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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {hyphenate, parseStyle, stripUnnecessaryQuotes} from '../../src/render3/view/styling';
describe('inline css style parsing', () => {
it('should parse empty or blank strings', () => {
const result1 = parseStyle('');
const result2 = parseStyle(' ');
it('should parse a string into a key/value map', () => {
const result = parseStyle('width:100px;height:200px;opacity:0');
expect(result).toEqual({width: '100px', height: '200px', opacity: '0'});
it('should trim values and properties', () => {
const result = parseStyle('width :333px ; height:666px ; opacity: 0.5;');
expect(result).toEqual({width: '333px', height: '666px', opacity: '0.5'});
it('should chomp out start/end quotes', () => {
const result = parseStyle(
'content: "foo"; opacity: \'0.5\'; font-family: "Verdana", Helvetica, "sans-serif"');
{content: 'foo', opacity: '0.5', 'font-family': '"Verdana", Helvetica, "sans-serif"'});
it('should not mess up with quoted strings that contain [:;] values', () => {
const result = parseStyle('content: "foo; man: guy"; width: 100px');
expect(result).toEqual({content: 'foo; man: guy', width: '100px'});
it('should not mess up with quoted strings that contain inner quote values', () => {
const quoteStr = '"one \'two\' three \"four\" five"';
const result = parseStyle(`content: ${quoteStr}; width: 123px`);
expect(result).toEqual({content: quoteStr, width: '123px'});
it('should respect parenthesis that are placed within a style', () => {
const result = parseStyle('background-image: url("foo.jpg")');
expect(result).toEqual({'background-image': 'url("foo.jpg")'});
it('should respect multi-level parenthesis that contain special [:;] characters', () => {
const result = parseStyle('color: rgba(calc(50 * 4), var(--cool), :5;); height: 100px;');
expect(result).toEqual({color: 'rgba(calc(50 * 4), var(--cool), :5;)', height: '100px'});
it('should hyphenate style properties from camel case', () => {
const result = parseStyle('borderWidth: 200px');
'border-width': '200px',
describe('quote chomping', () => {
it('should remove the start and end quotes', () => {
expect(stripUnnecessaryQuotes('\'foo bar\'')).toEqual('foo bar');
expect(stripUnnecessaryQuotes('"foo bar"')).toEqual('foo bar');
it('should not remove quotes if the quotes are not at the start and end', () => {
expect(stripUnnecessaryQuotes('foo bar')).toEqual('foo bar');
expect(stripUnnecessaryQuotes(' foo bar ')).toEqual(' foo bar ');
expect(stripUnnecessaryQuotes('\'foo\' bar')).toEqual('\'foo\' bar');
expect(stripUnnecessaryQuotes('foo "bar"')).toEqual('foo "bar"');
it('should not remove quotes if there are inner quotes', () => {
const str = '"Verdana", "Helvetica"';
describe('camelCasing => hyphenation', () => {
it('should convert a camel-cased value to a hyphenated value', () => {
it('should make everything lowercase',
() => { expect(hyphenate('-WebkitAnimation')).toEqual('-webkit-animation'); });