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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as semver from 'semver';
import {GithubClient, GithubRepo} from '../../../utils/git/github';
/** Type describing a Github repository with corresponding API client. */
export interface GithubRepoWithApi extends GithubRepo {
/** API client that can access the repository. */
api: GithubClient;
/** Type describing a version-branch. */
export interface VersionBranch {
/** Name of the branch in Git. e.g. `10.0.x`. */
name: string;
* Parsed SemVer version for the version-branch. Version branches technically do
* not follow the SemVer format, but we can have representative SemVer versions
* that can be used for comparisons, sorting and other checks.
parsed: semver.SemVer;
/** Type describing a release-train. */
export interface ReleaseTrain {
/** Name of the branch for this release-train. */
branchName: string;
/** Current latest version for this release train. */
version: semver.SemVer;
/** Branch name for the `next` branch. */
export const nextBranchName = 'master';
/** Regular expression that matches version-branches for a release-train. */
const releaseTrainBranchNameRegex = /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.x/;
* Fetches the active release train and its branches for the specified major version. i.e.
* the latest active release-train branch name is resolved and an optional version-branch for
* a currently active feature-freeze/release-candidate release-train.
export async function fetchActiveReleaseTrainBranches(
repo: GithubRepoWithApi, nextVersion: semver.SemVer): Promise<{
/** Release-train currently in active release-candidate/feature-freeze phase. */
releaseCandidate: ReleaseTrain | null,
/** Latest non-prerelease release train (i.e. for the patch branch). */
latest: ReleaseTrain
}> {
const majorVersionsToConsider: number[] = [];
let expectedReleaseCandidateMajor: number;
// If the `next` branch (i.e. `master` branch) is for an upcoming major version, we know
// that there is no patch branch or feature-freeze/release-candidate branch for this major
// digit. If the current `next` version is the first minor of a major version, we know that
// the feature-freeze/release-candidate branch can only be the actual major branch. The
// patch branch is based on that, either the actual major branch or the last minor from the
// preceding major version. In all other cases, the patch branch and feature-freeze or
// release-candidate branch are part of the same major version. Consider the following:
// CASE 1. next: 11.0.0-next.0: patch and feature-freeze/release-candidate can only be
// most recent `10.<>.x` branches. The FF/RC branch can only be the last-minor of v10.
// CASE 2. next: 11.1.0-next.0: patch can be either `11.0.x` or last-minor in v10 based
// on whether there is a feature-freeze/release-candidate branch (=> `11.0.x`).
// CASE 3. next: 10.6.0-next.0: patch can be either `10.5.x` or `10.4.x` based on whether
// there is a feature-freeze/release-candidate branch (=> `10.5.x`)
if (nextVersion.minor === 0) {
expectedReleaseCandidateMajor = nextVersion.major - 1;
majorVersionsToConsider.push(nextVersion.major - 1);
} else if (nextVersion.minor === 1) {
expectedReleaseCandidateMajor = nextVersion.major;
majorVersionsToConsider.push(nextVersion.major, nextVersion.major - 1);
} else {
expectedReleaseCandidateMajor = nextVersion.major;
// Collect all version-branches that should be considered for the latest version-branch,
// or the feature-freeze/release-candidate.
const branches = (await getBranchesForMajorVersions(repo, majorVersionsToConsider));
const {latest, releaseCandidate} = await findActiveReleaseTrainsFromVersionBranches(
repo, nextVersion, branches, expectedReleaseCandidateMajor);
if (latest === null) {
throw Error(
`Unable to determine the latest release-train. The following branches ` +
`have been considered: [${ =>', ')}]`);
return {releaseCandidate, latest};
/** Gets the version of a given branch by reading the `package.json` upstream. */
export async function getVersionOfBranch(
repo: GithubRepoWithApi, branchName: string): Promise<semver.SemVer> {
const {data} = await repo.api.repos.getContents(
{owner: repo.owner, repo:, path: '/package.json', ref: branchName});
const {version} = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(data.content, 'base64').toString());
const parsedVersion = semver.parse(version);
if (parsedVersion === null) {
throw Error(`Invalid version detected in following branch: ${branchName}.`);
return parsedVersion;
/** Whether the given branch corresponds to a release-train branch. */
export function isReleaseTrainBranch(branchName: string): boolean {
return releaseTrainBranchNameRegex.test(branchName);
* Converts a given version-branch into a SemVer version that can be used with SemVer
* utilities. e.g. to determine semantic order, extract major digit, compare.
