With the next version of the CLI we don't need to add logging for the description of the schematic as part of the schematic itself. This is because now, the CLI will print the description defined in the `migrations.json` file. See: https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/pull/15951 PR Close #33440
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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {Rule, SchematicContext, SchematicsException, Tree} from '@angular-devkit/schematics';
import {dirname, relative} from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {getProjectTsConfigPaths} from '../../utils/project_tsconfig_paths';
import {createMigrationCompilerHost} from '../../utils/typescript/compiler_host';
import {parseTsconfigFile} from '../../utils/typescript/parse_tsconfig';
import {NgDefinitionCollector} from './definition_collector';
import {MissingInjectableTransform} from './transform';
import {UpdateRecorder} from './update_recorder';
/** Entry point for the V9 "missing @Injectable" schematic. */
export default function(): Rule {
return (tree: Tree, ctx: SchematicContext) => {
const {buildPaths, testPaths} = getProjectTsConfigPaths(tree);
const basePath = process.cwd();
const failures: string[] = [];
if (!buildPaths.length && !testPaths.length) {
throw new SchematicsException(
'Could not find any tsconfig file. Cannot add the "@Injectable" decorator to providers ' +
'which don\'t have that decorator set.');
for (const tsconfigPath of [...buildPaths, ...testPaths]) {
failures.push(...runMissingInjectableMigration(tree, tsconfigPath, basePath));
if (failures.length) {
ctx.logger.info('Could not migrate all providers automatically. Please');
ctx.logger.info('manually migrate the following instances:');
failures.forEach(message => ctx.logger.warn(`⮑ ${message}`));
function runMissingInjectableMigration(
tree: Tree, tsconfigPath: string, basePath: string): string[] {
const parsed = parseTsconfigFile(tsconfigPath, dirname(tsconfigPath));
const host = createMigrationCompilerHost(tree, parsed.options, basePath);
const failures: string[] = [];
const program = ts.createProgram(parsed.fileNames, parsed.options, host);
const typeChecker = program.getTypeChecker();
const definitionCollector = new NgDefinitionCollector(typeChecker);
const sourceFiles = program.getSourceFiles().filter(
f => !f.isDeclarationFile && !program.isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary(f));
// Analyze source files by detecting all modules, directives and components.
sourceFiles.forEach(sourceFile => definitionCollector.visitNode(sourceFile));
const {resolvedModules, resolvedDirectives} = definitionCollector;
const transformer = new MissingInjectableTransform(typeChecker, getUpdateRecorder);
const updateRecorders = new Map<ts.SourceFile, UpdateRecorder>();
].forEach(({message, node}) => {
const nodeSourceFile = node.getSourceFile();
const relativeFilePath = relative(basePath, nodeSourceFile.fileName);
const {line, character} =
ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getSourceFile(), node.getStart());
failures.push(`${relativeFilePath}@${line + 1}:${character + 1}: ${message}`);
// Record the changes collected in the import manager and transformer.
// Walk through each update recorder and commit the update. We need to commit the
// updates in batches per source file as there can be only one recorder per source
// file in order to avoid shift character offsets.
updateRecorders.forEach(recorder => recorder.commitUpdate());
return failures;
/** Gets the update recorder for the specified source file. */
function getUpdateRecorder(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): UpdateRecorder {
if (updateRecorders.has(sourceFile)) {
return updateRecorders.get(sourceFile) !;
const treeRecorder = tree.beginUpdate(relative(basePath, sourceFile.fileName));
const recorder: UpdateRecorder = {
addClassDecorator(node: ts.ClassDeclaration, text: string) {
// New imports should be inserted at the left while decorators should be inserted
// at the right in order to ensure that imports are inserted before the decorator
// if the start position of import and decorator is the source file start.
treeRecorder.insertRight(node.getStart(), `${text}\n`);
replaceDecorator(decorator: ts.Decorator, newText: string) {
treeRecorder.remove(decorator.getStart(), decorator.getWidth());
treeRecorder.insertRight(decorator.getStart(), newText);
addNewImport(start: number, importText: string) {
// New imports should be inserted at the left while decorators should be inserted
// at the right in order to ensure that imports are inserted before the decorator
// if the start position of import and decorator is the source file start.
treeRecorder.insertLeft(start, importText);
updateExistingImport(namedBindings: ts.NamedImports, newNamedBindings: string) {
treeRecorder.remove(namedBindings.getStart(), namedBindings.getWidth());
treeRecorder.insertRight(namedBindings.getStart(), newNamedBindings);
commitUpdate() { tree.commitUpdate(treeRecorder); }
updateRecorders.set(sourceFile, recorder);
return recorder;