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id: kafka-extraction-namespace
title: "Apache Kafka Lookups"
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> Lookups are an [experimental](../experimental.md) feature.
To use this Apache Druid extension, make sure to [include](../../development/extensions.md#loading-extensions) `druid-lookups-cached-global` and `druid-kafka-extraction-namespace` as an extension.
If you need updates to populate as promptly as possible, it is possible to plug into a Kafka topic whose key is the old value and message is the desired new value (both in UTF-8) as a LookupExtractorFactory.
|`kafkaTopic`|The Kafka topic to read the data from|Yes||
|`kafkaProperties`|Kafka consumer properties. At least"zookeeper.connect" must be specified. Only the zookeeper connector is supported|Yes||
|`connectTimeout`|How long to wait for an initial connection|No|`0` (do not wait)|
|`isOneToOne`|The map is a one-to-one (see [Lookup DimensionSpecs](../../querying/dimensionspecs.md))|No|`false`|
The extension `kafka-extraction-namespace` enables reading from a Kafka feed which has name/key pairs to allow renaming of dimension values. An example use case would be to rename an ID to a human readable format.
The consumer properties `group.id` and `auto.offset.reset` CANNOT be set in `kafkaProperties` as they are set by the extension as `UUID.randomUUID().toString()` and `smallest` respectively.
See [lookups](../../querying/lookups.md) for how to configure and use lookups.
## Limitations
Currently the Kafka lookup extractor feeds the entire Kafka stream into a local cache. If you are using on-heap caching, this can easily clobber your java heap if the Kafka stream spews a lot of unique keys.
off-heap caching should alleviate these concerns, but there is still a limit to the quantity of data that can be stored.
There is currently no eviction policy.
## Testing the Kafka rename functionality
To test this setup, you can send key/value pairs to a Kafka stream via the following producer console:
./bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --property parse.key=true --property key.separator="->" --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic testTopic
Renames can then be published as `OLD_VAL->NEW_VAL` followed by newline (enter or return)