Now that the Angular LS is a proper tsserver plugin, it does not make sense for it to maintain its own language service API. This is part one of the effort to remove our custom LanguageService interface. This interface is cumbersome because we have to do two transformations: ng def -> ts def -> lsp definition The TS LS interface is more comprehensive, so this allows the Angular LS to return more information. PR Close #31972
238 lines
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238 lines
7.3 KiB
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
export const toh = {
'foo.ts': `export * from './app/app.component.ts';`,
app: {
'app.component.ts': `import { Component } from '@angular/core';
export class Hero {
id: number;
name: string;
selector: 'my-app',
template: \`~{empty}
<~{start-tag}h~{start-tag-after-h}1~{start-tag-h1} ~{h1-after-space}>~{h1-content} {{~{sub-start}title~{sub-end}}}</h1>
~{after-h1}<h2>{{~{h2-hero}hero.~{h2-name}name}} details!</h2>
<div><label>id: </label>{{~{label-hero}hero.~{label-id}id}}</div>
<div ~{div-attributes}>
<label>name: </label>
export class AppComponent {
title = 'Tour of Heroes';
hero: Hero = {
id: 1,
name: 'Windstorm'
private internal: string;
'main.ts': `
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { CaseIncompleteOpen, CaseMissingClosing, CaseUnknown, Pipes, TemplateReference, NoValueAttribute,
AttributeBinding, StringModel, NumberModel, PropertyBinding, EventBinding, TwoWayBinding, EmptyInterpolation,
ForOfEmpty, ForLetIEqual, ForOfLetEmpty, ForUsingComponent, References, TestComponent} from './parsing-cases';
import { WrongFieldReference, WrongSubFieldReference, PrivateReference, ExpectNumericType, LowercasePipe } from './expression-cases';
import { UnknownPeople, UnknownEven, UnknownTrackBy } from './ng-for-cases';
import { ShowIf } from './ng-if-cases';
imports: [CommonModule, FormsModule],
declarations: [AppComponent, CaseIncompleteOpen, CaseMissingClosing, CaseUnknown, Pipes, TemplateReference, NoValueAttribute,
AttributeBinding, StringModel, NumberModel, PropertyBinding, EventBinding, TwoWayBinding, EmptyInterpolation, ForOfEmpty, ForOfLetEmpty,
ForLetIEqual, ForUsingComponent, References, TestComponent, WrongFieldReference, WrongSubFieldReference, PrivateReference,
ExpectNumericType, UnknownPeople, UnknownEven, UnknownTrackBy, ShowIf, LowercasePipe]
export class AppModule {}
declare function bootstrap(v: any): void;
'parsing-cases.ts': `
import {Component, Directive, Input, Output, EventEmitter} from '@angular/core';
import {Hero} from './app.component';
@Component({template: '<h1>Some <~{incomplete-open-lt}a~{incomplete-open-a} ~{incomplete-open-attr} text</h1>'})
export class CaseIncompleteOpen {}
@Component({template: '<h1>Some <a> ~{missing-closing} text</h1>'})
export class CaseMissingClosing {}
@Component({template: '<h1>Some <unknown ~{unknown-element}> text</h1>'})
export class CaseUnknown {}
@Component({template: '<h1>{{data | ~{before-pipe}lowe~{in-pipe}rcase~{after-pipe} }}'})
export class Pipes {
data = 'Some string';
@Component({template: '<h1 h~{no-value-attribute}></h1>'})
export class NoValueAttribute {}
@Component({template: '<h1 model="~{attribute-binding-model}test"></h1>'})
export class AttributeBinding {
test: string;
@Component({template: '<h1 [model]="~{property-binding-model}test"></h1>'})
export class PropertyBinding {
test: string;
@Component({template: '<h1 (model)="~{event-binding-model}modelChanged()"></h1>'})
export class EventBinding {
test: string;
modelChanged() {}
@Component({template: '<h1 [(model)]="~{two-way-binding-model}test"></h1>'})
