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import {Injector, bind} from 'angular2/di';
import {Type, isPresent, BaseException} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {Promise} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
import {isBlank} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {List} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {View} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations_impl/view';
import {TemplateResolver} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/template_resolver';
import {AppView} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view';
import {internalView} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_ref';
import {DynamicComponentLoader, ComponentRef} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/dynamic_component_loader';
import {queryView, viewRootNodes, el} from './utils';
import {instantiateType, getTypeOf} from './lang_utils';
* @exportedAs angular2/test
export class TestBed {
_injector: Injector;
constructor(injector: Injector) {
this._injector = injector;
* Overrides the {@link View} of a {@link Component}.
* @see setInlineTemplate() to only override the html
* @param {Type} component
* @param {ViewDefinition} template
overrideView(component: Type, template: View): void {
this._injector.get(TemplateResolver).setView(component, template);
* Overrides only the html of a {@link Component}.
* All the other propoerties of the component's {@link View} are preserved.
* @param {Type} component
* @param {string} html
setInlineTemplate(component: Type, html: string): void {
this._injector.get(TemplateResolver).setInlineTemplate(component, html);
* Overrides the directives from the component {@link View}.
* @param {Type} component
* @param {Type} from
* @param {Type} to
overrideDirective(component: Type, from: Type, to: Type): void {
this._injector.get(TemplateResolver).overrideTemplateDirective(component, from, to);
* Creates an `AppView` for the given component.
* Only either a component or a context needs to be specified but both can be provided for
* advanced use cases (ie subclassing the context).
* @param {Type} component
* @param {*} context
* @param {string} html Use as the component template when specified (shortcut for setInlineTemplate)
* @return {Promise<ViewProxy>}
createView(component: Type,
{context = null, html = null}: {context:any, html: string} = {}): Promise<AppView> {
if (isBlank(component) && isBlank(context)) {
throw new BaseException('You must specified at least a component or a context');
if (isBlank(component)) {
component = getTypeOf(context);
} else if (isBlank(context)) {
context = instantiateType(component);
if (isPresent(html)) {
this.setInlineTemplate(component, html);
var rootEl = el('<div></div>');
var componentBinding = bind(component).toValue(context);
return this._injector.get(DynamicComponentLoader).loadIntoNewLocation(componentBinding, null, rootEl, this._injector).then((hostComponentRef) => {
return new ViewProxy(hostComponentRef);
* Proxy to `AppView` return by `createView` in {@link TestBed} which offers a high level API for tests.
export class ViewProxy {
_componentRef: ComponentRef;
_view: AppView;
constructor(componentRef: ComponentRef) {
this._componentRef = componentRef;
this._view = internalView(componentRef.hostView).componentChildViews[0];
get context(): any {
return this._view.context;
get rootNodes(): List {
return viewRootNodes(this._view);
detectChanges(): void {
querySelector(selector) {
return queryView(this._view, selector);
destroy() {
* @returns `AppView` returns the underlying `AppView`.
* Prefer using the other methods which hide implementation details.
get rawView(): AppView {
return this._view;