2015-04-23 08:27:36 -07:00

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exported from <a href="/angular2/di.html">angular2/di</a>
defined in <a href="">angular2/src/di/binding.js (line 263)</a>
An internal resolved representation of a <a href="Binding-class.html"><code>Binding</code></a> used by the <a href="Injector-class.html"><code>Injector</code></a>.
A <a href="Binding-class.html"><code>Binding</code></a> is resolved when it has a factory function. Binding to a class, alias, or value, are just convenience
methods, as <a href="Injector-class.html"><code>Injector</code></a> only operates on calling factory functions.
h2 Members
h3 constructor
constructor(key:Key, factory:Function, dependencies:List&lt;Dependency&gt;, providedAsPromise:boolean)
h3 dependencies
Arguments (dependencies) to the `factory` function.
h3 factory
Factory function which can return an instance of an object represented by a key.
h3 key
A key, usually a `Type`.
h3 providedAsPromise
Specifies whether the `factory` function returns a `Promise`.