Ben Lesh d7eaae6f22 refactor(ivy): Move instructions back to ɵɵ (#30546)
There is an encoding issue with using delta `Δ`, where the browser will attempt to detect the file encoding if the character set is not explicitly declared on a `<script/>` tag, and Chrome will find the `Δ` character and decide it is window-1252 encoding, which misinterprets the `Δ` character to be some other character that is not a valid JS identifier character

So back to the frog eyes we go.

  ( -- ) - I am ineffable. I am forever.
 _/    \_
/  \  /  \
==  ==  ==

PR Close #30546
2019-05-20 16:37:47 -07:00

43 lines
1.5 KiB

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import {getLContext} from '../../src/render3/context_discovery';
import {LViewDebug, toDebug} from '../../src/render3/debug';
import {RenderFlags, ɵɵdefineComponent, ɵɵelementEnd, ɵɵelementStart, ɵɵtext} from '../../src/render3/index';
import {ComponentFixture} from './render_util';
describe('Debug Representation', () => {
it('should generate a human readable version', () => {
class MyComponent {
static ngComponentDef = ɵɵdefineComponent({
type: MyComponent,
selectors: [['my-comp']],
vars: 0,
consts: 2,
factory: () => new MyComponent(),
template: function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: MyComponent) {
if (rf == RenderFlags.Create) {
ɵɵelementStart(0, 'div', ['id', '123']);
ɵɵtext(1, 'Hello World');
const fixture = new ComponentFixture(MyComponent);
const hostView = toDebug(getLContext(fixture.component) !.lView);
const myCompView = hostView.childViews[0] as LViewDebug;
expect('<div host="mark"><div id="123">Hello World</div></div>');
expect(myCompView.nodes ![0].html).toEqual('<div id="123">');
expect(myCompView.nodes ![0].nodes ![0].html).toEqual('Hello World');