129 lines
4.9 KiB

import {ddescribe, describe, it, iit, xit, expect, beforeEach, afterEach} from 'angular2/test_lib';
import {isBlank} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {coalesce} from 'angular2/src/change_detection/coalesce';
import {RecordType, ProtoRecord} from 'angular2/src/change_detection/proto_record';
import {DirectiveIndex} from 'angular2/src/change_detection/directive_record';
export function main() {
function r(funcOrValue, args, contextIndex, selfIndex,
{lastInBinding, mode, name, directiveIndex, argumentToPureFunction}: {
lastInBinding?: any,
mode?: any,
name?: any,
directiveIndex?: any,
argumentToPureFunction?: boolean
} = {}) {
if (isBlank(lastInBinding)) lastInBinding = false;
if (isBlank(mode)) mode = RecordType.PROPERTY;
if (isBlank(name)) name = "name";
if (isBlank(directiveIndex)) directiveIndex = null;
if (isBlank(argumentToPureFunction)) argumentToPureFunction = false;
return new ProtoRecord(mode, name, funcOrValue, args, null, contextIndex, directiveIndex,
selfIndex, null, null, lastInBinding, false, argumentToPureFunction,
describe("change detection - coalesce", () => {
it("should work with an empty list", () => { expect(coalesce([])).toEqual([]); });
it("should remove non-terminal duplicate records" +
" and update the context indices referencing them",
() => {
var rs = coalesce(
[r("user", [], 0, 1), r("first", [], 1, 2), r("user", [], 0, 3), r("last", [], 3, 4)]);
expect(rs).toEqual([r("user", [], 0, 1), r("first", [], 1, 2), r("last", [], 1, 3)]);
it("should update indices of other records", () => {
var rs = coalesce(
[r("dup", [], 0, 1), r("dup", [], 0, 2), r("user", [], 0, 3), r("first", [3], 3, 4)]);
expect(rs).toEqual([r("dup", [], 0, 1), r("user", [], 0, 2), r("first", [2], 2, 3)]);
it("should remove non-terminal duplicate records" +
" and update the args indices referencing them",
() => {
var rs = coalesce([
r("user1", [], 0, 1),
r("user2", [], 0, 2),
r("hi", [1], 0, 3),
r("hi", [1], 0, 4),
r("hi", [2], 0, 5)
[r("user1", [], 0, 1), r("user2", [], 0, 2), r("hi", [1], 0, 3), r("hi", [2], 0, 4)]);
it("should replace duplicate terminal records with self records", () => {
var rs = coalesce(
[r("user", [], 0, 1, {lastInBinding: true}), r("user", [], 0, 2, {lastInBinding: true})]);
expect(rs[1]).toEqual(new ProtoRecord(RecordType.SELF, "self", null, [], null, 1, null, 2,
null, null, true, false, false, false));
it("should set referencedBySelf", () => {
var rs = coalesce(
[r("user", [], 0, 1, {lastInBinding: true}), r("user", [], 0, 2, {lastInBinding: true})]);
it("should not coalesce directive lifecycle records", () => {
var rs = coalesce([
r("onCheck", [], 0, 1, {mode: RecordType.DIRECTIVE_LIFECYCLE}),
r("onCheck", [], 0, 1, {mode: RecordType.DIRECTIVE_LIFECYCLE})
it("should not coalesce protos with different names but same value", () => {
var nullFunc = () => {};
var rs = coalesce([
r(nullFunc, [], 0, 1, {name: "foo"}),
r(nullFunc, [], 0, 1, {name: "bar"}),
it("should not coalesce protos with the same context index but different directive indices",
() => {
var nullFunc = () => {};
var rs = coalesce([
r(nullFunc, [], 0, 1, {directiveIndex: new DirectiveIndex(0, 0)}),
r(nullFunc, [], 0, 1, {directiveIndex: new DirectiveIndex(0, 1)}),
r(nullFunc, [], 0, 1, {directiveIndex: new DirectiveIndex(1, 0)}),
r(nullFunc, [], 0, 1, {directiveIndex: null}),
it('should preserve the argumentToPureFunction property', () => {
var rs = coalesce([
r("user", [], 0, 1),
r("user", [], 0, 2, {argumentToPureFunction: true}),
r("user", [], 0, 3),
r("name", [], 3, 4)
.toEqual([r("user", [], 0, 1, {argumentToPureFunction: true}), r("name", [], 1, 2)]);
it('should preserve the argumentToPureFunction property (the original record)', () => {
var rs = coalesce([
r("user", [], 0, 1, {argumentToPureFunction: true}),
r("user", [], 0, 2),
r("name", [], 2, 3)
.toEqual([r("user", [], 0, 1, {argumentToPureFunction: true}), r("name", [], 1, 2)]);