Paul Gschwendtner 6050cd0c1b ci: downgrade to sauce-connect v4.5.1 (#28659)
We currently face a lot of flakiness with our
Saucelabs CI jobs. These randomly exceed the 10min
CircleCI no-output limit because something throws
off `sauce-connect` in a long-lasting loop where
it tries to connect to some of their Saucelabs
servers. The initial assumption from the Saucelabs
team was that we might have some invalid firewall
rules, but this does not answer why this happens
_randomly_, so the latest update from the support
is that there have been some changes in the latest
version of `sauce-connect` version that **could**
cause this flakiness.

I've manually did multiple test runs and was only
able to reproduce the issues with v4.5.3 (latest
version), so it might be worth downgrading to
v4.5.1. This is also what the Saucelabs support
proposed us to do (though it's not guaranteed that
v4.5.1 is unaffected by the same issue)

PR Close #28659
2019-02-12 17:23:37 -08:00

155 lines
5.5 KiB

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"// 2": "devDependencies are not used under Bazel. Many can be removed after is deleted.",
"// 3": "when updating @bazel/bazel version you also need to update the RBE settings in .bazelrc (see",
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