
This commit is contained in:
YuCheng Hu 2024-04-08 18:32:25 -04:00
commit ae2587946b
45 changed files with 7996 additions and 394 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,392 +1 @@
### Gradle ###
# Ignore Gradle GUI config
# Avoid ignoring Gradle wrapper jar file (.jar files are usually ignored)
# Cache of project
# # Work around https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-116898
# gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
### Gradle Patch ###
### Intellij ###
# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio and WebStorm
# Reference: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544839
# User-specific stuff
# Generated files
# Sensitive or high-churn files
# Gradle
# Gradle and Maven with auto-import
# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files,
# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using
# auto-import.
# .idea/modules.xml
# .idea/*.iml
# .idea/modules
# *.iml
# *.ipr
# CMake
# Mongo Explorer plugin
# File-based project format
# IntelliJ
# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
# JIRA plugin
# Cursive Clojure plugin
# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
# Editor-based Rest Client
# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file
### Intellij Patch ###
# Comment Reason: https://github.com/joeblau/gitignore.io/issues/186#issuecomment-215987721
# *.iml
# modules.xml
# .idea/misc.xml
# *.ipr
# Sonarlint plugin
### Intellij+iml ###
# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio and WebStorm
# Reference: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544839
# User-specific stuff
# Generated files
# Sensitive or high-churn files
# Gradle
# Gradle and Maven with auto-import
# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files,
# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using
# auto-import.
# .idea/modules.xml
# .idea/*.iml
# .idea/modules
# *.iml
# *.ipr
# CMake
# Mongo Explorer plugin
# File-based project format
# IntelliJ
# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
# JIRA plugin
# Cursive Clojure plugin
# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
# Editor-based Rest Client
# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file
### Intellij+iml Patch ###
# Reason: https://github.com/joeblau/gitignore.io/issues/186#issuecomment-249601023
### Maven ###
# CMake
# Mongo Explorer plugin
# File-based project format
# IntelliJ
# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
# JIRA plugin
# Cursive Clojure plugin
# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
# Editor-based Rest Client
# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file
### Intellij Patch ###
# Comment Reason: https://github.com/joeblau/gitignore.io/issues/186#issuecomment-215987721
# *.iml
# modules.xml
# .idea/misc.xml
# *.ipr
# Sonarlint plugin
### Node ###
# Logs
# Diagnostic reports (https://nodejs.org/api/report.html)
# Runtime data
# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover
# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
# nyc test coverage
# Grunt intermediate storage (https://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files)
# Bower dependency directory (https://bower.io/)
# node-waf configuration
# Compiled binary addons (https://nodejs.org/api/addons.html)
# Dependency directories
# Snowpack dependency directory (https://snowpack.dev/)
# TypeScript cache
# Optional npm cache directory
# Optional eslint cache
# Optional stylelint cache
# Microbundle cache
# Optional REPL history
# Output of 'npm pack'
# Yarn Integrity file
# dotenv environment variable files
# parcel-bundler cache (https://parceljs.org/)
# Next.js build output
# Nuxt.js build / generate output
# Gatsby files
# Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and not Next.js
# https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-1#public-directory-support
# public
# vuepress build output
# vuepress v2.x temp and cache directory
# Docusaurus cache and generated files
# Serverless directories
# FuseBox cache
# DynamoDB Local files
# TernJS port file
# Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions
# yarn v2
### Node Patch ###
# Serverless Webpack directories
# Optional stylelint cache
# SvelteKit build / generate output
### yarn ###
# if you are NOT using Zero-installs, then:
# comment the following lines
# and uncomment the following lines
# .pnp.*

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@ -1,3 +1,49 @@
# Composer Docs
Composer 中文文档
Composer 中文文档
- 希望更多的朋友能够参与此文档的翻译、勘误(您可以 Fork 本项目,并提交 Pull Request
- 新版本文档翻译缓慢进行中,详见 [1.6分支](https://github.com/5-say/composer-doc-cn/blob/1.6/README.md)
- 当前文档基本不影响新版 Composer 的使用,新文档在结构以及章节内容上做了比较大的调整,针对性的翻译会逐步完善。
- [中文翻译贡献者名单](/contributors.md)
## Book
- [简介](/cn-introduction/00-intro.md)
- [基本用法](/cn-introduction/01-basic-usage.md)
- [库(资源包)](/cn-introduction/02-libraries.md)
- [命令行](/cn-introduction/03-cli.md)
- [架构](/cn-introduction/04-schema.md)
- [资源库](/cn-introduction/05-repositories.md)
- [社区](/cn-introduction/06-community.md)
## Articles
- [别名](/cn-introduction/articles/aliases.md)
- [自定义安装程序](/cn-introduction/articles/custom-installers.md)
- [Handling Private Packages With Satis](/cn-introduction/articles/handling-private-packages-with-satis.md)
Host your own composer repository
- [插件](/cn-introduction/articles/plugins.md)
修改和扩展 Composer 的功能。
- [脚本](/cn-introduction/articles/scripts.md)
脚本是指一些 Composer 事件的回调,它们在安装资源包的过程中被触发执行。
- [Troubleshooting](/cn-introduction/articles/troubleshooting.md)
Solving problems
- [二进制供应库](/cn-introduction/articles/vendor-binaries.md)
## FAQs
- [如何为我的框架自定义一个资源包安装目录?](/cn-introduction/faqs/how-do-i-install-a-package-to-a-custom-path-for-my-framework.md)
- [我应该提交 vendor 目录中的依赖包吗?](/cn-introduction/faqs/should-i-commit-the-dependencies-in-my-vendor-directory.md)
- [为什么说“比较符”和“通配符”相结合的版本约束是坏主意?](/cn-introduction/faqs/why-are-version-constraints-combining-comparisons-and-wildcards-a-bad-idea.md)
- [为什么 Composer 不递归加载储存库?](/cn-introduction/faqs/why-can%27t-composer-load-repositories-recursively.md)
## 相关文章推荐
- [PHP 开发者该知道的5个 Composer 小技巧](http://segmentfault.com/a/1190000000355928)

cn-introduction/00-intro.md Normal file
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<a name="Introduction"></a>
# 简介
Composer 是 PHP 的一个依赖管理工具。它允许你申明项目所依赖的代码库,它会在你的项目中为你安装他们。
- [简介](#Introduction)
- [依赖管理](#Dependency-management)
- [声明依赖关系](#Declaring-dependencies)
- [系统要求](#System-Requirements)
- [安装 - *nix](#Installation-*nix)
- [下载 Composer 的可执行文件](#Downloading-the-Composer-Executable)
- [局部安装](#Locally)
- [全局安装](#Globally)
- [全局安装 (on OSX via homebrew)](#Globally-on-OSX-via-homebrew)
- [安装 - Windows](#Installation-Windows)
- [使用安装程序](#Using-the-Installer)
- [手动安装](#Manual-Installation)
- [使用 Composer](#Using-Composer)
- [自动加载](#Autoloading)
<a name="Dependency-management"></a>
## 依赖管理
Composer 不是一个包管理器。是的,它涉及 "packages" 和 "libraries",但它在每个项目的基础上进行管理,在你项目的某个目录中(例如 `vendor`)进行安装。默认情况下它不会在全局安装任何东西。因此,这仅仅是一个依赖管理。
这种想法并不新鲜Composer 受到了 node 的 [npm](http://npmjs.org/)
和 ruby 的 [bundler](http://gembundler.com/) 的强烈启发。而当时 PHP 下并没有类似的工具。
Composer 将这样为你解决问题:
a) 你有一个项目依赖于若干个库。
b) 其中一些库依赖于其他库。
c) 你声明你所依赖的东西。
d) Composer 会找出哪个版本的包需要安装,并安装它们(将它们下载到你的项目中)。
<a name="Declaring-dependencies"></a>
## 声明依赖关系
比方说,你正在创建一个项目,你需要一个库来做日志记录。你决定使用 [monolog](https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog)。为了将它添加到你的项目中,你所需要做的就是创建一个 `composer.json` 文件,其中描述了项目的依赖关系。
"require": {
"monolog/monolog": "1.2.*"
我们只要指出我们的项目需要一些 `monolog/monolog` 的包,从 `1.2``1.3` 之间的最高版本。
<a name="System-Requirements"></a>
## 系统要求
运行 Composer 需要 PHP 5.3.2+ 以上版本。一些敏感的 PHP 设置和编译标志也是必须的,但对于任何不兼容项安装程序都会抛出警告。
我们将从包的来源直接安装,而不是简单的下载 zip 文件,你需要 git 、 svn 或者 hg ,这取决于你载入的包所使用的版本管理系统。
Composer 是多平台的,我们努力使它在 Windows 、 Linux 以及 OSX 平台上运行的同样出色。
<a name="Installation-*nix"></a>
## 安装 - *nix
<a name="Downloading-the-Composer-Executable"></a>
### 下载 Composer 的可执行文件
<a name="Locally"></a>
#### 局部安装
要真正获取 Composer我们需要做两件事。首先安装 Composer (同样的,这意味着它将下载到你的项目中):
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
> **注意:** 如果上述方法由于某些原因失败了,你还可以通过 `php` >下载安装器:
php -r "readfile('https://getcomposer.org/installer');" | php
这将检查一些 PHP 的设置,然后下载 `composer.phar` 到你的工作目录中。这是 Composer 的二进制文件。这是一个 PHAR 包PHP 的归档),这是 PHP 的归档格式可以帮助用户在命令行中执行一些操作。
你可以通过 `--install-dir` 选项指定 Composer 的安装目录(它可以是一个绝对或相对路径):
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --install-dir=bin
<a name="Globally"></a>
#### 全局安装
你可以将此文件放在任何地方。如果你把它放在系统的 `PATH` 目录中,你就能在全局访问它。 在类Unix系统中你甚至可以在使用时不加 `php` 前缀。
你可以执行这些命令让 `composer` 在你的系统中进行全局调用:
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
> **注意:** 如果上述命令因为权限执行失败,
> 请使用 sudo 再次尝试运行 `mv` 那行命令。
现在只需要运行 `composer` 命令就可以使用 Composer 而不需要输入 `php composer.phar`
<a name="Globally-on-OSX-via-homebrew"></a>
#### 全局安装 (on OSX via homebrew)
Composer 是 homebrew-php 项目的一部分。
brew update
brew tap josegonzalez/homebrew-php
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install php55-intl
brew install josegonzalez/php/composer
<a name="Installation-Windows"></a>
## 安装 - Windows
<a name="Using-the-Installer"></a>
### 使用安装程序
这是将 Composer 安装在你机器上的最简单的方法。
下载并且运行 [Composer-Setup.exe](https://getcomposer.org/Composer-Setup.exe),它将安装最新版本的 Composer ,并设置好系统的环境变量,因此你可以在任何目录下直接使用 `composer` 命令。
<a name="Manual-Installation"></a>
### 手动安装
设置系统的环境变量 `PATH` 并运行安装命令下载 composer.phar 文件:
C:\Users\username>cd C:\bin
C:\bin>php -r "readfile('https://getcomposer.org/installer');" | php
> **注意:** 如果收到 readfile 错误提示,请使用 `http` 链接或者在 php.ini 中开启 php_openssl.dll 。
`composer.phar` 同级目录下新建文件 `composer.bat`
C:\bin>echo @php "%~dp0composer.phar" %*>composer.bat
C:\Users\username>composer -V
Composer version 27d8904
<a name="Using-Composer"></a>
## 使用 Composer
现在我们将使用 Composer 来安装项目的依赖。如果在当前目录下没有一个 `composer.json` 文件,请查看[基本用法](01-basic-usage.md)章节。
要解决和下载依赖,请执行 `install` 命令:
php composer.phar install
如果你进行了全局安装,并且没有 phar 文件在当前目录,请使用下面的命令代替:
composer install
继续 [上面的例子](#Declaring-dependencies),这里将下载 monolog 到 `vendor/monolog/monolog` 目录。
<a name="Autoloading"></a>
## 自动加载
除了库的下载Composer 还准备了一个自动加载文件,它可以加载 Composer 下载的库中所有的类文件。使用它,你只需要将下面这行代码添加到你项目的引导文件中:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
现在我们就可以使用 monolog 了!想要学习更多关于 Composer 的知识,请查看“基本用法”章节。
[基本用法](01-basic-usage.md) &rarr;

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<a name="Basic-usage"></a>
# 基本用法
- [基本用法](#Basic-usage)
- [安装](#Installation)
- [`composer.json`:项目安装](#composer.json-Project-Setup)
- [关于 `require` Key](#The-require-Key)
- [包名称](#Package-Names)
- [包版本](#Package-Versions)
- [下一个重要版本(波浪号运算符)](#Next-Significant-Release)
- [稳定性](#Stability)
- [安装依赖包](#Installing-Dependencies)
- [`composer.lock` - 锁文件](#composer.lock-The-Lock-File)
- [Packagist](#Packagist)
- [自动加载](#Autoloading)
<a name="Installation"></a>
## 安装
安装 Composer你只需要下载 `composer.phar` 可执行文件。
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
详细请查看 [简介](00-intro.md) 章节。
要检查 Composer 是否正常工作,只需要通过 `php` 来执行 PHAR
php composer.phar
> **注意:** 你也可以仅执行 `--check` 选项而无需下载 Composer。
> 要获取更多的信息请使用 `--help`
> ```sh
> curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --help
> ```
<a name="composer.json-Project-Setup"></a>
## `composer.json`:项目安装
要开始在你的项目中使用 Composer你只需要一个 `composer.json` 文件。该文件包含了项目的依赖和其它的一些元数据。
这个 [JSON format](http://json.org/) 是很容易编写的。它允许你定义嵌套结构。
<a name="The-require-Key"></a>
### 关于 `require` Key
第一件事情(并且往往只需要做这一件事),你需要在 `composer.json` 文件中指定 `require` key 的值。你只需要简单的告诉 Composer 你的项目需要依赖哪些包。
"require": {
"monolog/monolog": "1.0.*"
你可以看到, `require` 需要一个 **包名称** (例如 `monolog/monolog` 映射到 **包版本** (例如 `1.0.*` 的对象。
"require" : {
"php" : "^5.5 || ^7.0",
"ext-mbstring": "*"
<a name="Package-Names"></a>
### 包名称
包名称由供应商名称和其项目名称构成。通常容易产生相同的项目名称,而供应商名称的存在则很好的解决了命名冲突的问题。它允许两个不同的人创建同样名为 `json` 的库,而之后它们将被命名为 `igorw/json``seldaek/json`
这里我们需要引入 `monolog/monolog`,供应商名称与项目的名称相同,对于一个具有唯一名称的项目,我们推荐这么做。它还允许以后在同一个命名空间添加更多的相关项目。如果你维护着一个库,这将使你可以很容易的把它分离成更小的部分。
<a name="Package-Versions"></a>
### 包版本
在前面的例子中,我们引入的 monolog 版本指定为 `1.0.*`。这表示任何从 `1.0` 开始的开发分支,它将会匹配 `1.0.0`、`1.0.2` 或者 `1.0.20`
<br />有效的运算符:<code>&gt;</code><code>&gt;=</code><code>&lt;</code><code>&lt;=</code><code>!=</code>
<br />你可以定义多个范围,用逗号隔开,这将被视为一个<strong>逻辑AND</strong>处理。一个管道符号<code>|</code>将作为<strong>逻辑OR</strong>处理。
<br />AND 的优先级高于 OR。</td>
<td><code> ^1.2.3</code></td>
<td>^操作符的行为很相似,但它更接近于语义,并将永远让不间断更新。例如<code>^1.2.3</code>相当于<code>>=1.2.3<2.0.0</code>如没有释放到2.0应该打破向后兼容性。同时也可以使用限制版本,如<code>^0.3</code><code>>=0.3.0<0.4.0 </code></td>
<a name="Next-Significant-Release"></a>
### 下一个重要版本(波浪号运算符)
`~` 最好用例子来解释: `~1.2` 相当于 `>=1.2,<2.0`,而 `~1.2.3` 相当于 `>=1.2.3,<1.3`。正如你所看到的这对于遵循 [语义化版本号](http://semver.org/) 的项目最有用。一个常见的用法是标记你所依赖的最低版本,像 `~1.2` 允许1.2以上的任何版本但不包括2.0。由于理论上直到2.0应该都没有向后兼容性问题,所以效果很好。你还会看到它的另一种用法,使用 `~` 指定最低版本,但允许版本号的最后一位数字上升。
> **注意:** 虽然 `2.0-beta.1` 严格地说是早于 `2.0`,但是,根据版本约束条件,
> 例如 `~1.2` 却不会安装这个版本。就像前面所讲的 `~1.2` 只意味着 `.2`
> 部分可以改变,但是 `1.` 部分是固定的。
<a name="Stability"></a>
### 稳定性
默认情况下只有稳定的发行版才会被考虑在内。如果你也想获得 RC、beta、alpha 或 dev 版本,你可以使用 [稳定标志](04-schema.md#Package-links)。你可以对所有的包做 [最小稳定性](04-schema.md#minimum-stability) 设置,而不是每个依赖逐一设置。
<a name="Installing-Dependencies"></a>
## 安装依赖包
获取定义的依赖到你的本地项目,只需要调用 `composer.phar` 运行 `install` 命令。
php composer.phar install
接着前面的例子,这将会找到 `monolog/monolog` 的最新版本,并将它下载到 `vendor` 目录。
这是一个惯例把第三方的代码到一个指定的目录 `vendor`。如果是 monolog 将会创建 `vendor/monolog/monolog` 目录。
> **小技巧:** 如果你正在使用Git来管理你的项目
> 你可能要添加 `vendor` 到你的 `.gitignore` 文件中。
> 你不会希望将所有的代码都添加到你的版本库中。
另一件事是 `install` 命令将创建一个 `composer.lock` 文件到你项目的根目录中。
<a name="composer.lock-The-Lock-File"></a>
## `composer.lock` - 锁文件
在安装依赖后Composer 将把安装时确切的版本号列表写入 `composer.lock` 文件。这将锁定该项目的特定版本。
**请提交你应用程序的 `composer.lock` (包括 `composer.json`)到你的版本库中**
这是非常重要的,因为 `install` 命令将会检查锁文件是否存在,如果存在,它将下载指定的版本(忽略 `composer.json` 文件中的定义)。
如果不存在 `composer.lock` 文件Composer 将读取 `composer.json` 并创建锁文件。
这意味着如果你的依赖更新了新的版本,你将不会获得任何更新。此时要更新你的依赖版本请使用 `update` 命令。这将获取最新匹配的版本(根据你的 `composer.json` 文件)并将新版本更新进锁文件。
php composer.phar update
php composer.phar update monolog/monolog [...]
> **注意:** 对于库,并不一定建议提交锁文件
> 请参考:[库的锁文件](02-libraries.md#Lock-file).
<a name="Packagist"></a>
## Packagist
[packagist](https://packagist.org/) 是 Composer 的主要资源库。 一个 Composer 的库基本上是一个包的源记录了可以得到包的地方。Packagist 的目标是成为大家使用库资源的中央存储平台。这意味着你可以 `require` 那里的任何包。
当你访问 [packagist](https://packagist.org/) 网站 (packagist.org),你可以浏览和搜索资源包。
任何支持 Composer 的开源项目应该发布自己的包在 packagist 上。虽然并不一定要发布在 packagist 上来使用 Composer但它使我们的编程生活更加轻松。
<a name="Autoloading"></a>
## 自动加载
对于库的自动加载信息Composer 生成了一个 `vendor/autoload.php` 文件。你可以简单的引入这个文件,你会得到一个免费的自动加载支持。
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
这使得你可以很容易的使用第三方代码。例如:如果你的项目依赖 monolog你就可以像这样开始使用这个类库并且他们将被自动加载。
$log = new Monolog\Logger('name');
$log->pushHandler(new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('app.log', Monolog\Logger::WARNING));
你可以在 `composer.json``autoload` 字段中增加自己的 autoloader。
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {"Acme\\": "src/"}
Composer 将注册一个 [PSR-4](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/) autoloader 到 `Acme` 命名空间。
你可以定义一个从命名空间到目录的映射。此时 `src` 会在你项目的根目录,与 `vendor` 文件夹同级。例如 `src/Foo.php` 文件应该包含 `Acme\Foo` 类。
添加 `autoload` 字段后,你应该再次运行 `install` 命令来生成 `vendor/autoload.php` 文件。
引用这个文件也将返回 autoloader 的实例,你可以将包含调用的返回值存储在变量中,并添加更多的命名空间。这对于在一个测试套件中自动加载类文件是非常有用的,例如。
$loader = require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$loader->addPsr4('Acme\\Test\\', __DIR__);
除了 PSR-4 自动加载Composer 同时支持PSR-0、classmap 和 files自动加载。详细请查看 [自动加载-参考](04-schema.md#autoload)。
> **注意:** Composer 提供了自己的 autoloader。如果你不想使用它你可以仅仅引入 `vendor/composer/autoload_*.php` 文件,它返回一个关联数组,你可以通过这个关联数组配置自己的 autoloader。
&larr; [简介](00-intro.md) | [库(资源包)](02-libraries.md) &rarr;

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<a name="Libraries"></a>
# 库(资源包)
本章将告诉你如何通过 Composer 来安装你的库。
- [库(资源包)](#Libraries)
- [每一个项目都是一个包](#Every-project-is-a-package)
- [平台软件包](#Platform-packages)
- [指明版本](#Specifying-the-version)
- [标签](#Tags)
- [分支](#Branches)
- [别名](#Aliases)
- [锁文件](#Lock-file)
- [发布到 VCS线上版本控制系统](#Publishing-to-a-VCS)
- [发布到 packagist](#Publishing-to-packagist)
<a name="Every-project-is-a-package"></a>
## 每一个项目都是一个包
只要你有一个 `composer.json` 文件在目录中,那么整个目录就是一个包。当你添加一个 `require` 到项目中,你就是在创建一个依赖于其它库的包。你的项目和库之间唯一的区别是,你的项目是一个没有名字的包。
为了使它成为一个可安装的包,你需要给它一个名称。你可以通过 `composer.json` 中的 `name` 来定义:
"name": "acme/hello-world",
"require": {
"monolog/monolog": "1.0.*"
在这种情况下项目的名称为 `acme/hello-world`,其中 `acme` 是供应商的名称。供应商的名称是必须填写的。
> **注意:** 如果你不知道拿什么作为供应商的名称,
> 那么使用你 github 上的用户名通常是不错的选择。
> 虽然包名不区分大小写,但惯例是使用小写字母,并用连字符作为单词的分隔。
<a name="Platform-packages"></a>
## 平台软件包
Composer 将那些已经安装在系统上,但并不是由 Composer 安装的包视为一个虚拟的平台软件包。这包括PHP本身PHP扩展和一些系统库。
* `php` 表示用户的 PHP 版本要求,你可以对其做出限制。例如 `>=5.4.0`。如果需要64位版本的 PHP你可以使用 `php-64bit` 进行限制。
* `hhvm` 代表的是 HHVM也就是 HipHop Virtual
Machine 运行环境的版本,并且允许你设置一个版本限制,例如,'>=2.3.3'。
* `ext-<name>` 可以帮你指定需要的 PHP 扩展(包括核心扩展)。通常 PHP 拓展的版本可以是不一致的,将它们的版本约束为 `*` 是一个不错的主意。一个 PHP 扩展包的例子:包名可以写成 `ext-gd`
* `lib-<name>` 允许对 PHP 库的版本进行限制。
你可以使用 `composer show --platform` 命令来获取可用的平台软件包的列表。
<a name="Specifying-the-version"></a>
## 指明版本
你需要一些方法来指明自己开发的包的版本,当你在 Packagist 上发布自己的包,它能够从 VCS (git, svn,
hg) 的信息推断出包的版本,因此你不必手动指明版本号,并且也不建议这样做。请查看 [标签](#Tags) 和 [分支](#Branches) 来了解版本号是如何被提取的。
如果你想要手动创建并且真的要明确指定它,你只需要添加一个 `version` 字段:
"version": "1.0.0"
> **注意:** 你应该尽量避免手动设置版本号,因为标签的值必须与标签名相匹配。
<a name="Tags"></a>
### 标签
对于每一个看起来像版本号的标签,都会相应的创建一个包的版本。它应该符合 'X.Y.Z' 或者 'vX.Y.Z' 的形式,`-patch`、`-alpha`、`-beta` 或 `-RC` 这些后缀是可选的。在后缀之后也可以再跟上一个数字。
- 1.0.0
- v1.0.0
- 1.10.5-RC1
- v4.4.4beta2
- v2.0.0-alpha
- v2.0.4-p1
> **注意:** 即使你的标签带有前缀 `v`
> 由于在需要 `require` 一个[版本的约束](01-basic-usage.md#Package-Versions)时是不允许这种前缀的,
> 因此 `v` 将被省略(例如标签 `V1.0.0` 将创建 `1.0.0` 版本)。
<a name="Branches"></a>
### 分支
对于每一个分支,都会相应的创建一个包的开发版本。如果分支名看起来像一个版本号,那么将创建一个如同 `{分支名}-dev` 的包版本号。例如一个分支 `2.0` 将产生一个 `2.0.x-dev` 包版本(加入了 `.x` 是出于技术的原因,以确保它被识别为一个分支,而 `2.0.x` 的分支名称也是允许的,它同样会被转换为 `2.0.x-dev`)。如果分支名看起来不像一个版本号,它将会创建 `dev-{分支名}` 形式的版本号。例如 `master` 将产生一个 `dev-master` 的版本号。
- 1.x
- 1.0 (equals 1.0.x)
- 1.1.x
> **注意:** 当你安装一个新的版本时,将会自动从它 `source` 中拉取。
> 详细请查看 [`install`](03-cli.md#install) 命令。
<a name="Aliases"></a>
### 别名
它表示一个包版本的别名。例如,你可以为 `dev-master` 设置别名 `1.0.x-dev`,这样就可以通过 require `1.0.x-dev` 来得到 `dev-master` 版本的包。
<a name="Lock-file"></a>
## 锁文件
如果你愿意,可以在你的项目中提交 `composer.lock` 文件。他将帮助你的团队始终针对同一个依赖版本进行测试。任何时候,这个锁文件都只对于你的项目产生影响。
如果你不想提交锁文件,并且你正在使用 Git那么请将它添加到 `.gitignore` 文件中。
<a name="Publishing-to-a-VCS"></a>
## 发布到 VCS线上版本控制系统
一旦你有一个包含 `composer.json` 文件的库存储在线上版本控制系统例如Git你的库就可以被 Composer 所安装。在这个例子中,我们将 `acme/hello-world` 库发布在 GitHub 上的 `github.com/username/hello-world` 中。
现在测试这个 `acme/hello-world` 包,我们在本地创建一个新的项目。我们将它命名为 `acme/blog`。此博客将依赖 `acme/hello-world`,而后者又依赖 `monolog/monolog`。我们可以在某处创建一个新的 `blog` 文件夹来完成它,并且需要包含 `composer.json` 文件:
"name": "acme/blog",
"require": {
"acme/hello-world": "dev-master"
在这个例子中 `name` 不是必须的,因为我们并不想将它发布为一个库。在这里为 `composer.json` 文件添加描述。
现在我们需要告诉我们的应用,在哪里可以找到 `hello-world` 的依赖。为此我们需要在 `composer.json` 中添加 `repositories` 来源申明:
"name": "acme/blog",
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/username/hello-world"
"require": {
"acme/hello-world": "dev-master"
这就是全部了。你现在可以使用 Composer 的 `install` 命令来安装你的依赖包了!
**小结:** 任何含有 `composer.json``GIT`、`SVN`、`HG` 存储库,都可以通过 `require` 字段指定“包来源”和“声明依赖”来添加到你的项目中。
<a name="Publishing-to-packagist"></a>
## 发布到 packagist
你可能注意到了另一件事,我们并没有指定 `monolog/monolog` 的来源。它是怎么工作的?答案是 packagist。
[Packagist](https://packagist.org/) 是 Composer 主要的一个包信息存储库,它默认是启用的。任何在 packagist 上发布的包都可以直接被 Composer 使用。就像 monolog
它被 [发布在 packagist 上](https://packagist.org/packages/monolog/monolog),我们可以直接使用它,而不必指定任何额外的来源信息。
如果我们想与世界分享我们的 `hello-world`,我们最好将它发布到 packagist 上。这样做是很容易的。
你只需要点击那个大大的 "Submit Package" 按钮并注册。接着提交你库的来源地址,此时 packagist 就开始了抓取。一旦完成,你的包将可以提供给任何人使用。
&larr; [基本用法](01-basic-usage.md) | [命令行](03-cli.md) &rarr;

