Paul Gschwendtner dbc2364d16 fix(dev-infra): support running scripts from within a detached head (#37737)
Scripts provided in the `ng-dev` command might use local `git`
commands. For such scripts, we keep track of the branch that
has been checked out before the command has been invoked.

We do this so that we can later (upon command completion)
restore back to the original branch. We do not want to
leave the Git repository in a dirty state.

It looks like this logic currently only deals with branches
but does not work properly when a command is invoked from
a detached head. We can make it work by just checking out
the previous revision (if no branch is checked out).

PR Close #37737
2020-06-26 09:51:09 -07:00

150 lines
5.8 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {types as graphQLTypes} from 'typed-graphqlify';
import {URL} from 'url';
import {getConfig, NgDevConfig} from '../../utils/config';
import {error, info, promptConfirm} from '../../utils/console';
import {GitClient} from '../../utils/git';
import {getPr} from '../../utils/github';
/* GraphQL schema for the response body for each pending PR. */
const PR_SCHEMA = {
state: graphQLTypes.string,
maintainerCanModify: graphQLTypes.boolean,
viewerDidAuthor: graphQLTypes.boolean,
headRefOid: graphQLTypes.string,
headRef: {
name: graphQLTypes.string,
repository: {
url: graphQLTypes.string,
nameWithOwner: graphQLTypes.string,
baseRef: {
name: graphQLTypes.string,
repository: {
url: graphQLTypes.string,
nameWithOwner: graphQLTypes.string,
* Rebase the provided PR onto its merge target branch, and push up the resulting
* commit to the PRs repository.
export async function rebasePr(
prNumber: number, githubToken: string, config: Pick<NgDevConfig, 'github'> = getConfig()) {
const git = new GitClient(githubToken);
// TODO: Rely on a common assertNoLocalChanges function.
if (git.hasLocalChanges()) {
error('Cannot perform rebase of PR with local changes.');
* The branch or revision originally checked out before this method performed
* any Git operations that may change the working branch.
const previousBranchOrRevision = git.getCurrentBranchOrRevision();
/* Get the PR information from Github. */
const pr = await getPr(PR_SCHEMA, prNumber, config.github);
const headRefName =;
const baseRefName =;
const fullHeadRef = `${pr.headRef.repository.nameWithOwner}:${headRefName}`;
const fullBaseRef = `${pr.baseRef.repository.nameWithOwner}:${baseRefName}`;
const headRefUrl = addAuthenticationToUrl(pr.headRef.repository.url, githubToken);
const baseRefUrl = addAuthenticationToUrl(pr.baseRef.repository.url, githubToken);
// Note: Since we use a detached head for rebasing the PR and therefore do not have
// remote-tracking branches configured, we need to set our expected ref and SHA. This
// allows us to use `--force-with-lease` for the detached head while ensuring that we
// never accidentally override upstream changes that have been pushed in the meanwhile.
// See:
const forceWithLeaseFlag = `--force-with-lease=${headRefName}:${pr.headRefOid}`;
// If the PR does not allow maintainers to modify it, exit as the rebased PR cannot
// be pushed up.
if (!pr.maintainerCanModify && !pr.viewerDidAuthor) {
`Cannot rebase as you did not author the PR and the PR does not allow maintainers` +
`to modify the PR`);
try {
// Fetch the branch at the commit of the PR, and check it out in a detached state.
info(`Checking out PR #${prNumber} from ${fullHeadRef}`);['fetch', headRefUrl, headRefName]);['checkout', '--detach', 'FETCH_HEAD']);
// Fetch the PRs target branch and rebase onto it.
info(`Fetching ${fullBaseRef} to rebase #${prNumber} on`);['fetch', baseRefUrl, baseRefName]);
info(`Attempting to rebase PR #${prNumber} on ${fullBaseRef}`);
const rebaseResult = git.runGraceful(['rebase', 'FETCH_HEAD']);
// If the rebase was clean, push the rebased PR up to the authors fork.
if (rebaseResult.status === 0) {
info(`Rebase was able to complete automatically without conflicts`);
info(`Pushing rebased PR #${prNumber} to ${fullHeadRef}`);['push', headRefUrl, `HEAD:${headRefName}`, forceWithLeaseFlag]);
info(`Rebased and updated PR #${prNumber}`);
} catch (err) {
// On automatic rebase failures, prompt to choose if the rebase should be continued
// manually or aborted now.
info(`Rebase was unable to complete automatically without conflicts.`);
// If the command is run in a non-CI environment, prompt to format the files immediately.
const continueRebase =
process.env['CI'] === undefined && await promptConfirm('Manually complete rebase?');
if (continueRebase) {
info(`After manually completing rebase, run the following command to update PR #${prNumber}:`);
info(` $ git push ${pr.headRef.repository.url} HEAD:${headRefName} ${forceWithLeaseFlag}`);
info(`To abort the rebase and return to the state of the repository before this command`);
info(`run the following command:`);
info(` $ git rebase --abort && git reset --hard && git checkout ${previousBranchOrRevision}`);
} else {
info(`Cleaning up git state, and restoring previous state.`);
/** Reset git back to the original branch. */
function cleanUpGitState() {
// Ensure that any outstanding rebases are aborted.
git.runGraceful(['rebase', '--abort'], {stdio: 'ignore'});
// Ensure that any changes in the current repo state are cleared.
git.runGraceful(['reset', '--hard'], {stdio: 'ignore'});
// Checkout the original branch from before the run began.
git.runGraceful(['checkout', previousBranchOrRevision], {stdio: 'ignore'});
/** Adds the provided token as username to the provided url. */
function addAuthenticationToUrl(urlString: string, token: string) {
const url = new URL(urlString);
url.username = token;
return url.toString();