In the @Component decorator, the 'host' field is an object which represents host bindings. The type of this field is complex, but is generally of the form {[key: string]: string}. Several different kinds of bindings can be specified, depending on the structure of the key. For example: ``` @Component({ host: {'[prop]': 'someExpr'} }) ``` will bind an expression 'someExpr' to the property 'prop'. This is known to be a property binding because of the square brackets in the binding key. If the binding key is a plain string (no brackets or parentheses), then it is known as an attribute binding. In this case, the right-hand side is not interpreted as an expression, but is instead a constant string. There is no actual requirement that at build time, these constant strings are known to the compiler, but this was previously enforced as a side effect of requiring the binding expressions for property and event bindings to be statically known (as they need to be parsed). This commit breaks that relationship and allows the attribute bindings to be dynamic. In the case that they are dynamic, the references to the dynamic values are reflected into the Ivy instructions for attribute bindings. PR Close #29033
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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {CompilerFacade, CoreEnvironment, ExportedCompilerFacade, R3ComponentMetadataFacade, R3DependencyMetadataFacade, R3DirectiveMetadataFacade, R3InjectableMetadataFacade, R3InjectorMetadataFacade, R3NgModuleMetadataFacade, R3PipeMetadataFacade, R3QueryMetadataFacade, StringMap, StringMapWithRename} from './compiler_facade_interface';
import {ConstantPool} from './constant_pool';
import {HostBinding, HostListener, Input, Output, Type} from './core';
import {compileInjectable} from './injectable_compiler_2';
import {DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, InterpolationConfig} from './ml_parser/interpolation_config';
import {DeclareVarStmt, Expression, LiteralExpr, Statement, StmtModifier, WrappedNodeExpr} from './output/output_ast';
import {JitEvaluator} from './output/output_jit';
import {ParseError, ParseSourceSpan, r3JitTypeSourceSpan} from './parse_util';
import {R3DependencyMetadata, R3ResolvedDependencyType} from './render3/r3_factory';
import {R3JitReflector} from './render3/r3_jit';
import {R3InjectorMetadata, R3NgModuleMetadata, compileInjector, compileNgModule} from './render3/r3_module_compiler';
import {compilePipeFromMetadata} from './render3/r3_pipe_compiler';
import {R3Reference} from './render3/util';
import {R3DirectiveMetadata, R3QueryMetadata} from './render3/view/api';
import {ParsedHostBindings, compileComponentFromMetadata, compileDirectiveFromMetadata, parseHostBindings, verifyHostBindings} from './render3/view/compiler';
import {makeBindingParser, parseTemplate} from './render3/view/template';
import {DomElementSchemaRegistry} from './schema/dom_element_schema_registry';
export class CompilerFacadeImpl implements CompilerFacade {
R3ResolvedDependencyType = R3ResolvedDependencyType as any;
private elementSchemaRegistry = new DomElementSchemaRegistry();
constructor(private jitEvaluator = new JitEvaluator()) {}
compilePipe(angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string, facade: R3PipeMetadataFacade):
any {
const res = compilePipeFromMetadata({
name: facade.name,
type: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type),
deps: convertR3DependencyMetadataArray(facade.deps),
pipeName: facade.pipeName,
pure: facade.pure,
return this.jitExpression(res.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, res.statements);
angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string,
facade: R3InjectableMetadataFacade): any {
const {expression, statements} = compileInjectable({
name: facade.name,
type: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type),
typeArgumentCount: facade.typeArgumentCount,
providedIn: computeProvidedIn(facade.providedIn),
useClass: wrapExpression(facade, USE_CLASS),
useFactory: wrapExpression(facade, USE_FACTORY),
useValue: wrapExpression(facade, USE_VALUE),
useExisting: wrapExpression(facade, USE_EXISTING),
ctorDeps: convertR3DependencyMetadataArray(facade.ctorDeps),
userDeps: convertR3DependencyMetadataArray(facade.userDeps) || undefined,
return this.jitExpression(expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, statements);
angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string,
facade: R3InjectorMetadataFacade): any {
const meta: R3InjectorMetadata = {
name: facade.name,
type: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type),
deps: convertR3DependencyMetadataArray(facade.deps),
providers: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.providers),
imports: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.imports),
const res = compileInjector(meta);
return this.jitExpression(res.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, res.statements);
angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string,
facade: R3NgModuleMetadataFacade): any {
const meta: R3NgModuleMetadata = {
type: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type),
bootstrap: facade.bootstrap.map(wrapReference),
declarations: facade.declarations.map(wrapReference),
imports: facade.imports.map(wrapReference),
exports: facade.exports.map(wrapReference),
emitInline: true,
schemas: facade.schemas ? facade.schemas.map(wrapReference) : null,
const res = compileNgModule(meta);
return this.jitExpression(res.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, []);
angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string,
facade: R3DirectiveMetadataFacade): any {
const constantPool = new ConstantPool();
const bindingParser = makeBindingParser();
const meta: R3DirectiveMetadata = convertDirectiveFacadeToMetadata(facade);
const res = compileDirectiveFromMetadata(meta, constantPool, bindingParser);
const preStatements = [...constantPool.statements, ...res.statements];
return this.jitExpression(res.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, preStatements);
angularCoreEnv: CoreEnvironment, sourceMapUrl: string,
facade: R3ComponentMetadataFacade): any {
// The ConstantPool is a requirement of the JIT'er.