cn-introduction/03-cli.md Normal file
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<a name="Command-line-interface"></a>
# 命令行
为了从命令行获得帮助信息,请运行 `composer` 或者 `composer list` 命令,然后结合 `--help` 命令来获得更多的帮助信息。
- [命令行](#Command-line-interface)
- [全局参数](#Global-Options)
- [进程退出代码](#Process-Exit-Codes)
- [初始化 `init`](#init) - - [参数](#init-Options)
- [安装 `install`](#install) - - [参数](#install-Options)
- [更新 `update`](#update) - - [参数](#update-Options)
- [申明依赖 `require`](#require) - - [参数](#require-Options)
- [全局执行 `global`](#global)
- [搜索 `search`](#search) - - [参数](#search-Options)
- [展示 `show`](#show) - - [参数](#show-Options)
- [依赖性检测 `depends`](#depends) - - [参数](#depends-Options)
- [有效性检测 `validate`](#validate)
- [依赖包状态检测 `status`](#status)
- [自我更新 `self-update`](#self-update) - - [参数](#self-update-Options)
- [更改配置 `config`](#config) - - [使用方法](#config-Usage) - - [参数](#config-Options) - - [修改包来源](#Modifying-Repositories)
- [创建项目 `create-project`](#create-project) - - [参数](#create-project-Options)
- [打印自动加载索引 `dump-autoload`](#dump-autoload) - - [参数](#dump-autoload-Options)
- [查看许可协议 `licenses`](#licenses)
- [执行脚本 `run-script`](#run-script)
- [诊断 `diagnose`](#diagnose)
- [归档 `archive`](#archive) - - [参数](#archive-Options)
- [获取帮助信息 `help`](#help)
- [环境变量](#Environment-variables)
- [http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY](#http_proxy-or-HTTP_PROXY)
- [no_proxy](#no_proxy)
- [COMPOSER_HOME/config.json](#COMPOSER_HOME-config.json)
<a name="Global-Options"></a>
## 全局参数
* **--verbose (-v):** 增加反馈信息的详细度。
* -v 表示正常输出。
* -vv 表示更详细的输出。
* -vvv 则是为了 debug。
* **--help (-h):** 显示帮助信息。
* **--quiet (-q):** 禁止输出任何信息。
* **--no-interaction (-n):** 不要询问任何交互问题。
* **--working-dir (-d):** 如果指定的话,使用给定的目录作为工作目录。
* **--profile:** 显示时间和内存使用信息。
* **--ansi:** 强制 ANSI 输出。
* **--no-ansi:** 关闭 ANSI 输出。
* **--version (-V):** 显示当前应用程序的版本信息。
<a name="Process-Exit-Codes"></a>
## 进程退出代码
* **0:** 正常
* **1:** 通用/未知错误
* **2:** 依赖关系处理错误
<a name="init"></a>
## 初始化 `init`
在 [“库”](02-libraries.md) 那一章我们看到了如何手动创建 `composer.json` 文件。实际上还有一个 `init` 命令可以更容易的做到这一点。
php composer.phar init
<a name="init-Options"></a>
### 初始化-参数
* **--name:** 包的名称。
* **--description:** 包的描述。
* **--author:** 包的作者。
* **--homepage:** 包的主页。
* **--require:** 需要依赖的其它包,必须要有一个版本约束。并且应该遵循 `foo/bar:1.0.0` 这样的格式。
* **--require-dev:** 开发版的依赖包,内容格式与 **--require** 相同。
* **--stability (-s):** `minimum-stability` 字段的值。
<a name="install"></a>
## 安装 `install`
`install` 命令从当前目录读取 `composer.json` 文件,处理了依赖关系,并把其安装到 `vendor` 目录下。
php composer.phar install
如果当前目录存在 `composer.lock` 文件,它会从此文件读取依赖版本,而不是根据 `composer.json` 文件去获取依赖。这确保了该库的每个使用者都能得到相同的依赖版本。
如果没有 `composer.lock` 文件composer 将在处理完依赖关系后创建它。
<a name="install-Options"></a>
### 安装-参数
* **--prefer-source:** 下载包的方式有两种: `source`
`dist`。对于稳定版本 composer 将默认使用 `dist` 方式。而 `source` 表示版本控制源 。如果 `--prefer-source` 是被启用的composer 将从 `source` 安装(如果有的话)。如果想要使用一个 bugfix 到你的项目,这是非常有用的。并且可以直接从本地的版本库直接获取依赖关系。
* **--prefer-dist:** 与 `--prefer-source` 相反composer 将尽可能的从 `dist` 获取,这将大幅度的加快在 build servers 上的安装。这也是一个回避 git 问题的途径,如果你不清楚如何正确的设置。
* **--dry-run:** 如果你只是想演示而并非实际安装一个包,你可以运行 `--dry-run` 命令,它将模拟安装并显示将会发生什么。
* **--dev:** 安装 `require-dev` 字段中列出的包(这是一个默认值)。
* **--no-dev:** 跳过 `require-dev` 字段中列出的包。
* **--no-scripts:** 跳过 `composer.json` 文件中定义的脚本。
* **--no-plugins:** 关闭 plugins。
* **--no-progress:** 移除进度信息,这可以避免一些不处理换行的终端或脚本出现混乱的显示。
* **--optimize-autoloader (-o):** 转换 PSR-0/4 autoloading 到 classmap 可以获得更快的加载支持。特别是在生产环境下建议这么做,但由于运行需要一些时间,因此并没有作为默认值。
<a name="update"></a>
## 更新 `update`
为了获取依赖的最新版本,并且升级 `composer.lock` 文件,你应该使用 `update` 命令。
php composer.phar update
这将解决项目的所有依赖,并将确切的版本号写入 `composer.lock`
php composer.phar update vendor/package vendor/package2
php composer.phar update vendor/*
<a name="update-Options"></a>
### 更新-参数
* **--prefer-source:** 当有可用的包时,从 `source` 安装。
* **--prefer-dist:** 当有可用的包时,从 `dist` 安装。
* **--dry-run:** 模拟命令,并没有做实际的操作。
* **--dev:** 安装 `require-dev` 字段中列出的包(这是一个默认值)。
* **--no-dev:** 跳过 `require-dev` 字段中列出的包。
* **--no-scripts:** 跳过 `composer.json` 文件中定义的脚本。
* **--no-plugins:** 关闭 plugins。
* **--no-progress:** 移除进度信息,这可以避免一些不处理换行的终端或脚本出现混乱的显示。
* **--optimize-autoloader (-o):** 转换 PSR-0/4 autoloading 到 classmap 可以获得更快的加载支持。特别是在生产环境下建议这么做,但由于运行需要一些时间,因此并没有作为默认值。
* **--lock:** 仅更新 lock 文件的 hash取消有关 lock 文件过时的警告。
* **--with-dependencies** 同时更新白名单内包的依赖关系,这将进行递归更新。
<a name="require"></a>
## 申明依赖 `require`
`require` 命令增加新的依赖包到当前目录的 `composer.json` 文件中。
php composer.phar require
在添加或改变依赖时, 修改后的依赖关系将被安装或者更新。
php composer.phar require vendor/package:2.* vendor/package2:dev-master
<a name="require-Options"></a>
### 申明依赖-参数
* **--prefer-source:** 当有可用的包时,从 `source` 安装。
* **--prefer-dist:** 当有可用的包时,从 `dist` 安装。
* **--dev:** 安装 `require-dev` 字段中列出的包。
* **--no-update:** 禁用依赖关系的自动更新。
* **--no-progress:** 移除进度信息,这可以避免一些不处理换行的终端或脚本出现混乱的显示。
* **--update-with-dependencies** 一并更新新装包的依赖。
<a name="global"></a>
## 全局执行 `global`
`global` 命令允许你在 [COMPOSER_HOME](#COMPOSER_HOME) 目录下执行其它命令,像 `install`、`require` 或 `update`
并且如果你将 `$COMPOSER_HOME/vendor/bin` 加入到了 `$PATH` 环境变量中,你就可以用它在命令行中安装全局应用,下面是一个例子:
php composer.phar global require fabpot/php-cs-fixer:dev-master
现在 `php-cs-fixer` 就可以在全局范围使用了(假设你已经设置了你的 PATH。如果稍后你想更新它你只需要运行 `global update`
php composer.phar global update
<a name="search"></a>
## 搜索 `search`
`search` 命令允许你为当前项目搜索依赖包,通常它只搜索 packagist.org 上的包,你可以简单的输入你的搜索条件。
php composer.phar search monolog
<a name="search-Options"></a>
### 搜索-参数
* **--only-name (-N):** 仅针对指定的名称搜索(完全匹配)。
<a name="show"></a>
## 展示 `show`
列出所有可用的软件包,你可以使用 `show` 命令。
php composer.phar show
php composer.phar show monolog/monolog
name : monolog/monolog
versions : master-dev, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0, 1.0.0-RC1
type : library
names : monolog/monolog
source : [git] http://github.com/Seldaek/monolog.git 3d4e60d0cbc4b888fe5ad223d77964428b1978da
dist : [zip] http://github.com/Seldaek/monolog/zipball/3d4e60d0cbc4b888fe5ad223d77964428b1978da 3d4e60d0cbc4b888fe5ad223d77964428b1978da
license : MIT
Monolog : src/
php >=5.3.0
php composer.phar show monolog/monolog 1.0.2
<a name="show-Options"></a>
### 展示-参数
* **--installed (-i):** 列出已安装的依赖包。
* **--platform (-p):** 仅列出平台软件包PHP 与它的扩展)。
* **--self (-s):** 仅列出当前项目信息。
<a name="depends"></a>
## 依赖性检测 `depends`
`depends` 命令可以查出已安装在你项目中的某个包,是否正在被其它的包所依赖,并列出他们。
php composer.phar depends --link-type=require monolog/monolog
<a name="depends-Options"></a>
### 依赖性检测-参数
* **--link-type:** 检测的类型,默认为 `require` 也可以是 `require-dev`
<a name="validate"></a>
## 有效性检测 `validate`
在提交 `composer.json` 文件,和创建 tag 前,你应该始终运行 `validate` 命令。它将检测你的 `composer.json` 文件是否是有效的
php composer.phar validate
### 有效性检测参数
* **--no-check-all:** Composer 是否进行完整的校验。
<a name="status"></a>
## 依赖包状态检测 `status`
如果你经常修改依赖包里的代码,并且它们是从 source自定义源进行安装的那么 `status` 命令允许你进行检查,如果你有任何本地的更改它将会给予提示。
php composer.phar status
你可以使用 `--verbose` 系列参数(-v|vv|vvv来获取更详细的详细
php composer.phar status -v
You have changes in the following dependencies:
M README.mdown
<a name="self-update"></a>
## 自我更新 `self-update`
将 Composer 自身升级到最新版本,只需要运行 `self-update` 命令。它将替换你的 `composer.phar` 文件到最新版本。
php composer.phar self-update
php composer.phar self-update 1.0.0-alpha7
如果你已经为整个系统安装 Composer参见 [全局安装](00-intro.md#全局安装)),你可能需要在 `root` 权限下运行它:
sudo composer self-update
<a name="self-update-Options"></a>
### 自我更新-参数
* **--rollback (-r):** 回滚到你已经安装的最后一个版本。
* **--clean-backups:** 在更新过程中删除旧的备份,这使得更新过后的当前版本是唯一可用的备份。
<a name="config"></a>
## 更改配置 `config`
`config` 命令允许你编辑 Composer 的一些基本设置,无论是本地的 `composer.json` 或者全局的 `config.json` 文件。
php composer.phar config --list
<a name="config-Usage"></a>
### 更改配置-使用方法
`config [options] [setting-key] [setting-value1] ... [setting-valueN]`
`setting-key` 是一个配置选项的名称,`setting-value1` 是一个配置的值。可以使用数组作为配置的值(像 `github-protocols`),多个 `setting-value` 是允许的。
有效的配置选项,请查看“架构”章节的 [config](04-schema.md#config) 。
<a name="config-Options"></a>
### 更改配置-参数
* **--global (-g):** 操作位于 `$COMPOSER_HOME/config.json` 的全局配置文件。如果不指定该参数,此命令将影响当前项目的 composer.json 文件,或 `--file` 参数所指向的文件。
* **--editor (-e):** 使用文本编辑器打开 composer.json 文件。默认情况下始终是打开当前项目的文件。当存在 `--global` 参数时,将会打开全局 composer.json 文件。
* **--unset:** 移除由 `setting-key` 指定名称的配置选项。
* **--list (-l):** 显示当前配置选项的列表。当存在 `--global` 参数时,将会显示全局配置选项的列表。
* **--file="..." (-f):** 在一个指定的文件上操作,而不是 composer.json。注意不能与 `--global` 参数一起使用。
<a name="Modifying-Repositories"></a>
### 修改包来源
除了修改配置选项, `config` 命令还支持通过以下方法修改来源信息:
php composer.phar config repositories.foo vcs http://github.com/foo/bar
<a name="create-project"></a>
## 创建项目 `create-project`
你可以使用 Composer 从现有的包中创建一个新的项目。这相当于执行了一个 `git clone``svn checkout` 命令后将这个包的依赖安装到它自己的 vendor 目录。
1. 你可以快速的部署你的应用。
2. 你可以检出任何资源包,并开发它的补丁。
3. 多人开发项目,可以用它来加快应用的初始化。
要创建基于 Composer 的新项目,你可以使用 "create-project" 命令。传递一个包名,它会为你创建项目的目录。你也可以在第三个参数中指定版本号,否则将获取最新的版本。
php composer.phar create-project doctrine/orm path 2.2.*
此外,你也可以无需使用这个命令,而是通过现有的 `composer.json` 文件来启动这个项目。
默认情况下,这个命令会在 packagist.org 上查找你指定的包。
<a name="create-project-Options"></a>
### 创建项目-参数
* **--repository-url:** 提供一个自定义的储存库来搜索包,这将被用来代替 packagist.org。可以是一个指向 `composer` 资源库的 HTTP URL或者是指向某个 `packages.json` 文件的本地路径。
* **--stability (-s):** 资源包的最低稳定版本,默认为 `stable`
* **--prefer-source:** 当有可用的包时,从 `source` 安装。
* **--prefer-dist:** 当有可用的包时,从 `dist` 安装。
* **--dev:** 安装 `require-dev` 字段中列出的包。
* **--no-install:** 禁止安装包的依赖。
* **--no-plugins:** 禁用 plugins。
* **--no-scripts:** 禁止在根资源包中定义的脚本执行。
* **--no-progress:** 移除进度信息,这可以避免一些不处理换行的终端或脚本出现混乱的显示。
* **--keep-vcs:** 创建时跳过缺失的 VCS 。如果你在非交互模式下运行创建命令,这将是非常有用的。
<a name="dump-autoload"></a>
## 打印自动加载索引 `dump-autoload`
某些情况下你需要更新 autoloader例如在你的包中加入了一个新的类。你可以使用 `dump-autoload` 来完成,而不必执行 `install``update` 命令。
此外,它可以打印一个优化过的,符合 PSR-0/4 规范的类的索引,这也是出于对性能的可考虑。在大型的应用中会有许多类文件,而 autoloader 会占用每个请求的很大一部分时间,使用 classmaps 或许在开发时不太方便,但它在保证性能的前提下,仍然可以获得 PSR-0/4 规范带来的便利。
<a name="dump-autoload-Options"></a>
### 打印自动加载索引-参数
* **--optimize (-o):** 转换 PSR-0/4 autoloading 到 classmap 获得更快的载入速度。这特别适用于生产环境,但可能需要一些时间来运行,因此它目前不是默认设置。
* **--no-dev:** 禁用 autoload-dev 规则。
<a name="licenses"></a>
## 查看许可协议 `licenses`
列出已安装的每个包的名称、版本、许可协议。可以使用 `--format=json` 参数来获取 JSON 格式的输出。
<a name="run-script"></a>
## 执行脚本 `run-script`
你可以运行此命令来手动执行 [脚本](articles/scripts.md),只需要指定脚本的名称,可选的 `--no-dev` 参数允许你禁用开发者模式。
<a name="diagnose"></a>
## 诊断 `diagnose`
如果你觉得发现了一个 bug 或是程序行为变得怪异,你可能需要运行 `diagnose` 命令,来帮助你检测一些常见的问题。
php composer.phar diagnose
<a name="archive"></a>
## 归档 `archive`
此命令用来对指定包的指定版本进行 zip/tar 归档。它也可以用来归档你的整个项目,不包括 excluded/ignored排除/忽略)的文件。
php composer.phar archive vendor/package 2.0.21 --format=zip
<a name="archive-Options"></a>
### 归档-参数
* **--format (-f):** 指定归档格式tar 或 zip默认为 tar
* **--dir:** 指定归档存放的目录(默认为当前目录)。
<a name="help"></a>
## 获取帮助信息 `help`
使用 `help` 可以获取指定命令的帮助信息。
php composer.phar help install
<a name="Environment-variables"></a>
## 环境变量
你可以设置一些环境变量来覆盖默认的配置。建议尽可能的在 `composer.json``config` 字段中设置这些值,而不是通过命令行设置环境变量。值得注意的是环境变量中的值,将始终优先于 `composer.json` 中所指定的值。
<a name="COMPOSER"></a>
环境变量 `COMPOSER` 可以为 `composer.json` 文件指定其它的文件名。
COMPOSER=composer-other.json php composer.phar install
通过设置这个环境变量,你可以指定 root 包的版本,如果程序不能从 VCS 上猜测出版本号,并且未在 `composer.json` 文件中申明。
<a name="COMPOSER_VENDOR_DIR"></a>
通过设置这个环境变量,你可以指定 composer 将依赖安装在 `vendor` 以外的其它目录中。
<a name="COMPOSER_BIN_DIR"></a>
通过设置这个环境变量,你可以指定 `bin`[Vendor Binaries](articles/vendor-binaries.md))目录到 `vendor/bin` 以外的其它目录。
<a name="http_proxy-or-HTTP_PROXY"></a>
### http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY
如果你是通过 HTTP 代理来使用 Composer你可以使用 `http_proxy``HTTP_PROXY` 环境变量。只要简单的将它设置为代理服务器的 URL。许多操作系统已经为你的服务设置了此变量。
建议使用 `http_proxy`(小写)或者两者都进行定义。因为某些工具,像 git 或 curl 将使用 `http_proxy` 小写的版本。另外,你还可以使用 `git config --global http.proxy <proxy url>` 来单独设置 git 的代理。
<a name="no_proxy"></a>
### no_proxy
如果你是使用代理服务器,并且想要对某些域名禁用代理,就可以使用 `no_proxy` 环境变量。只需要输入一个逗号相隔的域名 *排除* 列表。
此环境变量接受域名、IP 以及 CIDR地址块。你可以将它限制到一个端口例如`:80`)。你还可以把它设置为 `*` 来忽略所有的 HTTP 代理请求。
如果你使用了 HTTP 代理,但它不支持 `request_fulluri` 标签,那么你应该设置这个环境变量为 `false``0` ,来防止 composer 从 `request_fulluri` 读取配置。
如果你使用了 HTTPS 代理,但它不支持 `request_fulluri` 标签,那么你应该设置这个环境变量为 `false``0` ,来防止 composer 从 `request_fulluri` 读取配置。
<a name="COMPOSER_HOME"></a>
`COMPOSER_HOME` 环境变量允许你改变 Composer 的主目录。这是一个隐藏的、所有项目共享的全局目录(对本机的所有用户都可用)。
- \*nix `/home/<user>/.composer`
- OSX `/Users/<user>/.composer`
- Windows `C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Composer`
<a name="COMPOSER_HOME-config.json"></a>
#### COMPOSER_HOME/config.json
你可以在 `COMPOSER_HOME` 目录中放置一个 `config.json` 文件。在你执行 `install``update` 命令时Composer 会将它与你项目中的 `composer.json` 文件进行合并。
该文件允许你为用户的项目设置 [配置信息](04-schema.md#config) 和 [资源库](05-repositories.md)。
_全局__项目_ 存在相同配置项,那么项目中的 `composer.json` 文件拥有更高的优先级。
<a name="COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR"></a>
`COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR` 环境变量允许你设置 Composer 的缓存目录,这也可以通过 [`cache-dir`](04-schema.md#config) 进行配置。
- \*nix and OSX `$COMPOSER_HOME/cache`
- Windows `C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Composer``%LOCALAPPDATA%/Composer`
这个环境变量控制着 Composer 执行命令的等待时间例如git 命令。默认值为300秒5分钟
这个环境变量控制着 discard-changes [config option](04-schema.md#config)。
如果设置为1这个环境变量将使 Composer 在执行每一个命令时都放弃交互,相当于对所有命令都使用了 `--no-interaction`。可以在搭建 *虚拟机/持续集成服务器* 时这样设置。
&larr; [库(资源包)](02-libraries.md) | [架构](04-schema.md) &rarr;

