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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {spawn as _spawn, SpawnOptions as _SpawnOptions, spawnSync as _spawnSync, SpawnSyncOptions as _SpawnSyncOptions} from 'child_process';
import {debug, error} from './console';
export interface SpawnSyncOptions extends Omit<_SpawnSyncOptions, 'shell'|'stdio'> {
/** Whether to prevent exit codes being treated as failures. */
suppressErrorOnFailingExitCode?: boolean;
/** Interface describing the options for spawning a process. */
export interface SpawnOptions extends Omit<_SpawnOptions, 'shell'|'stdio'> {
/** Console output mode. Defaults to "enabled". */
mode?: 'enabled'|'silent'|'on-error';
/** Whether to prevent exit codes being treated as failures. */
suppressErrorOnFailingExitCode?: boolean;
/** Interface describing the options for spawning an interactive process. */
export type SpawnInteractiveCommandOptions = Omit<_SpawnOptions, 'shell'|'stdio'>;
/** Interface describing the result of a spawned process. */
export interface SpawnResult {
/** Captured stdout in string format. */
stdout: string;
/** Captured stderr in string format. */
stderr: string;
/** The exit code or signal of the process. */
status: number|NodeJS.Signals;
* Spawns a given command with the specified arguments inside an interactive shell. All process
* stdin, stdout and stderr output is printed to the current console.
* @returns a Promise resolving on success, and rejecting on command failure with the status code.
export function spawnInteractive(
command: string, args: string[], options: SpawnInteractiveCommandOptions = {}) {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
const commandText = `${command} ${args.join(' ')}`;
debug(`Executing command: ${commandText}`);
const childProcess = _spawn(command, args, {...options, shell: true, stdio: 'inherit'});
childProcess.on('exit', status => status === 0 ? resolve() : reject(status));
* Spawns a given command with the specified arguments inside a shell. All process stdout
* output is captured and returned as resolution on completion. Depending on the chosen
* output mode, stdout/stderr output is also printed to the console, or only on error.
* @returns a Promise resolving with captured stdout and stderr on success. The promise
* rejects on command failure
export function spawn(
command: string, args: string[], options: SpawnOptions = {}): Promise<SpawnResult> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const commandText = `${command} ${args.join(' ')}`;
const outputMode = options.mode;
debug(`Executing command: ${commandText}`);
const childProcess = _spawn(command, args, {...options, shell: true, stdio: 'pipe'});
let logOutput = '';
let stdout = '';
let stderr = '';
// Capture the stdout separately so that it can be passed as resolve value.
// This is useful if commands return parsable stdout.
childProcess.stderr.on('data', message => {
stderr += message;
logOutput += message;
// If console output is enabled, print the message directly to the stderr. Note that
// we intentionally print all output to stderr as stdout should not be polluted.
if (outputMode === undefined || outputMode === 'enabled') {
childProcess.stdout.on('data', message => {
stdout += message;
logOutput += message;
// If console output is enabled, print the message directly to the stderr. Note that
// we intentionally print all output to stderr as stdout should not be polluted.
if (outputMode === undefined || outputMode === 'enabled') {
childProcess.on('exit', (exitCode, signal) => {
const exitDescription = exitCode !== null ? `exit code "${exitCode}"` : `signal "${signal}"`;
const printFn = outputMode === 'on-error' ? error : debug;
const status = statusFromExitCodeAndSignal(exitCode, signal);
printFn(`Command "${commandText}" completed with ${exitDescription}.`);
printFn(`Process output: \n${logOutput}`);
// On success, resolve the promise. Otherwise reject with the captured stderr
// and stdout log output if the output mode was set to `silent`.
if (status === 0 || options.suppressErrorOnFailingExitCode) {
resolve({stdout, stderr, status});
} else {
reject(outputMode === 'silent' ? logOutput : undefined);
* Spawns a given command with the specified arguments inside a shell syncronously.
* @returns The command's stdout and stderr.
export function spawnSync(
command: string, args: string[], options: SpawnOptions = {}): SpawnResult {
const commandText = `${command} ${args.join(' ')}`;
debug(`Executing command: ${commandText}`);
const {status: exitCode, signal, stdout, stderr} =
_spawnSync(command, args, {...options, encoding: 'utf8', shell: true, stdio: 'pipe'});
/** The status of the spawn result. */
const status = statusFromExitCodeAndSignal(exitCode, signal);
if (status === 0 || options.suppressErrorOnFailingExitCode) {
return {status, stdout, stderr};
throw new Error(stderr);
/** Convert the provided exitCode and signal to a single status code. */
function statusFromExitCodeAndSignal(exitCode: number|null, signal: NodeJS.Signals|null) {
return exitCode !== null ? exitCode : signal !== null ? signal : -1;