(_ref: ChangeDetectorRef);
ngOnDestroy(): void;
transform(obj: Observable<any> | Promise<any> | EventEmitter<any>): any;
/** @stable */
export declare class CommonModule {
/** @stable */
export declare class CurrencyPipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(_locale: string);
transform(value: any, currencyCode?: string, symbolDisplay?: boolean, digits?: string): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class DatePipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(_locale: string);
transform(value: any, pattern?: string): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class DecimalPipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(_locale: string);
transform(value: any, digits?: string): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class HashLocationStrategy extends LocationStrategy {
constructor(_platformLocation: PlatformLocation, _baseHref?: string);
back(): void;
forward(): void;
getBaseHref(): string;
onPopState(fn: LocationChangeListener): void;
path(includeHash?: boolean): string;
prepareExternalUrl(internal: string): string;
pushState(state: any, title: string, path: string, queryParams: string): void;
replaceState(state: any, title: string, path: string, queryParams: string): void;
/** @experimental */
export declare class I18nPluralPipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(_localization: NgLocalization);
transform(value: number, pluralMap: {
[count: string]: string;
}): string;
/** @experimental */
export declare class I18nSelectPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string, mapping: {
[key: string]: string;
}): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class JsonPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class Location {
constructor(platformStrategy: LocationStrategy);
back(): void;
forward(): void;
go(path: string, query?: string): void;
isCurrentPathEqualTo(path: string, query?: string): boolean;
normalize(url: string): string;
path(includeHash?: boolean): string;
prepareExternalUrl(url: string): string;
replaceState(path: string, query?: string): void;
subscribe(onNext: (value: any) => void, onThrow?: (exception: any) => void, onReturn?: () => void): Object;
static joinWithSlash(start: string, end: string): string;
static normalizeQueryParams(params: string): string;
static stripTrailingSlash(url: string): string;
/** @experimental */
export interface LocationChangeEvent {
type: string;
/** @experimental */
export interface LocationChangeListener {
(e: LocationChangeEvent): any;
/** @stable */
export declare abstract class LocationStrategy {
abstract back(): void;
abstract forward(): void;
abstract getBaseHref(): string;
abstract onPopState(fn: LocationChangeListener): void;
abstract path(includeHash?: boolean): string;
abstract prepareExternalUrl(internal: string): string;
abstract pushState(state: any, title: string, url: string, queryParams: string): void;
abstract replaceState(state: any, title: string, url: string, queryParams: string): void;
/** @stable */
export declare class LowerCasePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class NgClass implements DoCheck {
klass: string;
ngClass: string | string[] | Set<string> | {
[klass: string]: any;
constructor(_iterableDiffers: IterableDiffers, _keyValueDiffers: KeyValueDiffers, _ngEl: ElementRef, _renderer: Renderer);
ngDoCheck(): void;
/** @stable */
export declare class NgFor implements DoCheck, OnChanges {
ngForOf: any;
ngForTemplate: TemplateRef<NgForRow>;
ngForTrackBy: TrackByFn;
constructor(_viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, _template: TemplateRef<NgForRow>, _differs: IterableDiffers, _cdr: ChangeDetectorRef);
ngDoCheck(): void;
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;
/** @stable */
export declare class NgIf {
ngIf: any;
ngIfElse: TemplateRef<NgIfContext>;
ngIfThen: TemplateRef<NgIfContext>;
constructor(_viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, templateRef: TemplateRef<NgIfContext>);
/** @experimental */
export declare abstract class NgLocalization {
abstract getPluralCategory(value: any): string;
/** @experimental */
export declare class NgPlural {
ngPlural: number;
constructor(_localization: NgLocalization);
addCase(value: string, switchView: SwitchView): void;
/** @experimental */
export declare class NgPluralCase {
value: string;
constructor(value: string, template: TemplateRef<Object>, viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, ngPlural: NgPlural);
/** @stable */
export declare class NgStyle implements DoCheck {
ngStyle: {
[key: string]: string;
constructor(_differs: KeyValueDiffers, _ngEl: ElementRef, _renderer: Renderer);
ngDoCheck(): void;
/** @stable */
export declare class NgSwitch {
ngSwitch: any;
/** @stable */
export declare class NgSwitchCase implements DoCheck {
ngSwitchCase: any;
constructor(viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, templateRef: TemplateRef<Object>, ngSwitch: NgSwitch);
ngDoCheck(): void;
/** @stable */
export declare class NgSwitchDefault {
constructor(viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, templateRef: TemplateRef<Object>, ngSwitch: NgSwitch);
/** @experimental */
export declare class NgTemplateOutlet implements OnChanges {
ngOutletContext: Object;
ngTemplateOutlet: TemplateRef<Object>;
constructor(_viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef);
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;
/** @stable */
export declare class PathLocationStrategy extends LocationStrategy {
constructor(_platformLocation: PlatformLocation, href?: string);
back(): void;
forward(): void;
getBaseHref(): string;
onPopState(fn: LocationChangeListener): void;
path(includeHash?: boolean): string;
prepareExternalUrl(internal: string): string;
pushState(state: any, title: string, url: string, queryParams: string): void;
replaceState(state: any, title: string, url: string, queryParams: string): void;
/** @stable */
export declare class PercentPipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(_locale: string);
transform(value: any, digits?: string): string;
/** @stable */
export declare abstract class PlatformLocation {
hash: string;
pathname: string;
search: string;
abstract back(): void;
abstract forward(): void;
abstract getBaseHrefFromDOM(): string;
abstract onHashChange(fn: LocationChangeListener): void;
abstract onPopState(fn: LocationChangeListener): void;
abstract pushState(state: any, title: string, url: string): void;
abstract replaceState(state: any, title: string, url: string): void;
/** @stable */
export declare class SlicePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any, start: number, end?: number): any;
/** @stable */
export declare class TitleCasePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class UpperCasePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string): string;
/** @stable */
export declare const VERSION: Version;