View File

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<a name="composer.json"></a>
# composer.json 架构
本章将解释所有在 `composer.json` 中可用的字段。
- [composer.json](#composer.json)
- [JSON schema](#JSON-schema)
- [Root 包](#Root-Package)
- [属性](#Properties)
- [包名 `name`](#package-name)
- [描述 `description`](#description)
- [版本 `version`](#version)
- [安装类型 `type`](#type)
- [关键字 `keywords`](#keywords)
- [项目主页 `homepage`](#homepage)
- [版本发布时间 `time`](#time)
- [许可协议 `license`](#license)
- [作者 `authors`](#authors)
- [支持 `support`](#support)
- [Package links](#Package-links)
- [require](#require)
- [require-dev <span>(root-only)</span>](#require-dev)
- [conflict](#conflict)
- [replace](#replace)
- [provide](#provide)
- [suggest](#suggest)
- [autoload](#autoload)
- [PSR-0](#PSR-0)
- [Classmap](#Classmap)
- [Files](#Files)
- [include-path](#include-path)
- [target-dir](#target-dir)
- [minimum-stability <span>(root-only)</span>](#minimum-stability)
- [prefer-stable <span>(root-only)</span>](#prefer-stable)
- [repositories <span>(root-only)</span>](#repositories)
- [config <span>(root-only)</span>](#config)
- [scripts <span>(root-only)</span>](#scripts)
- [extra](#extra)
- [bin](#bin)
- [archive](#archive)
<a name="JSON-schema"></a>
## JSON schema
我们有一个 [JSON schema](http://json-schema.org) 格式化文档,它也可以被用来验证你的 `composer.json` 文件。事实上,它已经被 `validate` 命令所使用。 你可以在这里找到它: [`res/composer-schema.json`](https://github.com/composer/composer/blob/master/res/composer-schema.json).
<a name="Root-Package"></a>
## Root 包
“root 包”是指由 `composer.json` 定义的在你项目根目录的包。这是 `composer.json` 定义你项目所需的主要条件。(简单的说,你自己的项目就是一个 root 包)
某些字段仅适用于“root 包”上下文。 `config` 字段就是其中一个例子。只有“root 包”可以定义。在依赖包中定义的 `config` 字段将被忽略,这使得 `config` 字段只有“root 包”可用(`root-only`)。
如果你克隆了其中的一个依赖包直接在其上开始工作那么它就变成了“root 包”。与作为他人的依赖包时使用相同的 `composer.json` 文件,但上下文发生了变化。
> **注意:** 一个资源包是不是“root 包”,取决于它的上下文。
> 例:如果你的项目依赖 `monolog`那么你的项目就是“root 包”。
> 但是,如果你从 GitHub 上克隆了 `monolog` 为它修复 bug
> 那么此时 `monolog` 就是“root 包”。
<a name="Properties"></a>
## 属性
<a name="package-name"></a>
### 包名 `name`
包的名称,它包括供应商名称和项目名称,使用 `/` 分隔。
* monolog/monolog
* igorw/event-source
<a name="description"></a>
### 描述 `description`
<a name="version"></a>
### 版本 `version`
`version` 不是必须的,并且建议忽略(见下文)。
它应该符合 'X.Y.Z' 或者 'vX.Y.Z' 的形式, `-dev`、`-patch`、`-alpha`、`-beta` 或 `-RC` 这些后缀是可选的。在后缀之后也可以再跟上一个数字。
- 1.0.0
- 1.0.2
- 1.1.0
- 0.2.5
- 1.0.0-dev
- 1.0.0-alpha3
- 1.0.0-beta2
- 1.0.0-RC5
通常,我们能够从 VCS (git, svn, hg) 的信息推断出包的版本号,在这种情况下,我们建议忽略 `version`
> **注意:** Packagist 使用 VCS 仓库,
> 因此 `version` 定义的版本号必须是真实准确的。
> 自己手动指定的 `version`,最终有可能在某个时候因为人为错误造成问题。
<a name="type"></a>
### 安装类型 `type`
包的安装类型,默认为 `library`
包的安装类型,用来定义安装逻辑。如果你有一个包需要一个特殊的逻辑,你可以设定一个自定义的类型。这可以是一个 `symfony-bundle`,一个 `wordpress-plugin` 或者一个 `typo3-module`。这些类型都将是具体到某一个项目,而对应的项目将要提供一种能够安装该类型包的安装程序。
composer 原生支持以下4种类型
- **library:** 这是默认类型,它会简单的将文件复制到 `vendor` 目录。
- **project:** 这表示当前包是一个项目,而不是一个库。例:框架应用程序 [Symfony standard edition](https://github.com/symfony/symfony-standard),内容管理系统 [SilverStripe installer](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-installer) 或者完全成熟的分布式应用程序。使用 IDE 创建一个新的工作区时,这可以为其提供项目列表的初始化。
- **metapackage:** 当一个空的包,包含依赖并且需要触发依赖的安装,这将不会对系统写入额外的文件。因此这种安装类型并不需要一个 dist 或 source。
- **composer-plugin:** 一个安装类型为 `composer-plugin` 的包,它有一个自定义安装类型,可以为其它包提供一个 installler。详细请查看 [自定义安装类型](articles/custom-installers.md)。
仅在你需要一个自定义的安装逻辑时才使用它。建议忽略这个属性,采用默认的 `library`
<a name="keywords"></a>
### 关键字 `keywords`
- logging
- events
- database
- redis
- templating
<a name="homepage"></a>
### 项目主页 `homepage`
该项目网站的 URL 地址。
<a name="time"></a>
### 版本发布时间 `time`
<a name="license"></a>
### 许可协议 `license`
- Apache-2.0
- BSD-2-Clause
- BSD-3-Clause
- BSD-4-Clause
- GPL-2.0
- GPL-2.0+
- GPL-3.0
- GPL-3.0+
- LGPL-2.1
- LGPL-2.1+
- LGPL-3.0
- LGPL-3.0+
可选,但强烈建议提供此内容。更多许可协议的标识符请参见 [SPDX Open Source License Registry](http://www.spdx.org/licenses/)。
对于闭源软件,你必须使用 `"proprietary"` 协议标识符。
"license": "MIT"
对于一个包,当允许在多个许可协议间进行选择时("disjunctive license"),这些协议标识符可以被指定为数组。
"license": [
另外它们也可以由 "or" 分隔,并写在括号中:
"license": "(LGPL-2.1 or GPL-3.0+)"
同样,当有多个许可协议需要结合使用时("conjunctive license"),它们应该被 "and" 分隔,并写在括号中。
<a name="authors"></a>
### 作者 `authors`
* **name:** 作者的姓名,通常使用真名。
* **email:** 作者的 email 地址。
* **homepage:** 作者主页的 URL 地址。
* **role:** 该作者在此项目中担任的角色(例:开发人员 或 翻译)。
"authors": [
"name": "Nils Adermann",
"email": "naderman@naderman.de",
"homepage": "http://www.naderman.de",
"role": "Developer"
"name": "Jordi Boggiano",
"email": "j.boggiano@seld.be",
"homepage": "http://seld.be",
"role": "Developer"
<a name="support"></a>
### 支持 `support`
* **email:** 项目支持 email 地址。
* **issues:** 跟踪问题的 URL 地址。
* **forum:** 论坛地址。
* **wiki:** Wiki 地址。
* **irc:** IRC 聊天频道地址,类似于 irc://server/channel。
* **source:** 网址浏览或下载源。
"support": {
"email": "support@example.org",
"irc": "irc://irc.freenode.org/composer"
<a name="Package-links"></a>
### Package links
下面提到的所有对象,都应该是 包名 到 [版本](01-basic-usage.md#Package-Versions) 的映射对象。
"require": {
"monolog/monolog": "1.0.*"
`require``require-dev` 还支持稳定性标签(@仅针对“root 包”)。这允许你在 [minimum-stability](#minimum-stability) 设定的范围外做进一步的限制或扩展。例:如果你想允许依赖一个不稳定的包,你可以在一个包的版本约束后使用它,或者是一个空的版本约束内使用它。
"require": {
"monolog/monolog": "1.0.*@beta",
"acme/foo": "@dev"
如果你的依赖之一,有对另一个不稳定包的依赖,你最好在 require 中显示的定义它,并带上足够详细的稳定性标识。
"require": {
"doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle": "dev-master",
"doctrine/data-fixtures": "@dev"
`require``require-dev` 还支持对 dev开发版本的明确引用版本控制系统中的提交编号 commit以确保它们被锁定到一个给定的状态即使你运行了更新命令。你只需要明确一个开发版本号并带上诸如 `#<ref>` 的标识。
"require": {
"monolog/monolog": "dev-master#2eb0c0978d290a1c45346a1955188929cb4e5db7",
"acme/foo": "1.0.x-dev#abc123"
> **注意:** 虽然这有时很方便,但不应该长期在你的包中使用,因为它有一个技术上的限制。
> composer.json 将仍然在哈希值之前指定的分支名称读取元数据,
> 正因为如此,在某些情况下,它不会是一个实用的解决方法,
> 如果可能,你应该总是尝试切换到拥有标签的版本。
它也可以应用于行内别名,这样它将匹配一个约束,否则不会。更多信息请参考 [别名](articles/aliases.md)。
<a name="require"></a>
#### require
<a name="require-dev"></a>
#### require-dev <span>(root-only)</span>
这个列表是为开发或测试等目的额外列出的依赖。“root 包”的 require-dev 默认是会被安装的。然而 `install``update` 支持使用 `--no-dev` 参数来跳过 `require-dev` 字段中列出的包。
<a name="conflict"></a>
#### conflict
请注意,在 `conflict` 中指定类似于 `<1.0, >= 1.1` 的版本范围时这表示它与小于1.0 *并且* 同时大等于1.1的版本冲突,这很可能不是你想要的。在这种情况下你可能想要表达的是 `<1.0 | >= 1.1`
<a name="replace"></a>
#### replace
这个列表中的包将被当前包取代。这使你可以 fork 一个包,以不同的名称和版本号发布,同时要求依赖于原包的其它包,在这之后依赖于你 fork 的这个包,因为它取代了原来的包。
这对于创建一个内部包含子包的主包也非常的有用。例如 symfony/symfony 这个主包,包含了所有 Symfony 的组件,而这些组件又可以作为单独的包进行发布。如果你 require 了主包,那么它就会自动完成其下各个组件的任务,因为主包取代了子包。
注意,在使用上述方法取代子包时,通常你应该只对子包使用 `self.version` 这一个版本约束,以确保主包仅替换掉子包的准确版本,而不是任何其他版本。
<a name="provide"></a>
#### provide
List of other packages that are provided by this package. This is mostly useful for common interfaces. A package could depend on some virtual `logger` package, any library that implements this logger interface would simply list it in `provide`.
<a name="suggest"></a>
### suggest
"suggest": {
"monolog/monolog": "Allows more advanced logging of the application flow"
<a name="autoload"></a>
### autoload
PHP autoloader 的自动加载映射。
Currently [`PSR-0`](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-0/) autoloading,
[`PSR-4`](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/) autoloading, `classmap` generation and
`files` includes are supported. PSR-4 is the recommended way though since it offers
greater ease of use (no need to regenerate the autoloader when you add classes).
#### PSR-4
Under the `psr-4` key you define a mapping from namespaces to paths, relative to the
package root. When autoloading a class like `Foo\\Bar\\Baz` a namespace prefix
`Foo\\` pointing to a directory `src/` means that the autoloader will look for a
file named `src/Bar/Baz.php` and include it if present. Note that as opposed to
the older PSR-0 style, the prefix (`Foo\\`) is **not** present in the file path.
Namespace prefixes must end in `\\` to avoid conflicts between similar prefixes.
For example `Foo` would match classes in the `FooBar` namespace so the trailing
backslashes solve the problem: `Foo\\` and `FooBar\\` are distinct.
The PSR-4 references are all combined, during install/update, into a single
key => value array which may be found in the generated file
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Monolog\\": "src/",
"Vendor\\Namespace\\": ""
If you need to search for a same prefix in multiple directories,
you can specify them as an array as such:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": { "Monolog\\": ["src/", "lib/"] }
If you want to have a fallback directory where any namespace will be looked for,
you can use an empty prefix like:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": { "": "src/" }
<a name="PSR-0"></a>
#### PSR-0
`psr-0` key 下你定义了一个命名空间到实际路径的映射(相对于包的根目录)。注意,这里同样支持 PEAR-style 方式的约定与命名空间不同PEAR 类库在类名上采用了下划线分隔)。
请注意,命名空间的申明应该以 `\\` 结束,以确保 autoloader 能够准确响应。例: `Foo` 将会与 `FooBar` 匹配,然而以反斜杠结束就可以解决这样的问题, `Foo\\``FooBar\\` 将会被区分开来。
在 install/update 过程中PSR-0 引用都将被结合为一个单一的键值对数组,存储至 `vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php` 文件中。
"autoload": {
"psr-0": {
"Monolog\\": "src/",
"Vendor\\Namespace\\": "src/",
"Vendor_Namespace_": "src/"
"autoload": {
"psr-0": { "Monolog\\": ["src/", "lib/"] }
PSR-0 方式并不仅限于申明命名空间,也可以是精确到类级别的指定。这对于只有一个类在全局命名空间的类库是非常有用的(如果 php 源文件也位于包的根目录)。例如,可以这样申明:
"autoload": {
"psr-0": { "UniqueGlobalClass": "" }
"autoload": {
"psr-0": { "": "src/" }
<a name="Classmap"></a>
#### Classmap
`classmap` 引用的所有组合,都会在 install/update 过程中生成,并存储到 `vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php` 文件中。这个 map 是经过扫描指定目录(同样支持直接精确到文件)中所有的 `.php``.inc` 文件里内置的类而得到的。
你可以用 classmap 生成支持支持自定义加载的不遵循 PSR-0/4 规范的类库。要配置它指向需要的目录,以便能够准确搜索到类文件。
"autoload": {
"classmap": ["src/", "lib/", "Something.php"]
<a name="Files"></a>
#### Files
如果你想要明确的指定,在每次请求时都要载入某些文件,那么你可以使用 'files' autoloading。通常作为函数库的载入方式而非类库
"autoload": {
"files": ["src/MyLibrary/functions.php"]
### autoload-dev <span>(root-only)</span>
This section allows to define autoload rules for development purposes.
Classes needed to run the test suite should not be included in the main autoload
rules to avoid polluting the autoloader in production and when other people use
your package as a dependency.
Therefore, it is a good idea to rely on a dedicated path for your unit tests
and to add it within the autoload-dev section.
"autoload": {
"psr-4": { "MyLibrary\\": "src/" }
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": { "MyLibrary\\Tests\\": "tests/" }
<a name="include-path"></a>
### include-path
> **不建议**:这是目前唯一支持传统项目的做法,所有新的代码都建议使用自动加载。
> 这是一个过时的做法,但 Composer 将仍然保留这个功能。
一个追加到 PHP `include_path` 中的列表。
"include-path": ["lib/"]
<a name="target-dir"></a>
### target-dir
> **DEPRECATED**: This is only present to support legacy PSR-0 style autoloading,
> and all new code should preferably use PSR-4 without target-dir and projects
> using PSR-0 with PHP namespaces are encouraged to migrate to PSR-4 instead.
若某个包的根目录,在它申明的命名空间之下,将不能正确的使用自动加载。而 `target-dir` 解决了这个问题。
Symfony 就是一个例子。它有一些独立的包作为组件。Yaml 组件就放在 `Symfony\Component\Yaml` 目录下,然而这个包的根目录实际上是 `Yaml`。为了使自动加载成为可能,我们需要确保它不会被安装到 `vendor/symfony/yaml`,而是安装到 `vendor/symfony/yaml/Symfony/Component/Yaml`,从而使 Symfony 定义的 autoloader 可以从 `vendor/symfony/yaml` 加载它。
要做到这一点 `autoload``target-dir` 应该定义如下:
"autoload": {
"psr-0": { "Symfony\\Component\\Yaml\\": "" }
"target-dir": "Symfony/Component/Yaml"
<a name="minimum-stability"></a>
### minimum-stability <span>(root-only)</span>
这定义了通过稳定性过滤包的默认行为。默认为 `stable`(稳定)。因此如果你依赖于一个 `dev`(开发)包,你应该明确的进行定义。
对每个包的所有版本都会进行稳定性检查,而低于 `minimum-stability` 所设定的最低稳定性的版本,将在解决依赖关系时被忽略。对于个别包的特殊稳定性要求,可以在 `require``require-dev` 中设定(请参考 [Package links](#Package-links))。
<a name="prefer-stable"></a>
### prefer-stable <span>(root-only)</span>
当此选项被激活时Composer 将优先使用更稳定的包版本。
使用 `"prefer-stable": true` 来激活它。
<a name="repositories"></a>
### repositories <span>(root-only)</span>
默认情况下 composer 只使用 packagist 作为包的资源库。通过指定资源库,你可以从其他地方获取资源包。
Repositories 并不是递归调用的只能在“Root包”的 `composer.json` 中定义。附属包中的 `composer.json` 将被忽略。
* **composer:** 一个 composer 类型的资源库是一个简单的网络服务器HTTP、FTP、SSH上的 `packages.json` 文件,它包含一个 `composer.json` 对象的列表,有额外的 `dist` 和/或 `source` 信息。这个 `packages.json` 文件是用一个 PHP 流加载的。你可以使用 `options` 参数来设定额外的流信息。
* **vcs:** 从 git、svn 和 hg 取得资源。
* **pear:** 从 pear 获取资源。
* **package:** 如果你依赖于一个项目,它不提供任何对 composer 的支持,你就可以使用这种类型。你基本上就只需要内联一个 `composer.json` 对象。
更多相关内容,请查看 [资源库](05-repositories.md)。
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": "http://packages.example.com"
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://packages.example.com",
"options": {
"ssl": {
"verify_peer": "true"
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog"
"type": "pear",
"url": "http://pear2.php.net"
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "smarty/smarty",
"version": "3.1.7",
"dist": {
"url": "http://www.smarty.net/files/Smarty-3.1.7.zip",
"type": "zip"
"source": {
"url": "http://smarty-php.googlecode.com/svn/",
"type": "svn",
"reference": "tags/Smarty_3_1_7/distribution/"
> **注意:** 顺序是非常重要的,当 Composer 查找资源包时,它会按照顺序进行。默认情况下 Packagist 是最后加入的,因此自定义设置将可以覆盖 Packagist 上的包。
<a name="config"></a>
### config <span>(root-only)</span>
* **process-timeout:** 默认为 `300`。处理进程结束时间例如git 克隆的时间。Composer 将放弃超时的任务。如果你的网络缓慢或者正在使用一个巨大的包,你可能要将这个值设置的更高一些。
* **use-include-path:** 默认为 `false`。如果为 trueComposer autoloader 还将在 PHP include path 中继续查找类文件。
* **preferred-install:** 默认为 `auto`。它的值可以是 `source`、`dist` 或 `auto`。这个选项允许你设置 Composer 的默认安装方法。
* **github-protocols:** 默认为 `["git", "https", "ssh"]`。从 github.com 克隆时使用的协议优先级清单,因此默认情况下将优先使用 git 协议进行克隆。你可以重新排列它们的次序,例如,如果你的网络有代理服务器或 git 协议的效率很低,你就可以提升 https 协议的优先级。
* **github-oauth:** 一个域名和 oauth keys 的列表。
例如:使用 `{"github.com": "oauthtoken"}` 作为此选项的值,
将使用 `oauthtoken` 来访问 github 上的私人仓库,并绕过 low IP-based rate 的 API 限制。
关于如何获取 GitHub 的 OAuth token。
* **vendor-dir:** 默认为 `vendor`。通过设置你可以安装依赖到不同的目录。
* **bin-dir:** 默认为 `vendor/bin`。如果一个项目包含二进制文件,它们将被连接到这个目录。
* **cache-dir:** unix 下默认为 `$home/cache`Windows 下默认为 `C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Composer`。用于存储 composer 所有的缓存文件。相关信息请查看 [COMPOSER_HOME](03-cli.md#composer-home)。
* **cache-files-dir:** 默认为 `$cache-dir/files`。存储包 zip 存档的目录。
* **cache-repo-dir:** 默认为 `$cache-dir/repo`。存储 `composer` 类型的 VCS`svn`、`github`、`bitbucket` repos 目录。
* **cache-vcs-dir:** 默认为 `$cache-dir/vcs`。此目录用于存储 VCS 克隆的 `git`/`hg` 类型的元数据,并加快安装速度。
* **cache-files-ttl:** 默认为 `15552000`6个月。默认情况下 Composer 缓存的所有数据都将在闲置6个月后被删除这个选项允许你来调整这个时间你可以将其设置为0以禁用缓存。
* **cache-files-maxsize:** 默认为 `300MiB`。Composer 缓存的最大容量,超出后将优先清除旧的缓存数据,直到缓存量低于这个数值。
* **prepend-autoloader:** 默认为 `true`。如果设置为 falsecomposer autoloader 将不会附加到现有的自动加载机制中。这有时候用来解决与其它自动加载机制产生的冲突。
* **autoloader-suffix:** 默认为 `null`。Composer autoloader 的后缀,当设置为空时将会产生一个随机的字符串。
* **optimize-autoloader** Defaults to `false`. Always optimize when dumping
the autoloader.
* **github-domains:** 默认为 `["github.com"]`。一个 github mode 下的域名列表。这是用于GitHub的企业设置。
* **notify-on-install:** 默认为 `true`。Composer 允许资源仓库定义一个用于通知的 URL以便有人从其上安装资源包时能够得到一个反馈通知。此选项允许你禁用该行为。
* **discard-changes:** 默认为 `false`,它的值可以是 `true`、`false` 或 `stash`。这个选项允许你设置在非交互模式下,当处理失败的更新时采用的处理方式。`true` 表示永远放弃更改。`"stash"` 表示继续尝试。Use this for CI servers or deploy scripts if you tend to have modified vendors.
"config": {
"bin-dir": "bin"
<a name="scripts"></a>
### scripts <span>(root-only)</span>
Composer 允许你在安装过程中的各个阶段挂接脚本。
更多细节和案例请查看 [脚本](articles/scripts.md)。
<a name="extra"></a>
### extra
任意的,供 `scripts` 使用的额外数据。.
$extra = $event->getComposer()->getPackage()->getExtra();
<a name="bin"></a>
### bin
该属性用于标注一组应被视为二进制脚本的文件他们会被软链接到config 对象中的)`bin-dir` 属性所标注的目录,以供其他依赖包调用。
详细请查看 [Vendor Binaries](articles/vendor-binaries.md)。
<a name="archive"></a>
### archive
* **exclude:** 允许设置一个需要被排除的路径的列表。使用与 .gitignore 文件相同的语法。一个前导的(!)将会使其变成白名单而无视之前相同目录的排除设定。前导斜杠只会在项目的相对路径的开头匹配。星号为通配符。
"archive": {
"exclude": ["/foo/bar", "baz", "/*.test", "!/foo/bar/baz"]
在这个例子中我们 include `/dir/foo/bar/file`、`/foo/bar/baz`、`/file.php`、`/foo/my.test` 但排除了 `/foo/bar/any`、`/foo/baz`、`/my.test`。
&larr; [命令行](03-cli.md) | [资源库](05-repositories.md) &rarr;

View File

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<a name="Repositories"></a>
# 资源库
- [资源库](#Repositories)
- [概述](#Concepts)
- [](#Package)
- [资源库](#Repository)
- [Types](#Types)
- [Composer](#Composer)
- [packages](#packages)
- [notify-batch](#notify-batch)
- [includes](#includes)
- [provider-includes and providers-url](#provider-includes)
- [stream options](#stream-options)
- [VCS](#VCS)
- [从 VCS 资源库加载一个包](#from-a-VCS)
- [使用私有资源库](#Using-private)
- [Git 的备选方案](#Git-alternatives)
- [Subversion 选项](#Subversion-Options)
- [自定义供应商别名](#Custom-vendor-alias)
- [Package](#Package)
- [Hosting your own](#Hosting-your-own)
- [Packagist](#Packagist)
- [Satis](#Satis)
- [Artifact](#Artifact)
- [禁用 Packagist](#Disabling-Packagist)
<a name="Concepts"></a>
## 概述
在此之前,我们看到存在不同类型的资源库,我们需要了解一些基本概念,以理解 Composer 是如何构建于其上的。
<a name="Package"></a>
### 包
Composer 是一个依赖管理工具。它在本地安装一些资源包。一个包本质上就是一个包含东西的目录。通常情况下它存储 PHP 代码,但在理论上它可以是任何东西。并且它包含一个描述,其中有一个名称和一个版本号,这个名称和版本号用于识别该包。
事实上,在 composer 内部将每一个版本都视为一个单独的包。尽管在你使用 composer 时这种区别无关紧要,但当你想改变它时,这就显得至关重要。
除了名称和版本号,还存放了有用的元数据。与安装关系最密切的是 source 信息它申明了在哪里可以获得资源包的内容。包数据指向包内容并有两种指向方式dist 和 source。
**Dist:** dist 指向一个存档,该存档是对一个资源包的某个版本的数据进行的打包。通常是已经发行的稳定版本。
**Source:** source 指向一个开发中的源。这通常是一个源代码仓库,例如 git。当你想要对下载下来的资源包进行修改时可以这样获取。
你可以使用其中任意一个或者同时使用。这取决于其它的一些因素比如“user-supplied 选项”和“包的稳定性”,前者将会被优先考虑。
<a name="Repository"></a>
### 资源库
一个资源库是一个包的来源。它是一个 packages/versions 的列表。Composer 将查看所有你定义的 repositories 以找到你项目需要的资源包。
默认情况下已经将 Packagist.org 注册到 Composer。你可以在 `composer.json` 中申明更多的资源库,把它们加入你的项目中。
资源库的定义仅可用于“root 包”,而在你依赖的包中定义的资源库将不会被加载。如果你想了解其中的原因,请阅读 [FAQ entry](faqs/why-can't-composer-load-repositories-recursively.md)。
<a name="Types"></a>
## Types
<a name="Composer"></a>
### Composer
主资源库的类型为 `composer`。它使用一个单一的 `packages.json` 文件,包含了所有的资源包元数据。
这也是 packagist.org 所使用的资源类型。要引用一个 `composer` 资源库,只需要提供一个存放 `packages.json` 文件的 **目录路径**。比如要引用 `packagist.org` 下的 `/packages.json`,它的 URL 就应该是 `packagist.org`。而 `example.org/packages.json` 的 URL 应该是 `example.org`
<a name="packages"></a>
#### packages
唯一必须的字段是 `packages`。它的 JSON 结构如下:
"packages": {
"vendor/package-name": {
"dev-master": { @composer.json },
"1.0.x-dev": { @composer.json },
"0.0.1": { @composer.json },
"1.0.0": { @composer.json }
`@composer.json` 标记将会从此包的指定版本中读取 `composer.json` 的内容,其内至少应包含以下信息:
* name
* version
* dist or source
"name": "smarty/smarty",
"version": "3.1.7",
"dist": {
"url": "http://www.smarty.net/files/Smarty-3.1.7.zip",
"type": "zip"
它还可以包含任何在 [composer.json 架构](04-schema.md) 中介绍的字段。
<a name="notify-batch"></a>
#### notify-batch
`notify-batch` 字段允许你指定一个 URL它将会在用户安装每一个包时被调用。该 URL 可以是(与其资源库相同域名的)绝对路径或者一个完整的 URL 地址。
"notify-batch": "/downloads/"
对于 `example.org/packages.json` 包含的 `monolog/monolog` 包,它将会发送一个 `POST` 请求到 `example.org/downloads/`,使用下面的 JSON request body
"downloads": [
{"name": "monolog/monolog", "version": ""},
`version` 字段将包含标准化的版本号。
`notify-batch` 字段是可选的。
<a name="includes"></a>
#### includes
对于较大的资源库,可以拆分 `packages.json` 为多个文件。`includes` 字段允许你引用这些额外的文件。
"includes": {
"packages-2011.json": {
"sha1": "525a85fb37edd1ad71040d429928c2c0edec9d17"
"packages-2012-01.json": {
"sha1": "897cde726f8a3918faf27c803b336da223d400dd"
"packages-2012-02.json": {
"sha1": "26f911ad717da26bbcac3f8f435280d13917efa5"
文件的 SHA-1 码允许它被缓存,仅在 hash 值改变时重新请求。
<a name="provider-includes"></a>
#### provider-includes and providers-url
的对于非常大的资源库,像 packagist.org 使用 so-called provider 文件是首选方法。`provider-includes` 字段允许你设置一个列表,来申明这个资源库提供的包名称。在这种情况下文件的哈希算法必须使用 sha256。
`providers-url` 描述了如何在服务器上找到这些 provider 文件。它是以资源库的根目录为起点的绝对路径。
"provider-includes": {
"providers-a.json": {
"sha256": "f5b4bc0b354108ef08614e569c1ed01a2782e67641744864a74e788982886f4c"
"providers-b.json": {
"sha256": "b38372163fac0573053536f5b8ef11b86f804ea8b016d239e706191203f6efac"
"providers-url": "/p/%package%$%hash%.json"
"providers": {
"acme/foo": {
"sha256": "38968de1305c2e17f4de33aea164515bc787c42c7e2d6e25948539a14268bb82"
"acme/bar": {
"sha256": "4dd24c930bd6e1103251306d6336ac813b563a220d9ca14f4743c032fb047233"
上述文件申明了 `acme/foo``acme/bar` 可以在这个资源库找到,通过加载由 `providers-url` 引用的文件,替换 `%package%` 为包名并且替换 `%hash%` 为 sha256 的值。这些文件本身只包含上文提到的 [packages](#packages) 的定义。
<a name="stream-options"></a>
#### stream options
`packages.json` 文件是用一个 PHP 流加载的。你可以使用 `options` 参数来设定额外的流信息。你可以设置任何有效的PHP 流上下文选项。更多相关信息请查看 [Context options and parameters](http://php.net/manual/en/context.php)。
<a name="VCS"></a>
### VCS
VCS 表示版本控制系统。这包括像 git、svn 或 hg 这样的版本管理系统。Composer 有一个资源类型可以从这些系统安装软件包。
<a name="from-a-VCS"></a>
#### 从 VCS 资源库加载一个包
这里有几个用例。最常见的是维护自己 fork 的第三方库。如果你在项目中使用某些库,并且你决定改变这些库内的某些东西,你会希望你项目中使用的是你自己的修正版本。如果这个库是在 GitHub 上(这种情况经常出现),你可以简单的 fork 它并 push 你的变更到这个 fork 里。在这之后你更新项目的 `composer.json` 文件,添加你的 fork 作为一个资源库,变更版本约束来指向你的自定义分支。关于版本约束的命名约定请查看 [库(资源包)](02-libraries.md)。
例如,假设你 fork 了 monolog`bugfix` 分支修复了一个 bug
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/igorw/monolog"
"require": {
"monolog/monolog": "dev-bugfix"
当你运行 `php composer.phar update` 时,你应该得到你修改的版本,而不是 packagist.org 上的 `monolog/monolog`
注意,你不应该对包进行重命名,除非你真的打算摆脱原来的包,并长期的使用你自己的 fork。这样 Composer 就会正确获取你的包了。如果你确定要重命名这个包,你应该在默认分支(通常是 master 分支)上操作,而不是特性分支,因为包的名字取自默认分支。
如果其它包依赖你 fork 的这个分支,可能要对它做版本号的行内别名设置,才能够准确的识别版本约束。更多相关信息请查看 [别名](articles/aliases.md)。
<a name="Using-private"></a>
#### 使用私有资源库
完全相同的解决方案,也可以让你使用你 GitHub 和 BitBucket 上的私人代码库进行工作:
"require": {
"vendor/my-private-repo": "dev-master"
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "git@bitbucket.org:vendor/my-private-repo.git"
唯一的要求是为一个 git 客户端安装 SSH 秘钥。
<a name="Git-alternatives"></a>
#### Git 的备选方案
Git 并不是 VCS 资源库唯一支持的版本管理系统。
* **Git:** [git-scm.com](http://git-scm.com)
* **Subversion:** [subversion.apache.org](http://subversion.apache.org)
* **Mercurial:** [mercurial.selenic.com](http://mercurial.selenic.com)
为了从这些系统获取资源包,你必须安装对应的客户端,这可能是不方便的。基于这个原因,这里提供了 GitHub 和 BitBucket 的 API 的特殊支持,以便在无需安装版本控制系统的情况下获取资源包。在 VCS 资源库提供的 `dist` 中获取 zip 存档。
* **GitHub:** [github.com](https://github.com) (Git)
* **BitBucket:** [bitbucket.org](https://bitbucket.org) (Git and Mercurial)
VCS 驱动将基于 URL 自动检测版本库类型。但如果可能,你需要明确的指定一个 `git`、`svn` 或 `hg` 作为资源库类型,而不是 `vcs`
If you set the `no-api` key to `true` on a github repository it will clone the
repository as it would with any other git repository instead of using the
GitHub API. But unlike using the `git` driver directly, composer will still
attempt to use github's zip files.
<a name="Subversion-Options"></a>
#### Subversion 选项
由于 Subversion 没有原生的分支和标签的概念Composer 假设在默认情况下该代码位于 `$url/trunk`、`$url/branches` 和 `$url/tags` 内。如果你的存储库使用了不同的布局,你可以更改这些值。例如,如果你使用大写的名称,你可以像这样配置资源库:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "http://svn.example.org/projectA/",
"trunk-path": "Trunk",
"branches-path": "Branches",
"tags-path": "Tags"
如果你的存储库目录中没有任何分支或标签文件夹,你可以将 `branches-path``tags-path` 设置为 `false`
如果是一个位于子目录的包,例如, `/trunk/foo/bar/composer.json``/tags/1.0/foo/bar/composer.json`,那么你可以让 composer 通过 `"package-path"` 选项设置的子目录进行访问,在这个例子中可以将其设置为 `"package-path": "foo/bar/"`
<a name="PEAR"></a>
### PEAR
`pear` 类型资源库,使得从任何 PEAR 渠道安装资源包成为可能。Composer 将为所有此类型的包增加前缀(类似于 `pear-{渠道名称}/`)以避免冲突。而在之后使用别名时也增加前缀(如 `pear-{渠道别名}/`)。
例如使用 `pear2.php.net`
"repositories": [
"type": "pear",
"url": "http://pear2.php.net"
"require": {
"pear-pear2.php.net/PEAR2_Text_Markdown": "*",
"pear-pear2/PEAR2_HTTP_Request": "*"
在这种情况下渠道的简称(别名)是 `pear2`,因此 `PEAR2_HTTP_Request` 包的名称应该写作 `pear-pear2/PEAR2_HTTP_Request`
> **注意:** `pear` 类型的资源库对每个 requires 都要做完整的请求,因此可能大大降低安装速度。
<a name="Custom-vendor-alias"></a>
#### 自定义供应商别名
通过自定义供应商名称,对 PEAR 渠道包进行别名是允许的。
假设你有一个私人 PEAR 库,并希望使用 Composer 从 VCS 集成依赖。你的 PEAR 库包含以下资源包:
* `BasePackage`
* `IntermediatePackage` 依赖于 `BasePackage`
* `TopLevelPackage1``TopLevelPackage2` 都依赖于 `IntermediatePackage`
如果没有一个供应商别名Composer 将使用 PEAR 渠道名称作为包名的一部分:
* `pear-pear.foobar.repo/BasePackage`
* `pear-pear.foobar.repo/IntermediatePackage`
* `pear-pear.foobar.repo/TopLevelPackage1`
* `pear-pear.foobar.repo/TopLevelPackage2`
假设之后的某个时间,你希望将你的 PEAR 包迁移,使用 Composer 资源库和命名方案,并且采用 `foobar` 作为供应商名称。这样之前使用 PEAR 包的项目将不会看到更新的资源包,因为它们有不同的供应商名称(`foobar/IntermediatePackage` 与 `pear-pear.foobar.repo/IntermediatePackage`)。
你可以通过从一开始就为 PEAR 资源库指定 `vendor-alias` 来避免这种情况的发生,以得到一个不会过时的包名。
为了说明这一点,下面的例子会从你的 PEAR 资源库中得到 `BasePackage`、`TopLevelPackage1` 和 `TopLevelPackage2` 资源包,并从 Github 资源库中获取 `IntermediatePackage` 资源包:
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/foobar/intermediate.git"
"type": "pear",
"url": "http://pear.foobar.repo",
"vendor-alias": "foobar"
"require": {
"foobar/TopLevelPackage1": "*",
"foobar/TopLevelPackage2": "*"
<a name="Package"></a>
### Package
如果你想使用一个项目,它无法通过上述任何一种方式支持 composer你仍然可以使用 `package` 类型定义资源库。
基本上,你可以定义与 `packages.json``composer` 类型资源库相同的信息,但需要为每个这样的资源包分别定义。同样,至少应该包含以下信息:`name`、`version`、(`dist` 或 `source`)。
这是一个 smarty 模板引擎的例子:
"repositories": [
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "smarty/smarty",
"version": "3.1.7",
"dist": {
"url": "http://www.smarty.net/files/Smarty-3.1.7.zip",
"type": "zip"
"source": {
"url": "http://smarty-php.googlecode.com/svn/",
"type": "svn",
"reference": "tags/Smarty_3_1_7/distribution/"
"autoload": {
"classmap": ["libs/"]
"require": {
"smarty/smarty": "3.1.*"
通常你不需要去定义 `source`,因为你并不是真的需要它。
> **注意:** 该资源库类型存在以下限制,因此应尽可能避免使用:
> - Composer 将不会更新资源包,除非你修改了 `version` 字段。
> - Composer 将不会更新 commit references因此如果你使用 `master` reference将不得不删除该程序包以强制更新并且将不得不面对一个不稳定的 lock 文件。
<a name="Hosting-your-own"></a>
## Hosting your own
尽管大部分的时间,你大概都会把资源包放在 packagist.org 上,但这里还将告诉你一些用例,以便你可以自行托管资源库。
* **Private company packages:** 如果你是一个公司的职员,对公司内部的资源包使用 composer你可能会想让这些包保持私有的状态。
* **Separate ecosystem:** 如果你的项目有自己的生态系统,并且自己的资源包不需要被其它项目所复用,你可能会想将它们从 packagist.org 上分离出来。其中一个例子就是 wordpress 的插件。
对于自行托管的软件包,建议使用 `composer` 类型资源库设置,它将提供最佳的性能。
这里有一些工具,可以帮助你创建 `composer` 类型的资源库。
<a name="Packagist"></a>
### Packagist
packagist 的底层是开源的。这意味着你可以只安装你自己拷贝的 packagist改造并使用它。这真的是很直接简单的事情。然而由于其规模和复杂性对于大多数中小型企业还是建议使用 Satis。
Packagist 是一个 Symfony2 应用程序,并且托管在 GitHub 上 [github.com/composer/packagist](https://github.com/composer/packagist)。它内部使用了 composer 并作为 VCS 资源库与 composer 用户之间的代理。它拥有所有 VCS 资源包的列表,定期重新抓取它们,并将其作为一个 composer 资源库。
要设置你的副本,只需要按照 [github.com/composer/packagist](https://github.com/composer/packagist) 的说明进行操作。
<a name="Satis"></a>
### Satis
Satis 是一个静态的 `composer` 资源库生成器。它像是一个超轻量级的、基于静态文件的 packagist 版本。
你给它一个包含 `composer.json` 的存储库,定义好 VCS 和 资源库。它会获取所有你列出的包,并打印 `packages.json` 文件,作为 `composer` 类型的资源库。
更多详细信息请查看 [github.com/composer/satis](https://github.com/composer/satis) 和 [Satis article](articles/handling-private-packages-with-satis.md)。
<a name="Artifact"></a>
### Artifact
在某些情况下或许没有能力拥有之前提到的任何一种线上资源库。Typical example could be cross-organisation library exchange through built artifacts。当然大部分的时间他们都是私有的。为了简化维护可以简单的使用 `artifact` 资源库类型,来引用一个包含那些私有包的 ZIP 存档的文件夹:
"repositories": [
"type": "artifact",
"url": "path/to/directory/with/zips/"
"require": {
"private-vendor-one/core": "15.6.2",
"private-vendor-two/connectivity": "*",
"acme-corp/parser": "10.3.5"
每个 zip artifact 都只是一个 ZIP 存档,放置在 `composer.json` 所在的根目录:
unzip -l acme-corp-parser-10.3.5.zip
如果有两个不同版本的资源包,它们都会被导入。当有一个新版本的存档被添加到 artifact 文件夹,并且你运行了 `update` 命令,该版本就会被导入,并且 Composer 将更新到最新版本。
<a name="Disabling-Packagist"></a>
## 禁用 Packagist
你可以在 `composer.json` 中禁用默认的 Packagist 资源库。
"repositories": [
"packagist": false
&larr; [架构](04-schema.md) | [社区](06-community.md) &rarr;