const constantPool = new ConstantPool();
const interpolationConfig = facade.interpolation ?
InterpolationConfig.fromArray(facade.interpolation) :
// Parse the template and check for errors.
const template = parseTemplate(
facade.template, sourceMapUrl,
{preserveWhitespaces: facade.preserveWhitespaces, interpolationConfig});
if (template.errors !== undefined) {
const errors = template.errors.map(err => err.toString()).join(', ');
throw new Error(`Errors during JIT compilation of template for ${facade.name}: ${errors}`);
// Compile the component metadata, including template, into an expression.
// TODO(alxhub): implement inputs, outputs, queries, etc.
const res = compileComponentFromMetadata(
...facade as R3ComponentMetadataFacadeNoPropAndWhitespace,
selector: facade.selector || this.elementSchemaRegistry.getDefaultComponentElementName(),
viewQueries: facade.viewQueries.map(convertToR3QueryMetadata),
wrapDirectivesAndPipesInClosure: false,
styles: facade.styles || [],
encapsulation: facade.encapsulation as any,
interpolation: interpolationConfig,
changeDetection: facade.changeDetection,
animations: facade.animations != null ? new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.animations) : null,
viewProviders: facade.viewProviders != null ? new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.viewProviders) :
relativeContextFilePath: '',
i18nUseExternalIds: true,
constantPool, makeBindingParser(interpolationConfig));
const preStatements = [...constantPool.statements, ...res.statements];
return this.jitExpression(
res.expression, angularCoreEnv, `ng:///${facade.name}.js`, preStatements);
createParseSourceSpan(kind: string, typeName: string, sourceUrl: string): ParseSourceSpan {
return r3JitTypeSourceSpan(kind, typeName, sourceUrl);
* JIT compiles an expression and returns the result of executing that expression.
* @param def the definition which will be compiled and executed to get the value to patch
* @param context an object map of @angular/core symbol names to symbols which will be available
* in the context of the compiled expression
* @param sourceUrl a URL to use for the source map of the compiled expression
* @param preStatements a collection of statements that should be evaluated before the expression.
private jitExpression(
def: Expression, context: {[key: string]: any}, sourceUrl: string,
preStatements: Statement[]): any {
// The ConstantPool may contain Statements which declare variables used in the final expression.
// Therefore, its statements need to precede the actual JIT operation. The final statement is a
// declaration of $def which is set to the expression being compiled.