* For example `10.0.x` will become `10.0.0` in SemVer. The patch digit is not
* relevant but needed for parsing. SemVer does not allow `x` as patch digit.
export function getVersionForReleaseTrainBranch(branchName: string): semver.SemVer|null {
// Convert a given version-branch into a SemVer version that can be used
// with the SemVer utilities. i.e. to determine semantic order.
return semver.parse(branchName.replace(releaseTrainBranchNameRegex, '$1.$2.0'));
* Gets the version branches for the specified major versions in descending
* order. i.e. latest version branches first.
export async function getBranchesForMajorVersions(
repo: GithubRepoWithApi, majorVersions: number[]): Promise<VersionBranch[]> {
const {data: branchData} =
await repo.api.repos.listBranches({owner: repo.owner, repo:, protected: true});
const branches: VersionBranch[] = [];
for (const {name} of branchData) {
if (!isReleaseTrainBranch(name)) {
// Convert the version-branch into a SemVer version that can be used with the
// SemVer utilities. e.g. to determine semantic order, compare versions.
const parsed = getVersionForReleaseTrainBranch(name);
// Collect all version-branches that match the specified major versions.
if (parsed !== null && majorVersions.includes(parsed.major)) {
branches.push({name, parsed});
// Sort captured version-branches in descending order.
return branches.sort((a, b) => semver.rcompare(a.parsed, b.parsed));
/** Finds the currently active release trains from the specified version branches. */
export async function findActiveReleaseTrainsFromVersionBranches(
repo: GithubRepoWithApi, nextVersion: semver.SemVer, branches: VersionBranch[],
expectedReleaseCandidateMajor: number): Promise<{
latest: ReleaseTrain | null,
releaseCandidate: ReleaseTrain | null,
}> {
// Version representing the release-train currently in the next phase. Note that we ignore
// patch and pre-release segments in order to be able to compare the next release train to
// other release trains from version branches (which follow the `N.N.x` pattern).
const nextReleaseTrainVersion = semver.parse(`${nextVersion.major}.${nextVersion.minor}.0`)!;
let latest: ReleaseTrain|null = null;
let releaseCandidate: ReleaseTrain|null = null;
// Iterate through the captured branches and find the latest non-prerelease branch and a
// potential release candidate branch. From the collected branches we iterate descending
// order (most recent semantic version-branch first). The first branch is either the latest
// active version branch (i.e. patch) or a feature-freeze/release-candidate branch. A FF/RC
// branch cannot be older than the latest active version-branch, so we stop iterating once
// we found such a branch. Otherwise, if we found a FF/RC branch, we continue looking for the
// next version-branch as that one is supposed to be the latest active version-branch. If it
// is not, then an error will be thrown due to two FF/RC branches existing at the same time.
for (const {name, parsed} of branches) {
// It can happen that version branches have been accidentally created which are more recent
// than the release-train in the next branch (i.e. `master`). We could ignore such branches
// silently, but it might be symptomatic for an outdated version in the `next` branch, or an
// accidentally created branch by the caretaker. In either way we want to raise awareness.
if (, nextReleaseTrainVersion)) {
throw Error(
`Discovered unexpected version-branch "${name}" for a release-train that is ` +
`more recent than the release-train currently in the "${nextBranchName}" branch. ` +
`Please either delete the branch if created by accident, or update the outdated ` +
`version in the next branch (${nextBranchName}).`);
} else if (semver.eq(parsed, nextReleaseTrainVersion)) {
throw Error(
`Discovered unexpected version-branch "${name}" for a release-train that is already ` +
`active in the "${nextBranchName}" branch. Please either delete the branch if ` +
`created by accident, or update the version in the next branch (${nextBranchName}).`);
const version = await getVersionOfBranch(repo, name);
const releaseTrain: ReleaseTrain = {branchName: name, version};
const isPrerelease = version.prerelease[0] === 'rc' || version.prerelease[0] === 'next';
if (isPrerelease) {
if (releaseCandidate !== null) {
throw Error(
`Unable to determine latest release-train. Found two consecutive ` +
`branches in feature-freeze/release-candidate phase. Did not expect both "${name}" ` +
`and "${releaseCandidate.branchName}" to be in feature-freeze/release-candidate mode.`);
} else if (version.major !== expectedReleaseCandidateMajor) {
throw Error(
`Discovered unexpected old feature-freeze/release-candidate branch. Expected no ` +
`version-branch in feature-freeze/release-candidate mode for v${version.major}.`);
releaseCandidate = releaseTrain;
} else {
latest = releaseTrain;
return {releaseCandidate, latest};