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# 社区
已经有很多人在使用 composer也有很多人为它做出了贡献。
## 贡献
如果你想为 composer 做出自己的贡献,请阅读 [README](https://github.com/composer/composer)。
> 所有贡献的代码 - 包括那些具有提交权限的人 - 必须通过一个 pull request 提交,并在合并前由核心开发人员的核准。
> Fork 这个项目,创建一个特性分支,并给我们发送 pull request。
> 为了与基础代码保持一致,你应该确保代码遵循 [编码规范](http://symfony.com/doc/2.0/contributing/code/standards.html)。
## IRC频道 / 邮件列表
邮件列表:[用户支持](http://groups.google.com/group/composer-users) / [开发者](http://groups.google.com/group/composer-dev)。
irc.freenode.org 上的 IRC 频道:[#composer](irc://irc.freenode.org/composer) (用户)/ [#composer-dev](irc://irc.freenode.org/composer-dev)(开发者)。
Stack Overflow 上有越来越多 [Composer 相关问题](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/composer-php)的收藏。
&larr; [资源库](05-repositories.md)

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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
tagline: Alias branch names to versions
# 别名
## 为什么使用别名?
当你使用 VCS 资源库,你将只会得到类似于这样的版本号:从分支发布的标签获取,它看起来像 `2.0``2.0.x`。比较特殊的是,对于你的 `master` 分支,你会得到一个最新提交的 `dev-master` 版本。对于你的 `bugfix` 分支,你会得到一个最新提交的 `dev-bugfix` 版本。以此类推,这些特殊的版本标识可以用来获取最新的分支源码。
如果你的 `master` 分支使用标签发布了 `1.0` 系列版本,即 `1.0.1`、`1.0.2`、`1.0.3` 等等,任何依赖它的资源包都可能会使用 `1.0.*` 这个版本约束。
如果有人想要最新的 `dev-master` 版本,他们将会碰到一个问题:另一些依赖它的包可能使用了 `1.0.*` 这个版本约束,因此在 require 这个开发版本时将会产生冲突,因为 `dev-master` 不符合 `1.0.*` 的约束。
## 分支别名
`dev-master` 指向一个在你 VCS 项目上的主分支。有些用户会想要使用最新的开发版本这是相当常见的情况。因此Composer 允许你别名你的 `dev-master` 版本为一个 `1.0.x-dev` 的版本号。这是通过在 `composer.json` 文件中的 `extra` 下指定 `branch-alias` 字段来完成的:
"extra": {
"branch-alias": {
"dev-master": "1.0.x-dev"
此处的分支版本必须以 `dev-` 开头(不可比较的版本名称),对应的别名必须是可比较的开发版本名称(即,以数字开头,并以 `.x-dev` 结束)。`branch-alias` 所引用的分支必须是存在的。对于 `dev-master` 你需要在 `master` 分支上提交它。
其结果是,任何人都可以使用 `1.0.*` 版本约束来得到 `dev-master` 版本。
为了定义分支别名,你必须是需要别名的包的所有者。如果你想别名一个第三方包,而又不想 fork 它到自己的版本库,可以使用行内别名,我们在接下来就会提到它。
## 使用行内别名
当你只想在本地项目中尝试一些依赖包的 bug 修正时,这并不是最好的方式。
出于这个原因,你可以在 `require``require-dev` 字段中直接别名你需要的包。比方说那你找到了 `monolog/monolog` 的一个 bug。你在 GitHub 上克隆了 [Monolog](https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog) 并在名为 `bugfix` 的分支上修正了一个问题。现在你想安装这个版本到你的本地项目。
你所使用的 `symfony/monolog-bundle` require 了 `monolog/monolog` 并约束了版本 `1.*`. 因此你需要让你的 `dev-bugfix` 满足该版本约束。
只要在你项目根目录的 `composer.json` 文件中加入以下内容:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/you/monolog"
"require": {
"symfony/monolog-bundle": "2.0",
"monolog/monolog": "dev-bugfix as 1.0.x-dev"
它将会在你的 GitHub 上获取 `monolog/monolog``dev-bugfix` 版本并将其版本别名为 `1.0.x-dev`
> **注意:** 如果要对一个资源包使用行内别名,这个别名(`as` 的右边)必须能够使用版本约束。`as` 左边的部分在这之后将被丢弃。因此,如果 A 依赖 B 而 B 又依赖 `monolog/monolog` 且版本约束为 `dev-bugfix as 1.0.x-dev`,那么安装 A 时将使用 B 的版本约束,并识别为 `1.0.x-dev`此时必须真实存在一个“分支别名”或“1.0 系列分支”。否则就必须在 A 的 `composer.json` 文件中再次定义行内别名。
> **注意:** 应该尽量避免行内别名,特别是对已经发布的包。如果你发现了一个 bug请尝试将你的修复合并到上游分支。这将避免使用你资源包的用户出现问题。

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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
tagline: Modify the way certain types of packages are installed
# 设置和使用自定义安装类型
## 概要
有时需要在包的安装过程中执行其它的动作,例如:将它安装在默认的 `vendor` 以外的其它目录。
## 调用自定义安装程序
假设你的项目已经有了一个自定义的安装模块,那么如何根据 [安装类型][1] 正确调用你包文件中的安装程序就成为了一个问题。
> _参见见下一章如何通过指令创建自定义安装程序。_
任何自定义安装程序都要通过 [type][1] 属性来识别。一旦被确认,它将完全覆盖默认的安装程序,并执行自己的安装逻辑。
> phpDocumentor 的特殊模板需要安装在 /vendor 以外的其它目录中。
> 因此他们选择 `phpdocumentor-template` [安装类型][1] 并为此类型创建了一个插件,以便将他们的模板发送到正确的目录中。
在这样一个模板包的例子中 composer.json 将使用以下设置:
"name": "phpdocumentor/template-responsive",
"type": "phpdocumentor-template",
"require": {
"phpdocumentor/template-installer-plugin": "*"
> **重要提示:** 为了确保这个模板安装程序在安装模板包之前就已存在,模板包必须写入对此安装程序包的依赖。
## 创建一个安装程序
一个自定义安装程序通常是以 Composer 插件的形式存在,并包含有一个类,它实现了 [`Composer\Installer\InstallerInterface`][3] 这个接口。
1. 包文件composer.json
2. 插件类,例如:`My\Project\Composer\Plugin.php`,其中的类必须实现 `Composer\Plugin\PluginInterface` 接口。
3. 安装程序类,例如:`My\Project\Composer\Installer.php`,其中的类必须实现 `Composer\Installer\InstallerInterface` 接口。
### composer.json
1. [type][1] 属性必须是 `composer-plugin`
2. [extra][2] 属性必须包含 `class` 元素,它定义了插件类的名称(包含命名空间)。如果这个包有多个插件类,可以使用数组的形式进行定义。
"name": "phpdocumentor/template-installer-plugin",
"type": "composer-plugin",
"license": "MIT",
"autoload": {
"psr-0": {"phpDocumentor\\Composer": "src/"}
"extra": {
"class": "phpDocumentor\\Composer\\TemplateInstallerPlugin"
"require": {
"composer-plugin-api": "1.0.0"
### 插件类
这个类定义了 Composer 的插件,它必须实现 [`Composer\Plugin\PluginInterface`][3] 这个接口。它可以在 `activate()` 方法中注册自定义安装程序。
这个类可以被放在任何位置、使用任何名字,只要能够根据 `extra.class` 中的定义被自动加载即可。
namespace phpDocumentor\Composer;
use Composer\Composer;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Plugin\PluginInterface;
class TemplateInstallerPlugin implements PluginInterface
public function activate(Composer $composer, IOInterface $io)
$installer = new TemplateInstaller($io, $composer);
### 自定义安装程序类
这个类用于执行自定义的安装过程,它必须实现 [`Composer\Installer\InstallerInterface`][4] 这个接口(或者继承了另一个实现此接口的安装程序类)。它将会对 [安装类型][1] 中定义的字符串执行 `supports()` 方法验证,一旦通过就采用对应的安装程序。
> **注意:** _请慎重选择你的 [安装类型][1] 名称,建议遵循这样的格式:`vendor-type`_。例如:`phpdocumentor-template`。
InstallerInterface 类定义了以下方法(请查阅源码以获得更详细的信息):
* **supports()** 在这里测试你发布的这个安装程序名称是否通过 [安装类型][1] 匹配(参见示例)。只有正确匹配的资源包才会使用此安装程序进行安装。
* **isInstalled()** 确定支持的资源包是否已安装。
* **install()** 这里你可以定义在安装时需要执行的动作。
* **update()** 这里你可以定义在更新时需要执行的动作。当 Composer 调用更新参数时这是必须的。
* **uninstall()** 这里你可以定义在移除一个包时需要执行的动作。
* **getInstallPath()** 这个方法需要返回一个资源包将要安装的位置。_相对于 composer.json 文件的位置。_
namespace phpDocumentor\Composer;
use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
use Composer\Installer\LibraryInstaller;
class TemplateInstaller extends LibraryInstaller
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getPackageBasePath(PackageInterface $package)
$prefix = substr($package->getPrettyName(), 0, 23);
if ('phpdocumentor/template-' !== $prefix) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'Unable to install template, phpdocumentor templates '
.'should always start their package name with '
return 'data/templates/'.substr($package->getPrettyName(), 23);
* {@inheritDoc}
public function supports($packageType)
return 'phpdocumentor-template' === $packageType;
这个例子演示了,简单的继承 [`Composer\Installer\LibraryInstaller`][5] 类来剥离 `phpdocumentor/template-` 前缀,并用剩余的部分重新组装了一个完全不同的安装路径。
> _并非安装在 `/vendor` 目录,任何使用这个安装程序的资源包,将被放置在 `/data/templates/<stripped name>` 目录中。_
[1]: ../04-schema.md#type
[2]: ../04-schema.md#extra
[3]: https://github.com/composer/composer/blob/master/src/Composer/Plugin/PluginInterface.php
[4]: https://github.com/composer/composer/blob/master/src/Composer/Installer/InstallerInterface.php
[5]: https://github.com/composer/composer/blob/master/src/Composer/Installer/LibraryInstaller.php

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@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
tagline: Host your own composer repository
# 用 Satis 处理私有资源包
Satis is a static `composer` repository generator. It is a bit like an ultra-
lightweight, static file-based version of packagist and can be used to host the
metadata of your company's private packages, or your own. It basically acts as
a micro-packagist. You can get it from
[GitHub](http://github.com/composer/satis) or install via CLI:
`composer.phar create-project composer/satis --stability=dev`.
Satis 是一个静态的 `composer` 代码库生成器。
## Setup
For example let's assume you have a few packages you want to reuse across your
company but don't really want to open-source. You would first define a Satis
configuration: a json file with an arbitrary name that lists your curated
Here is an example configuration, you see that it holds a few VCS repositories,
but those could be any types of [repositories](../05-repositories.md). Then it
uses `"require-all": true` which selects all versions of all packages in the
repositories you defined.
The default file Satis looks for is `satis.json` in the root of the repository.
"name": "My Repository",
"homepage": "http://packages.example.org",
"repositories": [
{ "type": "vcs", "url": "http://github.com/mycompany/privaterepo" },
{ "type": "vcs", "url": "http://svn.example.org/private/repo" },
{ "type": "vcs", "url": "http://github.com/mycompany/privaterepo2" }
"require-all": true
If you want to cherry pick which packages you want, you can list all the packages
you want to have in your satis repository inside the classic composer `require` key,
using a `"*"` constraint to make sure all versions are selected, or another
constraint if you want really specific versions.
"repositories": [
{ "type": "vcs", "url": "http://github.com/mycompany/privaterepo" },
{ "type": "vcs", "url": "http://svn.example.org/private/repo" },
{ "type": "vcs", "url": "http://github.com/mycompany/privaterepo2" }
"require": {
"company/package": "*",
"company/package2": "*",
"company/package3": "2.0.0"
Once you did this, you just run `php bin/satis build <configuration file> <build dir>`.
For example `php bin/satis build config.json web/` would read the `config.json`
file and build a static repository inside the `web/` directory.
When you ironed out that process, what you would typically do is run this
command as a cron job on a server. It would then update all your package info
much like Packagist does.
Note that if your private packages are hosted on GitHub, your server should have
an ssh key that gives it access to those packages, and then you should add
the `--no-interaction` (or `-n`) flag to the command to make sure it falls back
to ssh key authentication instead of prompting for a password. This is also a
good trick for continuous integration servers.
Set up a virtual-host that points to that `web/` directory, let's say it is
`packages.example.org`. Alternatively, with PHP >= 5.4.0, you can use the built-in
CLI server `php -S localhost:port -t satis-output-dir/` for a temporary solution.
## Usage
In your projects all you need to add now is your own composer repository using
the `packages.example.org` as URL, then you can require your private packages and
everything should work smoothly. You don't need to copy all your repositories
in every project anymore. Only that one unique repository that will update
"repositories": [ { "type": "composer", "url": "http://packages.example.org/" } ],
"require": {
"company/package": "1.2.0",
"company/package2": "1.5.2",
"company/package3": "dev-master"
### Security
To secure your private repository you can host it over SSH or SSL using a client
certificate. In your project you can use the `options` parameter to specify the
connection options for the server.
Example using a custom repository using SSH (requires the SSH2 PECL extension):
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": "ssh2.sftp://example.org",
"options": {
"ssh2": {
"username": "composer",
"pubkey_file": "/home/composer/.ssh/id_rsa.pub",
"privkey_file": "/home/composer/.ssh/id_rsa"
> **Tip:** See [ssh2 context options](http://www.php.net/manual/en/wrappers.ssh2.php#refsect1-wrappers.ssh2-options) for more information.
Example using HTTP over SSL using a client certificate:
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://example.org",
"options": {
"ssl": {
"local_cert": "/home/composer/.ssl/composer.pem"
> **Tip:** See [ssl context options](http://www.php.net/manual/en/context.ssl.php) for more information.
### Downloads
When GitHub or BitBucket repositories are mirrored on your local satis, the build process will include
the location of the downloads these platforms make available. This means that the repository and your setup depend
on the availability of these services.
At the same time, this implies that all code which is hosted somewhere else (on another service or for example in
Subversion) will not have downloads available and thus installations usually take a lot longer.
To enable your satis installation to create downloads for all (Git, Mercurial and Subversion) your packages, add the
following to your `satis.json`:
"archive": {
"directory": "dist",
"format": "tar",
"prefix-url": "https://amazing.cdn.example.org",
"skip-dev": true
#### Options explained
* `directory`: the location of the dist files (inside the `output-dir`)
* `format`: optional, `zip` (default) or `tar`
* `prefix-url`: optional, location of the downloads, homepage (from `satis.json`) followed by `directory` by default
* `skip-dev`: optional, `false` by default, when enabled (`true`) satis will not create downloads for branches
Once enabled, all downloads (include those from GitHub and BitBucket) will be replaced with a _local_ version.
#### prefix-url
Prefixing the URL with another host is especially helpful if the downloads end up in a private Amazon S3
bucket or on a CDN host. A CDN would drastically improve download times and therefore package installation.
Example: A `prefix-url` of `http://my-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com` (and `directory` set to `dist`) creates download URLs
which look like the following: `http://my-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/dist/vendor-package-version-ref.zip`.
### Resolving dependencies
It is possible to make satis automatically resolve and add all dependencies for your projects. This can be used
with the Downloads functionality to have a complete local mirror of packages. Just add the following
to your `satis.json`:
"require-dependencies": true
When searching for packages, satis will attempt to resolve all the required packages from the listed repositories.
Therefore, if you are requiring a package from Packagist, you will need to define it in your `satis.json`.

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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
tagline: Modify and extend Composer's functionality
# 设置和使用插件
## 概述
你可能需要改变和扩展 Composer 加入自定义的功能。例如:如果你的环境对 Composer 的行为有特殊要求,而这并不适用于普通用户。又或者,你想使用 Composer 完成某些事情,而又不希望对普通用户造成影响。
## 创建一个插件
一个插件就是一个普通的 Composer 资源包,插件的主要代码都位于这个包中,并且还可以依赖更多其它的资源包。
### 插件包
1. [type][1] 属性必须是 `composer-plugin`
2. [extra][2] 属性必须包含一个元素 `class`,它定义了插件类的名称(包含命名空间)。如果一个包中含有多个插件,则可以使用数组来定义类名。
此外,你必须 require 一个特殊的资源包 `composer-plugin-api`,定义与你的插件相兼容的 composer plugin API 版本。目前 composer plugin API 的版本为1.0.0。
"name": "my/plugin-package",
"type": "composer-plugin",
"require": {
"composer-plugin-api": "1.0.0"
### 插件类
每一个插件都必须提供一个实现了 [`Composer\Plugin\PluginInterface`][3] 接口的类。类中的 `activate()` 方法在插件载入后被调用,并接收两个类的实例:[`Composer\Composer`][4] 和 [`Composer\IO\IOInterface`][5]。使用这两个对象可以读取所有的配置,操作所有的内部对象和状态。
namespace phpDocumentor\Composer;
use Composer\Composer;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Plugin\PluginInterface;
class TemplateInstallerPlugin implements PluginInterface
public function activate(Composer $composer, IOInterface $io)
$installer = new TemplateInstaller($io, $composer);
## 事件处理程序
此外,插件还可以实现 [`Composer\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface`][6] 接口,为了在插件载入后自动注册事件处理程序到 `EventDispatcher`
* **COMMAND** 在载入插件的所有命令前被调用。它为你提供了访问程序输入输出的对象。
* **PRE_FILE_DOWNLOAD** 在文件下载前被触发,它允许你在下载前根据目标 URL 操作 `RemoteFilesystem` 对象。
> 一个插件也可以订阅 [脚本事件][7]。
namespace Naderman\Composer\AWS;
use Composer\Composer;
use Composer\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Plugin\PluginInterface;
use Composer\Plugin\PluginEvents;
use Composer\Plugin\PreFileDownloadEvent;
class AwsPlugin implements PluginInterface, EventSubscriberInterface
protected $composer;
protected $io;
public function activate(Composer $composer, IOInterface $io)
$this->composer = $composer;
$this->io = $io;
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
PluginEvents::PRE_FILE_DOWNLOAD => array(
array('onPreFileDownload', 0)
public function onPreFileDownload(PreFileDownloadEvent $event)
$protocol = parse_url($event->getProcessedUrl(), PHP_URL_SCHEME);
if ($protocol === 's3') {
$awsClient = new AwsClient($this->io, $this->composer->getConfig());
$s3RemoteFilesystem = new S3RemoteFilesystem($this->io, $event->getRemoteFilesystem()->getOptions(), $awsClient);
## 使用插件
插件包是优先被安装和加载的,在 Composer 启动时,如果在已安装资源包的当前项目列表中被找到,它们将被自动加载。此外,所有的插件包将被安装在 `COMPOSER_HOME` 目录,以便在 Composer 全局命令前载入,在操作本地项目前插件就已经被载入。
> 你可以通过 `--no-plugins` 选项让 composer 的命令禁用所有已经安装的插件。这或许是特别有用的,如果任何插件会导致错误,而你想要升级或卸载它。
[1]: ../04-schema.md#type
[2]: ../04-schema.md#extra
[3]: https://github.com/composer/composer/blob/master/src/Composer/Plugin/PluginInterface.php
[4]: https://github.com/composer/composer/blob/master/src/Composer/Composer.php
[5]: https://github.com/composer/composer/blob/master/src/Composer/IO/IOInterface.php
[6]: https://github.com/composer/composer/blob/master/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventSubscriberInterface.php
[7]: ./scripts.md#event-names

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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
tagline: Script are callbacks that are called before/after installing packages
# 脚本
## 什么是脚本?
一个脚本,在 Composer 中,可以是一个 PHP 回调(定义为静态方法)或任何命令行可执行的命令。脚本对于在 Composer 运行过程中,执行一个资源包的自定义代码或包专用命令是非常有用的。
> **注意:**只有在根包的 `composer.json` 中定义的脚本才会被执行。即便根包的外部依赖定义了其自身的脚本Composer 也不会去执行这些额外的脚本。
<a name="event-names"></a>
## 事件名称
Composer 在运行过程中将会触发以下事件:
| **pre-install-cmd** | 在 `install` 命令执行前触发。
| **post-install-cmd** | 在 `install` 命令执行后触发。
| **pre-update-cmd** | 在 `update` 命令执行前触发。
| **post-update-cmd** | 在 `update` 命令执行后触发。
| **pre-status-cmd** | 在 `status` 命令执行前触发。
| **post-status-cmd** | 在 `status` 命令执行后触发。
| **pre-package-install** | 在资源包安装前触发。
| **post-package-install** | 在资源包安装后触发。
| **pre-package-update** | 在资源包更新前触发。
| **post-package-update** | 在资源包更新后触发。
| **pre-package-uninstall** | 在资源包被卸载前触发。
| **post-package-uninstall** | 在资源包被卸载后触发。
| **pre-autoload-dump** | 在自动加载器被转储前触发,无论是 `install`/`update` 还是 `dump-autoload` 命令都会触发。
| **post-autoload-dump** | 在自动加载器被转储后触发,无论是 `install`/`update` 还是 `dump-autoload` 命令都会触发。
| **post-root-package-install** | 在 `create-project` 命令期间,根包安装完成后触发。
| **post-create-project-cmd** | 在 `create-project` 命令执行后触发。
- **pre-archive-cmd**: occurs before the `archive` command is executed.
- **post-archive-cmd**: occurs after the `archive` command is executed.
> **注意:**Composer 不会去执行任何依赖包中定义的 `install``update` 相关脚本。因此你不应该在依赖包中申明 `pre-update-cmd``pre-install-cmd`。如果你需要在执行 `install``update` 命令前使用脚本,请确保它们已被定义在根包中。
## 定义脚本
`composer.json` 的根 JSON 对象中应该有一个名为 `"scripts"` 的属性,它包含有一系列的事件名称,以及对应的事件脚本。一个事件的脚本可以被定义为一个字符串(仅适用于单个脚本)或数组(单个或多个脚本)。
- 脚本将按照事件和定义的顺序触发。
- 一个脚本数组可以包含 PHP 回调和命令行可执行命令。
- 由 PHP 类文件包含的回调,其存放的位置必须确保 Composer 能够正确的载入。
"scripts": {
"post-update-cmd": "MyVendor\\MyClass::postUpdate",
"post-package-install": [
"post-install-cmd": [
"phpunit -c app/"
使用前面定义的例子,这里的 `MyVendor\MyClass` 类,就可以被使用来执行 PHP 的回调:
namespace MyVendor;
use Composer\Script\Event;
class MyClass
public static function postUpdate(Event $event)
$composer = $event->getComposer();
// do stuff
public static function postPackageInstall(Event $event)
$installedPackage = $event->getOperation()->getPackage();
// do stuff
public static function warmCache(Event $event)
// make cache toasty
当一个事件被触发Composer 的内部事件处理程序将接收一个 `Composer\Script\Event` 对象,这是传递给您的 PHP 回调的第一个参数。这个 `Event` 对象拥有一些 getter 方法来帮助你取得当前事件的上下文:
- `getComposer()`: 返回当前的 `Composer\Composer` 对象实例。
- `getName()`: 返回事件名称的字符串。
- `getIO()`: 返回当前的 输入\输出 流,它实现了 `Composer\IO\IOInterface` 接口,以便在控制台中使用。
## 手动运行脚本
composer run-script [--dev] [--no-dev] script
例如 `composer run-script post-install-cmd` 将会运行所有 **post-install-cmd** 事件下定义的脚本。

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@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
tagline: Solving problems
# Troubleshooting
This is a list of common pitfalls on using Composer, and how to avoid them.
## General
1. Before asking anyone, run [`composer diagnose`](../03-cli.md#diagnose) to check
for common problems. If it all checks out, proceed to the next steps.
2. When facing any kind of problems using Composer, be sure to **work with the
latest version**. See [self-update](../03-cli.md#self-update) for details.
3. Make sure you have no problems with your setup by running the installer's
checks via `curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --check`.
4. Ensure you're **installing vendors straight from your `composer.json`** via
`rm -rf vendor && composer update -v` when troubleshooting, excluding any
possible interferences with existing vendor installations or `composer.lock`
## Package not found
1. Double-check you **don't have typos** in your `composer.json` or repository
branches and tag names.
2. Be sure to **set the right
[minimum-stability](../04-schema.md#minimum-stability)**. To get started or be
sure this is no issue, set `minimum-stability` to "dev".
3. Packages **not coming from [Packagist](https://packagist.org/)** should
always be **defined in the root package** (the package depending on all
4. Use the **same vendor and package name** throughout all branches and tags of
your repository, especially when maintaining a third party fork and using
## Package not found on travis-ci.org
1. Check the ["Package not found"](#package-not-found) item above.
2. If the package tested is a dependency of one of its dependencies (cyclic
dependency), the problem might be that composer is not able to detect the version
of the package properly. If it is a git clone it is generally alright and Composer
will detect the version of the current branch, but travis does shallow clones so
that process can fail when testing pull requests and feature branches in general.
The best solution is to define the version you are on via an environment variable
called COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION. You set it to `dev-master` for example to define
the root package's version as `dev-master`.
Use: `before_script: COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=dev-master composer install` to export
the variable for the call to composer.
## Need to override a package version
Let say your project depends on package A which in turn depends on a specific
version of package B (say 0.1) and you need a different version of that
package - version 0.11.
You can fix this by aliasing version 0.11 to 0.1:
"require": {
"A": "0.2",
"B": "0.11 as 0.1"
See [aliases](aliases.md) for more information.
## Memory limit errors
If composer shows memory errors on some commands:
`PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of XXXXXX bytes exhausted <...>`
The PHP `memory_limit` should be increased.
> **Note:** Composer internally increases the `memory_limit` to `512M`.
> If you have memory issues when using composer, please consider [creating
> an issue ticket](https://github.com/composer/composer/issues) so we can look into it.
To get the current `memory_limit` value, run:
php -r "echo ini_get('memory_limit').PHP_EOL;"
Try increasing the limit in your `php.ini` file (ex. `/etc/php5/cli/php.ini` for
Debian-like systems):
; Use -1 for unlimited or define an explicit value like 512M
memory_limit = -1
Or, you can increase the limit with a command-line argument:
php -d memory_limit=-1 composer.phar <...>
## "The system cannot find the path specified" (Windows)
1. Open regedit.
2. Search for an ```AutoRun``` key inside ```HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor```
or ```HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor```.
3. Check if it contains any path to non-existent file, if it's the case, just remove them.
## API rate limit and OAuth tokens
Because of GitHub's rate limits on their API it can happen that Composer prompts
for authentication asking your username and password so it can go ahead with its work.
If you would prefer not to provide your GitHub credentials to Composer you can
manually create a token using the following procedure:
1. [Create](https://github.com/settings/applications) an OAuth token on GitHub.
[Read more](https://github.com/blog/1509-personal-api-tokens) on this.
2. Add it to the configuration running `composer config -g github-oauth.github.com <oauthtoken>`
Now Composer should install/update without asking for authentication.
## proc_open(): fork failed errors
If composer shows proc_open() fork failed on some commands:
`PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ErrorException' with message 'proc_open(): fork failed - Cannot allocate memory' in phar`
This could be happening because the VPS runs out of memory and has no Swap space enabled.
free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 2048 357 1690 0 0 237
-/+ buffers/cache: 119 1928
Swap: 0 0 0
To enable the swap you can use for example:
/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.1 bs=1M count=1024
/sbin/mkswap /var/swap.1
/sbin/swapon /var/swap.1

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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
tagline: Expose command-line scripts from packages
# 二进制供应库和 `vendor/bin` 目录
## 什么是二进制供应库?
一个 Composer 资源包,想要传递给安装它的用户的任何命令行脚本,
都应该被列入 `二进制供应库`
## 如何定义?
它是通过在项目的 `composer.json` 里添加一个 `bin` 键定义的。
"bin": ["bin/my-script", "bin/my-other-script"]
## 在 composer.json 里定义二进制供应库的作用是?
对于任何 **依赖于** 该资源包的项目,
它将引导 Composer 安装资源包里的二进制文件到 `vendor/bin` 目录。
否则它们将会被隐藏在 `vendor/` 目录的深处。
## 当 Composer 运行到定义了二进制供应库的 composer.json 文件时发生了什么?
## 当 Composer 运行到,列出了二进制供应库依赖关系的 composer.json 文件时发生了什么?
Composer 会检查所有依赖包里定义的二进制文件。
并为每一个依赖的二进制库设立一个指向 `vendor/bin` 的软连接。
比如 `my-vendor/project-a` 资源包的二进制库就是这样安装的:
"name": "my-vendor/project-a",
"bin": ["bin/project-a-bin"]
在该 `composer.json` 上执行 `composer install` 命令,
不会对 `bin/project-a-bin` 造成任何影响。
再比如项目 `my-vendor/project-b` 有这样的 require 定义:
"name": "my-vendor/project-b",
"require": {
"my-vendor/project-a": "*"
在该 `composer.json` 上执行 `composer install` 命令时,
将会检查 project-b 的所有依赖包,并安装它们的二进制库到 `vendor/bin` 目录。
这种情况下Composer 将使 `vendor/bin/project-a-bin` 可以作为
`vendor/my-vendor/project-a/bin/project-a-bin` 的访问路径。在类 Unix 平台上,
## 对于 Windows 环境和 .bat 文件呢?
完全由 Composer 管理的包并不 *需要* 包含任何用以兼容 Windows 的
`.bat` 文件。在 Windows 环境下运行时Composer 会用一种特殊的方式处理
* 一个用以引用此二进制文件的 `.bat` 文件会自动生成
* 一个与该二进制文件同名的 Unix 风格的代理文件也会自动生成
(方便 Cygwin 或 Git Bash 使用)
有时资源包需要维护自定义的 `.bat` 文件来支持工作流,它可以不包含在 Composer 中。
这种情况下,该资源包 **不** 应该把它们作为二进制文件列出,因为 Composer 不需要知道它们。
## 二进制供应库可以安装在 vendor/bin 以外的其它地方么?
1. 在 `composer.json` 文件中的 `bin-dir` 配置属性处设置
2. 设置环境变量 `COMPOSER_BIN_DIR`
"config": {
"bin-dir": "scripts"
在这个 `composer.json` 上运行 `composer install` 会把所有的二进制供应库
都安装在 `scripts/` 目录,而不是缺省的 `vendor/bin/` 目录。

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# Default Solver Policy
A solver policy defines behaviour variables of the dependency solver. It decides
which versions are considered newer than others, which packages should be
preferred over others and whether operations like downgrades or uninstall are
## Selection of preferred Packages
The following describe package pool situations with user requests and the
resulting order in which the solver will try to install them.
The rules are to be applied in the order of these descriptions.
### Package versions
Packages: Av1, Av2, Av3
* Installed: Av2
Request: install A
* (Av3)
### Repository priorities
Packages Repo1.Av1, Repo2.Av1
* priority(Repo1) >= priority(Repo2) => (Repo1.Av1, Repo2.Av1)
* priority(Repo1) < priority(Repo2) => (Repo2.Av1, Repo1.Av1)
### Virtual Packages (provides)
Packages Av1, Bv1
* Av1 provides Xv1
* Bv1 provides Xv1
Request: install X
* priority(Av1.repo) >= priority(Bv1.repo) => (Av1, Bv1)
* priority(Av1.repo) < priority(Bv1.repo) => (Bv1, Av1)
### Package replacements
Packages: Av1, Bv2
* Bv2 replaces Av1
Request: install A
* priority(Av1.repo) >= priority(Bv2.repo) => (Av1, Bv2)
* priority(Av1.repo) < priority(Bv2.repo) => (Bv2, Av1)
Bv2 version is ignored, only the replacement version for A matters.