const statements: Statement[] = [
new DeclareVarStmt('$def', def, undefined, [StmtModifier.Exported]),
const res = this.jitEvaluator.evaluateStatements(
sourceUrl, statements, new R3JitReflector(context), /* enableSourceMaps */ true);
return res['$def'];
// This seems to be needed to placate TS v3.0 only
type R3ComponentMetadataFacadeNoPropAndWhitespace = Pick<
Exclude<Exclude<keyof R3ComponentMetadataFacade, 'preserveWhitespaces'>, 'propMetadata'>>;
const USE_CLASS = Object.keys({useClass: null})[0];
const USE_FACTORY = Object.keys({useFactory: null})[0];
const USE_VALUE = Object.keys({useValue: null})[0];
const USE_EXISTING = Object.keys({useExisting: null})[0];
const wrapReference = function(value: Type): R3Reference {
const wrapped = new WrappedNodeExpr(value);
return {value: wrapped, type: wrapped};
function convertToR3QueryMetadata(facade: R3QueryMetadataFacade): R3QueryMetadata {
return {
predicate: Array.isArray(facade.predicate) ? facade.predicate :
new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.predicate),
read: facade.read ? new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.read) : null,
static: facade.static
function convertDirectiveFacadeToMetadata(facade: R3DirectiveMetadataFacade): R3DirectiveMetadata {
const inputsFromMetadata = parseInputOutputs(facade.inputs || []);
const outputsFromMetadata = parseInputOutputs(facade.outputs || []);
const propMetadata = facade.propMetadata;
const inputsFromType: StringMapWithRename = {};
const outputsFromType: StringMap = {};
for (const field in propMetadata) {
if (propMetadata.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
propMetadata[field].forEach(ann => {
if (isInput(ann)) {
inputsFromType[field] =
ann.bindingPropertyName ? [ann.bindingPropertyName, field] : field;
} else if (isOutput(ann)) {
outputsFromType[field] = ann.bindingPropertyName || field;
return {
...facade as R3DirectiveMetadataFacadeNoPropAndWhitespace,
typeSourceSpan: facade.typeSourceSpan,
type: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type),
deps: convertR3DependencyMetadataArray(facade.deps),
host: extractHostBindings(facade.host, facade.propMetadata, facade.typeSourceSpan),
inputs: {...inputsFromMetadata, ...inputsFromType},
outputs: {...outputsFromMetadata, ...outputsFromType},
queries: facade.queries.map(convertToR3QueryMetadata),
providers: facade.providers != null ? new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.providers) : null,
// This seems to be needed to placate TS v3.0 only
type R3DirectiveMetadataFacadeNoPropAndWhitespace =
Pick<R3DirectiveMetadataFacade, Exclude<keyof R3DirectiveMetadataFacade, 'propMetadata'>>;
function wrapExpression(obj: any, property: string): WrappedNodeExpr<any>|undefined {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
return new WrappedNodeExpr(obj[property]);
} else {
return undefined;
function computeProvidedIn(providedIn: Type | string | null | undefined): Expression {
if (providedIn == null || typeof providedIn === 'string') {
return new LiteralExpr(providedIn);
} else {
return new WrappedNodeExpr(providedIn);
function convertR3DependencyMetadata(facade: R3DependencyMetadataFacade): R3DependencyMetadata {
let tokenExpr;
if (facade.token === null) {
tokenExpr = new LiteralExpr(null);
} else if (facade.resolved === R3ResolvedDependencyType.Attribute) {
tokenExpr = new LiteralExpr(facade.token);
} else {
tokenExpr = new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.token);
return {
token: tokenExpr,
resolved: facade.resolved,
host: facade.host,
optional: facade.optional,
self: facade.self,
skipSelf: facade.skipSelf
function convertR3DependencyMetadataArray(facades: R3DependencyMetadataFacade[] | null | undefined):
R3DependencyMetadata[]|null {
return facades == null ? null : facades.map(convertR3DependencyMetadata);
function extractHostBindings(
host: {[key: string]: string}, propMetadata: {[key: string]: any[]},
sourceSpan: ParseSourceSpan): ParsedHostBindings {
// First parse the declarations from the metadata.
const bindings = parseHostBindings(host || {});
// After that check host bindings for errors
const errors = verifyHostBindings(bindings, sourceSpan);
if (errors.length) {
throw new Error(errors.map((error: ParseError) => error.msg).join('\n'));
// Next, loop over the properties of the object, looking for @HostBinding and @HostListener.
for (const field in propMetadata) {
if (propMetadata.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
propMetadata[field].forEach(ann => {
if (isHostBinding(ann)) {
bindings.properties[ann.hostPropertyName || field] = field;
} else if (isHostListener(ann)) {
bindings.listeners[ann.eventName || field] = `${field}(${(ann.args || []).join(',')})`;
return bindings;
function isHostBinding(value: any): value is HostBinding {
return value.ngMetadataName === 'HostBinding';
function isHostListener(value: any): value is HostListener {
return value.ngMetadataName === 'HostListener';
function isInput(value: any): value is Input {
return value.ngMetadataName === 'Input';
function isOutput(value: any): value is Output {
return value.ngMetadataName === 'Output';
function parseInputOutputs(values: string[]): StringMap {
return values.reduce(
(map, value) => {
const [field, property] = value.split(',').map(piece => piece.trim());
map[field] = property || field;
return map;
{} as StringMap);
export function publishFacade(global: any) {
const ng: ExportedCompilerFacade = global.ng || (global.ng = {});
ng.ɵcompilerFacade = new CompilerFacadeImpl();