Miško Hevery 9bd9590767 refactor(ivy): change styling to use programmatic API on updates (#34804)
Previously we would write to class/style as strings `element.className` and `element.style.cssText`. Turns out that approach is good for initial render but not good for updates. Updates using this approach are problematic because we have to check to see if there was an out of bound write to style and than perform reconciliation. This also requires the browser to bring up CSS parser which is expensive.

Another problem with old approach is that we had to queue the DOM writes and flush them twice. Once on element advance instruction and once in `hostBindings`. The double flushing is expensive but it also means that a directive can observe that styles are not yet written (they are written after directive executes.)

The new approach uses `element.classList.add/remove` and `element.style.setProperty/removeProperty` API for updates only (it continues to use `element.className` and `element.style.cssText` for initial render as it is cheaper.) The other change is that the styling changes are applied immediately (no queueing). This means that it is the instruction which computes priority. In some circumstances it may result in intermediate writes which are than overwritten with new value. (This should be rare)

Overall this change deletes most of the previous code and replaces it with new simplified implement. The simplification results in code savings.

PR Close #34804
2020-01-24 12:23:19 -08:00

246 lines
8.9 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {InjectFlags, Optional, Renderer2, Self} from '@angular/core';
import {createLView, createTView, getOrCreateTNode} from '@angular/core/src/render3/instructions/shared';
import {RenderFlags} from '@angular/core/src/render3/interfaces/definition';
import {ɵɵdefineComponent} from '../../src/render3/definition';
import {bloomAdd, bloomHasToken, bloomHashBitOrFactory as bloomHash, getOrCreateNodeInjectorForNode} from '../../src/render3/di';
import {ɵɵdefineDirective, ɵɵdirectiveInject, ɵɵelement, ɵɵelementEnd, ɵɵelementStart, ɵɵtext} from '../../src/render3/index';
import {TNODE} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/injector';
import {TNodeType} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/node';
import {isProceduralRenderer} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/renderer';
import {LViewFlags, TVIEW, TViewType} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/view';
import {enterView, leaveView} from '../../src/render3/state';
import {getRendererFactory2} from './imported_renderer2';
import {ComponentFixture, createComponent, createDirective} from './render_util';
describe('di', () => {
describe('directive injection', () => {
class DirB {
value = 'DirB';
static ɵfac = () => new DirB();
static ɵdir =
ɵɵdefineDirective({selectors: [['', 'dirB', '']], type: DirB, inputs: {value: 'value'}});
describe('flags', () => {
class DirB {
// TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'.
value !: string;
static ɵfac = () => new DirB();
static ɵdir =
ɵɵdefineDirective({type: DirB, selectors: [['', 'dirB', '']], inputs: {value: 'dirB'}});
describe('Optional', () => {
let dirA: DirA|null = null;
class DirA {
constructor(@Optional() public dirB: DirB|null) {}
static ɵfac =
() => {
dirA = new DirA(ɵɵdirectiveInject(DirB, InjectFlags.Optional));
return dirA;
static ɵdir = ɵɵdefineDirective({type: DirA, selectors: [['', 'dirA', '']]});
beforeEach(() => dirA = null);
it('should not throw if dependency is @Optional (limp mode)', () => {
/** <div dirA></div> */
const App = createComponent('app', function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
ɵɵelement(0, 'div', 0);
}, 1, 0, [DirA, DirB], [], undefined, [], [], undefined, [['dirA', '']]);
expect(() => { new ComponentFixture(App); }).not.toThrow();
expect(dirA !.dirB).toEqual(null);
it('should check only the current node with @Self even with false positive', () => {
let dirA: DirA;
class DirA {
constructor(@Self() public dirB: DirB) {}
static ɵfac = () => dirA = new DirA(ɵɵdirectiveInject(DirB, InjectFlags.Self));
static ɵdir = ɵɵdefineDirective({type: DirA, selectors: [['', 'dirA', '']]});
const DirC = createDirective('dirC');
* <div dirB>
* <div dirA dirC></div>
* </div>
const App = createComponent(
function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
ɵɵelementStart(0, 'div', 0);
ɵɵelement(1, 'div', 1);
2, 0, [DirA, DirB, DirC], [], undefined, [], [], undefined,
[['dirB', ''], ['dirA', '', 'dirC', '']]);
expect(() => {
