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Use the event syntax <strong>(<em>eventName</em>)</strong> to
make your application respond to user input.
You can specify the event handler—a method in the component controller—like this:
<input (keyup)="myControllerMethod()">
As in previous examples, you can make element references available to
other parts of the template as a local
variable using the <b>#</b> syntax.
Using <code>#</code> and events,
you can write the old "update text as you type" example:
<!-- PENDING: make sure we use recommended word separation scheme.
my-name doesn't work, but my_name does. Would myName work? -->
<input #myname (keyup)>
In that example, <code>#myname</code> creates a local variable in the template that
the <code><p></code> element can refer to.
The <code>(keyup)</code> tells Angular to trigger updates when it gets a keyup
event. And <code>{{myname.value}}</code> binds the text node of the
<code><p></code> element to the
input's value property.
Let's do something a little more complex, where the user enters items
that the app adds to a list:
img(src='/resources/images/examples/user-input-example1.png' alt="Example of Todo App")
h2#section-create-an-array-property Create a list property
With the default files in place,
create a TodoController class to manage interactions with the
list. Inside TodoController, add a list with some initial items.
Then add a method that adds new items
to the list.
code-example(language="dart" format="linenums").
class TodoList {
List<String> todos =
['Eat breakfast', 'Walk dog', 'Breathe', 'Learn Angular'];
addTodo(String todo) {
header Production Best Practice
As shown in the previous example, a production application you would
separate the model out into another class
and inject it into <code>TodoController</code>.
We've omitted that here for brevity.
<br><br><!-- PENDING: fix formatting of main sections after callouts -->
h2#section-display-the-list-of-todos Display the list of todos
Using the <code>*for</code> iterator, create an <code><li></code> for each item in the todos list and set
its text to the value.
code-example(language="html" format="linenums").
<li *for="#todo of todos">
{{ todo }}
h2#section-add-todos-to-the-list Add todos to the list via button click
Now, add a text input and a button for users to add items to the list. As you saw above, you can create a local
variable reference in your template with <code>#varname</code>. Call it <code>#todotext</code> here.
<input #todotext>
Specify the target of the click event binding as your controller's
<code>addTodo()</code> method and pass
it the value. Since you created a reference called <code>todotext</code>,
you can get the value with <code>todotext.value.</code>
<button (click)="addTodo(todotext.value)">Add Todo</button>
To make pressing Enter do something useful,
you can add a keyup event handler to the input field.
This event handler uses APIs defined in
<a href="https://api.dartlang.org/apidocs/channels/stable/dartdoc-viewer/dart:html">dart:html</a>,
so be sure to import that library.
code-pane(language="dart" name="todo_list.dart" format="linenums").
// In the template:
<input #todotext (keyup)="doneTyping(\$event)">
// In the component controller class:
doneTyping(KeyboardEvent event) {
if (event.keyCode == KeyCode.ENTER) {
InputElement e = event.target;
e.value = null;
code-pane(language="dart" name="main.dart" format="linenums").
library user_input;
import 'dart:html';
h2#section-final-code Final code
code-pane(language="dart" name="todo_list.dart" format="linenums").
// web/todo_list.dart
part of user_input;
selector: 'todo-list'
// Without r before ''' (a raw string), $event breaks Angular.
// An alternative to a raw string is to use \$event instead.
template: r'''
<li *for="#todo of todos">
{{ todo }}
<input #todotext (keyup)="doneTyping($event)">
<button (click)="addTodo(todotext.value)">Add Todo</button>
directives: const[For]
class TodoList {
List<String> todos =
['Eat breakfast', 'Walk dog', 'Breathe', 'Learn Angular'];
addTodo(String todo) {
doneTyping(KeyboardEvent event) {
if (event.keyCode == KeyCode.ENTER) {
InputElement e = event.target;
e.value = null;
code-pane(language="dart" name="main.dart" format="linenums").
// web/main.dart
library user_input;
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:angular2/angular2.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/reflection/reflection.dart' show reflector;
import 'package:angular2/src/reflection/reflection_capabilities.dart' show ReflectionCapabilities;
part 'todo_list.dart';
main() {
reflector.reflectionCapabilities = new ReflectionCapabilities();
code-pane(language="html" name="index.html" format="linenums").
<!-- web/index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script type="application/dart" src="main.dart"></script>
<script src="packages/browser/dart.js"></script>
code-pane(language="yaml" name="pubspec.yaml" format="linenums").
# pubspec.yaml
name: user_input
description: Dart version of Angular 2 example, Responding to User Input
version: 0.0.1
angular2: 2.0.0-alpha.23
browser: any