Chuck Jazdzewski bc22ff1517 fix(language-service): remove tsickle dependency
Removes the tsickle dependency added when tsickle was added to the
transform compiler.

Added a test to ensure stray dependencies are not added and no
errors are introduced during module flattening.
2017-08-16 11:33:49 -07:00

170 lines
5.6 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
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import {AST, ASTWithSource, AstPath as AstPathBase, NullAstVisitor, visitAstChildren} from '@angular/compiler';
import {AstType} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/language_services';
import {BuiltinType, Span, Symbol, SymbolQuery, SymbolTable} from './types';
import {inSpan} from './utils';
type AstPath = AstPathBase<AST>;
function findAstAt(ast: AST, position: number, excludeEmpty: boolean = false): AstPath {
const path: AST[] = [];
const visitor = new class extends NullAstVisitor {
visit(ast: AST) {
if ((!excludeEmpty || ast.span.start < ast.span.end) && inSpan(position, ast.span)) {
visitAstChildren(ast, this);
// We never care about the ASTWithSource node and its visit() method calls its ast's visit so
// the visit() method above would never see it.
if (ast instanceof ASTWithSource) {
ast = ast.ast;
return new AstPathBase<AST>(path, position);
export function getExpressionCompletions(
scope: SymbolTable, ast: AST, position: number, query: SymbolQuery): Symbol[]|undefined {
const path = findAstAt(ast, position);
if (path.empty) return undefined;
const tail = path.tail !;
let result: SymbolTable|undefined = scope;
function getType(ast: AST): Symbol { return new AstType(scope, query, {}).getType(ast); }
// If the completion request is in a not in a pipe or property access then the global scope
// (that is the scope of the implicit receiver) is the right scope as the user is typing the
// beginning of an expression.
visitBinary(ast) {},
visitChain(ast) {},
visitConditional(ast) {},
visitFunctionCall(ast) {},
visitImplicitReceiver(ast) {},
visitInterpolation(ast) { result = undefined; },
visitKeyedRead(ast) {},
visitKeyedWrite(ast) {},
visitLiteralArray(ast) {},
visitLiteralMap(ast) {},
visitLiteralPrimitive(ast) {},
visitMethodCall(ast) {},
visitPipe(ast) {
if (position >= ast.exp.span.end &&
(!ast.args || !ast.args.length || position < (<AST>ast.args[0]).span.start)) {
// We are in a position a pipe name is expected.
result = query.getPipes();
visitPrefixNot(ast) {},
visitNonNullAssert(ast) {},
visitPropertyRead(ast) {
const receiverType = getType(ast.receiver);
result = receiverType ? receiverType.members() : scope;
visitPropertyWrite(ast) {
const receiverType = getType(ast.receiver);
result = receiverType ? receiverType.members() : scope;
visitQuote(ast) {
// For a quote, return the members of any (if there are any).
result = query.getBuiltinType(BuiltinType.Any).members();
visitSafeMethodCall(ast) {
const receiverType = getType(ast.receiver);
result = receiverType ? receiverType.members() : scope;
visitSafePropertyRead(ast) {
const receiverType = getType(ast.receiver);
result = receiverType ? receiverType.members() : scope;
return result && result.values();
export function getExpressionSymbol(
scope: SymbolTable, ast: AST, position: number,
query: SymbolQuery): {symbol: Symbol, span: Span}|undefined {
const path = findAstAt(ast, position, /* excludeEmpty */ true);
if (path.empty) return undefined;
const tail = path.tail !;
function getType(ast: AST): Symbol { return new AstType(scope, query, {}).getType(ast); }
let symbol: Symbol|undefined = undefined;
let span: Span|undefined = undefined;
// If the completion request is in a not in a pipe or property access then the global scope
// (that is the scope of the implicit receiver) is the right scope as the user is typing the
// beginning of an expression.
visitBinary(ast) {},
visitChain(ast) {},
visitConditional(ast) {},
visitFunctionCall(ast) {},
visitImplicitReceiver(ast) {},
visitInterpolation(ast) {},
visitKeyedRead(ast) {},
visitKeyedWrite(ast) {},
visitLiteralArray(ast) {},
visitLiteralMap(ast) {},
visitLiteralPrimitive(ast) {},
visitMethodCall(ast) {
const receiverType = getType(ast.receiver);
symbol = receiverType && receiverType.members().get(;
span = ast.span;
visitPipe(ast) {
if (position >= ast.exp.span.end &&
(!ast.args || !ast.args.length || position < (<AST>ast.args[0]).span.start)) {
// We are in a position a pipe name is expected.
const pipes = query.getPipes();
if (pipes) {
symbol = pipes.get(;
span = ast.span;
visitPrefixNot(ast) {},
visitNonNullAssert(ast) {},
visitPropertyRead(ast) {
const receiverType = getType(ast.receiver);
symbol = receiverType && receiverType.members().get(;
span = ast.span;
visitPropertyWrite(ast) {
const receiverType = getType(ast.receiver);
symbol = receiverType && receiverType.members().get(;
span = ast.span;
visitQuote(ast) {},
visitSafeMethodCall(ast) {
const receiverType = getType(ast.receiver);
symbol = receiverType && receiverType.members().get(;
span = ast.span;
visitSafePropertyRead(ast) {
const receiverType = getType(ast.receiver);
symbol = receiverType && receiverType.members().get(;
span = ast.span;
if (symbol && span) {
return {symbol, span};