* cache/quickstart sync before making Dart edits * quickstart updates for Dart * cache/guide/index sync before making Dart edits * guide/index updates for Dart * learning-angular for Dart * guide/setup for Dart * refresh cache/tutorial/index
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include ../../../_includes/_util-fns
//- See the _util-fns file included above for a description of the use of these variables.
- var _docsFor = 'dart';
- var _decorator = 'annotation';
- var _Array = 'List';
- var _array = 'list';
- var _a = 'an';
- var _an = 'a';
- var _priv = '_';
- var _Lang = 'Dart';
- var _Promise = 'Future';
- var _FutureUrl = 'https://api.dartlang.org/dart_async/Future.html';
- var _PromiseLinked = '<a href="' + _FutureUrl + '">' + _Promise + '</a>';
- var _Observable = 'Stream';
- var _liveLink = 'sample repo';
- var _truthy = 'true';
- var _falsey = 'false';
- var _appDir = 'lib';
- var _indexHtmlDir = 'web';
- var _mainDir = 'web';
- var _ngRepoURL = 'https://github.com/dart-lang/angular2';
//- Don't override this value quite yet:
//- var _ngDocRepoURL = 'https://github.com/dart-lang/site-webdev';
- var _qsRepo = 'https://github.com/angular-examples/quickstart'
- var _qsRepoZip = _qsRepo + '/archive/master.zip';
- var _npm = 'pub';
//- NgModule related
- var _AppModuleVsAppComp = 'AppComponent'
- var _appModuleTsVsAppCompTs = 'app/app_component.dart'
- var _appModuleTsVsMainTs = 'web/main.dart'
- var _bootstrapModule = 'bootstrap'
- var _declsVsDirectives = 'directives'
- var _moduleVsComp = 'component'
- var _moduleVsRootComp = 'root component'
- var _platformBrowserDynamicVsBootStrap = 'bootstrap'
- var adjustTsExamplePathForDart = function(_path) {
- if(!_path) return _path;
- var path = _path.trim();
- var folder = getFolder(path);
- var extn = getExtn(path);
- // if(extn == 'dart') return path;
- var baseName = getBaseFileName(path) || path; // TODO: have getBaseFileName() return path
- var baseNameNoExt = baseName.substr(0,baseName.length - (extn.length + 1));
- var inWebFolder = baseNameNoExt.match(/^(main|index)(\.\d)?$/);
- // Adjust the folder path, e.g., ts -> dart
- folder = folder.replace(/(^|\/)ts($|\/)/, '$1dart$2').replace(/(^|\/)app($|\/)/, inWebFolder ? '$1web$2' : '$1lib$2');
- // Special case not handled above: e.g., index.html -> web/index.html
- if(baseNameNoExt.match(/^(index|styles)(\.\d)?$/) && !folder.match(/web$/)) folder = (folder ? folder + '/' : '') + 'web';
- // In file name, replace special characters with underscore
- baseNameNoExt = baseNameNoExt.replace(/[\-\.]/g, '_');
- // Adjust the file extension
- if(extn == 'ts') extn = 'dart';
- return (folder ? folder + '/' : '') + baseNameNoExt + (extn ? '.' + extn : '');
- };
- var adjustTsExampleTitleForDart = function(_title) {
- if(!_title || !adjustTsExamplePathForDart) return _title;
- var title = _title.trim();
- // Assume title is a path if it ends with an extension like '.foo',
- // optionally followed by some comment in parentheses.
- var matches = title.match(/(.*\.\w+)($|\s*\([\w ]+\)$)/);
- if(matches && matches.length == 3) {
- // e.g. matches == ['abc.ts (excerpt)', 'abc.ts', ' (excerpt)']
- var path = adjustTsExamplePathForDart(matches[1]);
- title = path + matches[2];
- }
- return title;
- }