The directory contains code authored in a style that makes it transpilable to dart. As such, these are not idiomatic examples of Angular 2 usage. The main purpose of this directory is to enable experimentation with Angular within the angular/angular repository. Closes #4342 Closes #4639
23 lines
802 B
23 lines
802 B
<script src="es6-shim.js"></script>
<script src="url_params_to_form.js"></script>
<script src="system.src.js"></script>
baseURL: '/',
packages: {
'angular2_material': {defaultExtension: 'js'},
'benchmarks': {defaultExtension: 'js'},
'playground': {defaultExtension: 'js'},
// TODO(rado): These helpers don't end up in the bundle, thus they should
// not even be in src/*. Move them!
'angular2/src/testing/benchmark_util': {defaultExtension: 'js'},
'angular2/src/core/facade/browser': {defaultExtension: 'js'},
<script src="/bundle/"></script>
var filename = '@@PATH/@@FILENAME';
System.import(filename).then(function(m) { m.main(); }, console.error.bind(console));