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# 如何为我的框架自定义一个资源包安装目录?
每个框架都可能有一个或多个不同的依赖包安装目录。Composer 可以通过使用 [composer/installers](https://github.com/composer/installers) 来配置,安装依赖到其它的目录,而不是默认的 `vendor` 目录。
如果你是一个 **包作者** 并且希望自己的资源包被安装到自定义的目录中,简单的 require `composer/installers` 依赖,并设置适当的 `type` 属性。这是常见的方式,如果你的资源包专门用于一个框架,如 CakePHP、Drupal 或 WordPress。这是一个 WordPress 主题的 composer.json 文件的例子:
"name": "you/themename",
"type": "wordpress-theme",
"require": {
"composer/installers": "~1.0"
现在当你用 Composer 安装这个主题时,它就会被放置在 `wp-content/themes/themename/` 目录。目前已被支持的 `type` 类型请查看 [current supported types](https://github.com/composer/installers#current-supported-types)。
对于一个 **包使用者** 你可以为一个包设置或覆盖安装路径requires composer/installers 并在 extra 下设置 `installer-paths` 属性。Drupal 的多站点设置就是一个很好的例子,其中的资源包应该被安装到各自网站的子目录。在这里我们使用 composer/installers 来覆盖安装路径:
"extra": {
"installer-paths": {
"sites/example.com/modules/{$name}": ["vendor/package"]
现在该资源包将被安装到你指定的目录,并替换 `$name` 变量,而不是默认目录。
> **注意:** 你不能通过它改变所有包的安装目录。这仅适用于引入 `composer/installers` 依赖,自定义了 type 属性的资源包。

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# 我应该提交 vendor 目录中的依赖包吗?
一般情况下 **不建议**。vendor 目录(或者你安装依赖的其它目录)都应该被添加进 `.gitignore`/`svn:ignore`/等等。
最好这么做,然后让所有开发人员使用 Composer 来安装依赖包。同样build server、CI、deployment tools 等等,应进行修改,使运行 Composer 成为其项目引导的一部分。
- 当你更新代码时,将极大的增加 VCS 仓库的体积和差异。
- 在你自己的 VCS 中将产生与你依赖的资源包重复的历史记录。
- 通过 git 的一个 git 仓库安装添加依赖,将把它们视作子模块。这是有问题的,因为它们并不是真正的子模块,并且你将会遇到这些问题。
1. 限制自己安装标记版本(无 dev 版本),这样你只会得到 zip 压缩的安装,并避免 git“子模块”出现的问题。
2. 使用 --prefer-dist 或在 [config](../04-schema.md#config) 选项中设置 `preferred-install``dist`
3. 在每一个依赖安装后删除其下的 `.git` 文件夹,然后你就可以添加它们到你的 git repo 中。你可以运行 `rm -rf vendor/**/.git` 命令快捷的操作,但这意味着你在运行 composer update 命令前需要先删除磁盘中的依赖文件。
4. 新增一个 .gitignore 规则(`vendor/.git`)来忽略 vendor 下所有 `.git` 目录。这种方法不需要你在运行 composer update 命令前删除你磁盘中的依赖文件。

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# Why are unbound version constraints a bad idea?
A version constraint without an upper bound such as `*`, `>=3.4` or
`dev-master` will allow updates to any future version of the dependency.
This includes major versions breaking backward compatibility.
Once a release of your package is tagged, you cannot tweak its dependencies
anymore in case a dependency breaks BC - you have to do a new release but the
previous one stays broken.
The only good alternative is to define an upper bound on your constraints,
which you can increase in a new release after testing that your package is
compatible with the new major version of your dependency.
For example instead of using `>=3.4` you should use `~3.4` which allows all
versions up to `3.999` but does not include `4.0` and above. The `~` operator
works very well with libraries follow [semantic versioning](http://semver.org).
**Note:** As a package maintainer, you can make the life of your users easier
by providing an [alias version](../articles/aliases.md) for your development
branch to allow it to match bound constraints.

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# 为什么说“比较符”和“通配符”相结合的版本约束是坏主意?
这是人们常犯的一个错误,定义了类似 `>=2.*``>=1.1.*` 的版本约束。
通过思考它所表示的真正含义,你很快就会发现,它并没有多大意义。如果我们分解 `>=2.*`,你会得到两个部分:
- `>=2` 表示资源包应该是 2.0.0 或以上版本。
- `2.*` 表示资源包版本应该介于 2.0.0 (含)和 3.0.0(不含)之间。
正如你所看到的,要同时满足这两个规则包版本必须 >=2.0.0,但它是无法判断的,因为当你这么写的时候,你究竟是想要包含 3.0.0 版本还是不包含?它应该进行匹配吗?因为你定义了 `>=2`,但同时你又限制它为 `2.*`
出于这个原因Composer 将抛出一个错误,并告诉你这是无效的。想要确切的表达你意思,最简单的方法就是仅使用“比较符”和“通配符”其中的一种来定义约束。

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# 为什么 Composer 不递归加载储存库?
当你使用自定义库时,你可能会碰到问题,因为 Composer 不会递归加载你要求的储存库,所以你必须修改这些储存库中所有的 `composer.json` 文件。
在详细说明为什么是这样之前,你需要明白:使用自定义 VCS & 包储存库去尝试某些事情,或者使用你 fork 的一个分支,直到你的 pull request 被合并,等等。你不应该使用它们来跟踪你的私人资源包,关于这点你应该看看 [setting up Satis](../articles/handling-private-packages-with-satis.md) 来为你的公司甚至自己处理私人资源包。
- 读取根包的存储库,从定义的存储库得到所有的软件包,解析依赖需求。这是目前的状态,它工作得很好,除了有“无法递归的加载储存库”这个限制。
- 读取根包的存储库,同时从定义的 repos 初始化资源包,递归的初始化,根据所有依赖包中定义的 repos以及这些依赖包所依赖的其它包中定义的 repos等等然后再解析依赖需求。这可能可以工作但会严重影响初始化的速度因为每读取一个 VCS repos 都需要几秒钟。它可能最终执行失败,因为一个包的不同版本,可能来自一个包资源库中一个相同的包,但来至不同的 dist/source 。这样有太多的可能会出错。
- 读取根包的存储库,然后读取第一级依赖,接着读取这些依赖包所依赖的其它包,等等,然后再解析依赖需求。这样听起来更有效率,但仍然存在第二种解决方案中的问题。因为加载依赖的储存库并不像听起来那么容易。你需要加载所有可能匹配的依赖包的 repos而这些包的定义又可能是互相冲突的。

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# 中文翻译贡献者名单
> 项目持续至今,从一个人苦撑,到渐渐有了朋友的加入,感谢大家的辛劳与付出,同时也期待结识更多的新朋友。
- [王赛](#wangsai)
- [东方孤思子](#dongfanggusizi)
<a name="wangsai"></a>
## 王赛
- 邮箱wangsai@bootcss.com
- 网址: [Bootstrap中文网](http://www.bootcss.com) & [Laravel中文网](http://www.golaravel.com)
- Github: [https://github.com/wangsai/](https://github.com/wangsai/)
<a name="dongfanggusizi"></a>
## 东方孤思子
- 邮箱qiansen1386@gmail.com
- Github: [https://github.com/qiansen1386](https://github.com/qiansen1386)

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# Introduction
Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare
the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them
for you.
## Dependency management
Composer is **not** a package manager in the same sense as Yum or Apt are. Yes,
it deals with "packages" or libraries, but it manages them on a per-project
basis, installing them in a directory (e.g. `vendor`) inside your project. By
default it will never install anything globally. Thus, it is a dependency
This idea is not new and Composer is strongly inspired by node's
[npm](https://npmjs.org/) and ruby's [bundler](http://bundler.io/).
a) You have a project that depends on a number of libraries.
b) Some of those libraries depend on other libraries.
c) Enables you to declare the libraries you depend on.
d) Finds out which versions of which packages can and need to be installed, and
installs them (meaning it downloads them into your project).
See the [Basic usage](01-basic-usage.md) chapter for more details on declaring
## System Requirements
Composer requires PHP 5.3.2+ to run. A few sensitive php settings and compile
flags are also required, but when using the installer you will be warned about
any incompatibilities.
To install packages from sources instead of simple zip archives, you will need
git, svn or hg depending on how the package is version-controlled.
Composer is multi-platform and we strive to make it run equally well on Windows,
Linux and OSX.
## Installation - Linux / Unix / OSX
### Downloading the Composer Executable
Composer offers a convenient installer that you can execute directly from the
commandline. Feel free to [download this file](https://getcomposer.org/installer)
or review it on [GitHub](https://github.com/composer/getcomposer.org/blob/master/web/installer)
if you wish to know more about the inner workings of the installer. The source
is plain PHP.
There are in short, two ways to install Composer. Locally as part of your
project, or globally as a system wide executable.
#### Locally
Installing Composer locally is a matter of just running the installer in your
project directory:
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
> **Note:** If the above fails for some reason, you can download the installer
> with `php` instead:
php -r "readfile('https://getcomposer.org/installer');" | php
The installer will just check a few PHP settings and then download
`composer.phar` to your working directory. This file is the Composer binary. It
is a PHAR (PHP archive), which is an archive format for PHP which can be run on
the command line, amongst other things.
Now just run `php composer.phar` in order to run Composer.
You can install Composer to a specific directory by using the `--install-dir`
option and additionally (re)name it as well using the `--filename` option:
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --install-dir=bin --filename=composer
Now just run `php bin/composer` in order to run Composer.
#### Globally
You can place the Composer PHAR anywhere you wish. If you put it in a directory
that is part of your `PATH`, you can access it globally. On unixy systems you
can even make it executable and invoke it without directly using the `php`
Run these commands to globally install `composer` on your system:
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
> **Note:** If the above fails due to permissions, run the `mv` line again
> with sudo.
A quick copy-paste version including sudo:
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
> **Note:** On some versions of OSX the `/usr` directory does not exist by
> default. If you receive the error "/usr/local/bin/composer: No such file or
> directory" then you must create the directory manually before proceeding:
> `mkdir -p /usr/local/bin`.
> **Note:** For information on changing your PATH, please read the
> [Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PATH_(variable)) and/or use Google.
Now just run `composer` in order to run Composer instead of `php composer.phar`.
## Installation - Windows
### Using the Installer
This is the easiest way to get Composer set up on your machine.
Download and run
[Composer-Setup.exe](https://getcomposer.org/Composer-Setup.exe). It will
install the latest Composer version and set up your PATH so that you can just
call `composer` from any directory in your command line.
> **Note:** Close your current terminal. Test usage with a new terminal: This is
> important since the PATH only gets loaded when the terminal starts.
### Manual Installation
Change to a directory on your `PATH` and run the install snippet to download
C:\Users\username>cd C:\bin
C:\bin>php -r "readfile('https://getcomposer.org/installer');" | php
> **Note:** If the above fails due to readfile, use the `http` url or enable
> php_openssl.dll in php.ini
Create a new `composer.bat` file alongside `composer.phar`:
C:\bin>echo @php "%~dp0composer.phar" %*>composer.bat
Add the directory to your PATH environment variable if it isn't already.
Close your current terminal. Test usage with a new terminal:
C:\Users\username>composer -V
Composer version 27d8904
## Using Composer
Now that you've installed Composer, you are ready to use it! Head on over to the
next chapter for a short and simple demonstration.
[Basic usage](01-basic-usage.md) &rarr;

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# Basic usage
## Introduction
For our basic usage introduction, we will be installing `monolog/monolog`,
a logging library. If you have not yet installed Composer, refer to the
[Intro](00-intro.md) chapter.
> **Note:** for the sake of simplicity, this introduction will assume you
> have performed a [local](00-intro.md#locally) install of Composer.
## `composer.json`: Project Setup
To start using Composer in your project, all you need is a `composer.json`
file. This file describes the dependencies of your project and may contain
other metadata as well.
### The `require` Key
The first (and often only) thing you specify in `composer.json` is the
[`require`](04-schema.md#require) key. You're simply telling Composer which
packages your project depends on.
"require": {
"monolog/monolog": "1.0.*"
As you can see, [`require`](04-schema.md#require) takes an object that maps
**package names** (e.g. `monolog/monolog`) to **version constraints** (e.g.
### Package Names
The package name consists of a vendor name and the project's name. Often these
will be identical - the vendor name just exists to prevent naming clashes. It
allows two different people to create a library named `json`, which would then
just be named `igorw/json` and `seldaek/json`.
Here we are requiring `monolog/monolog`, so the vendor name is the same as the
project's name. For projects with a unique name this is recommended. It also
allows adding more related projects under the same namespace later on. If you
are maintaining a library, this would make it really easy to split it up into
smaller decoupled parts.
### Package Versions
In the previous example we were requiring version
[`1.0.*`](http://semver.mwl.be/#?package=monolog%2Fmonolog&version=1.0.*) of
Monolog. This means any version in the `1.0` development branch. It is the
equivalent of saying versions that match `>=1.0 <1.1`.
Version constraints can be specified in several ways, read
[versions](articles/versions.md) for more in-depth information on this topic.
### Stability
By default only stable releases are taken into consideration. If you would
like to also get RC, beta, alpha or dev versions of your dependencies you can
do so using [stability flags](04-schema.md#package-links). To change that for
all packages instead of doing per dependency you can also use the
[minimum-stability](04-schema.md#minimum-stability) setting.
## Installing Dependencies
To install the defined dependencies for your project, just run the
[`install`](03-cli.md#install) command.
php composer.phar install
This will find the latest version of `monolog/monolog` that matches the
supplied version constraint and download it into the `vendor` directory.
It's a convention to put third party code into a directory named `vendor`.
In case of Monolog it will put it into `vendor/monolog/monolog`.
> **Tip:** If you are using git for your project, you probably want to add
> `vendor` in your `.gitignore`. You really don't want to add all of that
> code to your repository.
You will notice the [`install`](03-cli.md#install) command also created a
`composer.lock` file.
## `composer.lock` - The Lock File
After installing the dependencies, Composer writes the list of the exact
versions it installed into a `composer.lock` file. This locks the project
to those specific versions.
**Commit your application's `composer.lock` (along with `composer.json`)
into version control.**
This is important because the [`install`](03-cli.md#install) command checks
if a lock file is present, and if it is, it downloads the versions specified
there (regardless of what `composer.json` says).
This means that anyone who sets up the project will download the exact same
version of the dependencies. Your CI server, production machines, other
developers in your team, everything and everyone runs on the same dependencies,
which mitigates the potential for bugs affecting only some parts of the
deployments. Even if you develop alone, in six months when reinstalling the
project you can feel confident the dependencies installed are still working even
if your dependencies released many new versions since then.
If no `composer.lock` file exists, Composer will read the dependencies and
versions from `composer.json` and create the lock file after executing the
[`update`](03-cli.md#update) or the [`install`](03-cli.md#install) command.
This means that if any of the dependencies get a new version, you won't get the
updates automatically. To update to the new version, use the
[`update`](03-cli.md#update) command. This will fetch the latest matching
versions (according to your `composer.json` file) and also update the lock file
with the new version.
php composer.phar update
> **Note:** Composer will display a Warning when executing an `install` command
> if `composer.lock` and `composer.json` are not synchronized.
If you only want to install or update one dependency, you can whitelist them:
php composer.phar update monolog/monolog [...]
> **Note:** For libraries it is not necessary to commit the lock
> file, see also: [Libraries - Lock file](02-libraries.md#lock-file).
## Packagist
[Packagist](https://packagist.org/) is the main Composer repository. A Composer
repository is basically a package source: a place where you can get packages
from. Packagist aims to be the central repository that everybody uses. This
means that you can automatically `require` any package that is available there.
If you go to the [Packagist website](https://packagist.org/) (packagist.org),
you can browse and search for packages.
Any open source project using Composer is recommended to publish their packages
on Packagist. A library doesn't need to be on Packagist to be used by Composer,
but it enables discovery and adoption by other developers more quickly.
## Autoloading
For libraries that specify autoload information, Composer generates a
`vendor/autoload.php` file. You can simply include this file and you will get
autoloading for free.
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
This makes it really easy to use third party code. For example: If your project
depends on Monolog, you can just start using classes from it, and they will be
$log = new Monolog\Logger('name');
$log->pushHandler(new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('app.log', Monolog\Logger::WARNING));
You can even add your own code to the autoloader by adding an
[`autoload`](04-schema.md#autoload) field to `composer.json`.
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {"Acme\\": "src/"}
Composer will register a [PSR-4](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/) autoloader
for the `Acme` namespace.
You define a mapping from namespaces to directories. The `src` directory would
be in your project root, on the same level as `vendor` directory is. An example
filename would be `src/Foo.php` containing an `Acme\Foo` class.
After adding the [`autoload`](04-schema.md#autoload) field, you have to re-run
[`dump-autoload`](03-cli.md#dump-autoload) to re-generate the
`vendor/autoload.php` file.
Including that file will also return the autoloader instance, so you can store
the return value of the include call in a variable and add more namespaces.
This can be useful for autoloading classes in a test suite, for example.
$loader = require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$loader->add('Acme\\Test\\', __DIR__);
In addition to PSR-4 autoloading, Composer also supports PSR-0, classmap and
files autoloading. See the [`autoload`](04-schema.md#autoload) reference for
more information.
> **Note:** Composer provides its own autoloader. If you don't want to use that
> one, you can just include `vendor/composer/autoload_*.php` files, which return
> associative arrays allowing you to configure your own autoloader.
&larr; [Intro](00-intro.md) | [Libraries](02-libraries.md) &rarr;

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# Libraries
This chapter will tell you how to make your library installable through
## Every project is a package
As soon as you have a `composer.json` in a directory, that directory is a
package. When you add a [`require`](04-schema.md#require) to a project, you are
making a package that depends on other packages. The only difference between
your project and libraries is that your project is a package without a name.
In order to make that package installable you need to give it a name. You do
this by adding the [`name`](04-schema.md#name) property in `composer.json`:
"name": "acme/hello-world",
"require": {
"monolog/monolog": "1.0.*"
In this case the project name is `acme/hello-world`, where `acme` is the vendor
name. Supplying a vendor name is mandatory.
> **Note:** If you don't know what to use as a vendor name, your GitHub
> username is usually a good bet. While package names are case insensitive, the
> convention is all lowercase and dashes for word separation.
## Platform packages
Composer has platform packages, which are virtual packages for things that are
installed on the system but are not actually installable by Composer. This
includes PHP itself, PHP extensions and some system libraries.
* `php` represents the PHP version of the user, allowing you to apply
constraints, e.g. `>=5.4.0`. To require a 64bit version of php, you can
require the `php-64bit` package.
* `hhvm` represents the version of the HHVM runtime (aka HipHop Virtual
Machine) and allows you to apply a constraint, e.g., '>=2.3.3'.
* `ext-<name>` allows you to require PHP extensions (includes core
extensions). Versioning can be quite inconsistent here, so it's often
a good idea to just set the constraint to `*`. An example of an extension
package name is `ext-gd`.
* `lib-<name>` allows constraints to be made on versions of libraries used by
PHP. The following are available: `curl`, `iconv`, `icu`, `libxml`,
`openssl`, `pcre`, `uuid`, `xsl`.
You can use [`show --platform`](03-cli.md#show) to get a list of your locally
available platform packages.
## Specifying the version
When you publish your package on Packagist, it is able to infer the version
from the VCS (git, svn, hg) information. This means you don't have to
explicitly declare it. Read [tags](#tags) and [branches](#branches) to see how
version numbers are extracted from these.
If you are creating packages by hand and really have to specify it explicitly,
you can just add a `version` field:
"version": "1.0.0"
> **Note:** You should avoid specifying the version field explicitly, because
> for tags the value must match the tag name.
### Tags
For every tag that looks like a version, a package version of that tag will be
created. It should match 'X.Y.Z' or 'vX.Y.Z', with an optional suffix of
`-patch` (`-p`), `-alpha` (`-a`), `-beta` (`-b`) or `-RC`. The suffix can also
be followed by a number.
Here are a few examples of valid tag names:
- 1.0.0
- v1.0.0
- 1.10.5-RC1
- v4.4.4-beta2
- v2.0.0-alpha
- v2.0.4-p1
> **Note:** Even if your tag is prefixed with `v`, a
> [version constraint](01-basic-usage.md#package-versions) in a `require`
> statement has to be specified without prefix (e.g. tag `v1.0.0` will result
> in version `1.0.0`).
### Branches
For every branch, a package development version will be created. If the branch
name looks like a version, the version will be `{branchname}-dev`. For example,
the branch `2.0` will get the `2.0.x-dev` version (the `.x` is added for
technical reasons, to make sure it is recognized as a branch). The `2.0.x`
branch would also be valid and be turned into `2.0.x-dev` as well. If the
branch does not look like a version, it will be `dev-{branchname}`. `master`
results in a `dev-master` version.
Here are some examples of version branch names:
- 1.x
- 1.0 (equals 1.0.x)
- 1.1.x
> **Note:** When you install a development version, it will be automatically
> pulled from its `source`. See the [`install`](03-cli.md#install) command
> for more details.
### Aliases
It is possible to alias branch names to versions. For example, you could alias
`dev-master` to `1.0.x-dev`, which would allow you to require `1.0.x-dev` in
all the packages.
See [Aliases](articles/aliases.md) for more information.
## Lock file
For your library you may commit the `composer.lock` file if you want to. This
can help your team to always test against the same dependency versions.
However, this lock file will not have any effect on other projects that depend
on it. It only has an effect on the main project.
If you do not want to commit the lock file and you are using git, add it to
the `.gitignore`.
## Publishing to a VCS
Once you have a VCS repository (version control system, e.g. git) containing a
`composer.json` file, your library is already composer-installable. In this
example we will publish the `acme/hello-world` library on GitHub under
Now, to test installing the `acme/hello-world` package, we create a new
project locally. We will call it `acme/blog`. This blog will depend on
`acme/hello-world`, which in turn depends on `monolog/monolog`. We can
accomplish this by creating a new `blog` directory somewhere, containing a
"name": "acme/blog",
"require": {
"acme/hello-world": "dev-master"
The name is not needed in this case, since we don't want to publish the blog
as a library. It is added here to clarify which `composer.json` is being
Now we need to tell the blog app where to find the `hello-world` dependency.
We do this by adding a package repository specification to the blog's
"name": "acme/blog",
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/username/hello-world"
"require": {
"acme/hello-world": "dev-master"
For more details on how package repositories work and what other types are
available, see [Repositories](05-repositories.md).
That's all. You can now install the dependencies by running Composer's
[`install`](03-cli.md#install) command!
**Recap:** Any git/svn/hg repository containing a `composer.json` can be added
to your project by specifying the package repository and declaring the
dependency in the [`require`](04-schema.md#require) field.
## Publishing to packagist
Alright, so now you can publish packages. But specifying the VCS repository
every time is cumbersome. You don't want to force all your users to do that.
The other thing that you may have noticed is that we did not specify a package
repository for `monolog/monolog`. How did that work? The answer is Packagist.
[Packagist](https://packagist.org/) is the main package repository for
Composer, and it is enabled by default. Anything that is published on
Packagist is available automatically through Composer. Since
[Monolog is on Packagist](https://packagist.org/packages/monolog/monolog), we
can depend on it without having to specify any additional repositories.
If we wanted to share `hello-world` with the world, we would publish it on
Packagist as well. Doing so is really easy.
You simply visit [Packagist](https://packagist.org) and hit the "Submit". This
will prompt you to sign up if you haven't already, and then allows you to
submit the URL to your VCS repository, at which point Packagist will start
crawling it. Once it is done, your package will be available to anyone!
&larr; [Basic usage](01-basic-usage.md) | [Command-line interface](03-cli.md) &rarr;

