update 04-schema.md

This commit is contained in:
成武 2014-01-06 17:20:03 +08:00
parent 7e9e05606a
commit ecfa7eaa52
1 changed files with 24 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ composer 原生支持以下4种类型
对于闭源软件,你必须使用 `"proprietary"` 协议标识符。
"license": "MIT"
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ composer 原生支持以下4种类型
对于一个包,当允许在多个许可协议间进行选择时("disjunctive license"),这些协议标识符可以被指定为数组。
"license": [
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ composer 原生支持以下4种类型
* **homepage:** 作者主页的 URL 地址。
* **role:** 该作者在此项目中担任的角色(例如:开发人员 或 翻译)。
"authors": [
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ composer 原生支持以下4种类型
* **irc:** IRC 聊天频道地址,类似于 irc://server/channel。
* **source:** 网址浏览或下载源。
"support": {
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ composer 原生支持以下4种类型
`require``require-dev` 还支持稳定性标签(@仅针对“root 包”)。这允许你在 [minimum-stability](#minimum-stability) 设定的范围外做进一步的限制或扩展。例如:如果你想允许依赖一个不稳定的包,你可以在一个包的版本约束后使用它,或者是一个空的版本约束内使用它。
"require": {
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ composer 原生支持以下4种类型
如果你的依赖之一,有对另一个不稳定包的依赖,你最好在 require 中显示的定义它,并带上足够详细的稳定性标识。
"require": {
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ composer 原生支持以下4种类型
`require``require-dev` 还支持对 dev开发版本的明确引用版本控制系统中的提交编号 commit以确保它们被锁定到一个给定的状态即使你运行了更新命令。你只需要明确一个开发版本号并带上诸如 `#<ref>` 的标识。
"require": {
@ -294,15 +294,11 @@ simply list it in `provide`.
### suggest
Suggested packages that can enhance or work well with this package. These are
just informational and are displayed after the package is installed, to give
your users a hint that they could add more packages, even though they are not
strictly required.
The format is like package links above, except that the values are free text
and not version constraints.
"suggest": {
@ -312,26 +308,19 @@ Example:
### autoload
Autoload mapping for a PHP autoloader.
PHP autoloader 的自动加载映射。
Currently [`PSR-0`](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-0.md)
autoloading, `classmap` generation and `files` are supported. PSR-0 is the recommended way though
since it offers greater flexibility (no need to regenerate the autoloader when you add
通常 [`PSR-0`](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-0.md) autoloading、`classmap` generation 和 `files` 方式都是支持的。PSR-0 是推荐的方式,因为它提供了更大的灵活性(当你添加新的类文件时,不需要重新生成 autoloader
#### PSR-0
Under the `psr-0` key you define a mapping from namespaces to paths, relative to the
package root. Note that this also supports the PEAR-style non-namespaced convention.
`psr-0` key 下你定义了一个命名空间到实际路径的映射(相对于包的根目录)。注意,这里同样支持 PEAR-style 方式的约定与命名空间不同PEAR 类库在类名上采用了下划线分隔)。
Please note namespace declarations should end in `\\` to make sure the autoloader
responds exactly. For example `Foo` would match in `FooBar` so the trailing
backslashes solve the problem: `Foo\\` and `FooBar\\` are distinct.
请注意,命名空间的申明应该以 `\\` 结束,以确保 autoloader 能够准确响应。例如: `Foo` 将会与 `FooBar` 匹配,然而以反斜杠结束就可以解决这样的问题, `Foo\\``FooBar\\` 将会被区分开来。
The PSR-0 references are all combined, during install/update, into a single key => value
array which may be found in the generated file `vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php`.
在 install/update 过程中PSR-0 引用都将被结合为一个单一的键值对数组,存储至 `vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php` 文件中。
"autoload": {
@ -343,8 +332,7 @@ Example:
If you need to search for a same prefix in multiple directories,
you can specify them as an array as such:
"autoload": {
@ -352,10 +340,7 @@ you can specify them as an array as such:
The PSR-0 style is not limited to namespace declarations only but may be
specified right down to the class level. This can be useful for libraries with
only one class in the global namespace. If the php source file is also located
in the root of the package, for example, it may be declared like this:
PSR-0 方式并不仅限于申明命名空间,也可以是精确到类级别的指定。这对于只有一个类在全局命名空间的类库是非常有用的(如果 php 源文件也位于包的根目录)。例如,可以这样申明:
"autoload": {
@ -363,8 +348,7 @@ in the root of the package, for example, it may be declared like this:
If you want to have a fallback directory where any namespace can be, you can
use an empty prefix like:
"autoload": {
@ -374,16 +358,11 @@ use an empty prefix like:
#### Classmap
The `classmap` references are all combined, during install/update, into a single
key => value array which may be found in the generated file
`vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php`. This map is built by scanning for
classes in all `.php` and `.inc` files in the given directories/files.
`classmap` 引用的所有组合,都会在 install/update 过程中生成,并存储到 `vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php` 文件中。这个 map 是经过扫描指定目录(同样支持直接精确到文件)中所有的 `.php``.inc` 文件里内置的类而得到的。
You can use the classmap generation support to define autoloading for all libraries
that do not follow PSR-0. To configure this you specify all directories or files
to search for classes.
你可以用 classmap 生成支持支持自定义加载的不遵循 PSR-0 规范的类库。要配置它指向需要的目录,以便能够准确搜索到类文件。
"autoload": {
@ -393,11 +372,9 @@ Example:
#### Files
If you want to require certain files explicitly on every request then you can use
the 'files' autoloading mechanism. This is useful if your package includes PHP functions
that cannot be autoloaded by PHP.
如果你想要明确的指定,在每次请求时都要载入某些文件,那么你可以使用 'files' autoloading。通常作为函数库的载入方式而非类库
"autoload": {