191 lines
6.5 KiB

extends ../../ts/latest/quickstart.jade
block includes
include _util-fns
- var _Install = 'Get'
- var _prereq = 'the Dart SDK'
- var _angular_browser_uri = 'package:angular2/platform/browser.dart'
- var _angular_core_uri = 'package:angular2/core.dart'
- var _appDir = 'lib'
- var _indexHtmlDir = 'web'
block setup-tooling
Install the **[Dart SDK](https://www.dartlang.org/downloads/)**,
if not already on your machine, and any tools you like to use with Dart.
The Dart SDK includes **[pub][pub]**, the Dart package manager, that we
will be using shortly.
If you don't have a favorite Dart editor already, try
[WebStorm][WS], which comes with a Dart plugin.
You can also download [Dart plugins for other IDEs and editors][DT].
[WS]: https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/WI/Getting+started+with+Dart
[DT]: https://www.dartlang.org/tools
[pub]: https://www.dartlang.org/tools/pub
block download-source
// exclude this section from Dart
block package-and-config-files
In the project folder just created, put a file named
**[pubspec.yaml][pubspec]** in it.
As shown below, in `pubspec.yaml`, specify the angular2 and browser
packages as dependencies, as well as the angular2 transformer.
Angular 2 is still changing, so provide an exact version: **2.0.0-beta.17**.
[pubspec]: https://www.dartlang.org/tools/pub/pubspec.html
+makeExample('quickstart/dart/pubspec.yaml', 'no-rewriter', 'pubspec.yaml')
block install-packages
From the project folder, run `pub get` to install the angular2 and browser
packages (along with the packages they depend on).
&gt; <span class="blk">pub get</span>
Resolving dependencies...
block annotation-fields
The call to the `@Component` constructor has two
named parameters, `selector` and `template`.
block create-main
Now we need something to tell Angular to load the root component.
li a #[b folder named #[code web]], and inside it
li the file #[code #[+adjExPath('app/main.ts')]] with the following content:
block index-html-commentary-for-ts
//- N/A
block run-app
You have a few options for running your app.
One is to launch a local HTTP server
and then view the app in
<a href="https://www.dartlang.org/tools/dartium/">Dartium</a>.
You can use whatever server you like, such as WebStorm's server
or Python's SimpleHTTPServer.
Another option is to build and serve the app using <code>pub serve</code>,
and then run it by visiting <b><code>http://localhost:8080</code></b> in any modern browser.
Pub serve generates JavaScript on the fly,
which can take a while when you first visit the page.
Pub serve also runs in <b><i>watch mode</i></b>, and will re-compile and subsequently serve
and changed assets.
Once the app is running, you should see the following in your browser
block build-app
If you don't see that, make sure you've entered all the code correctly,
in the [proper folders](#wrap-up),
and run `pub get`.
h3#section-angular-run-app Building the app (generating JavaScript)
Before you can deploy your app, you need to generate JavaScript files.
The `pub build` command makes that easy.
To improve your app's performance, convert the
HTML file to directly include the generated JavaScript;
one way to do that is with `dart_to_js_script_rewriter`.
Add the `dart_to_js_script_rewriter` package to your pubspec,
in both the `dependencies` and `transformers` sections.
- var stylePattern = { pnk: /(dart_to_js_script_rewriter.*$)|(- dart_to_js_script_rewriter.*$)/gm, otl: /(dependencies:)|(transformers:)/g };
+makeExample('quickstart/dart/pubspec.yaml', null, 'pubspec.yaml', stylePattern)
Then compile your Dart code to JavaScript,
using <code>pub build</code>.
&gt; <span class="blk">pub build</span>
Loading source assets...
The generated JavaScript appears, along with supporting files,
under the <code>build</code> directory.
When you generate JavaScript for an Angular app,
be sure to use the Angular transformer.
It analyzes your code,
converting reflection-using code to static code
that Dart's build tools can compile to faster, smaller JavaScript.
The highlighted lines in <code>pubspec.yaml</code>
configure the Angular transformer:
- var stylePattern = { otl: /(transformers:)|(- angular2:)|(entry_points.*$)/gm };
+makeExample('quickstart/dart/pubspec.yaml', null, 'pubspec.yaml', stylePattern)
The <code>entry_points</code> item
identifies the Dart file in your app
that has a <code>main()</code> function.
For more information, see the
<a href="https://github.com/angular/angular/wiki/Angular-2-Dart-Transformer">Angular
transformer wiki page</a>.
h3 Performance, the transformer, and Angular 2 libraries
When you import <code>bootstrap.dart</code>,
you also get <code>dart:mirrors</code>,
a reflection library that
causes performance problems when compiled to JavaScript.
Don't worry,
the Angular transformer converts your entry points
(<code>entry_points</code> in <code>pubspec.yaml</code>)
so that they don't use mirrors.
block server-watching
Pub serve is watching and
should detect the change, recompile the Dart into JavaScript,
refresh the browser, and display the revised message.
It's a nifty way to develop an application!
Ensure that you terminate the `pub serve` process once you are done.
block project-file-structure
.file angular2-quickstart
.file build ...
.file lib
.file app_component.dart
.file pubspec.yaml
.file web
.file index.html
.file main.ts
.file styles.css
block project-files
block what-next-ts-overhead
//- N/A