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View File

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# Command-line interface / Commands
You've already learned how to use the command-line interface to do some
things. This chapter documents all the available commands.
To get help from the command-line, simply call `composer` or `composer list`
to see the complete list of commands, then `--help` combined with any of those
can give you more information.
## Global Options
The following options are available with every command:
* **--verbose (-v):** Increase verbosity of messages.
* **--help (-h):** Display help information.
* **--quiet (-q):** Do not output any message.
* **--no-interaction (-n):** Do not ask any interactive question.
* **--working-dir (-d):** If specified, use the given directory as working directory.
* **--profile:** Display timing and memory usage information
* **--ansi:** Force ANSI output.
* **--no-ansi:** Disable ANSI output.
* **--version (-V):** Display this application version.
## Process Exit Codes
* **0:** OK
* **1:** Generic/unknown error code
* **2:** Dependency solving error code
## init
In the [Libraries](02-libraries.md) chapter we looked at how to create a
`composer.json` by hand. There is also an `init` command available that makes
it a bit easier to do this.
When you run the command it will interactively ask you to fill in the fields,
while using some smart defaults.
php composer.phar init
### Options
* **--name:** Name of the package.
* **--description:** Description of the package.
* **--author:** Author name of the package.
* **--homepage:** Homepage of the package.
* **--require:** Package to require with a version constraint. Should be
in format `foo/bar:1.0.0`.
* **--require-dev:** Development requirements, see **--require**.
* **--stability (-s):** Value for the `minimum-stability` field.
## install
The `install` command reads the `composer.json` file from the current
directory, resolves the dependencies, and installs them into `vendor`.
php composer.phar install
If there is a `composer.lock` file in the current directory, it will use the
exact versions from there instead of resolving them. This ensures that
everyone using the library will get the same versions of the dependencies.
If there is no `composer.lock` file, Composer will create one after dependency
### Options
* **--prefer-source:** There are two ways of downloading a package: `source`
and `dist`. For stable versions Composer will use the `dist` by default.
The `source` is a version control repository. If `--prefer-source` is
enabled, Composer will install from `source` if there is one. This is
useful if you want to make a bugfix to a project and get a local git
clone of the dependency directly.
* **--prefer-dist:** Reverse of `--prefer-source`, Composer will install
from `dist` if possible. This can speed up installs substantially on build
servers and other use cases where you typically do not run updates of the
vendors. It is also a way to circumvent problems with git if you do not
have a proper setup.
* **--ignore-platform-reqs:** ignore `php`, `hhvm`, `lib-*` and `ext-*`
requirements and force the installation even if the local machine does not
fulfill these. See also the [`platform`](06-config.md#platform) config option.
* **--dry-run:** If you want to run through an installation without actually
installing a package, you can use `--dry-run`. This will simulate the
installation and show you what would happen.
* **--dev:** Install packages listed in `require-dev` (this is the default behavior).
* **--no-dev:** Skip installing packages listed in `require-dev`. The autoloader
generation skips the `autoload-dev` rules.
* **--no-autoloader:** Skips autoloader generation.
* **--no-scripts:** Skips execution of scripts defined in `composer.json`.
* **--no-plugins:** Disables plugins.
* **--no-progress:** Removes the progress display that can mess with some
terminals or scripts which don't handle backspace characters.
* **--optimize-autoloader (-o):** Convert PSR-0/4 autoloading to classmap to get a faster
autoloader. This is recommended especially for production, but can take
a bit of time to run so it is currently not done by default.
* **--classmap-authoritative (-a):** Autoload classes from the classmap only.
Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.
## update
In order to get the latest versions of the dependencies and to update the
`composer.lock` file, you should use the `update` command.
php composer.phar update
This will resolve all dependencies of the project and write the exact versions
into `composer.lock`.
If you just want to update a few packages and not all, you can list them as such:
php composer.phar update vendor/package vendor/package2
You can also use wildcards to update a bunch of packages at once:
php composer.phar update vendor/*
### Options
* **--prefer-source:** Install packages from `source` when available.
* **--prefer-dist:** Install packages from `dist` when available.
* **--ignore-platform-reqs:** ignore `php`, `hhvm`, `lib-*` and `ext-*`
requirements and force the installation even if the local machine does not
fulfill these. See also the [`platform`](06-config.md#platform) config option.
* **--dry-run:** Simulate the command without actually doing anything.
* **--dev:** Install packages listed in `require-dev` (this is the default behavior).
* **--no-dev:** Skip installing packages listed in `require-dev`. The autoloader generation skips the `autoload-dev` rules.
* **--no-autoloader:** Skips autoloader generation.
* **--no-scripts:** Skips execution of scripts defined in `composer.json`.
* **--no-plugins:** Disables plugins.
* **--no-progress:** Removes the progress display that can mess with some
terminals or scripts which don't handle backspace characters.
* **--optimize-autoloader (-o):** Convert PSR-0/4 autoloading to classmap to get a faster
autoloader. This is recommended especially for production, but can take
a bit of time to run so it is currently not done by default.
* **--classmap-authoritative (-a):** Autoload classes from the classmap only.
Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.
* **--lock:** Only updates the lock file hash to suppress warning about the
lock file being out of date.
* **--with-dependencies:** Add also all dependencies of whitelisted packages to the whitelist.
* **--prefer-stable:** Prefer stable versions of dependencies.
* **--prefer-lowest:** Prefer lowest versions of dependencies. Useful for testing minimal
versions of requirements, generally used with `--prefer-stable`.
## require
The `require` command adds new packages to the `composer.json` file from
the current directory. If no file exists one will be created on the fly.
php composer.phar require
After adding/changing the requirements, the modified requirements will be
installed or updated.
If you do not want to choose requirements interactively, you can just pass them
to the command.
php composer.phar require vendor/package:2.* vendor/package2:dev-master
### Options
* **--prefer-source:** Install packages from `source` when available.
* **--prefer-dist:** Install packages from `dist` when available.
* **--ignore-platform-reqs:** ignore `php`, `hhvm`, `lib-*` and `ext-*`
requirements and force the installation even if the local machine does not
fulfill these. See also the [`platform`](06-config.md#platform) config option.
* **--dev:** Add packages to `require-dev`.
* **--no-update:** Disables the automatic update of the dependencies.
* **--no-progress:** Removes the progress display that can mess with some
terminals or scripts which don't handle backspace characters.
* **--update-no-dev:** Run the dependency update with the `--no-dev` option.
* **--update-with-dependencies:** Also update dependencies of the newly
required packages.
* **--sort-packages:** Keep packages sorted in `composer.json`.
* **--optimize-autoloader (-o):** Convert PSR-0/4 autoloading to classmap to
get a faster autoloader. This is recommended especially for production, but
can take a bit of time to run so it is currently not done by default.
* **--classmap-authoritative (-a):** Autoload classes from the classmap only.
Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.
## remove
The `remove` command removes packages from the `composer.json` file from
the current directory.
php composer.phar remove vendor/package vendor/package2
After removing the requirements, the modified requirements will be
### Options
* **--ignore-platform-reqs:** ignore `php`, `hhvm`, `lib-*` and `ext-*`
requirements and force the installation even if the local machine does not
fulfill these. See also the [`platform`](06-config.md#platform) config option.
* **--dev:** Remove packages from `require-dev`.
* **--no-update:** Disables the automatic update of the dependencies.
* **--no-progress:** Removes the progress display that can mess with some
terminals or scripts which don't handle backspace characters.
* **--update-no-dev:** Run the dependency update with the --no-dev option.
* **--update-with-dependencies:** Also update dependencies of the removed packages.
* **--optimize-autoloader (-o):** Convert PSR-0/4 autoloading to classmap to
get a faster autoloader. This is recommended especially for production, but
can take a bit of time to run so it is currently not done by default.
* **--classmap-authoritative (-a):** Autoload classes from the classmap only.
Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.
## global
The global command allows you to run other commands like `install`, `require`
or `update` as if you were running them from the [COMPOSER_HOME](#composer-home)
This can be used to install CLI utilities globally and if you add
`$COMPOSER_HOME/vendor/bin` to your `$PATH` environment variable. Here is an
php composer.phar global require fabpot/php-cs-fixer:dev-master
Now the `php-cs-fixer` binary is available globally (assuming you adjusted
your PATH). If you wish to update the binary later on you can just run a
global update:
php composer.phar global update
## search
The search command allows you to search through the current project's package
repositories. Usually this will be just packagist. You simply pass it the
terms you want to search for.
php composer.phar search monolog
You can also search for more than one term by passing multiple arguments.
### Options
* **--only-name (-N):** Search only in name.
## show
To list all of the available packages, you can use the `show` command.
php composer.phar show
If you want to see the details of a certain package, you can pass the package
php composer.phar show monolog/monolog
name : monolog/monolog
versions : master-dev, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0, 1.0.0-RC1
type : library
names : monolog/monolog
source : [git] https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog.git 3d4e60d0cbc4b888fe5ad223d77964428b1978da
dist : [zip] https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog/zipball/3d4e60d0cbc4b888fe5ad223d77964428b1978da 3d4e60d0cbc4b888fe5ad223d77964428b1978da
license : MIT
Monolog : src/
php >=5.3.0
You can even pass the package version, which will tell you the details of that
specific version.
php composer.phar show monolog/monolog 1.0.2
### Options
* **--installed (-i):** List the packages that are installed.
* **--platform (-p):** List only platform packages (php & extensions).
* **--self (-s):** List the root package info.
* **--tree (-t):** List the dependencies as a tree. Only usable when giving a single package name or combined with `-i`.
## browse / home
The `browse` (aliased to `home`) opens a package's repository URL or homepage
in your browser.
### Options
* **--homepage (-H):** Open the homepage instead of the repository URL.
## suggests
Lists all packages suggested by currently installed set of packages. You can
optionally pass one or multiple package names in the format of `vendor/package`
to limit output to suggestions made by those packages only.
### Options
* **--no-dev:** Excludes suggestions from `require-dev` packages.
* **--verbose (-v):** Increased verbosity adds suggesting package name and
reason for suggestion.
## depends
The `depends` command tells you which other packages depend on a certain
package. You can specify which link types (`require`, `require-dev`)
should be included in the listing. By default both are used.
php composer.phar depends --link-type=require monolog/monolog
nrk/monolog-fluent requires monolog/monolog (~1.8)
poc/poc requires monolog/monolog (^1.6)
propel/propel requires monolog/monolog (1.*)
symfony/monolog-bridge requires monolog/monolog (>=1.2)
symfony/symfony requires monolog/monolog (~1)
### Options
* **--link-type:** The link types to match on, can be specified multiple
## validate
You should always run the `validate` command before you commit your
`composer.json` file, and before you tag a release. It will check if your
`composer.json` is valid.
php composer.phar validate
### Options
* **--no-check-all:** Do not emit a warning if requirements in `composer.json` use unbound version constraints.
* **--no-check-lock:** Do not emit an error if `composer.lock` exists and is not up to date.
* **--no-check-publish:** Do not emit an error if `composer.json` is unsuitable for publishing as a package on Packagist but is otherwise valid.
## status
If you often need to modify the code of your dependencies and they are
installed from source, the `status` command allows you to check if you have
local changes in any of them.
php composer.phar status
With the `--verbose` option you get some more information about what was
php composer.phar status -v
You have changes in the following dependencies:
M README.mdown
## self-update
To update Composer itself to the latest version, just run the `self-update`
command. It will replace your `composer.phar` with the latest version.
php composer.phar self-update
If you would like to instead update to a specific release simply specify it:
php composer.phar self-update 1.0.0-alpha7
If you have installed Composer for your entire system (see [global installation](00-intro.md#globally)),
you may have to run the command with `root` privileges
sudo composer self-update
### Options
* **--rollback (-r):** Rollback to the last version you had installed.
* **--clean-backups:** Delete old backups during an update. This makes the
current version of Composer the only backup available after the update.
## config
The `config` command allows you to edit some basic Composer settings in either
the local composer.json file or the global config.json file.
php composer.phar config --list
### Usage
`config [options] [setting-key] [setting-value1] ... [setting-valueN]`
`setting-key` is a configuration option name and `setting-value1` is a
configuration value. For settings that can take an array of values (like
`github-protocols`), more than one setting-value arguments are allowed.
See the [Config](06-config.md) chapter for valid configuration options.
### Options
* **--global (-g):** Operate on the global config file located at
`$COMPOSER_HOME/config.json` by default. Without this option, this command
affects the local composer.json file or a file specified by `--file`.
* **--editor (-e):** Open the local composer.json file using in a text editor as
defined by the `EDITOR` env variable. With the `--global` option, this opens
the global config file.
* **--unset:** Remove the configuration element named by `setting-key`.
* **--list (-l):** Show the list of current config variables. With the `--global`
option this lists the global configuration only.
* **--file="..." (-f):** Operate on a specific file instead of composer.json. Note
that this cannot be used in conjunction with the `--global` option.
* **--absolute:** Returns absolute paths when fetching *-dir config values
instead of relative.
### Modifying Repositories
In addition to modifying the config section, the `config` command also supports making
changes to the repositories section by using it the following way:
php composer.phar config repositories.foo vcs https://github.com/foo/bar
## create-project
You can use Composer to create new projects from an existing package. This is
the equivalent of doing a git clone/svn checkout followed by a "composer install"
of the vendors.
There are several applications for this:
1. You can deploy application packages.
2. You can check out any package and start developing on patches for example.
3. Projects with multiple developers can use this feature to bootstrap the
initial application for development.
To create a new project using Composer you can use the "create-project" command.
Pass it a package name, and the directory to create the project in. You can also
provide a version as third argument, otherwise the latest version is used.
If the directory does not currently exist, it will be created during installation.
php composer.phar create-project doctrine/orm path 2.2.*
It is also possible to run the command without params in a directory with an
existing `composer.json` file to bootstrap a project.
By default the command checks for the packages on packagist.org.
### Options
* **--repository-url:** Provide a custom repository to search for the package,
which will be used instead of packagist. Can be either an HTTP URL pointing
to a `composer` repository, or a path to a local `packages.json` file.
* **--stability (-s):** Minimum stability of package. Defaults to `stable`.
* **--prefer-source:** Install packages from `source` when available.
* **--prefer-dist:** Install packages from `dist` when available.
* **--dev:** Install packages listed in `require-dev`.
* **--no-install:** Disables installation of the vendors.
* **--no-plugins:** Disables plugins.
* **--no-scripts:** Disables the execution of the scripts defined in the root
* **--no-progress:** Removes the progress display that can mess with some
terminals or scripts which don't handle backspace characters.
* **--keep-vcs:** Skip the deletion of the VCS metadata for the created
project. This is mostly useful if you run the command in non-interactive
* **--ignore-platform-reqs:** ignore `php`, `hhvm`, `lib-*` and `ext-*`
requirements and force the installation even if the local machine does not
fulfill these.
## dump-autoload
If you need to update the autoloader because of new classes in a classmap
package for example, you can use "dump-autoload" to do that without having to
go through an install or update.
Additionally, it can dump an optimized autoloader that converts PSR-0/4 packages
into classmap ones for performance reasons. In large applications with many
classes, the autoloader can take up a substantial portion of every request's
time. Using classmaps for everything is less convenient in development, but
using this option you can still use PSR-0/4 for convenience and classmaps for
### Options
* **--optimize (-o):** Convert PSR-0/4 autoloading to classmap to get a faster
autoloader. This is recommended especially for production, but can take
a bit of time to run so it is currently not done by default.
* **--classmap-authoritative (-a):** Autoload classes from the classmap only.
Implicitly enables `--optimize`.
* **--no-dev:** Disables autoload-dev rules.
## clear-cache
Deletes all content from Composer's cache directories.
## licenses
Lists the name, version and license of every package installed. Use
`--format=json` to get machine readable output.
### Options
* **--no-dev:** Remove dev dependencies from the output
* **--format:** Format of the output: text or json (default: "text")
## run-script
### Options
* **--no-dev:** Disable dev mode
* **--list:** List user defined scripts
To run [scripts](articles/scripts.md) manually you can use this command,
just give it the script name and optionally any required arguments.
## diagnose
If you think you found a bug, or something is behaving strangely, you might
want to run the `diagnose` command to perform automated checks for many common
php composer.phar diagnose
## archive
This command is used to generate a zip/tar archive for a given package in a
given version. It can also be used to archive your entire project without
excluded/ignored files.
php composer.phar archive vendor/package 2.0.21 --format=zip
### Options
* **--format (-f):** Format of the resulting archive: tar or zip (default:
* **--dir:** Write the archive to this directory (default: ".")
## help
To get more information about a certain command, just use `help`.
php composer.phar help install
## Environment variables
You can set a number of environment variables that override certain settings.
Whenever possible it is recommended to specify these settings in the `config`
section of `composer.json` instead. It is worth noting that the env vars will
always take precedence over the values specified in `composer.json`.
By setting the `COMPOSER` env variable it is possible to set the filename of
`composer.json` to something else.
For example:
COMPOSER=composer-other.json php composer.phar install
The generated lock file will use the same name: `composer-other.lock` in this example.
By setting this var you can specify the version of the root package, if it can
not be guessed from VCS info and is not present in `composer.json`.
By setting this var you can make Composer install the dependencies into a
directory other than `vendor`.
By setting this option you can change the `bin` ([Vendor Binaries](articles/vendor-binaries.md))
directory to something other than `vendor/bin`.
### http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY
If you are using Composer from behind an HTTP proxy, you can use the standard
`http_proxy` or `HTTP_PROXY` env vars. Simply set it to the URL of your proxy.
Many operating systems already set this variable for you.
Using `http_proxy` (lowercased) or even defining both might be preferable since
some tools like git or curl will only use the lower-cased `http_proxy` version.
Alternatively you can also define the git proxy using
`git config --global http.proxy <proxy url>`.
### no_proxy
If you are behind a proxy and would like to disable it for certain domains, you
can use the `no_proxy` env var. Simply set it to a comma separated list of
domains the proxy should *not* be used for.
The env var accepts domains, IP addresses, and IP address blocks in CIDR
notation. You can restrict the filter to a particular port (e.g. `:80`). You
can also set it to `*` to ignore the proxy for all HTTP requests.
If you use a proxy but it does not support the request_fulluri flag, then you
should set this env var to `false` or `0` to prevent Composer from setting the
request_fulluri option.
If you use a proxy but it does not support the request_fulluri flag for HTTPS
requests, then you should set this env var to `false` or `0` to prevent Composer
from setting the request_fulluri option.
The `COMPOSER_HOME` var allows you to change the Composer home directory. This
is a hidden, global (per-user on the machine) directory that is shared between
all projects.
By default it points to `/home/<user>/.composer` on \*nix,
`/Users/<user>/.composer` on OSX and
`C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Composer` on Windows.
#### COMPOSER_HOME/config.json
You may put a `config.json` file into the location which `COMPOSER_HOME` points
to. Composer will merge this configuration with your project's `composer.json`
when you run the `install` and `update` commands.
This file allows you to set [repositories](05-repositories.md) and
[configuration](06-config.md) for the user's projects.
In case global configuration matches _local_ configuration, the _local_
configuration in the project's `composer.json` always wins.
The `COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR` var allows you to change the Composer cache directory,
which is also configurable via the [`cache-dir`](06-config.md#cache-dir) option.
By default it points to $COMPOSER_HOME/cache on \*nix and OSX, and
`C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Composer` (or `%LOCALAPPDATA%/Composer`) on Windows.
This env var controls the time Composer waits for commands (such as git
commands) to finish executing. The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
This env var controls the [`discard-changes`](06-config.md#discard-changes) config option.
If set to 1, this env var will make Composer behave as if you passed the
`--no-interaction` flag to every command. This can be set on build boxes/CI.
If set to 1, this env disables the warning about having xdebug enabled.
&larr; [Libraries](02-libraries.md) | [Schema](04-schema.md) &rarr;

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# The composer.json Schema
This chapter will explain all of the fields available in `composer.json`.
## JSON schema
We have a [JSON schema](http://json-schema.org) that documents the format and
can also be used to validate your `composer.json`. In fact, it is used by the
`validate` command. You can find it at:
## Root Package
The root package is the package defined by the `composer.json` at the root of
your project. It is the main `composer.json` that defines your project
Certain fields only apply when in the root package context. One example of
this is the `config` field. Only the root package can define configuration.
The config of dependencies is ignored. This makes the `config` field
> **Note:** A package can be the root package or not, depending on the context.
> For example, if your project depends on the `monolog` library, your project
> is the root package. However, if you clone `monolog` from GitHub in order to
> fix a bug in it, then `monolog` is the root package.
## Properties
### name
The name of the package. It consists of vendor name and project name,
separated by `/`.
* monolog/monolog
* igorw/event-source
Required for published packages (libraries).
### description
A short description of the package. Usually this is just one line long.
Required for published packages (libraries).
### version
The version of the package. In most cases this is not required and should
be omitted (see below).
This must follow the format of `X.Y.Z` or `vX.Y.Z` with an optional suffix
of `-dev`, `-patch` (`-p`), `-alpha` (`-a`), `-beta` (`-b`) or `-RC`.
The patch, alpha, beta and RC suffixes can also be followed by a number.
- 1.0.0
- 1.0.2
- 1.1.0
- 0.2.5
- 1.0.0-dev
- 1.0.0-alpha3
- 1.0.0-beta2
- 1.0.0-RC5
- v2.0.4-p1
Optional if the package repository can infer the version from somewhere, such
as the VCS tag name in the VCS repository. In that case it is also recommended
to omit it.
> **Note:** Packagist uses VCS repositories, so the statement above is very
> much true for Packagist as well. Specifying the version yourself will
> most likely end up creating problems at some point due to human error.
### type
The type of the package. It defaults to `library`.
Package types are used for custom installation logic. If you have a package
that needs some special logic, you can define a custom type. This could be a
`symfony-bundle`, a `wordpress-plugin` or a `typo3-module`. These types will
all be specific to certain projects, and they will need to provide an
installer capable of installing packages of that type.
Out of the box, Composer supports four types:
- **library:** This is the default. It will simply copy the files to `vendor`.
- **project:** This denotes a project rather than a library. For example
application shells like the [Symfony standard edition](https://github.com/symfony/symfony-standard),
CMSs like the [SilverStripe installer](https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-installer)
or full fledged applications distributed as packages. This can for example
be used by IDEs to provide listings of projects to initialize when creating
a new workspace.
- **metapackage:** An empty package that contains requirements and will trigger
their installation, but contains no files and will not write anything to the
filesystem. As such, it does not require a dist or source key to be
- **composer-plugin:** A package of type `composer-plugin` may provide an
installer for other packages that have a custom type. Read more in the
[dedicated article](articles/custom-installers.md).
Only use a custom type if you need custom logic during installation. It is
recommended to omit this field and have it just default to `library`.
### keywords
An array of keywords that the package is related to. These can be used for
searching and filtering.
- logging
- events
- database
- redis
- templating
### homepage
An URL to the website of the project.
### time
Release date of the version.
Must be in `YYYY-MM-DD` or `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS` format.
### license
The license of the package. This can be either a string or an array of strings.
The recommended notation for the most common licenses is (alphabetical):
- Apache-2.0
- BSD-2-Clause
- BSD-3-Clause
- BSD-4-Clause
- GPL-2.0
- GPL-2.0+
- GPL-3.0
- GPL-3.0+
- LGPL-2.1
- LGPL-2.1+
- LGPL-3.0
- LGPL-3.0+
Optional, but it is highly recommended to supply this. More identifiers are
listed at the [SPDX Open Source License Registry](https://www.spdx.org/licenses/).
For closed-source software, you may use `"proprietary"` as the license identifier.
An Example:
"license": "MIT"
For a package, when there is a choice between licenses ("disjunctive license"),
multiple can be specified as array.
An Example for disjunctive licenses:
"license": [
Alternatively they can be separated with "or" and enclosed in parenthesis;
"license": "(LGPL-2.1 or GPL-3.0+)"
Similarly when multiple licenses need to be applied ("conjunctive license"),
they should be separated with "and" and enclosed in parenthesis.
### authors
The authors of the package. This is an array of objects.
Each author object can have following properties:
* **name:** The author's name. Usually his real name.
* **email:** The author's email address.
* **homepage:** An URL to the author's website.
* **role:** The authors' role in the project (e.g. developer or translator)
An example:
"authors": [
"name": "Nils Adermann",
"email": "naderman@naderman.de",
"homepage": "http://www.naderman.de",
"role": "Developer"
"name": "Jordi Boggiano",
"email": "j.boggiano@seld.be",
"homepage": "http://seld.be",
"role": "Developer"
Optional, but highly recommended.
### support
Various information to get support about the project.
Support information includes the following:
* **email:** Email address for support.
* **issues:** URL to the issue tracker.
* **forum:** URL to the forum.
* **wiki:** URL to the wiki.
* **irc:** IRC channel for support, as irc://server/channel.
* **source:** URL to browse or download the sources.
* **docs:** URL to the documentation.
An example:
"support": {
"email": "support@example.org",
"irc": "irc://irc.freenode.org/composer"
### Package links
All of the following take an object which maps package names to
[version constraints](01-basic-usage.md#package-versions).
"require": {
"monolog/monolog": "1.0.*"
All links are optional fields.
`require` and `require-dev` additionally support stability flags ([root-only](04-schema.md#root-package)).
These allow you to further restrict or expand the stability of a package beyond
the scope of the [minimum-stability](#minimum-stability) setting. You can apply
them to a constraint, or just apply them to an empty constraint if you want to
allow unstable packages of a dependency for example.
"require": {
"monolog/monolog": "1.0.*@beta",
"acme/foo": "@dev"
If one of your dependencies has a dependency on an unstable package you need to
explicitly require it as well, along with its sufficient stability flag.
"require": {
"doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle": "dev-master",
"doctrine/data-fixtures": "@dev"
`require` and `require-dev` additionally support explicit references (i.e.
commit) for dev versions to make sure they are locked to a given state, even
when you run update. These only work if you explicitly require a dev version
and append the reference with `#<ref>`.
"require": {
"monolog/monolog": "dev-master#2eb0c0978d290a1c45346a1955188929cb4e5db7",
"acme/foo": "1.0.x-dev#abc123"
> **Note:** While this is convenient at times, it should not be how you use
> packages in the long term because it comes with a technical limitation. The
> composer.json metadata will still be read from the branch name you specify
> before the hash. Because of that in some cases it will not be a practical
> workaround, and you should always try to switch to tagged releases as soon
> as you can.
It is also possible to inline-alias a package constraint so that it matches
a constraint that it otherwise would not. For more information [see the
aliases article](articles/aliases.md).
`require` and `require-dev` also support references to specific PHP versions
and PHP extensions your project needs to run successfully.
"require" : {
"php" : "^5.5 || ^7.0",
"ext-mbstring": "*"
#### require
Lists packages required by this package. The package will not be installed
unless those requirements can be met.
#### require-dev <span>([root-only](04-schema.md#root-package))</span>
Lists packages required for developing this package, or running
tests, etc. The dev requirements of the root package are installed by default.
Both `install` or `update` support the `--no-dev` option that prevents dev
dependencies from being installed.
#### conflict
Lists packages that conflict with this version of this package. They
will not be allowed to be installed together with your package.
Note that when specifying ranges like `<1.0 >=1.1` in a `conflict` link,
this will state a conflict with all versions that are less than 1.0 *and* equal
or newer than 1.1 at the same time, which is probably not what you want. You
probably want to go for `<1.0 | >=1.1` in this case.
#### replace
Lists packages that are replaced by this package. This allows you to fork a
package, publish it under a different name with its own version numbers, while
packages requiring the original package continue to work with your fork because
it replaces the original package.
This is also useful for packages that contain sub-packages, for example the main
symfony/symfony package contains all the Symfony Components which are also
available as individual packages. If you require the main package it will
automatically fulfill any requirement of one of the individual components,
since it replaces them.
Caution is advised when using replace for the sub-package purpose explained
above. You should then typically only replace using `self.version` as a version
constraint, to make sure the main package only replaces the sub-packages of
that exact version, and not any other version, which would be incorrect.
#### provide
List of other packages that are provided by this package. This is mostly
useful for common interfaces. A package could depend on some virtual
`logger` package, any library that implements this logger interface would
simply list it in `provide`.
#### suggest
Suggested packages that can enhance or work well with this package. These are
just informational and are displayed after the package is installed, to give
your users a hint that they could add more packages, even though they are not
strictly required.
The format is like package links above, except that the values are free text
and not version constraints.
"suggest": {
"monolog/monolog": "Allows more advanced logging of the application flow"
### autoload
Autoload mapping for a PHP autoloader.
Currently [`PSR-0`](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-0/) autoloading,
[`PSR-4`](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/) autoloading, `classmap` generation and
`files` includes are supported. PSR-4 is the recommended way though since it offers
greater ease of use (no need to regenerate the autoloader when you add classes).
#### PSR-4
Under the `psr-4` key you define a mapping from namespaces to paths, relative to the
package root. When autoloading a class like `Foo\\Bar\\Baz` a namespace prefix
`Foo\\` pointing to a directory `src/` means that the autoloader will look for a
file named `src/Bar/Baz.php` and include it if present. Note that as opposed to
the older PSR-0 style, the prefix (`Foo\\`) is **not** present in the file path.
Namespace prefixes must end in `\\` to avoid conflicts between similar prefixes.
For example `Foo` would match classes in the `FooBar` namespace so the trailing
backslashes solve the problem: `Foo\\` and `FooBar\\` are distinct.
The PSR-4 references are all combined, during install/update, into a single
key => value array which may be found in the generated file
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Monolog\\": "src/",
"Vendor\\Namespace\\": ""
If you need to search for a same prefix in multiple directories,
you can specify them as an array as such:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": { "Monolog\\": ["src/", "lib/"] }
If you want to have a fallback directory where any namespace will be looked for,
you can use an empty prefix like:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": { "": "src/" }
#### PSR-0
Under the `psr-0` key you define a mapping from namespaces to paths, relative to the
package root. Note that this also supports the PEAR-style non-namespaced convention.
Please note namespace declarations should end in `\\` to make sure the autoloader
responds exactly. For example `Foo` would match in `FooBar` so the trailing
backslashes solve the problem: `Foo\\` and `FooBar\\` are distinct.
The PSR-0 references are all combined, during install/update, into a single key => value
array which may be found in the generated file `vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php`.
"autoload": {
"psr-0": {
"Monolog\\": "src/",
"Vendor\\Namespace\\": "src/",
"Vendor_Namespace_": "src/"
If you need to search for a same prefix in multiple directories,
you can specify them as an array as such:
"autoload": {
"psr-0": { "Monolog\\": ["src/", "lib/"] }
The PSR-0 style is not limited to namespace declarations only but may be
specified right down to the class level. This can be useful for libraries with
only one class in the global namespace. If the php source file is also located
in the root of the package, for example, it may be declared like this:
"autoload": {
"psr-0": { "UniqueGlobalClass": "" }
If you want to have a fallback directory where any namespace can be, you can
use an empty prefix like:
"autoload": {
"psr-0": { "": "src/" }
#### Classmap
The `classmap` references are all combined, during install/update, into a single
key => value array which may be found in the generated file
`vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php`. This map is built by scanning for
classes in all `.php` and `.inc` files in the given directories/files.
You can use the classmap generation support to define autoloading for all libraries
that do not follow PSR-0/4. To configure this you specify all directories or files
to search for classes.
"autoload": {
"classmap": ["src/", "lib/", "Something.php"]
#### Files
If you want to require certain files explicitly on every request then you can use
the 'files' autoloading mechanism. This is useful if your package includes PHP functions
that cannot be autoloaded by PHP.
"autoload": {
"files": ["src/MyLibrary/functions.php"]
#### Exclude files from classmaps
If you want to exclude some files or folders from the classmap you can use the 'exclude-from-classmap' property.
This might be useful to exclude test classes in your live environment, for example, as those will be skipped
from the classmap even when building an optimized autoloader.
The classmap generator will ignore all files in the paths configured here. The paths are absolute from the package
root directory (i.e. composer.json location), and support `*` to match anything but a slash, and `**` to
match anything. `**` is implicitly added to the end of the paths.
"autoload": {
"exclude-from-classmap": ["/Tests/", "/test/", "/tests/"]
### autoload-dev <span>([root-only](04-schema.md#root-package))</span>
This section allows to define autoload rules for development purposes.
Classes needed to run the test suite should not be included in the main autoload
rules to avoid polluting the autoloader in production and when other people use
your package as a dependency.
Therefore, it is a good idea to rely on a dedicated path for your unit tests
and to add it within the autoload-dev section.
"autoload": {
"psr-4": { "MyLibrary\\": "src/" }
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": { "MyLibrary\\Tests\\": "tests/" }
### include-path
> **DEPRECATED**: This is only present to support legacy projects, and all new code
> should preferably use autoloading. As such it is a deprecated practice, but the
> feature itself will not likely disappear from Composer.
A list of paths which should get appended to PHP's `include_path`.
"include-path": ["lib/"]
### target-dir
> **DEPRECATED**: This is only present to support legacy PSR-0 style autoloading,
> and all new code should preferably use PSR-4 without target-dir and projects
> using PSR-0 with PHP namespaces are encouraged to migrate to PSR-4 instead.
Defines the installation target.
In case the package root is below the namespace declaration you cannot
autoload properly. `target-dir` solves this problem.
An example is Symfony. There are individual packages for the components. The
Yaml component is under `Symfony\Component\Yaml`. The package root is that
`Yaml` directory. To make autoloading possible, we need to make sure that it
is not installed into `vendor/symfony/yaml`, but instead into
`vendor/symfony/yaml/Symfony/Component/Yaml`, so that the autoloader can load
it from `vendor/symfony/yaml`.
To do that, `autoload` and `target-dir` are defined as follows:
"autoload": {
"psr-0": { "Symfony\\Component\\Yaml\\": "" }
"target-dir": "Symfony/Component/Yaml"
### minimum-stability <span>([root-only](04-schema.md#root-package))</span>
This defines the default behavior for filtering packages by stability. This
defaults to `stable`, so if you rely on a `dev` package, you should specify
it in your file to avoid surprises.
All versions of each package are checked for stability, and those that are less
stable than the `minimum-stability` setting will be ignored when resolving
your project dependencies. Specific changes to the stability requirements of
a given package can be done in `require` or `require-dev` (see
[package links](#package-links)).
Available options (in order of stability) are `dev`, `alpha`, `beta`, `RC`,
and `stable`.
### prefer-stable <span>([root-only](04-schema.md#root-package))</span>
When this is enabled, Composer will prefer more stable packages over unstable
ones when finding compatible stable packages is possible. If you require a
dev version or only alphas are available for a package, those will still be
selected granted that the minimum-stability allows for it.
Use `"prefer-stable": true` to enable.
### repositories <span>([root-only](04-schema.md#root-package))</span>
Custom package repositories to use.
By default Composer just uses the packagist repository. By specifying
repositories you can get packages from elsewhere.
Repositories are not resolved recursively. You can only add them to your main
`composer.json`. Repository declarations of dependencies' `composer.json`s are
The following repository types are supported:
* **composer:** A Composer repository is simply a `packages.json` file served
via the network (HTTP, FTP, SSH), that contains a list of `composer.json`
objects with additional `dist` and/or `source` information. The `packages.json`
file is loaded using a PHP stream. You can set extra options on that stream
using the `options` parameter.
* **vcs:** The version control system repository can fetch packages from git,
svn and hg repositories.
* **pear:** With this you can import any pear repository into your Composer
* **package:** If you depend on a project that does not have any support for
composer whatsoever you can define the package inline using a `package`
repository. You basically just inline the `composer.json` object.
For more information on any of these, see [Repositories](05-repositories.md).
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": "http://packages.example.com"
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://packages.example.com",
"options": {
"ssl": {
"verify_peer": "true"
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog"
"type": "pear",
"url": "https://pear2.php.net"
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "smarty/smarty",
"version": "3.1.7",
"dist": {
"url": "http://www.smarty.net/files/Smarty-3.1.7.zip",
"type": "zip"
"source": {
"url": "https://smarty-php.googlecode.com/svn/",
"type": "svn",
"reference": "tags/Smarty_3_1_7/distribution/"
> **Note:** Order is significant here. When looking for a package, Composer
will look from the first to the last repository, and pick the first match.
By default Packagist is added last which means that custom repositories can
override packages from it.
### config <span>([root-only](04-schema.md#root-package))</span>
A set of configuration options. It is only used for projects. See
[Config](06-config.md) for a description of each individual option.
### scripts <span>([root-only](04-schema.md#root-package))</span>
Composer allows you to hook into various parts of the installation process
through the use of scripts.
See [Scripts](articles/scripts.md) for events details and examples.
### extra
Arbitrary extra data for consumption by `scripts`.
This can be virtually anything. To access it from within a script event
handler, you can do:
$extra = $event->getComposer()->getPackage()->getExtra();
### bin
A set of files that should be treated as binaries and symlinked into the `bin-dir`
(from config).
See [Vendor Binaries](articles/vendor-binaries.md) for more details.
### archive
A set of options for creating package archives.
The following options are supported:
* **exclude:** Allows configuring a list of patterns for excluded paths. The
pattern syntax matches .gitignore files. A leading exclamation mark (!) will
result in any matching files to be included even if a previous pattern
excluded them. A leading slash will only match at the beginning of the project
relative path. An asterisk will not expand to a directory separator.
"archive": {
"exclude": ["/foo/bar", "baz", "/*.test", "!/foo/bar/baz"]
The example will include `/dir/foo/bar/file`, `/foo/bar/baz`, `/file.php`,
`/foo/my.test` but it will exclude `/foo/bar/any`, `/foo/baz`, and `/my.test`.
### non-feature-branches
A list of regex patterns of branch names that are non-numeric (e.g. "latest" or something),
that will NOT be handled as feature branches. This is an array of strings.
If you have non-numeric branch names, for example like "latest", "current", "latest-stable"
or something, that do not look like a version number, then Composer handles such branches
as feature branches. This means it searches for parent branches, that look like a version
or ends at special branches (like master) and the root package version number becomes the
version of the parent branch or at least master or something.
To handle non-numeric named branches as versions instead of searching for a parent branch
with a valid version or special branch name like master, you can set patterns for branch
names, that should be handled as dev version branches.
This is really helpful when you have dependencies using "self.version", so that not dev-master,
but the same branch is installed (in the example: latest-testing).
An example:
If you have a testing branch, that is heavily maintained during a testing phase and is
deployed to your staging environment, normally "composer show -s" will give you `versions : * dev-master`.
If you configure `latest-.*` as a pattern for non-feature-branches like this:
"non-feature-branches": ["latest-.*"]
Then "composer show -s" will give you `versions : * dev-latest-testing`.
&larr; [Command-line interface](03-cli.md) | [Repositories](05-repositories.md) &rarr;

