This allows CLI usage to filter excessive log messages and integrations like webpack plugins to provide their own logger. // FW-1198 PR Close #29591
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* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
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import {AbsoluteFsPath} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/path';
import {readFileSync} from 'fs';
import * as mockFs from 'mock-fs';
import {getEntryPointInfo} from '../../src/packages/entry_point';
import {MockLogger} from '../helpers/mock_logger';
describe('getEntryPointInfo()', () => {
const _ = AbsoluteFsPath.from;
const SOME_PACKAGE = _('/some_package');
it('should return an object containing absolute paths to the formats of the specified entry-point',
() => {
const entryPoint =
getEntryPointInfo(new MockLogger(), SOME_PACKAGE, _('/some_package/valid_entry_point'));
name: 'some-package/valid_entry_point',
package: SOME_PACKAGE,
path: _('/some_package/valid_entry_point'),
typings: _(`/some_package/valid_entry_point/valid_entry_point.d.ts`),
packageJson: loadPackageJson('/some_package/valid_entry_point'),
it('should return null if there is no package.json at the entry-point path', () => {
const entryPoint =
getEntryPointInfo(new MockLogger(), SOME_PACKAGE, _('/some_package/missing_package_json'));
it('should return null if there is no typings or types field in the package.json', () => {
const entryPoint =
getEntryPointInfo(new MockLogger(), SOME_PACKAGE, _('/some_package/missing_typings'));
it('should return null if there is no esm2015 nor fesm2015 field in the package.json', () => {
const entryPoint =
getEntryPointInfo(new MockLogger(), SOME_PACKAGE, _('/some_package/missing_esm2015'));
it('should return null if there is no metadata.json file next to the typing file', () => {
const entryPoint =
getEntryPointInfo(new MockLogger(), SOME_PACKAGE, _('/some_package/missing_metadata.json'));
it('should work if the typings field is named `types', () => {
const entryPoint = getEntryPointInfo(
new MockLogger(), SOME_PACKAGE, _('/some_package/types_rather_than_typings'));
name: 'some-package/types_rather_than_typings',
package: SOME_PACKAGE,
path: _('/some_package/types_rather_than_typings'),
typings: _(`/some_package/types_rather_than_typings/types_rather_than_typings.d.ts`),
packageJson: loadPackageJson('/some_package/types_rather_than_typings'),
it('should work with Angular Material style package.json', () => {
const entryPoint =
getEntryPointInfo(new MockLogger(), SOME_PACKAGE, _('/some_package/material_style'));
name: 'some_package/material_style',
package: SOME_PACKAGE,
path: _('/some_package/material_style'),
typings: _(`/some_package/material_style/material_style.d.ts`),
packageJson: JSON.parse(readFileSync('/some_package/material_style/package.json', 'utf8')),
it('should return null if the package.json is not valid JSON', () => {
const entryPoint =
getEntryPointInfo(new MockLogger(), SOME_PACKAGE, _('/some_package/unexpected_symbols'));
function createMockFileSystem() {
'/some_package': {
'valid_entry_point': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('valid_entry_point'),
'valid_entry_point.metadata.json': 'some meta data',
'missing_package_json': {
// no package.json!
'missing_package_json.metadata.json': 'some meta data',
'missing_typings': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('missing_typings', {excludes: ['typings']}),
'missing_typings.metadata.json': 'some meta data',
'types_rather_than_typings': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('types_rather_than_typings', {}, 'types'),
'types_rather_than_typings.metadata.json': 'some meta data',
'missing_esm2015': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('missing_fesm2015', {excludes: ['esm2015', 'fesm2015']}),
'missing_esm2015.metadata.json': 'some meta data',
'missing_metadata': {
'package.json': createPackageJson('missing_metadata'),
// no metadata.json!
'material_style': {
'package.json': `{
"name": "some_package/material_style",
"typings": "./material_style.d.ts",
"main": "./bundles/material_style.umd.js",
"module": "./esm5/material_style.es5.js",
"es2015": "./esm2015/material_style.js"
'material_style.metadata.json': 'some meta data',
'unexpected_symbols': {
// package.json might not be a valid JSON
// for example, @schematics/angular contains a package.json blueprint
// with unexpected symbols
'{"devDependencies": {<% if (!minimal) { %>"@types/jasmine": "~2.8.8" <% } %>}}',
function restoreRealFileSystem() {
function createPackageJson(
packageName: string, {excludes}: {excludes?: string[]} = {},
typingsProp: string = 'typings'): string {
const packageJson: any = {
name: `some-package/${packageName}`,
[typingsProp]: `./${packageName}.d.ts`,
fesm2015: `./fesm2015/${packageName}.js`,
esm2015: `./esm2015/${packageName}.js`,
fesm5: `./fesm2015/${packageName}.js`,
esm5: `./esm2015/${packageName}.js`,
main: `./bundles/${packageName}.umd.js`,
if (excludes) {
excludes.forEach(exclude => delete packageJson[exclude]);
return JSON.stringify(packageJson);
export function loadPackageJson(packagePath: string) {
return JSON.parse(readFileSync(packagePath + '/package.json', 'utf8'));