(DirA as any)['__NG_ELEMENT_ID__'] = 1;
(DirC as any)['__NG_ELEMENT_ID__'] = 257;
new ComponentFixture(App);
}).toThrowError(/NodeInjector: NOT_FOUND \[DirB]/);
describe('Renderer2', () => {
class MyComp {
constructor(public renderer: Renderer2) {}
static ɵfac = () => new MyComp(ɵɵdirectiveInject(Renderer2 as any));
static ɵcmp = ɵɵdefineComponent({
type: MyComp,
selectors: [['my-comp']],
decls: 1,
vars: 0,
template: function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: MyComp) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
ɵɵtext(0, 'Foo');
it('should inject the Renderer2 used by the application', () => {
const rendererFactory = getRendererFactory2(document);
const fixture = new ComponentFixture(MyComp, {rendererFactory: rendererFactory});
it('should throw when injecting Renderer2 but the application is using Renderer3',
() => { expect(() => new ComponentFixture(MyComp)).toThrow(); });
describe('ɵɵinject', () => {
describe('bloom filter', () => {
let mockTView: any;
beforeEach(() => {
mockTView = {data: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null], firstCreatePass: true};
function bloomState() { return mockTView.data.slice(0, TNODE).reverse(); }
class Dir0 {
/** @internal */ static __NG_ELEMENT_ID__ = 0;
class Dir1 {
/** @internal */ static __NG_ELEMENT_ID__ = 1;
class Dir33 {
/** @internal */ static __NG_ELEMENT_ID__ = 33;
class Dir66 {
/** @internal */ static __NG_ELEMENT_ID__ = 66;
class Dir99 {
/** @internal */ static __NG_ELEMENT_ID__ = 99;
class Dir132 {
/** @internal */ static __NG_ELEMENT_ID__ = 132;
class Dir165 {
/** @internal */ static __NG_ELEMENT_ID__ = 165;
class Dir198 {
/** @internal */ static __NG_ELEMENT_ID__ = 198;
class Dir231 {
/** @internal */ static __NG_ELEMENT_ID__ = 231;
it('should add values', () => {
bloomAdd(0, mockTView, Dir0);
expect(bloomState()).toEqual([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
bloomAdd(0, mockTView, Dir33);
expect(bloomState()).toEqual([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1]);
bloomAdd(0, mockTView, Dir66);
expect(bloomState()).toEqual([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2, 1]);
bloomAdd(0, mockTView, Dir99);
expect(bloomState()).toEqual([0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 4, 2, 1]);
bloomAdd(0, mockTView, Dir132);
expect(bloomState()).toEqual([0, 0, 0, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]);
bloomAdd(0, mockTView, Dir165);
expect(bloomState()).toEqual([0, 0, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]);
bloomAdd(0, mockTView, Dir198);
expect(bloomState()).toEqual([0, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]);
bloomAdd(0, mockTView, Dir231);
expect(bloomState()).toEqual([128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]);
it('should query values', () => {
bloomAdd(0, mockTView, Dir0);
bloomAdd(0, mockTView, Dir33);
bloomAdd(0, mockTView, Dir66);
bloomAdd(0, mockTView, Dir99);
bloomAdd(0, mockTView, Dir132);
bloomAdd(0, mockTView, Dir165);
bloomAdd(0, mockTView, Dir198);
bloomAdd(0, mockTView, Dir231);
expect(bloomHasToken(bloomHash(Dir0) as number, 0, mockTView.data)).toEqual(true);
expect(bloomHasToken(bloomHash(Dir1) as number, 0, mockTView.data)).toEqual(false);
expect(bloomHasToken(bloomHash(Dir33) as number, 0, mockTView.data)).toEqual(true);
expect(bloomHasToken(bloomHash(Dir66) as number, 0, mockTView.data)).toEqual(true);
expect(bloomHasToken(bloomHash(Dir99) as number, 0, mockTView.data)).toEqual(true);
expect(bloomHasToken(bloomHash(Dir132) as number, 0, mockTView.data)).toEqual(true);
expect(bloomHasToken(bloomHash(Dir165) as number, 0, mockTView.data)).toEqual(true);
expect(bloomHasToken(bloomHash(Dir198) as number, 0, mockTView.data)).toEqual(true);
expect(bloomHasToken(bloomHash(Dir231) as number, 0, mockTView.data)).toEqual(true);
describe('getOrCreateNodeInjector', () => {
it('should handle initial undefined state', () => {
const contentView = createLView(
null, createTView(TViewType.Component, -1, null, 1, 0, null, null, null, null, null), {},
LViewFlags.CheckAlways, null, null, {} as any, {} as any);
enterView(contentView, null);
try {
const parentTNode =
getOrCreateTNode(contentView[TVIEW], null, 0, TNodeType.Element, null, null);
// Simulate the situation where the previous parent is not initialized.
// This happens on first bootstrap because we don't init existing values
// so that we have smaller HelloWorld.
(parentTNode as{parent: any}).parent = undefined;
const injector = getOrCreateNodeInjectorForNode(parentTNode, contentView);
} finally {