Greg Magolan db56cf18ba build: upgrade angular build, integration/bazel and @angular/bazel package to rule_nodejs 2.2.0 (#37727)
Updates to rules_nodejs 2.2.0. This is the first major release in 7 months and includes a number of features as well
as breaking changes.

Release notes:

Features of note for angular/angular:

* stdout/stderr/exit code capture; this could be potentially be useful

* TypeScript (ts_project); a simpler tsc rule that ts_library that can be used in the repo where ts_library is too
  heavy weight

Breaking changes of note for angular/angular:

* loading custom rules from npm packages: `ts_library` is no longer loaded from `@npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl`
  (which no longer exists) but is now loaded from `@npm//@bazel/typescript:index.bzl`

* with the loading changes above, `load("@npm//:install_bazel_dependencies.bzl", "install_bazel_dependencies")` is
  no longer needed in the WORKSPACE which also means that yarn_install does not need to run unless building/testing
  a target that depends on @npm. In angular/angular this is a minor improvement as almost everything depends on @npm.

* @angular/bazel package is also updated in this PR to support the new load location; Angular + Bazel users that
  require it for ng_package (ng_module is no longer needed in OSS with Angular 10) will need to load from
  `@npm//@angular/bazel:index.bzl`. I investigated if it was possible to maintain backward compatability for the old
  load location `@npm_angular_bazel` but it is not since the package itself needs to be updated to load from
  `@npm//@bazel/typescript:index.bzl` instead of `@npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl` as it depends on ts_library
  internals for ng_module.

* runfiles.resolve will now throw instead of returning undefined to match behavior of node require

Other changes in angular/angular:

* integration/bazel has been updated to use both ng_module and ts_libary with use_angular_plugin=true.
  The latter is the recommended way for rules_nodejs users to compile Angular 10 with Ivy. Bazel + Angular ViewEngine is
  supported with @angular/bazel <= 9.0.5 and Angular <= 8. There is still Angular ViewEngine example on rules_nodejs on these older versions but users
  that want to update to Angular 10 and are on Bazel must switch to Ivy and at that point ts_library with
  use_angular_plugin=true is more performant that ng_module. Angular example in rules_nodejs is configured this way
  as well: As an aside, we also have an
  example of building Angular 10 with architect() rule directly instead of using ts_library with angular plugin:

NB: ng_module is still required for angular/angular repository as it still builds ViewEngine & @angular/bazel
also provides the ng_package rule. ng_module can be removed in the future if ViewEngine is no longer needed in
angular repo.

* JSModuleInfo provider added to ng_module. this is for forward compat for future rules_nodejs versions.
  @josephperrott, this touches `packages/bazel/src/external.bzl` which will make the sync to g3 non-trivial.

PR Close #37727
2020-10-01 15:34:36 -07:00



Implements Zones for JavaScript, inspired by Dart.

If you're using zone.js via unpkg (i.e. using and you're using any of the following libraries, make sure you import them first

  • 'newrelic' as it patches global.Promise before zone.js does
  • 'async-listener' as it patches global.setTimeout, global.setInterval before zone.js does
  • 'continuation-local-storage' as it uses async-listener

NEW Zone.js POST-v0.6.0

See the new API here.

Read up on Zone Primer.

BREAKING CHANGES since Zone.js v0.11.1

Prior to v0.11.1, Zone.js provided two distribution bundle formats in the dist folder. They were (1) ES5 bundle distributed as zone.js and (2) ES2015 bundle distributed as zone-evergreen.js. These bundles are used for Angular's differential-loading mechanism.

Prior to v0.11.11 the following code

import 'zone.js';

would load the ES5 bundle from dist/zone.js.

Starting with v0.11.1, Zone.js follows the Angular Package Format, so the folder structure of the Zone.js bundles is updated to match Angular Package Format. So the same code

import 'zone.js';

now loads the ES2015 bundle instead.

This is a breaking change for legacy browsers such as IE11.

For backwards compatibility zone.js continues to distribute the same bundles under dist. To restore the old behavior change the polyfills.ts generated by Angular CLI to import like so:

import 'zone.js/dist/zone';

For details, please refer the changelog and the PR.

What's a Zone?

A Zone is an execution context that persists across async tasks. You can think of it as thread-local storage for JavaScript VMs.

See this video from ng-conf 2014 for a detailed explanation:

screenshot of the zone.js presentation and ng-conf 2014

See also

Standard API support

zone.js patched most standard web APIs (such as DOM events, XMLHttpRequest, ...) and nodejs APIs (EventEmitter, fs, ...), for more details, please see

Nonstandard API support

We are adding support to some nonstandard APIs, such as MediaQuery and Notification. Please see for more details.


You can find some samples to describe how to use zone.js in


zone.js patches the async APIs described above, but those patches will have some overhead. Starting from zone.js v0.8.9, you can choose which web API module you want to patch. For more details, please see


Starting with v0.11.0, zone.js uses Angular Package Format for bundle distribution. (For backwards compatibility, all bundles can still be accessed from dist folder.)

Bundle Summary
zone.js The default bundle. Contains the most used APIs such as setTimeout/Promise/EventTarget..., it also supports differential loading by importing this bundle using import zone.js. In legacy browsers it includes some additional patches such as registerElement and EventTarget like APIs.
zone-testing.js The bundle for zone testing support of jasmine / mocha / jest. Also includes test utility functions async / fakeAsync / sync.
zone-node.js The NodeJS support bundle.
zone-mix.js A mixed bundle which supports both browser and NodeJS. Useful for mixed environment such as Electron.
zone-externs.js the API definitions for closure compiler.

Additional optional patches not included in the zone.js bundles which extend functionality. The additional bundles can be found under zone.js/plugins folder. To use these bundles, add the following code after importing zone.js bundle.

import 'zone.js';
// For example, import canvas patch
import 'zone.js/plugins/zone-patch-canvas';
Patch Summary
webapis-media-query.js patch for MediaQuery APIs
webapis-notification.js patch for Notification APIs
webapis-rtc-peer-connection.js patch for RTCPeerConnection APIs
webapis-shadydom.js patch for Shady DOM APIs
zone-bluebird.js patch for Bluebird APIs
zone-error.js patch for Error Global Object, supports adding zone information to stack frame, and also removing unrelated stack frames from zone.js internally
zone-patch-canvas.js patch for Canvas API
zone-patch-cordova.js patch for Cordova API
zone-patch-electron.js patch for Electron API
zone-patch-fetch.js patch for Fetch API
zone-patch-jsonp.js helper utility for jsonp API
zone-patch-resize-observer.js patch for ResizeObserver API
zone-patch-rxjs.js patch for rxjs API
zone-patch-rxjs-fake-async.js patch for rxjs fakeasync test
zone-patch-socket-io.js patch for socket-io
zone-patch-user-media.js patch for UserMedia API
zone-patch-message-port.js patch for MessagePort API

Promise A+ test passed

Promises/A+ 1.1 compliant
