Queries allow a directive to inject a live list of directives of a given type from its LightDom. The injected list is Iterable (in JS and Dart). It will be Observable when Observables are support in JS, for now it maintains a simple list of onChange callbacks API. To support queries, element injectors now maintain a list of child injectors in the correct DOM order (dynamically updated by viewports). For performance reasons we allow only 3 active queries in an injector subtree. The feature adds no overhead to the application when not used. Queries walk the injector tree only during dynamic view addition/removal as triggered by viewport directives. Syncs changes between viewContainer on the render and logic sides. Closes #792
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Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications. This is the repository for Angular 2, both the JavaScript (JS) and Dart versions.
Angular 2 is currently in Alpha Preview. We recommend using Angular 1.X for production applications:
Setup & Install Angular 2
Follow the instructions given on the Angular download page.
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To see the examples, first build the project as described here.
Hello World Example
This example consists of three basic pieces - a component, a decorator and a
service. They are all constructed via injection. For more information see the
comments in the source modules/examples/src/hello_world/index.js
You can build this example as either JS or Dart app:
- JS:
$(npm bin)/gulp build.js.dev
, and$(npm bin)/gulp serve.js.dev
, and- open
in Chrome.
- Dart:
$(npm bin)/gulp serve/examples.dart
, and- open
in Chrome (for dart2js) or Dartium (for Dart VM).