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# Repositories
This chapter will explain the concept of packages and repositories, what kinds
of repositories are available, and how they work.
## Concepts
Before we look at the different types of repositories that exist, we need to
understand some of the basic concepts that Composer is built on.
### Package
Composer is a dependency manager. It installs packages locally. A package is
essentially just a directory containing something. In this case it is PHP
code, but in theory it could be anything. And it contains a package
description which has a name and a version. The name and the version are used
to identify the package.
In fact, internally Composer sees every version as a separate package. While
this distinction does not matter when you are using Composer, it's quite
important when you want to change it.
In addition to the name and the version, there is useful metadata. The information
most relevant for installation is the source definition, which describes where
to get the package contents. The package data points to the contents of the
package. And there are two options here: dist and source.
**Dist:** The dist is a packaged version of the package data. Usually a
released version, usually a stable release.
**Source:** The source is used for development. This will usually originate
from a source code repository, such as git. You can fetch this when you want
to modify the downloaded package.
Packages can supply either of these, or even both. Depending on certain
factors, such as user-supplied options and stability of the package, one will
be preferred.
### Repository
A repository is a package source. It's a list of packages/versions. Composer
will look in all your repositories to find the packages your project requires.
By default only the Packagist repository is registered in Composer. You can
add more repositories to your project by declaring them in `composer.json`.
Repositories are only available to the root package and the repositories
defined in your dependencies will not be loaded. Read the
[FAQ entry](faqs/why-can't-composer-load-repositories-recursively.md) if you
want to learn why.
## Types
### Composer
The main repository type is the `composer` repository. It uses a single
`packages.json` file that contains all of the package metadata.
This is also the repository type that packagist uses. To reference a
`composer` repository, just supply the path before the `packages.json` file.
In case of packagist, that file is located at `/packages.json`, so the URL of
the repository would be `packagist.org`. For `example.org/packages.json` the
repository URL would be `example.org`.
#### packages
The only required field is `packages`. The JSON structure is as follows:
"packages": {
"vendor/package-name": {
"dev-master": { @composer.json },
"1.0.x-dev": { @composer.json },
"0.0.1": { @composer.json },
"1.0.0": { @composer.json }
The `@composer.json` marker would be the contents of the `composer.json` from
that package version including as a minimum:
* name
* version
* dist or source
Here is a minimal package definition:
"name": "smarty/smarty",
"version": "3.1.7",
"dist": {
"url": "http://www.smarty.net/files/Smarty-3.1.7.zip",
"type": "zip"
It may include any of the other fields specified in the [schema](04-schema.md).
#### notify-batch
The `notify-batch` field allows you to specify a URL that will be called
every time a user installs a package. The URL can be either an absolute path
(that will use the same domain as the repository) or a fully qualified URL.
An example value:
"notify-batch": "/downloads/"
For `example.org/packages.json` containing a `monolog/monolog` package, this
would send a `POST` request to `example.org/downloads/` with following
JSON request body:
"downloads": [
{"name": "monolog/monolog", "version": ""}
The version field will contain the normalized representation of the version
This field is optional.
#### includes
For larger repositories it is possible to split the `packages.json` into
multiple files. The `includes` field allows you to reference these additional
An example:
"includes": {
"packages-2011.json": {
"sha1": "525a85fb37edd1ad71040d429928c2c0edec9d17"
"packages-2012-01.json": {
"sha1": "897cde726f8a3918faf27c803b336da223d400dd"
"packages-2012-02.json": {
"sha1": "26f911ad717da26bbcac3f8f435280d13917efa5"
The SHA-1 sum of the file allows it to be cached and only re-requested if the
hash changed.
This field is optional. You probably don't need it for your own custom
#### provider-includes and providers-url
For very large repositories like packagist.org using the so-called provider
files is the preferred method. The `provider-includes` field allows you to
list a set of files that list package names provided by this repository. The
hash should be a sha256 of the files in this case.
The `providers-url` describes how provider files are found on the server. It
is an absolute path from the repository root.
An example:
"provider-includes": {
"providers-a.json": {
"sha256": "f5b4bc0b354108ef08614e569c1ed01a2782e67641744864a74e788982886f4c"
"providers-b.json": {
"sha256": "b38372163fac0573053536f5b8ef11b86f804ea8b016d239e706191203f6efac"
"providers-url": "/p/%package%$%hash%.json"
Those files contain lists of package names and hashes to verify the file
integrity, for example:
"providers": {
"acme/foo": {
"sha256": "38968de1305c2e17f4de33aea164515bc787c42c7e2d6e25948539a14268bb82"
"acme/bar": {
"sha256": "4dd24c930bd6e1103251306d6336ac813b563a220d9ca14f4743c032fb047233"
The file above declares that acme/foo and acme/bar can be found in this
repository, by loading the file referenced by `providers-url`, replacing
`%package%` by the package name and `%hash%` by the sha256 field. Those files
themselves just contain package definitions as described [above](#packages).
This field is optional. You probably don't need it for your own custom
#### stream options
The `packages.json` file is loaded using a PHP stream. You can set extra options
on that stream using the `options` parameter. You can set any valid PHP stream
context option. See [Context options and parameters](https://php.net/manual/en/context.php)
for more information.
### VCS
VCS stands for version control system. This includes versioning systems like
git, svn or hg. Composer has a repository type for installing packages from
these systems.
#### Loading a package from a VCS repository
There are a few use cases for this. The most common one is maintaining your
own fork of a third party library. If you are using a certain library for your
project and you decide to change something in the library, you will want your
project to use the patched version. If the library is on GitHub (this is the
case most of the time), you can simply fork it there and push your changes to
your fork. After that you update the project's `composer.json`. All you have
to do is add your fork as a repository and update the version constraint to
point to your custom branch. Your custom branch name must be prefixed with `"dev-"`. For version constraint naming conventions see
[Libraries](02-libraries.md) for more information.
Example assuming you patched monolog to fix a bug in the `bugfix` branch:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/igorw/monolog"
"require": {
"monolog/monolog": "dev-bugfix"
When you run `php composer.phar update`, you should get your modified version
of `monolog/monolog` instead of the one from packagist.
Note that you should not rename the package unless you really intend to fork
it in the long term, and completely move away from the original package.
Composer will correctly pick your package over the original one since the
custom repository has priority over packagist. If you want to rename the
package, you should do so in the default (often master) branch and not in a
feature branch, since the package name is taken from the default branch.
Also note that the override will not work if you change the `name` property
in your forked repository's composer.json file as this needs to match the
original for the override to work.
If other dependencies rely on the package you forked, it is possible to
inline-alias it so that it matches a constraint that it otherwise would not.
For more information [see the aliases article](articles/aliases.md).
#### Using private repositories
Exactly the same solution allows you to work with your private repositories at
GitHub and BitBucket:
"require": {
"vendor/my-private-repo": "dev-master"
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "git@bitbucket.org:vendor/my-private-repo.git"
The only requirement is the installation of SSH keys for a git client.
#### Git alternatives
Git is not the only version control system supported by the VCS repository.
The following are supported:
* **Git:** [git-scm.com](https://git-scm.com)
* **Subversion:** [subversion.apache.org](https://subversion.apache.org)
* **Mercurial:** [mercurial.selenic.com](http://mercurial.selenic.com)
To get packages from these systems you need to have their respective clients
installed. That can be inconvenient. And for this reason there is special
support for GitHub and BitBucket that use the APIs provided by these sites, to
fetch the packages without having to install the version control system. The
VCS repository provides `dist`s for them that fetch the packages as zips.
* **GitHub:** [github.com](https://github.com) (Git)
* **BitBucket:** [bitbucket.org](https://bitbucket.org) (Git and Mercurial)
The VCS driver to be used is detected automatically based on the URL. However,
should you need to specify one for whatever reason, you can use `git`, `svn` or
`hg` as the repository type instead of `vcs`.
If you set the `no-api` key to `true` on a github repository it will clone the
repository as it would with any other git repository instead of using the
GitHub API. But unlike using the `git` driver directly, Composer will still
attempt to use github's zip files.
#### Subversion Options
Since Subversion has no native concept of branches and tags, Composer assumes
by default that code is located in `$url/trunk`, `$url/branches` and
`$url/tags`. If your repository has a different layout you can change those
values. For example if you used capitalized names you could configure the
repository like this:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "http://svn.example.org/projectA/",
"trunk-path": "Trunk",
"branches-path": "Branches",
"tags-path": "Tags"
If you have no branches or tags directory you can disable them entirely by
setting the `branches-path` or `tags-path` to `false`.
If the package is in a sub-directory, e.g. `/trunk/foo/bar/composer.json` and
`/tags/1.0/foo/bar/composer.json`, then you can make Composer access it by
setting the `"package-path"` option to the sub-directory, in this example it
would be `"package-path": "foo/bar/"`.
If you have a private Subversion repository you can save credentials in the
http-basic section of your config (See [Schema](04-schema.md)):
"http-basic": {
"svn.example.org": {
"username": "username",
"password": "password"
If your Subversion client is configured to store credentials by default these
credentials will be saved for the current user and existing saved credentials
for this server will be overwritten. To change this behavior by setting the
`"svn-cache-credentials"` option in your repository configuration:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "http://svn.example.org/projectA/",
"svn-cache-credentials": false
### PEAR
It is possible to install packages from any PEAR channel by using the `pear`
repository. Composer will prefix all package names with `pear-{channelName}/` to
avoid conflicts. All packages are also aliased with prefix `pear-{channelAlias}/`
Example using `pear2.php.net`:
"repositories": [
"type": "pear",
"url": "https://pear2.php.net"
"require": {
"pear-pear2.php.net/PEAR2_Text_Markdown": "*",
"pear-pear2/PEAR2_HTTP_Request": "*"
In this case the short name of the channel is `pear2`, so the
`PEAR2_HTTP_Request` package name becomes `pear-pear2/PEAR2_HTTP_Request`.
> **Note:** The `pear` repository requires doing quite a few requests per
> package, so this may considerably slow down the installation process.
#### Custom vendor alias
It is possible to alias PEAR channel packages with a custom vendor name.
Suppose you have a private PEAR repository and wish to use Composer to
incorporate dependencies from a VCS. Your PEAR repository contains the
following packages:
* `BasePackage`
* `IntermediatePackage`, which depends on `BasePackage`
* `TopLevelPackage1` and `TopLevelPackage2` which both depend on `IntermediatePackage`
Without a vendor alias, Composer will use the PEAR channel name as the
vendor portion of the package name:
* `pear-pear.foobar.repo/BasePackage`
* `pear-pear.foobar.repo/IntermediatePackage`
* `pear-pear.foobar.repo/TopLevelPackage1`
* `pear-pear.foobar.repo/TopLevelPackage2`
Suppose at a later time you wish to migrate your PEAR packages to a
Composer repository and naming scheme, and adopt the vendor name of `foobar`.
Projects using your PEAR packages would not see the updated packages, since
they have a different vendor name (`foobar/IntermediatePackage` vs
By specifying `vendor-alias` for the PEAR repository from the start, you can
avoid this scenario and future-proof your package names.
To illustrate, the following example would get the `BasePackage`,
`TopLevelPackage1`, and `TopLevelPackage2` packages from your PEAR repository
and `IntermediatePackage` from a Github repository:
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/foobar/intermediate.git"
"type": "pear",
"url": "http://pear.foobar.repo",
"vendor-alias": "foobar"
"require": {
"foobar/TopLevelPackage1": "*",
"foobar/TopLevelPackage2": "*"
### Package
If you want to use a project that does not support Composer through any of the
means above, you still can define the package yourself by using a `package`
Basically, you define the same information that is included in the `composer`
repository's `packages.json`, but only for a single package. Again, the
minimum required fields are `name`, `version`, and either of `dist` or
Here is an example for the smarty template engine:
"repositories": [
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "smarty/smarty",
"version": "3.1.7",
"dist": {
"url": "http://www.smarty.net/files/Smarty-3.1.7.zip",
"type": "zip"
"source": {
"url": "http://smarty-php.googlecode.com/svn/",
"type": "svn",
"reference": "tags/Smarty_3_1_7/distribution/"
"autoload": {
"classmap": ["libs/"]
"require": {
"smarty/smarty": "3.1.*"
Typically you would leave the source part off, as you don't really need it.
> **Note**: This repository type has a few limitations and should be avoided
> whenever possible:
> - Composer will not update the package unless you change the `version` field.
> - Composer will not update the commit references, so if you use `master` as
> reference you will have to delete the package to force an update, and will
> have to deal with an unstable lock file.
## Hosting your own
While you will probably want to put your packages on packagist most of the time,
there are some use cases for hosting your own repository.
* **Private company packages:** If you are part of a company that uses Composer
for their packages internally, you might want to keep those packages private.
* **Separate ecosystem:** If you have a project which has its own ecosystem,
and the packages aren't really reusable by the greater PHP community, you
might want to keep them separate to packagist. An example of this would be
wordpress plugins.
For hosting your own packages, a native `composer` type of repository is
recommended, which provides the best performance.
There are a few tools that can help you create a `composer` repository.
### Packagist
The underlying application used by packagist is open source. This means that you
can technically install your own copy of packagist. However it is not a
supported use case and changes will happen without caring for third parties
using the code.
Packagist is a Symfony2 application, and it is [available on
GitHub](https://github.com/composer/packagist). It uses Composer internally and
acts as a proxy between VCS repositories and the Composer users. It holds a list
of all VCS packages, periodically re-crawls them, and exposes them as a Composer
### Toran Proxy
[Toran Proxy](https://toranproxy.com/) is a web app much like Packagist but
providing private package hosting as well as mirroring/proxying of GitHub and
packagist.org. Check its homepage and the [Satis/Toran Proxy article](articles/handling-private-packages-with-satis.md)
for more information.
### Satis
Satis is a static `composer` repository generator. It is a bit like an ultra-
lightweight, static file-based version of packagist.
You give it a `composer.json` containing repositories, typically VCS and
package repository definitions. It will fetch all the packages that are
`require`d and dump a `packages.json` that is your `composer` repository.
Check [the satis GitHub repository](https://github.com/composer/satis) and
the [Satis article](articles/handling-private-packages-with-satis.md) for more
### Artifact
There are some cases, when there is no ability to have one of the previously
mentioned repository types online, even the VCS one. Typical example could be
cross-organisation library exchange through built artifacts. Of course, most
of the times they are private. To simplify maintenance, one can simply use a
repository of type `artifact` with a folder containing ZIP archives of those
private packages:
"repositories": [
"type": "artifact",
"url": "path/to/directory/with/zips/"
"require": {
"private-vendor-one/core": "15.6.2",
"private-vendor-two/connectivity": "*",
"acme-corp/parser": "10.3.5"
Each zip artifact is just a ZIP archive with `composer.json` in root folder:
unzip -l acme-corp-parser-10.3.5.zip
If there are two archives with different versions of a package, they are both
imported. When an archive with a newer version is added in the artifact folder
and you run `update`, that version will be imported as well and Composer will
update to the latest version.
### Path
In addition to the artifact repository, you can use the path one, which allows
you to depend on a relative directory. This can be especially useful when dealing
with monolith repositories.
For instance, if you have the following directory structure in your repository:
- apps
\_ my-app
\_ composer.json
- packages
\_ my-package
\_ composer.json
Then, to add the package `my/package` as a dependency, in your `apps/my-app/composer.json`
file, you can use the following configuration:
"repositories": [
"type": "path",
"url": "../../packages/my-package"
"require": {
"my/package": "*"
The local package will be symlinked if possible, in which case the output in
the console will read `Symlinked from ../../packages/my-package`. If symlinking
is _not_ possible the package will be copied. In that case, the console will
output `Mirrored from ../../packages/my-package`.
Instead of using a relative path, an absolute path can also be used.
> **Note:** Repository paths can also contain wildcards like ``*`` and ``?``.
> For details, see the [PHP glob function](http://php.net/glob).
## Disabling Packagist
You can disable the default Packagist repository by adding this to your
"repositories": [
"packagist": false
&larr; [Schema](04-schema.md) | [Config](06-config.md) &rarr;

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# Config
This chapter will describe the `config` section of the `composer.json`
## process-timeout
Defaults to `300`. The duration processes like git clones can run before
Composer assumes they died out. You may need to make this higher if you have a
slow connection or huge vendors.
## use-include-path
Defaults to `false`. If `true`, the Composer autoloader will also look for classes
in the PHP include path.
## preferred-install
Defaults to `auto` and can be any of `source`, `dist` or `auto`. This option
allows you to set the install method Composer will prefer to use.
## store-auths
What to do after prompting for authentication, one of: `true` (always store),
`false` (do not store) and `"prompt"` (ask every time), defaults to `"prompt"`.
## github-protocols
Defaults to `["git", "https", "ssh"]`. A list of protocols to use when cloning
from github.com, in priority order. You can reconfigure it to for example
prioritize the https protocol if you are behind a proxy or have somehow bad
performances with the git protocol.
## github-oauth
A list of domain names and oauth keys. For example using `{"github.com":
"oauthtoken"}` as the value of this option will use `oauthtoken` to access
private repositories on github and to circumvent the low IP-based rate limiting
of their API. [Read
more](articles/troubleshooting.md#api-rate-limit-and-oauth-tokens) on how to get
an OAuth token for GitHub.
## http-basic
A list of domain names and username/passwords to authenticate against them. For
example using `{"example.org": {"username": "alice", "password": "foo"}` as the
value of this option will let Composer authenticate against example.org.
> **Note:** Authentication-related config options like `http-basic` and
> `github-oauth` can also be specified inside a `auth.json` file that goes
> besides your `composer.json`. That way you can gitignore it and every
> developer can place their own credentials in there.
## platform
Lets you fake platform packages (PHP and extensions) so that you can emulate a
production env or define your target platform in the config. Example: `{"php":
"5.4", "ext-something": "4.0"}`.
## vendor-dir
Defaults to `vendor`. You can install dependencies into a different directory if
you want to. `$HOME` and `~` will be replaced by your home directory's path in
vendor-dir and all `*-dir` options below.
## bin-dir
Defaults to `vendor/bin`. If a project includes binaries, they will be symlinked
into this directory.
## cache-dir
Defaults to `$COMPOSER_HOME/cache` on unix systems and
`C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Composer` on Windows. Stores all the caches used
by Composer. See also [COMPOSER_HOME](03-cli.md#composer-home).
## cache-files-dir
Defaults to `$cache-dir/files`. Stores the zip archives of packages.
## cache-repo-dir
Defaults to `$cache-dir/repo`. Stores repository metadata for the `composer`
type and the VCS repos of type `svn`, `github` and `bitbucket`.
## cache-vcs-dir
Defaults to `$cache-dir/vcs`. Stores VCS clones for loading VCS repository
metadata for the `git`/`hg` types and to speed up installs.
## cache-files-ttl
Defaults to `15552000` (6 months). Composer caches all dist (zip, tar, ..)
packages that it downloads. Those are purged after six months of being unused by
default. This option allows you to tweak this duration (in seconds) or disable
it completely by setting it to 0.
## cache-files-maxsize
Defaults to `300MiB`. Composer caches all dist (zip, tar, ..) packages that it
downloads. When the garbage collection is periodically ran, this is the maximum
size the cache will be able to use. Older (less used) files will be removed
first until the cache fits.
## bin-compat
Defaults to `auto`. Determines the compatibility of the binaries to be installed.
If it is `auto` then Composer only installs .bat proxy files when on Windows. If
set to `full` then both .bat files for Windows and scripts for Unix-based
operating systems will be installed for each binary. This is mainly useful if you
run Composer inside a linux VM but still want the .bat proxies available for use
in the Windows host OS.
## prepend-autoloader
Defaults to `true`. If `false`, the Composer autoloader will not be prepended to
existing autoloaders. This is sometimes required to fix interoperability issues
with other autoloaders.
## autoloader-suffix
Defaults to `null`. String to be used as a suffix for the generated Composer
autoloader. When null a random one will be generated.
## optimize-autoloader
Defaults to `false`. If `true`, always optimize when dumping the autoloader.
## sort-packages
Defaults to `false`. If `true`, the `require` command keeps packages sorted
by name in `composer.json` when adding a new package.
## classmap-authoritative
Defaults to `false`. If `true`, the Composer autoloader will only load classes
from the classmap. Implies `optimize-autoloader`.
## github-domains
Defaults to `["github.com"]`. A list of domains to use in github mode. This is
used for GitHub Enterprise setups.
## github-expose-hostname
Defaults to `true`. If `false`, the OAuth tokens created to access the
github API will have a date instead of the machine hostname.
## gitlab-domains
Defaults to `["gitlab.com"]`. A list of domains of GitLab servers.
This is used if you use the `gitlab` repository type.
## notify-on-install
Defaults to `true`. Composer allows repositories to define a notification URL,
so that they get notified whenever a package from that repository is installed.
This option allows you to disable that behaviour.
## discard-changes
Defaults to `false` and can be any of `true`, `false` or `"stash"`. This option
allows you to set the default style of handling dirty updates when in
non-interactive mode. `true` will always discard changes in vendors, while
`"stash"` will try to stash and reapply. Use this for CI servers or deploy
scripts if you tend to have modified vendors.
## archive-format
Defaults to `tar`. Composer allows you to add a default archive format when the
workflow needs to create a dedicated archiving format.
## archive-dir
Defaults to `.`. Composer allows you to add a default archive directory when the
workflow needs to create a dedicated archiving format. Or for easier development
between modules.
"config": {
"archive-dir": "/home/user/.composer/repo"
&larr; [Repositories](05-repositories.md) | [Community](07-community.md) &rarr;

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# Community
There are many people using Composer already, and quite a few of them are
## Contributing
If you would like to contribute to Composer, please read the
[README](https://github.com/composer/composer) and
The most important guidelines are described as follows:
> All code contributions - including those of people having commit access - must
> go through a pull request and approved by a core developer before being
> merged. This is to ensure proper review of all the code.
> Fork the project, create a feature branch, and send us a pull request.
> To ensure a consistent code base, you should make sure the code follows
> the [PSR-2 Coding Standards](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2/).
## IRC / mailing list
Mailing lists for [user support](https://groups.google.com/group/composer-users) and
IRC channels are on irc.freenode.org: [#composer](irc://irc.freenode.org/composer)
for users and [#composer-dev](irc://irc.freenode.org/composer-dev) for development.
Stack Overflow has a growing collection of
[Composer related questions](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/composer-php).
&larr; [Config](06-config.md)

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tagline: Alias branch names to versions
# Aliases
## Why aliases?
When you are using a VCS repository, you will only get comparable versions for
branches that look like versions, such as `2.0` or `2.0.x`. For your `master` branch, you
will get a `dev-master` version. For your `bugfix` branch, you will get a
`dev-bugfix` version.
If your `master` branch is used to tag releases of the `1.0` development line,
i.e. `1.0.1`, `1.0.2`, `1.0.3`, etc., any package depending on it will
probably require version `1.0.*`.
If anyone wants to require the latest `dev-master`, they have a problem: Other
packages may require `1.0.*`, so requiring that dev version will lead to
conflicts, since `dev-master` does not match the `1.0.*` constraint.
Enter aliases.
## Branch alias
The `dev-master` branch is one in your main VCS repo. It is rather common that
someone will want the latest master dev version. Thus, Composer allows you to
alias your `dev-master` branch to a `1.0.x-dev` version. It is done by
specifying a `branch-alias` field under `extra` in `composer.json`:
"extra": {
"branch-alias": {
"dev-master": "1.0.x-dev"
The branch version must begin with `dev-` (non-comparable version), the alias
must be a comparable dev version (i.e. start with numbers, and end with
`.x-dev`). The `branch-alias` must be present on the branch that it references.
For `dev-master`, you need to commit it on the `master` branch.
As a result, anyone can now require `1.0.*` and it will happily install
In order to use branch aliasing, you must own the repository of the package
being aliased. If you want to alias a third party package without maintaining
a fork of it, use inline aliases as described below.
## Require inline alias
Branch aliases are great for aliasing main development lines. But in order to
use them you need to have control over the source repository, and you need to
commit changes to version control.
This is not really fun when you just want to try a bugfix of some library that
is a dependency of your local project.
For this reason, you can alias packages in your `require` and `require-dev`
fields. Let's say you found a bug in the `monolog/monolog` package. You cloned
[Monolog](https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog) on GitHub and fixed the issue in
a branch named `bugfix`. Now you want to install that version of monolog in your
local project.
You are using `symfony/monolog-bundle` which requires `monolog/monolog` version
`1.*`. So you need your `dev-bugfix` to match that constraint.
Just add this to your project's root `composer.json`:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/you/monolog"
"require": {
"symfony/monolog-bundle": "2.0",
"monolog/monolog": "dev-bugfix as 1.0.x-dev"
That will fetch the `dev-bugfix` version of `monolog/monolog` from your GitHub
and alias it to `1.0.x-dev`.
> **Note:** If a package with inline aliases is required, the alias (right of
> the `as`) is used as the version constraint. The part left of the `as` is
> discarded. As a consequence, if A requires B and B requires `monolog/monolog`
> version `dev-bugfix as 1.0.x-dev`, installing A will make B require
> `1.0.x-dev`, which may exist as a branch alias or an actual `1.0` branch. If
> it does not, it must be re-inline-aliased in A's `composer.json`.
> **Note:** Inline aliasing should be avoided, especially for published
> packages. If you found a bug, try and get your fix merged upstream. This
> helps to avoid issues for users of your package.