export class TwoWayBinding {
test: string;
@Directive({selector: '[string-model]'})
export class StringModel {
@Input() model: string;
@Output() modelChanged: EventEmitter<string>;
@Directive({selector: '[number-model]'})
export class NumberModel {
@Input('inputAlias') model: number;
@Output('outputAlias') modelChanged: EventEmitter<number>;
interface Person {
name: string;
age: number
@Component({template: '<div *ngFor="~{for-empty}"></div>'})
export class ForOfEmpty {}
@Component({template: '<div *ngFor="let ~{for-let-empty}"></div>'})
export class ForOfLetEmpty {}
@Component({template: '<div *ngFor="let i = ~{for-let-i-equal}"></div>'})
export class ForLetIEqual {}
@Component({template: '<div *ngFor="~{for-let}let ~{for-person}person ~{for-of}of ~{for-people}people"> <span>Name: {{~{for-interp-person}person.~{for-interp-name}name}}</span><span>Age: {{person.~{for-interp-age}age}}</span></div>'})
export class ForUsingComponent {
people: Person[];
@Component({template: '<div #div> <test-comp #test1> {{~{test-comp-content}}} {{test1.~{test-comp-after-test}name}} {{div.~{test-comp-after-div}.innerText}} </test-comp> </div> <test-comp #test2></test-comp>'})
export class References {}
~{start-test-comp}@Component({selector: 'test-comp', template: '<div>Testing: {{name}}</div>'})
export class TestComponent {
«@Input('ᐱtcNameᐱ') name = 'test';»
«@Output('ᐱtestᐱ') testEvent = new EventEmitter();»
@Component({templateUrl: 'test.ng'})
export class TemplateReference {
title = 'Some title';
hero: Hero = {
id: 1,
name: 'Windstorm'
anyValue: any;
myClick(event: any) {
@Component({template: '{{~{empty-interpolation}}}'})
export class EmptyInterpolation {
title = 'Some title';
subTitle = 'Some sub title';
'expression-cases.ts': `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
export interface Person {
name: string;
age: number;
@Component({template: '{{~{foo}foo~{foo-end}}}'})
export class WrongFieldReference {
bar = 'bar';
@Component({template: '{{~{nam}person.nam~{nam-end}}}'})
export class WrongSubFieldReference {
person: Person = { name: 'Bob', age: 23 };
@Component({template: '{{~{myField}myField~{myField-end}}}'})
export class PrivateReference {
private myField = 'My Field';
@Component({template: '{{~{mod}"a" ~{mod-end}% 2}}'})
export class ExpectNumericType {}
@Component({template: '{{ (name | lowercase).~{string-pipe}substring }}'})
export class LowercasePipe {
name: string;
'ng-for-cases.ts': `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
export interface Person {
name: string;
age: number;
@Component({template: '<div *ngFor="let person of ~{people_1}people_1~{people_1-end}"> <span>{{person.name}}</span> </div>'})
export class UnknownPeople {}
@Component({template: '<div ~{even_1}*ngFor="let person of people; let e = even_1"~{even_1-end}><span>{{person.name}}</span> </div>'})
export class UnknownEven {
people: Person[];
@Component({template: '<div *ngFor="let person of people; trackBy ~{trackBy_1}trackBy_1~{trackBy_1-end}"><span>{{person.name}}</span> </div>'})
export class UnknownTrackBy {
people: Person[];
'ng-if-cases.ts': `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
@Component({template: '<div ~{implicit}*ngIf="show; let l=unknown"~{implicit-end}>Showing now!</div>'})
export class ShowIf {
show = false;
'test.ng': `~{empty}
<~{start-tag}h~{start-tag-after-h}1~{start-tag-h1} ~{h1-after-space}>~{h1-content} {{~{sub-start}title~{sub-end}}}</h1>
~{after-h1}<h2>{{~{h2-hero}hero.~{h2-name}name}} details!</h2>
<div><label>id: </label>{{~{label-hero}hero.~{label-id}id}}</div>
<div ~{div-attributes}>
<label>name: </label>