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@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
tagline: Modify the way certain types of packages are installed
# Setting up and using custom installers
## Synopsis
At times it may be necessary for a package to require additional actions during
installation, such as installing packages outside of the default `vendor`
In these cases you could consider creating a Custom Installer to handle your
specific logic.
## Calling a Custom Installer
Suppose that your project already has a Custom Installer for specific modules
then invoking that installer is a matter of defining the correct [type][1] in
your package file.
> _See the next chapter for an instruction how to create Custom Installers._
Every Custom Installer defines which [type][1] string it will recognize. Once
recognized it will completely override the default installer and only apply its
own logic.
An example use-case would be:
> phpDocumentor features Templates that need to be installed outside of the
> default /vendor folder structure. As such they have chosen to adopt the
> `phpdocumentor-template` [type][1] and create a plugin providing the Custom
> Installer to send these templates to the correct folder.
An example composer.json of such a template package would be:
"name": "phpdocumentor/template-responsive",
"type": "phpdocumentor-template",
"require": {
"phpdocumentor/template-installer-plugin": "*"
> **IMPORTANT**: to make sure that the template installer is present at the
> time the template package is installed, template packages should require
> the plugin package.
## Creating an Installer
A Custom Installer is defined as a class that implements the
[`Composer\Installer\InstallerInterface`][3] and is usually distributed in a
Composer Plugin.
A basic Installer Plugin would thus compose of three files:
1. the package file: composer.json
2. The Plugin class, e.g.: `My\Project\Composer\Plugin.php`, containing a class that implements `Composer\Plugin\PluginInterface`.
3. The Installer class, e.g.: `My\Project\Composer\Installer.php`, containing a class that implements `Composer\Installer\InstallerInterface`.
### composer.json
The package file is the same as any other package file but with the following
1. the [type][1] attribute must be `composer-plugin`.
2. the [extra][2] attribute must contain an element `class` defining the
class name of the plugin (including namespace). If a package contains
multiple plugins this can be array of class names.
"name": "phpdocumentor/template-installer-plugin",
"type": "composer-plugin",
"license": "MIT",
"autoload": {
"psr-0": {"phpDocumentor\\Composer": "src/"}
"extra": {
"class": "phpDocumentor\\Composer\\TemplateInstallerPlugin"
"require": {
"composer-plugin-api": "1.0.0"
### The Plugin class
The class defining the Composer plugin must implement the
[`Composer\Plugin\PluginInterface`][3]. It can then register the Custom
Installer in its `activate()` method.
The class may be placed in any location and have any name, as long as it is
autoloadable and matches the `extra.class` element in the package definition.
namespace phpDocumentor\Composer;
use Composer\Composer;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Plugin\PluginInterface;
class TemplateInstallerPlugin implements PluginInterface
public function activate(Composer $composer, IOInterface $io)
$installer = new TemplateInstaller($io, $composer);
### The Custom Installer class
The class that executes the custom installation should implement the
[`Composer\Installer\InstallerInterface`][4] (or extend another installer that
implements that interface). It defines the [type][1] string as it will be
recognized by packages that will use this installer in the `supports()` method.
> **NOTE**: _choose your [type][1] name carefully, it is recommended to follow
> the format: `vendor-type`_. For example: `phpdocumentor-template`.
The InstallerInterface class defines the following methods (please see the
source for the exact signature):
* **supports()**, here you test whether the passed [type][1] matches the name
that you declared for this installer (see the example).
* **isInstalled()**, determines whether a supported package is installed or not.
* **install()**, here you can determine the actions that need to be executed
upon installation.
* **update()**, here you define the behavior that is required when Composer is
invoked with the update argument.
* **uninstall()**, here you can determine the actions that need to be executed
when the package needs to be removed.
* **getInstallPath()**, this method should return the location where the
package is to be installed, _relative from the location of composer.json._
namespace phpDocumentor\Composer;
use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
use Composer\Installer\LibraryInstaller;
class TemplateInstaller extends LibraryInstaller
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getPackageBasePath(PackageInterface $package)
$prefix = substr($package->getPrettyName(), 0, 23);
if ('phpdocumentor/template-' !== $prefix) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'Unable to install template, phpdocumentor templates '
.'should always start their package name with '
return 'data/templates/'.substr($package->getPrettyName(), 23);
* {@inheritDoc}
public function supports($packageType)
return 'phpdocumentor-template' === $packageType;
The example demonstrates that it is quite simple to extend the
[`Composer\Installer\LibraryInstaller`][5] class to strip a prefix
(`phpdocumentor/template-`) and use the remaining part to assemble a completely
different installation path.
> _Instead of being installed in `/vendor` any package installed using this
> Installer will be put in the `/data/templates/<stripped name>` folder._
[1]: ../04-schema.md#type
[2]: ../04-schema.md#extra
[3]: https://github.com/composer/composer/blob/master/src/Composer/Plugin/PluginInterface.php
[4]: https://github.com/composer/composer/blob/master/src/Composer/Installer/InstallerInterface.php
[5]: https://github.com/composer/composer/blob/master/src/Composer/Installer/LibraryInstaller.php

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@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
tagline: Host your own composer repository
# Handling private packages with Satis
Satis is a static `composer` repository generator. It is a bit like an ultra-
lightweight, static file-based version of packagist and can be used to host the
metadata of your company's private packages, or your own. It basically acts as
a micro-packagist. You can get it from
[GitHub](http://github.com/composer/satis) or install via CLI:
`composer.phar create-project composer/satis --stability=dev`.
## Setup
For example let's assume you have a few packages you want to reuse across your
company but don't really want to open-source. You would first define a Satis
configuration: a json file with an arbitrary name that lists your curated
Here is an example configuration, you see that it holds a few VCS repositories,
but those could be any types of [repositories](../05-repositories.md). Then it
uses `"require-all": true` which selects all versions of all packages in the
repositories you defined.
The default file Satis looks for is `satis.json` in the root of the repository.
"name": "My Repository",
"homepage": "http://packages.example.org",
"repositories": [
{ "type": "vcs", "url": "http://github.com/mycompany/privaterepo" },
{ "type": "vcs", "url": "http://svn.example.org/private/repo" },
{ "type": "vcs", "url": "http://github.com/mycompany/privaterepo2" }
"require-all": true
If you want to cherry pick which packages you want, you can list all the packages
you want to have in your satis repository inside the classic composer `require` key,
using a `"*"` constraint to make sure all versions are selected, or another
constraint if you want really specific versions.
"repositories": [
{ "type": "vcs", "url": "http://github.com/mycompany/privaterepo" },
{ "type": "vcs", "url": "http://svn.example.org/private/repo" },
{ "type": "vcs", "url": "http://github.com/mycompany/privaterepo2" }
"require": {
"company/package": "*",
"company/package2": "*",
"company/package3": "2.0.0"
Once you did this, you just run `php bin/satis build <configuration file> <build dir>`.
For example `php bin/satis build config.json web/` would read the `config.json`
file and build a static repository inside the `web/` directory.
When you ironed out that process, what you would typically do is run this
command as a cron job on a server. It would then update all your package info
much like Packagist does.
Note that if your private packages are hosted on GitHub, your server should have
an ssh key that gives it access to those packages, and then you should add
the `--no-interaction` (or `-n`) flag to the command to make sure it falls back
to ssh key authentication instead of prompting for a password. This is also a
good trick for continuous integration servers.
Set up a virtual-host that points to that `web/` directory, let's say it is
`packages.example.org`. Alternatively, with PHP >= 5.4.0, you can use the built-in
CLI server `php -S localhost:port -t satis-output-dir/` for a temporary solution.
## Usage
In your projects all you need to add now is your own composer repository using
the `packages.example.org` as URL, then you can require your private packages and
everything should work smoothly. You don't need to copy all your repositories
in every project anymore. Only that one unique repository that will update
"repositories": [ { "type": "composer", "url": "http://packages.example.org/" } ],
"require": {
"company/package": "1.2.0",
"company/package2": "1.5.2",
"company/package3": "dev-master"
### Security
To secure your private repository you can host it over SSH or SSL using a client
certificate. In your project you can use the `options` parameter to specify the
connection options for the server.
Example using a custom repository using SSH (requires the SSH2 PECL extension):
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": "ssh2.sftp://example.org",
"options": {
"ssh2": {
"username": "composer",
"pubkey_file": "/home/composer/.ssh/id_rsa.pub",
"privkey_file": "/home/composer/.ssh/id_rsa"
> **Tip:** See [ssh2 context options](http://www.php.net/manual/en/wrappers.ssh2.php#refsect1-wrappers.ssh2-options) for more information.
Example using HTTP over SSL using a client certificate:
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://example.org",
"options": {
"ssl": {
"local_cert": "/home/composer/.ssl/composer.pem"
> **Tip:** See [ssl context options](http://www.php.net/manual/en/context.ssl.php) for more information.
### Downloads
When GitHub or BitBucket repositories are mirrored on your local satis, the build process will include
the location of the downloads these platforms make available. This means that the repository and your setup depend
on the availability of these services.
At the same time, this implies that all code which is hosted somewhere else (on another service or for example in
Subversion) will not have downloads available and thus installations usually take a lot longer.
To enable your satis installation to create downloads for all (Git, Mercurial and Subversion) your packages, add the
following to your `satis.json`:
"archive": {
"directory": "dist",
"format": "tar",
"prefix-url": "https://amazing.cdn.example.org",
"skip-dev": true
#### Options explained
* `directory`: the location of the dist files (inside the `output-dir`)
* `format`: optional, `zip` (default) or `tar`
* `prefix-url`: optional, location of the downloads, homepage (from `satis.json`) followed by `directory` by default
* `skip-dev`: optional, `false` by default, when enabled (`true`) satis will not create downloads for branches
Once enabled, all downloads (include those from GitHub and BitBucket) will be replaced with a _local_ version.
#### prefix-url
Prefixing the URL with another host is especially helpful if the downloads end up in a private Amazon S3
bucket or on a CDN host. A CDN would drastically improve download times and therefore package installation.
Example: A `prefix-url` of `http://my-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com` (and `directory` set to `dist`) creates download URLs
which look like the following: `http://my-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/dist/vendor-package-version-ref.zip`.
### Resolving dependencies
It is possible to make satis automatically resolve and add all dependencies for your projects. This can be used
with the Downloads functionality to have a complete local mirror of packages. Just add the following
to your `satis.json`:
"require-dependencies": true
When searching for packages, satis will attempt to resolve all the required packages from the listed repositories.
Therefore, if you are requiring a package from Packagist, you will need to define it in your `satis.json`.

en-back/articles/plugins.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
tagline: Modify and extend Composer's functionality
# Setting up and using plugins
## Synopsis
You may wish to alter or expand Composer's functionality with your own. For
example if your environment poses special requirements on the behaviour of
Composer which do not apply to the majority of its users or if you wish to
accomplish something with composer in a way that is not desired by most users.
In these cases you could consider creating a plugin to handle your
specific logic.
## Creating a Plugin
A plugin is a regular composer package which ships its code as part of the
package and may also depend on further packages.
### Plugin Package
The package file is the same as any other package file but with the following
1. the [type][1] attribute must be `composer-plugin`.
2. the [extra][2] attribute must contain an element `class` defining the
class name of the plugin (including namespace). If a package contains
multiple plugins this can be array of class names.
Additionally you must require the special package called `composer-plugin-api`
to define which composer API versions your plugin is compatible with. The
current composer plugin API version is 1.0.0.
For example
"name": "my/plugin-package",
"type": "composer-plugin",
"require": {
"composer-plugin-api": "1.0.0"
### Plugin Class
Every plugin has to supply a class which implements the
[`Composer\Plugin\PluginInterface`][3]. The `activate()` method of the plugin
is called after the plugin is loaded and receives an instance of
[`Composer\Composer`][4] as well as an instance of
[`Composer\IO\IOInterface`][5]. Using these two objects all configuration can
be read and all internal objects and state can be manipulated as desired.
namespace phpDocumentor\Composer;
use Composer\Composer;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Plugin\PluginInterface;
class TemplateInstallerPlugin implements PluginInterface
public function activate(Composer $composer, IOInterface $io)
$installer = new TemplateInstaller($io, $composer);
## Event Handler
Furthermore plugins may implement the
[`Composer\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface`][6] in order to have its
event handlers automatically registered with the `EventDispatcher` when the
plugin is loaded.
The events available for plugins are:
* **COMMAND**, is called at the beginning of all commands that load plugins.
It provides you with access to the input and output objects of the program.
* **PRE_FILE_DOWNLOAD**, is triggered before files are downloaded and allows
you to manipulate the `RemoteFilesystem` object prior to downloading files
based on the URL to be downloaded.
> A plugin can also subscribe to [script events][7].
namespace Naderman\Composer\AWS;
use Composer\Composer;
use Composer\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Plugin\PluginInterface;
use Composer\Plugin\PluginEvents;
use Composer\Plugin\PreFileDownloadEvent;
class AwsPlugin implements PluginInterface, EventSubscriberInterface
protected $composer;
protected $io;
public function activate(Composer $composer, IOInterface $io)
$this->composer = $composer;
$this->io = $io;
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
PluginEvents::PRE_FILE_DOWNLOAD => array(
array('onPreFileDownload', 0)
public function onPreFileDownload(PreFileDownloadEvent $event)
$protocol = parse_url($event->getProcessedUrl(), PHP_URL_SCHEME);
if ($protocol === 's3') {
$awsClient = new AwsClient($this->io, $this->composer->getConfig());
$s3RemoteFilesystem = new S3RemoteFilesystem($this->io, $event->getRemoteFilesystem()->getOptions(), $awsClient);
## Using Plugins
Plugin packages are automatically loaded as soon as they are installed and will
be loaded when composer starts up if they are found in the current project's
list of installed packages. Additionally all plugin packages installed in the
`COMPOSER_HOME` directory using the composer global command are loaded before
local project plugins are loaded.
> You may pass the `--no-plugins` option to composer commands to disable all
> installed commands. This may be particularly helpful if any of the plugins
> causes errors and you wish to update or uninstall it.
[1]: ../04-schema.md#type
[2]: ../04-schema.md#extra
[3]: https://github.com/composer/composer/blob/master/src/Composer/Plugin/PluginInterface.php
[4]: https://github.com/composer/composer/blob/master/src/Composer/Composer.php
[5]: https://github.com/composer/composer/blob/master/src/Composer/IO/IOInterface.php
[6]: https://github.com/composer/composer/blob/master/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventSubscriberInterface.php
[7]: ./scripts.md#event-names

en-back/articles/scripts.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
tagline: Script are callbacks that are called before/after installing packages
# Scripts
## What is a script?
A script, in Composer's terms, can either be a PHP callback (defined as a
static method) or any command-line executable command. Scripts are useful
for executing a package's custom code or package-specific commands during
the Composer execution process.
**NOTE: Only scripts defined in the root package's `composer.json` are
executed. If a dependency of the root package specifies its own scripts,
Composer does not execute those additional scripts.**
## Event names
Composer fires the following named events during its execution process:
- **pre-install-cmd**: occurs before the `install` command is executed.
- **post-install-cmd**: occurs after the `install` command is executed.
- **pre-update-cmd**: occurs before the `update` command is executed.
- **post-update-cmd**: occurs after the `update` command is executed.
- **pre-status-cmd**: occurs before the `status` command is executed.
- **post-status-cmd**: occurs after the `status` command is executed.
- **pre-package-install**: occurs before a package is installed.
- **post-package-install**: occurs after a package is installed.
- **pre-package-update**: occurs before a package is updated.
- **post-package-update**: occurs after a package is updated.
- **pre-package-uninstall**: occurs before a package has been uninstalled.
- **post-package-uninstall**: occurs after a package has been uninstalled.
- **pre-autoload-dump**: occurs before the autoloader is dumped, either
during `install`/`update`, or via the `dump-autoload` command.
- **post-autoload-dump**: occurs after the autoloader is dumped, either
during `install`/`update`, or via the `dump-autoload` command.
- **post-root-package-install**: occurs after the root package has been
installed, during the `create-project` command.
- **post-create-project-cmd**: occurs after the `create-project` command is
- **pre-archive-cmd**: occurs before the `archive` command is executed.
- **post-archive-cmd**: occurs after the `archive` command is executed.
**NOTE: Composer makes no assumptions about the state of your dependencies
prior to `install` or `update`. Therefore, you should not specify scripts that
require Composer-managed dependencies in the `pre-update-cmd` or
`pre-install-cmd` event hooks. If you need to execute scripts prior to
`install` or `update` please make sure they are self-contained within your
root package.**
## Defining scripts
The root JSON object in `composer.json` should have a property called
`"scripts"`, which contains pairs of named events and each event's
corresponding scripts. An event's scripts can be defined as either as a string
(only for a single script) or an array (for single or multiple scripts.)
For any given event:
- Scripts execute in the order defined when their corresponding event is fired.
- An array of scripts wired to a single event can contain both PHP callbacks
and command-line executables commands.
- PHP classes containing defined callbacks must be autoloadable via Composer's
autoload functionality.
Script definition example:
"scripts": {
"post-update-cmd": "MyVendor\\MyClass::postUpdate",
"post-package-install": [
"post-install-cmd": [
"phpunit -c app/"
Using the previous definition example, here's the class `MyVendor\MyClass`
that might be used to execute the PHP callbacks:
namespace MyVendor;
use Composer\Script\Event;
class MyClass
public static function postUpdate(Event $event)
$composer = $event->getComposer();
// do stuff
public static function postPackageInstall(Event $event)
$installedPackage = $event->getOperation()->getPackage();
// do stuff
public static function warmCache(Event $event)
// make cache toasty
When an event is fired, Composer's internal event handler receives a
`Composer\Script\Event` object, which is passed as the first argument to your
PHP callback. This `Event` object has getters for other contextual objects:
- `getComposer()`: returns the current instance of `Composer\Composer`
- `getName()`: returns the name of the event being fired as a string
- `getIO()`: returns the current input/output stream which implements
`Composer\IO\IOInterface` for writing to the console
## Running scripts manually
If you would like to run the scripts for an event manually, the syntax is:
composer run-script [--dev] [--no-dev] script
For example `composer run-script post-install-cmd` will run any **post-install-cmd** scripts that have been defined.

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@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
tagline: Solving problems
# Troubleshooting
This is a list of common pitfalls on using Composer, and how to avoid them.
## General
1. Before asking anyone, run [`composer diagnose`](../03-cli.md#diagnose) to check
for common problems. If it all checks out, proceed to the next steps.
2. When facing any kind of problems using Composer, be sure to **work with the
latest version**. See [self-update](../03-cli.md#self-update) for details.
3. Make sure you have no problems with your setup by running the installer's
checks via `curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --check`.
4. Ensure you're **installing vendors straight from your `composer.json`** via
`rm -rf vendor && composer update -v` when troubleshooting, excluding any
possible interferences with existing vendor installations or `composer.lock`
## Package not found
1. Double-check you **don't have typos** in your `composer.json` or repository
branches and tag names.
2. Be sure to **set the right
[minimum-stability](../04-schema.md#minimum-stability)**. To get started or be
sure this is no issue, set `minimum-stability` to "dev".
3. Packages **not coming from [Packagist](https://packagist.org/)** should
always be **defined in the root package** (the package depending on all
4. Use the **same vendor and package name** throughout all branches and tags of
your repository, especially when maintaining a third party fork and using
## Package not found on travis-ci.org
1. Check the ["Package not found"](#package-not-found) item above.
2. If the package tested is a dependency of one of its dependencies (cyclic
dependency), the problem might be that composer is not able to detect the version
of the package properly. If it is a git clone it is generally alright and Composer
will detect the version of the current branch, but travis does shallow clones so
that process can fail when testing pull requests and feature branches in general.
The best solution is to define the version you are on via an environment variable
called COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION. You set it to `dev-master` for example to define
the root package's version as `dev-master`.
Use: `before_script: COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=dev-master composer install` to export
the variable for the call to composer.
## Need to override a package version
Let say your project depends on package A which in turn depends on a specific
version of package B (say 0.1) and you need a different version of that
package - version 0.11.
You can fix this by aliasing version 0.11 to 0.1:
"require": {
"A": "0.2",
"B": "0.11 as 0.1"
See [aliases](aliases.md) for more information.
## Memory limit errors
If composer shows memory errors on some commands:
`PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of XXXXXX bytes exhausted <...>`
The PHP `memory_limit` should be increased.
> **Note:** Composer internally increases the `memory_limit` to `512M`.
> If you have memory issues when using composer, please consider [creating
> an issue ticket](https://github.com/composer/composer/issues) so we can look into it.
To get the current `memory_limit` value, run:
php -r "echo ini_get('memory_limit').PHP_EOL;"
Try increasing the limit in your `php.ini` file (ex. `/etc/php5/cli/php.ini` for
Debian-like systems):
; Use -1 for unlimited or define an explicit value like 512M
memory_limit = -1
Or, you can increase the limit with a command-line argument:
php -d memory_limit=-1 composer.phar <...>
## "The system cannot find the path specified" (Windows)
1. Open regedit.
2. Search for an ```AutoRun``` key inside ```HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor```
or ```HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor```.
3. Check if it contains any path to non-existent file, if it's the case, just remove them.
## API rate limit and OAuth tokens
Because of GitHub's rate limits on their API it can happen that Composer prompts
for authentication asking your username and password so it can go ahead with its work.
If you would prefer not to provide your GitHub credentials to Composer you can
manually create a token using the following procedure:
1. [Create](https://github.com/settings/applications) an OAuth token on GitHub.
[Read more](https://github.com/blog/1509-personal-api-tokens) on this.
2. Add it to the configuration running `composer config -g github-oauth.github.com <oauthtoken>`
Now Composer should install/update without asking for authentication.
## proc_open(): fork failed errors
If composer shows proc_open() fork failed on some commands:
`PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ErrorException' with message 'proc_open(): fork failed - Cannot allocate memory' in phar`
This could be happening because the VPS runs out of memory and has no Swap space enabled.
free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 2048 357 1690 0 0 237
-/+ buffers/cache: 119 1928
Swap: 0 0 0
To enable the swap you can use for example:
/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.1 bs=1M count=1024
/sbin/mkswap /var/swap.1
/sbin/swapon /var/swap.1

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@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
tagline: Expose command-line scripts from packages
# Vendor binaries and the `vendor/bin` directory
## What is a vendor binary?
Any command line script that a Composer package would like to pass along
to a user who installs the package should be listed as a vendor binary.
If a package contains other scripts that are not needed by the package
users (like build or compile scripts) that code should not be listed
as a vendor binary.
## How is it defined?
It is defined by adding the `bin` key to a project's `composer.json`.
It is specified as an array of files so multiple binaries can be added
for any given project.
"bin": ["bin/my-script", "bin/my-other-script"]
## What does defining a vendor binary in composer.json do?
It instructs Composer to install the package's binaries to `vendor/bin`
for any project that **depends** on that project.
This is a convenient way to expose useful scripts that would
otherwise be hidden deep in the `vendor/` directory.
## What happens when Composer is run on a composer.json that defines vendor binaries?
For the binaries that a package defines directly, nothing happens.
## What happens when Composer is run on a composer.json that has dependencies with vendor binaries listed?
Composer looks for the binaries defined in all of the dependencies. A
symlink is created from each dependency's binaries to `vendor/bin`.
Say package `my-vendor/project-a` has binaries setup like this:
"name": "my-vendor/project-a",
"bin": ["bin/project-a-bin"]
Running `composer install` for this `composer.json` will not do
anything with `bin/project-a-bin`.
Say project `my-vendor/project-b` has requirements setup like this:
"name": "my-vendor/project-b",
"require": {
"my-vendor/project-a": "*"
Running `composer install` for this `composer.json` will look at
all of project-b's dependencies and install them to `vendor/bin`.
In this case, Composer will make `vendor/my-vendor/project-a/bin/project-a-bin`
available as `vendor/bin/project-a-bin`. On a Unix-like platform
this is accomplished by creating a symlink.
## What about Windows and .bat files?
Packages managed entirely by Composer do not *need* to contain any
`.bat` files for Windows compatibility. Composer handles installation
of binaries in a special way when run in a Windows environment:
* A `.bat` file is generated automatically to reference the binary
* A Unix-style proxy file with the same name as the binary is generated
automatically (useful for Cygwin or Git Bash)
Packages that need to support workflows that may not include Composer
are welcome to maintain custom `.bat` files. In this case, the package
should **not** list the `.bat` file as a binary as it is not needed.
## Can vendor binaries be installed somewhere other than vendor/bin?
Yes, there are two ways an alternate vendor binary location can be specified:
1. Setting the `bin-dir` configuration setting in `composer.json`
1. Setting the environment variable `COMPOSER_BIN_DIR`
An example of the former looks like this:
"config": {
"bin-dir": "scripts"
Running `composer install` for this `composer.json` will result in
all of the vendor binaries being installed in `scripts/` instead of

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# Default Solver Policy
A solver policy defines behaviour variables of the dependency solver. It decides
which versions are considered newer than others, which packages should be
preferred over others and whether operations like downgrades or uninstall are
## Selection of preferred Packages
The following describe package pool situations with user requests and the
resulting order in which the solver will try to install them.
The rules are to be applied in the order of these descriptions.
### Package versions
Packages: Av1, Av2, Av3
* Installed: Av2
Request: install A
* (Av3)
### Repository priorities
Packages Repo1.Av1, Repo2.Av1
* priority(Repo1) >= priority(Repo2) => (Repo1.Av1, Repo2.Av1)
* priority(Repo1) < priority(Repo2) => (Repo2.Av1, Repo1.Av1)
### Virtual Packages (provides)
Packages Av1, Bv1
* Av1 provides Xv1
* Bv1 provides Xv1
Request: install X
* priority(Av1.repo) >= priority(Bv1.repo) => (Av1, Bv1)
* priority(Av1.repo) < priority(Bv1.repo) => (Bv1, Av1)
### Package replacements
Packages: Av1, Bv2
* Bv2 replaces Av1
Request: install A
* priority(Av1.repo) >= priority(Bv2.repo) => (Av1, Bv2)
* priority(Av1.repo) < priority(Bv2.repo) => (Bv2, Av1)
Bv2 version is ignored, only the replacement version for A matters.

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# How do I install a package to a custom path for my framework?
Each framework may have one or many different required package installation
paths. Composer can be configured to install packages to a folder other than
the default `vendor` folder by using
If you are a **package author** and want your package installed to a custom
directory, simply require `composer/installers` and set the appropriate `type`.
This is common if your package is intended for a specific framework such as
CakePHP, Drupal or WordPress. Here is an example composer.json file for a
WordPress theme:
"name": "you/themename",
"type": "wordpress-theme",
"require": {
"composer/installers": "~1.0"
Now when your theme is installed with Composer it will be placed into
`wp-content/themes/themename/` folder. Check the
[current supported types](https://github.com/composer/installers#current-supported-types)
for your package.
As a **package consumer** you can set or override the install path for a package
that requires composer/installers by configuring the `installer-paths` extra. A
useful example would be for a Drupal multisite setup where the package should be
installed into your sites subdirectory. Here we are overriding the install path
for a module that uses composer/installers:
"extra": {
"installer-paths": {
"sites/example.com/modules/{$name}": ["vendor/package"]
Now the package would be installed to your folder location, rather than the default
composer/installers determined location.
> **Note:** You cannot use this to change the path of any package. This is only
> applicable to packages that require `composer/installers` and use a custom type
> that it handles.

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# Should I commit the dependencies in my vendor directory?
The general recommendation is **no**. The vendor directory (or wherever your
dependencies are installed) should be added to `.gitignore`/`svn:ignore`/etc.
The best practice is to then have all the developers use Composer to install
the dependencies. Similarly, the build server, CI, deployment tools etc should
be adapted to run Composer as part of their project bootstrapping.
While it can be tempting to commit it in some environment, it leads to a few
- Large VCS repository size and diffs when you update code.
- Duplication of the history of all your dependencies in your own VCS.
- Adding dependencies installed via git to a git repo will show them as
submodules. This is problematic because they are not real submodules, and you
will run into issues.
If you really feel like you must do this, you have a few options:
1. Limit yourself to installing tagged releases (no dev versions), so that you
only get zipped installs, and avoid problems with the git "submodules".
2. Use --prefer-dist or set `preferred-install` to `dist` in your
3. Remove the `.git` directory of every dependency after the installation, then
you can add them to your git repo. You can do that with `rm -rf vendor/**/.git`
but this means you will have to delete those dependencies from disk before
running composer update.
4. Add a .gitignore rule (`vendor/.git`) to ignore all the vendor `.git` folders.
This approach does not require that you delete dependencies from disk prior to
running a composer update.

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# Why are unbound version constraints a bad idea?
A version constraint without an upper bound such as `*`, `>=3.4` or
`dev-master` will allow updates to any future version of the dependency.
This includes major versions breaking backward compatibility.
Once a release of your package is tagged, you cannot tweak its dependencies
anymore in case a dependency breaks BC - you have to do a new release but the
previous one stays broken.
The only good alternative is to define an upper bound on your constraints,
which you can increase in a new release after testing that your package is
compatible with the new major version of your dependency.
For example instead of using `>=3.4` you should use `~3.4` which allows all
versions up to `3.999` but does not include `4.0` and above. The `~` operator
works very well with libraries follow [semantic versioning](http://semver.org).
**Note:** As a package maintainer, you can make the life of your users easier
by providing an [alias version](../articles/aliases.md) for your development
branch to allow it to match bound constraints.

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# Why are version constraints combining comparisons and wildcards a bad idea?
This is a fairly common mistake people make, defining version constraints in
their package requires like `>=2.*` or `>=1.1.*`.
If you think about it and what it really means though, you will quickly
realize that it does not make much sense. If we decompose `>=2.*`, you
have two parts:
- `>=2` which says the package should be in version 2.0.0 or above.
- `2.*` which says the package should be between version 2.0.0 (inclusive)
and 3.0.0 (exclusive).
As you see, both rules agree on the fact that the package must be >=2.0.0,
but it is not possible to determine if when you wrote that you were thinking
of a package in version 3.0.0 or not. Should it match because you asked for
`>=2` or should it not match because you asked for a `2.*`?
For this reason, Composer just throws an error and says that this is invalid.
The easy way to fix it is to think about what you really mean, and use only
one of those rules.

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# Why can't Composer load repositories recursively?
You may run into problems when using custom repositories because Composer does
not load the repositories of your requirements, so you have to redefine those
repositories in all your `composer.json` files.
Before going into details as to why this is like that, you have to understand
that the main use of custom VCS & package repositories is to temporarily try
some things, or use a fork of a project until your pull request is merged, etc.
You should not use them to keep track of private packages. For that you should
look into [setting up Satis](../articles/handling-private-packages-with-satis.md)
for your company or even for yourself.
There are three ways the dependency solver could work with custom repositories:
- Fetch the repositories of root package, get all the packages from the defined
repositories, resolve requirements. This is the current state and it works well
except for the limitation of not loading repositories recursively.
- Fetch the repositories of root package, while initializing packages from the
defined repos, initialize recursively all repos found in those packages, and
their package's packages, etc, then resolve requirements. It could work, but it
slows down the initialization a lot since VCS repos can each take a few seconds,
and it could end up in a completely broken state since many versions of a package
could define the same packages inside a package repository, but with different
dist/source. There are many many ways this could go wrong.
- Fetch the repositories of root package, then fetch the repositories of the
first level dependencies, then fetch the repositories of their dependencies, etc,
then resolve requirements. This sounds more efficient, but it suffers from the
same problems than the second solution, because loading the repositories of the
dependencies is not as easy as it sounds. You need to load all the repos of all
the potential matches for a requirement, which again might have conflicting
package definitions.

glossary.md Normal file
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> [D](#d) || [P](#p) || [S](#s) || [V](#v)
## D
### dependencies 依赖包、依赖关系
## P
### Package 资源包
## S
### symlink 软链接
## V
### Vendor 供应商
### Vendor Binary 二进制供应库